My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 501 Wen Chao Gong launches

Listening to Lu Dongzan's words, Li Zhi was stunned, as were all the civil and military officials and dignitaries in the court.

After all, the Tubo people are from a foreign country. This wine is a unique skill of Her Royal Highness the Princess. Even the royal family of the Tang Dynasty does not have a brewing method, so they can only purchase it.

And a bottle of this wine is worth five hundred guan. You just want this secret recipe?

It's really whimsical and I don't know what to say.



Changsun Yan burst out laughing, and then the entire banquet hall turned into a sea of ​​laughter.

Listening to these laughter, the Tibetan people were all stunned, not knowing why the other party was laughing.

"Your Majesty, why is this happening? Are you laughing at me?"

Lu Dongzan frowned and asked Li Zhi.

"Lu Dongzan, don't think too much, you don't understand the origin of this wine."

"This wine is called Yuye Wine. It is the national wine of the Tang Dynasty. Each bottle costs five hundred guan. You asked me to give you the brewing method, which is a bit too much."

Li Zhi couldn't hide the smile on his face, not to mention whether he knew how to brew this wine.

So what if you know?
Li Yanran would never give this secret recipe to Tubo.

"Five to five hundred strings?"

Now the Tubo people were all suppressed. A small bottle of wine was worth five hundred guan?

This is too scary!
They knew the spending power of Tang Dynasty's five hundred guans.


Li Zhi nodded, now you know why he is laughing at you!
You are not asking for a wine recipe, but you are asking for a golden mountain, or a golden mountain that will never wither.

How could I give it to you?

"That's it! May I ask His Majesty the Emperor, what if we pay for it? How about ten thousand taels of gold?"

Lu Dongzan also understood the value of this jade liquor, but he also saw the profits in it.

If you can brew such fine wine yourself, you won't lose money even if you sell it, not only to enjoy it yourself.

"Don't say this anymore. If you like it, I can give you a few bottles of Zamp to bring to Tibet when we get there."

Li Zhi shook his head. Want to buy the formula of Yuye wine with just ten thousand taels of gold?
What are you thinking!
Besides, after teaching you, you will export this wine to Datang in reverse?
How can it be such a good thing to use my daughter's secret method to make money from the people of Tang Dynasty?

“The price is still negotiable!”

Lu Dongzan didn't want to give up yet. After all, it was like picking up money for nothing. No matter how much you paid, you could get it back.

"I said it's impossible, so don't say it again."


Seeing Li Zhi's refusal without thinking, Lu Dongzan also sighed, knowing that his idea could not be achieved.

It's really a pity.

"Da Xiang!"

A bearded Tubo man glanced at Lu Dongzan, his eyes full of excitement.

Lu Dongzan nodded, and then said to Li Zhi again: "Your Majesty the Emperor, the literary style of the Tang Dynasty was at its peak, and it has always been an example for me to learn from Tubo.

This time we are also accompanied by literati from Tibet. I wonder if I can have a discussion with the literati from the Tang Dynasty and let them learn from it. "

After hearing Lu Dongzan's words, Li Zhi's face immediately sank.

They finally came. These Tubo people are so confident. The last time they came, they were pinned to the ground and rubbed by the Tang Dynasty. How dare they come this time?
He is really tough, very tough.

"Since the Tubo literati have this idea, I naturally have nothing to refuse."

Since you are looking for abuse, then come on.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, my name is Luo Sang. On behalf of the Tubo literati, I want to learn about the literary talents of the Tang Dynasty!"

The bearded Luo Sang slowly stood up, saluted Li Zhi and then looked at the civil and military officials in front of him.

"My dear friends, who is willing to let Luo Sang understand the literary talent of the Tang Dynasty?"

Glancing at Luo Sang, Li Zhi was also stunned. You would believe this man if you said he was a military commander, but you didn't expect him to be a poet.

This Tubo is really unique and surprising.

"Your Majesty, come!"

"Your Majesty, let me come!"

"Your Majesty, let me come!"

Hearing Li Zhi's words, all the civil servants were excited. This was a rare opportunity to make faces.

If anyone can grasp it, their face will be exposed.


Li Zhi also smiled slightly, his ministers were still very capable.

Just think about it, how could a foreign country have such powerful characters?

"Father, you might as well let the Tibetan person write the topic first, and then let the officials read it, so that the Tibetan person can know the heyday of the Tang Dynasty's writing style."

Looking at Li Zhi who had difficulty choosing, Li Yanran also smiled slightly and said to her father.

"Your Majesty, what Yanran said is right, you might as well forget it like this."

Wu Zetian glanced at her daughter and agreed with her opinion.

"Okay, that's it, Lu Dongzan, how do you want to compare?"

Li Zhi nodded. Since his daughter wants to play, let's have fun!

"Luosang, how do you want to compare?"

"His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty will set the title and setting. Whoever can write a shockingly good poem will win."

Luo Sang smiled slightly. He had never been timid when it came to writing poetry. Not to mention being invincible in defeating Tubo, he was also one of the most powerful people in Tubo.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have followed Lu Dongzan all the way to Tang Dynasty this time.

He has the strength and the confidence to let Datang see the power of Tibetan literati.And they also have arrangements.

"This is interesting, but I'm a bit of a bully by asking the questions. Lu Dongzan, you can ask the questions!"

Seeing that Luo Sang was so confident, Li Zhi also turned cold.

He has never seen such a crazy person. You must know that you are facing the Tang Dynasty. Do you really think that if you can be popular in Tubo, you can come to the Tang Dynasty?
"In this case, Lu Dongzan would be disrespectful."

Lu Dongzan's eyes also flashed with a hint of coldness, he had already figured this out.

Li Zhi will definitely give himself the right to set the question. After all, the visitor is a guest, and Li Zhi will never sacrifice his worth to compete with him.


"Lu Dongzan has long heard that there is a vast and boundless sea in the east of the Tang Dynasty, but unfortunately I have never seen it with my own eyes. How about using this sea as the title?"

Lu Dongzan and Luo Sang looked at each other and directly stated the countermeasures they had discussed previously.


When Li Zhi mentioned Hai, he glanced at Li Yanran beside him.

It seems that at the poetry conference, Changsun Yan composed a masterpiece called "The bright moon rises over the sea, and we share this moment with the ends of the world", but he knew very well that it was written by his daughter.

Now you use the sea as the theme, whether it is intentional or unintentional, as long as Li Yanran takes out this poem, it will definitely kill the so-called Tubo literati.


Lu Dongzan nodded and confirmed his answer.

"Okay, which one comes first, you or the literati from the Tang Dynasty?"

Since the other party was seeking death, Li Zhi had nothing to say and directly asked about the order of appearance.

"Since I came up with the title, it was natural that the Tang Dynasty would write the poem first.

But there is an ugly saying before, the poems written by the Tang Dynasty must be written on the spot, and you can't bully me, Tubo, with those masterpieces that have been circulated! "

Lu Dongzan smiled slightly. He had heard the poem prepared by Luo Sang.

It is definitely an excellent article, but in order to prevent Datang from cheating, he still provided an insurance policy.

After all, there are countless poems in the Tang Dynasty. If the other party really comes up with a poem that has been passed down from generation to generation, I won't be able to beat him.

"Okay, someone can compose a poem on the spot."

Li Zhi frowned. This Lu Dongzan was quite difficult to deal with and he knew how to block his cheating path in advance.

For a time, all the officials began to think. First, they wondered whether they had any poems in the world, and second, they started to use their brains to start composing poems.

Seeing Wen and Wu being silent, Li Zhi also frowned.

The opponent's move was really caught off guard. If it were flowers, birds, fish and insects, it would be fine, but there are really not many people who describe the sea.

After all, poetry is about artistic conception, and you can write about flowers and birds at any time. Who would feel the vastness of the sea without letting anyone know about it after composing a poem?

Damn, these Tubo people are really bad.

Li Yanran looked at Li Zhi's dark face and frowned.

"Father, I want to ascend to the East."

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Zhi was also stunned and waved his hand to signal her to help herself.

Li Yanran also gave Cheng Chubi a look when she left.

Cheng Chubi was stunned for a moment when he received the signal, but he immediately understood it. After confessing to the father beside him, he stood up and left.

"Brother Li, what's the matter?"

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Yanran outside with confusion in his eyes.

"What's wrong? Give you a chance to grow up!"

I gave Cheng Chubi a rolling look. It’s now, but you still don’t understand what I mean?
Then why are you following me?
"Brother Li, do you have any poems?"

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi was also excited.

He recalled that the last time he was in the limelight was at a poetry conference. He remembered the scene of beating Xu Ang so hard that he really missed it.

"Nonsense, if not, why did I ask you to come out?"

Li Yanran jumped up and hit Cheng Chubi on the head.

Isn't it just a sea?Will I, the great literary sage of the Tang Dynasty, still be afraid of him?

How can Duke Wen Chao's strength be fully understood by you, a fool like you?

"I want I want!"

Cheng Chubi almost jumped up. As expected, Brother Li still likes me the most, otherwise why would he have been given this opportunity to shine?

When the chosen one arrives, Zhang Sun Yan, Yu Chihuan, and Li Siwen all get out of the way.

"Get the pen and paper!"


The waiter next to him immediately took out paper and pen, and then Li Yanran began to write as fast as possible.

Looking at the small characters Juanjuan written by Li Yanran, Cheng Chubi also praised: "Brother Li, I have to say, you are really good at writing this character."

"You still need to say it?"

After Li Yanran finished writing, she looked at the poem in front of her and said, "I'm sorry, classmate Zhang Ruoxu, it's you on the Moonlit Night on the Spring River."

"All right?"

"Well, hurry up and memorize it."

Li Yanran put Chunjiang Huayueye in Cheng Chubi's hands and asked him to carry it quickly.

"This, Brother Li, I can't carry it down!"

Cheng Chubi was dumbfounded. If it were an ordinary five-character poem, seven-character poems would be easier to write. The whole article only lasted twenty or thirty words.

But there are so many poems in the poem Spring River, Flowers and Moonlight Night, and it would take him at least a day to memorize it based on his brain capacity.

What should I do with this special thing?

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