Hearing Li Zhi's arrogant words, Dawamu also clenched his fists.

He swore that Datang would definitely make Bloody pay for his arrogance in the fighting in the ring later.

He wanted to chop the servant into pieces one by one.

"Swords and guns have no eyes, so if one of the Tibetan wing commanders dies, they won't be angry!"

Li Zhi also smiled coldly and replied to Lu Dongzan, as for Dawamu, he didn't pay attention at all.

You are just a small wing-length, not worthy of my looking at you.

"That's natural, swords and guns have no eyesight, then please ask His Majesty the Emperor to prepare the arena!"

Lu Dongzan's face was filled with malice. Since you, the Tang Dynasty, look down on us, then let's face the truth under the sword!

He believed in Dawamu's strength and torture. Only by killing could he satisfy his hatred and regain face for Tubo.

"Prepare the arena."

Now that Haikou had continued to boast, Li Zhi gave Li Yanran a look and asked her to follow him.

"Not yet."

Wu Zetian also glared at Li Yanran and followed Li Zhi.

Li Yanran also sighed and stood up directly to follow Li Zhi and Wu Zetian, while Li Hong followed behind him secretly.

As for Ruian, his eyes were dull and he moved mechanically to follow the crowd.

He has now begun to think about who can help him take care of his funeral.

Death is not terrible, but if no one even collects the bones after death, it would be too miserable for him.

After Li Zhi and the others left, preparations for the arena outside were also in full swing. Torches hung around the arena, illuminating the place as if it were daytime.


Li Zhi sat on the dragon chair, while Wu Zetian sat next to him, staring at Li Yanran below.

"Li Feng."

Li Yanran didn't panic at all and asked Li Feng to bring over the secret weapon he made.

Looking at the object in Li Feng's hand, Li Zhi and Wu Zetian were both stunned.

Is your secret weapon just a piece of bamboo?
You asked Ryan to take a piece of bamboo to fight Nadawamu?
What are you thinking?

"Yanran, do you know how much risk I took to support you? Stop joking with me and take out your secret weapon!"

Li Zhihu glared with a face as if he was going to explode if you don't show your cards right.

"Father, this is my secret weapon. This thing is called the Fire Spear. Within ten meters, I am invincible."

Li Yanran also proudly introduced the sudden fire gun in Li Feng's hand.

How can you, my father, know about the weapons of the Song Dynasty? These are the ancestors of all firearms.

Although the range is not far, when used in the ring, not to mention one Dawamu, two more are not enough.

As soon as Li Yanran finished speaking, Li Zhi strode to her side, raised his hand and slapped her.

"speak politely!"

Li Yanran was dumbfounded, what does it mean to speak well.

What I said was true. Apart from Iron Man, she couldn’t think of anyone who could resist the big troll within ten meters.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Li Hong watched with amusement as Li Yanran was hit on the head by Li Zhi.

After all, there was nothing that made him feel more comfortable than watching his old sister deflate.

"Why are you laughing? You are not a good person either."

Li Zhi was also wet with rain and dew, so he slapped Li Hong on the head.


Li Hong has really broken his defense now. It's obviously my sister's business, why are you hitting me?

That's not what you would say if a fire broke out at the city gate and affected the fish in the pond.

I just ate a melon, but why did it cause trouble?

Who am I to reason with.

"Father, come here."

Now Li Yanran has nothing to say. What you hear is false, what you see is true, and practice brings true knowledge.

If his father didn't feel the terror of the gun, he wouldn't know how powerful it was.

"I want to see what you have to say!"

With that said, Li Zhi took Wu Zetian and Ruian and followed Li Yanran to the outside of the palace.

Following the previous operations, Li Feng quickly completed the preparations, and then Li Yanran took out the fire certificate.

"Father, Auntie, please stay away." Li Yanran frowned as she glanced at the father and mother around her.

"Why stay away?"

Li Zhi was stunned, wondering what Li Yanran was up to.

"If I tell you to stay away, will your daughter still harm you?"

Li Yanran was depressed. Haven't you heard that you should stay away when playing firecrackers?

What if it blows up to you?
I can't bear this responsibility.

"I won't leave. I want to see what you want to do?"

Li Zhi refused.

"Auntie, look at Father!"

Li Yanran was depressed. If it were anyone else, she wouldn't be too lazy to talk nonsense.

But who calls someone his own father?

"His Majesty."

Wu Zetian frowned, but still looked at Li Zhi.

"All right!"

Facing Wu Zetian, Li Zhi did not insist and took Wu Zetian away.

"Ryan, why are you walking? Just watch from here."

Seeing Ruian leaving with his father and mother, Li Yanran also opened her mouth to stop him.

You're going to be shooting later. If you don't even know the basic operation method, what should you do?


Hearing Li Yanran's words, Ruian also stopped in his tracks.

Glancing at Li Yanran, he already wanted to cry.

You let your parents leave, but let me stay. There must be something going on here.

"Your Majesty!"

Ruian glanced at Li Zhi, hoping that he could save him.

"Just stay there!"

Unexpectedly, Li Zhi's backhand destroyed his hope.


Ruian had no choice but to stand there, staring at Li Yanran.

Seeing that everything was alright, Li Yanran blew the fire note, and then lit the fuse of the fire gun.


When Li Hong saw the fuse being lit, he shouted loudly, took the lead and ran away.

Li Yanran and Li Feng naturally couldn't fall behind, so they ran out immediately following Li Hong.

Li Zhi and Wu Zetian also frowned in the distance, while Ruian looked at the three of them blankly, wondering why they were running away.


With the impact of the gunpowder in the musket, a puff of white smoke accompanied the fire, and then countless projectiles shot into the tree trunk in front of them like a rainstorm of pear blossoms.

Li Zhi and Wu Zetian, who were caught off guard, were frightened by the sound, while Ruian, who was closer, covered his ears and squatted on the ground shivering.

When the fireworks dissipated, Li Zhi immediately ran to the side of the big tree.

Touching the crater on the tree trunk with his hand, Li Zhi was a little shocked even though he had seen a lot.

This this.
It was hard for him to believe that these were actually made from a piece of bamboo.

It's really scary.

Looking at Ruian who was still trembling, Li Zhi felt happy for a while.

Fortunately, I listened to my wife more just now, otherwise I would have been scared to death.

"Father, how are you?"

Li Yanran came to Li Zhi and felt proud as she looked at her father who was in a daze.


Who would have expected that Li Zhi would slap Li Yanran on the head with his backhand.


"Father, why did you hit me?"

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