My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 506 Bursting Gun!

After receiving this slap, Li Yanran was completely stunned.

what's the situation?Is it possible that the power of this sudden musket is not satisfied by the father?

If you want to do this, next time I can only make you an explosive pack, otherwise I really won’t be able to suppress you.

"Why? Why didn't you take out such a weapon earlier? Are you going to expose it to the Tibetans now?"

Li Zhi really wants to strangle this stupid girl to death.

Say you are smart but you do stupid things at such a critical time. Say you are stupid but you are smarter than ordinary people.

This sudden musket is so powerful, you will be exposed now.

Isn't it necessary to give those Tubo people a chance to deal with it?

Beat you?If you weren't my biological daughter, I would kill someone right now.

"Yanran, you are really wrong this time."

Wu Zetian also came to the two of them, her eyes full of anger.

Like Li Zhi, she had already thought of the role of the musket on the battlefield. What would happen if the two armies faced each other and she suddenly took out such a magical weapon.

But you have to take it out at this moment, you are really stupid.

"Father and Queen, this musket may look intimidating, but it's actually not as powerful as you think.

In theory, his shooting range cannot be compared with that of a bow and arrow. It can indeed cause a lot of damage within ten meters, but it is not known how effective it will be against shields and heavy infantry.

Moreover, the reloading speed of this sudden musket is too slow. The enemy's knife cuts over before the ammunition is fully loaded after the shot is fired.

In addition, this sudden musket is very likely to explode, making it difficult to support actual combat.

So what's wrong with using it now to shock Tubo?
Think about what a nightmare it would be for the Tubo people if even Ruian could kill Tubo's Wing Chief alone. "

Li Yanran looked at the two of them with aggrieved expression. She was not a fool.

If this musket was really like a flintlock or a blunderbuss, she wouldn't show it now.

Such a theoretical weapon seems to have no other purpose besides frightening the Tubo people.

"Then you can't take it out now. Although this sudden musket has many shortcomings, there is room for improvement. Now!"

Li Zhi also sighed as he spoke, this daughter really doesn't let herself worry.

"Your Majesty, it is useless to say this now, there are only two choices before us.

Or let Ruian go up and die, and Datang will be ridiculed by Tubo.

Either expose the sudden musket and promote the prestige of the Tang Dynasty. "

Wu Zetian also glared at Li Yanran. It was useless to say anything now. He even kept boasting in Haikou.

Ruian was trembling next to him. If Li Zhi chose the former, he would definitely die at the hands of the Tubo people.

"What else can you do? The national prestige cannot be lost, Ruian, you should take the time to familiarize yourself with this musket. If you disgrace me, the Yi tribe will be embarrassed."

After speaking, Li Zhi glared at Li Yanran again, waved his hands and left.


Wu Zetian also sighed and followed Li Zhi.

"Your Highness, what should I do?"

The two left, and the pressure was on Ruian's side. He glanced at Li Yanran, and he felt bad.

He really didn't know where the princess got such a dangerous thing.

It's really a dog.

"What are you going to do? When the time comes, all you have to do is point the musket at the Tubo wing leader and light the fuse."

Li Yanran instructed Li Feng to reload while explaining how to use the musket.

This thing is a big sprayer. It doesn’t even have a sight device. It can point and hit anywhere within two meters. When it is really several meters away, it can really point and hit.

"Nunnu, I would like to ask, what does exploding the chest mean?"

Ryan was relieved to hear how easy it was to use the musket, and then asked the question he was most concerned about.

"The explosive chamber means that this musket may explode with a bang, so..."

Li Yanran didn't finish speaking, she just looked at Ruian in front of her.

Ryan was stunned for a moment, what do you mean?
Peng's explosion?

Wouldn't it be possible for me to be beaten into a sieve by these iron beads?
Your Highness, Your Highness, this old slave has not offended you, why do you want to put me to death?
"Your Highness, help! You have to save this old slave!"

Ruian woke up and knelt on the ground, saving Li Yanran's thigh.

The only one who can save him now is Princess Lishan.

He doesn't want to be blown into a sieve!

"It's simple. When the time comes, I'll help you get a pair of armor. Even if it really explodes after you put it on, there shouldn't be any big problem."

Li Yanran patted Ruian on the shoulder. This was all she could think of now.

Although the distance is very close, with the sophistication of Datang's armor, it should be able to block the iron bead's attack.

it should be OK.

"Rian, thank you, Your Highness!"

Ruian stared at Li Yanran's little face, and he couldn't believe it when he saw the other person's erratic eyes.

But Li Yanran could help him get a pair of armor, which could give him some comfort.

"Well, okay, I'll leave the mission of protecting the Tang Dynasty to you."

Li Yanran nodded and left directly.

Li Feng handed the loaded gun to Ruian and gave him a look of affirmation.

After all, he didn't even dare to try this sudden musket.

The other party is a true brave man, so he cannot accept it.

"Ryan, you are good."

Li Hong also imitated his sister and patted Ruian on the shoulder.

Looking at the three people leaving, Ryan sat directly on the ground.

He now wanted to say that the mission of protecting the Tang Dynasty was too heavy for him to bear.

I am just a eunuch, no longer a man.There are so many powerful generals out there, why do you have to go up there yourself?

After looking at the gun in his hand, Ruian raised his hand and was about to throw it away, but in the end he placed it firmly on the ground.

This is the key to saving his life later. If something goes wrong, he may really be doomed.

"Burst gun, dart gun, you have to hold on later, don't explode the chamber!"

After stroking the bamboo gun, Ruian also felt a pain in his hand, and a burr directly tore his right hand.

At this moment Ryan really felt desperate.

Your Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness, please give me a try. This is too perfunctory.

For such a crudely made thing, whether you will die or someone from that country will die when the time comes, it all depends on who God wants to take.

Everything was ready, and the civil and military officials and Tubo envoys also gathered outside the ring.

Tubo Wing Da Wa Mu was wearing leather armor and had been waiting on the ring for a long time. The one-meter-long sword was also tightly held in his opponent's hand.

"Father, let us all stay behind Ruian!"

Li Yanran looked at the civil and military people around him and frowned.

After all, the musket is a shotgun, and the iron beads may fly to where they will go under a fan-shaped attack.

If this accidentally hurts one of our own, it would be somewhat bad.

"Well, according to my decree, all officials from the Tang Dynasty will come behind me to watch the battle. In addition, the surrounding imperial troops will also be removed."

Li Zhi nodded. He had seen the power of the sudden fire gun. If he was caught off guard and hit by an iron ball, someone would die.

After hearing Li Zhi's order, the officials of the Tang Dynasty immediately moved behind the emperor, and the surrounding imperial troops also obeyed the order and evacuated their posts.

The Tubo people were a little confused when they saw Datang's operation, not knowing what the other party meant.

"Dawamu, don't be nervous, he is just a eunuch, he is definitely no match for you."

Lu Dongzan came to the edge of the ring and cheered for Dawamu.

"Prime Minister, don't worry, I will chop the eunuch into pieces with one knife. I will definitely make Datang pay the price for his slight."

Dawamu showed a sinister smile. Naturally, he was not nervous at all.

Eighty if not a hundred enemies died in his hands. If he couldn't even take down an eunuch, let alone Tubo, he wouldn't even be sorry for the blood-drinking sword in his hand.

"Well, I know you can."

Lu Dongzan also sneered, Datang, I will make you pay the price you deserve today.

Wearing armor and holding a musket on his shoulder, Ryan walked towards the ring step by step.

Although this armor can bring him protection, it is too heavy.

If it were any further away, he doubted whether he would be able to reach it.

"You're still wearing armor?"

"You have to understand, he is a chamberlain after all."

"Look at what's on his shoulder. Is that bamboo?"

Seeing Rui'an's appearance, the Tubo people also taunted him.

Look at Dawamu on your side, and then look at your chamberlain, you will really laugh to death.

Listening to the words of the Tubo people, there was a silence in the Tang Dynasty, especially the generals.

They felt that their own people had been lost to Tubo. Since they were already destined to die, why did they still wear armor and let the other party laugh at them.

I really don’t know what’s wrong with His Majesty. He chose a eunuch instead of choosing a general.

They really wanted to lose Tang Dynasty’s face to Tubo.

And what is that thing on his shoulder?

No matter what, you must bring a steel knife with you!
At the same time, they were gearing up and eager to give it a try.

After Ruian was killed, he must be killed so that the Tubo people knew what a real Tang soldier was.

Li Zhi was also stunned and glanced at Li Yanran.

No need to think about it, this must be the handiwork of my good daughter, she is really drunk.

Under everyone's gaze, Ryan finally came to the ring.

"Don't worry, I will chop it into pieces with one knife later."

Dawamu smiled ferociously at Ruian in front of him, so what if he was wearing armor?
It's just a little effort, but it still can't change the other party's outcome.

Ryan didn't speak, he just raised his rifle and pointed it at Dawamu in front.

He felt that it was difficult for him to even breathe. How could he still have the confidence to play hard with the opponent? The weight of these armors was really beyond his ability to bear.

"Your Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, I am ready and can begin."

Seeing that Ruian ignored him, Dawamu's mouth went straight to his ears.

He decided not to kill Ryan first, but to let him go through countless pains before dying.

"Ryan, are you ready?"

Li Zhi also felt cold. If you can speak, just speak for a while. Later, you won't be able to speak anymore.

"Almost ready."

Ryan spoke with a vibrato, are you ready?

He is never ready.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the king of hell came on the scene, either eating the banquet or ascending to heaven.

Whoever is released can be ready.

"Then let's get started!"

"Your Majesty has an order, let's begin!"

"Your Majesty has an order, let's begin!"

As the orders were passed on layer by layer, the Imperial Guards on one side also directly sounded the gong beside them.


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