My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 508: You must understand the ways of the world!

Although Li Zhi said so, Yan Liben still didn't want to give up.

He saluted Li Zhi obviously, but looked at Li Yanran aside.


"The old minister wants His Highness to donate the secret of this Fire Dragon Cannon to the Ministry of Industry so that we can continue to research and improve the Fire Dragon Cannon."

Yan Liben hesitated for a moment and then directly expressed his thoughts.

This is not about perfume or gadgets like Haagen-Dazs. This is related to the future of Datang. No matter who invents this technology, it must be in the hands of the country.

If the gunpowder really spreads, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Your Majesty, this Fire Dragon Cannon is a weapon. According to regulations, it should be handed over to our Ministry of War and manufactured by the Ordnance Supervisor. How can it be handed over to the Ministry of Industry?"

Hearing that Yan Liben wanted to take over the Fire Dragon Cannon matter, Du Zhenglun immediately gave up.

This was clearly a free effort. Unexpectedly, Yan Liben usually refused to fight or grab, but now he collapsed.

There are many craftsmen in your Ministry of Engineering, but most of them are in construction, civil engineering, hydraulic engineering and the like.

When it comes to research on weapons, the weapons supervisory department affiliated with the Ministry of War is more professional.


Looking at Yan Liben and Du Zhenglun, Li Zhi also scratched his head.

Although it seems that the Ordnance Supervision under the Ministry of War is more suitable for the production and development of fire dragon cannons, most of the craftsmen in the Ordnance Supervision are mechanized craftsmen.

There are many master craftsmen in the Ministry of Industry, and many of their ideas are as unconstrained as they are full of spirituality. If left to them, the Fire Dragon Cannon can be transformed without saying a word.

"Okay, this Fire Dragon Cannon should be handed over to the Ministry of Industry to take the lead, and the Ministry of War's Ordnance Supervision will fully cooperate. If anyone dares to violate it, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Hearing that Li Zhi had identified Yan Liben, Du Zhenglun also sighed and could only obey.

"Yanran, what did you say?"

After looking at his daughter, Yan Liben was right whether the Fire Dragon Cannon belonged to the Ministry of Industry or the Ministry of War. The Fire Dragon Cannon must be in the hands of Datang.

"Father, as a princess of the Tang Dynasty, my daughter will naturally contribute her own strength to the Tang Dynasty. I can donate this fire dragon cannon to the country, but..."

"but what?"

Yan Liben felt comfortable listening to the previous words, but one but made him nervous.

"But I am the Tang Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty must give me some reward!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, "Yan Liben, why are you nervous? I didn't say no, right?"

"Reward. Your Majesty."

Hearing the word reward, Yan Liben breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Li Zhi.

An ordinary craftsman would naturally have no room to bargain with him, but since the other party was the Princess of the Tang Dynasty, he could only ask for help from Li Zhi.

"This, Yan Liben, what do you think the value of this fire dragon cannon is?"

Li Zhi's eyes also lit up and he glanced at his daughter.

"Your Majesty, I don't know that the main purpose of this fire dragon cannon is military. Let the generals decide!"

Yan Liben was stunned. You asked me how much this fire dragon cannon is worth. What should I say?

It's clear that you want to benefit your daughter. If you talk too much, the Ministry of Revenue will fight you, but if you talk too little, the emperor will hate you.


After hearing Yan Liben's words, all the generals were also stunned.

The man present was not a human spirit, and he immediately understood what Yan Liben meant.

"Gong Lu, how much do you think this fire dragon cannon is worth?"

Li Zhi also glanced at Yan Liben. He did not expect that the seemingly dull Yan Liben had such skills.

"Your Majesty, Lao Cheng is just a martial artist. He only knows that this Fire Dragon Cannon may be a magical weapon in the future.

As for the value, I don’t know. What do you think, Duke Xing? "

Cheng Yaojin was not stupid, so he just resorted to pretending to be stupid. This thing is very useful, but we don't know how much it is worth.

After glancing at the old guys around him, Cheng Yaojin immediately sold Su Dingfang.


Su Dingfang was also stunned, and looked at Cheng Yaojin, who was also a little confused.

"Xing Guogong, tell me!"

"Your Majesty, I think that if this Fire Dragon Cannon is developed properly, it will become an absolutely powerful weapon. It's worth it!"

While speaking, Su Dingfang glanced at Li Yanran aside, gritted his teeth and said, "Ten thousand taels of gold!"


As soon as Su Dingfang said these words, everyone gasped.

With ten thousand taels of gold, you, Su Dingfang, really dare to say that.

Do you really think that Datang’s money was blown by strong winds?
"Your Majesty, are these ten thousand taels of gold too much?"

Cui Xiuye ​​stood up directly and spoke to Li Zhi.

"Is it much? I feel it is just right, Yanran, are you satisfied with ten thousand taels of gold?"

Li Zhi ignored Cui Xiuye ​​and looked directly at his precious daughter.

"My son is very satisfied."

Li Yanran did not expect to get a profit of ten thousand taels of gold. If this is not satisfactory, then it is unreasonable.

"Then it's settled. Yanran will hand over the fire dragon cannon to the Ministry of Industry when the time comes, and then the Ministry of Household Affairs will allocate ten thousand taels of gold."



A group of people also nodded together, but Cui Xiuye ​​looked like he had eaten a dead fly.

"Okay, now that nothing's wrong, let's step back!"

Li Zhi smiled slightly and waved for them to leave.

"Your Majesty, I have something else to report."

After looking at Li Zhi, Changsun Wuji stood up again.

"Prince Changsun, what else can you do?"

Li Zhi was about to leave, but he sat down again after hearing Changsun Wuji's words.

"Your Majesty, since you have decided to support Tuhun Valley against Tibet, you might as well take the opportunity to keep the Tibetan envoys here.

This Prime Minister Lu Dongzan has a high status, if you can capture him.

It would be a huge loss for Tibet, and it would also prevent the Fire Dragon Cannon from leaking news. "

A glimmer of light flashed in Changsun Wuji's eyes.Li Zhi was dumbfounded when he saw his uncle.

After all, he was an old minister who came from his father, and his words were full of killing and cruelty.

They would slaughter the Tibetan envoys at every turn. This was too outrageous.

"Your Majesty, if the two countries are at war, the envoy will not be killed.

Moreover, we have only decided to support Tuhun Valley now, and we have no intention of fully developing with Tubo.

If we really kill the Tibetan envoys now, Tibet will definitely fight us to the death.

Besides, even if Lu Dongzan and his group were really killed, it would be impossible to avoid leaking the news.

This is not good for us, the Tang Dynasty, so I hope Your Majesty will think twice. "

Ren Yaxiang looked stern and hurriedly spoke to Li Zhi.

If this is really what Changsun Wuji said, then this war is really inevitable.

"Your Majesty, I think what Prince Changsun said is absolutely true."

"Since the war with Tubo is unavoidable, it is better to take a preemptive strike and kill Nalu Dongzan to strengthen the power of the Tang Dynasty."

Cheng Yaojin stood up. In his opinion, there was nothing wrong with what Changsun Wuji said.

Everyone on the left and right wants to start a war with Tubo. Instead of putting Lu Dongzan back, it is better to kill him directly to avoid future troubles.

"Your Highness, I think it is absolutely necessary. Now our Tang Dynasty is unprepared and not ready to go to war with Tibet.

And all the Tubo soldiers and horses are near Longyou Road. If the Tubo is really angered, it may cause disaster. "

Li Ji also stood up. Datang was not yet ready for a full-scale war.

If this provokes the other party to start a war, he will change from a righteous teacher to an unjust person.

"Li Ji, you old boy, how can you turn your elbows outward?"

Yuchi Jingde also stood up and glared at Li Ji.

Old boy, which faction are you from? How can you help the Tubo people?

"Gong E Guo, it's not that I want to turn my elbows outward, but it's really not easy to officially start a war with Tubo now."

Li Ji shook his head. If the Tang Dynasty's soldiers and horses were now at the Tibetan border, he would naturally not give up.

But the main forces of the Tang Dynasty are all in the north now. If a war really breaks out, there is no telling what the outcome will be.

"Li Ji."


Li Zhi frowned and shouted at several people.

Upon hearing Li Zhi's shout, everyone fell silent and stood aside.

"Now is not the time to fight a decisive battle with the Tibetans. Please think twice."

Du Zhenglun also stepped forward. He was currently in charge of the Ministry of War and had the best information on Datang's troops. However, Datang was not ready yet.

"Well, let's put this matter aside for now. Lu Dongzan cannot die in the Tang Dynasty, do you understand?"

After thinking about it for a while, Li Zhi made a decision and then walked away.


Changsun Wuji glanced at everyone, sighed and took the lead to leave.



Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde snorted coldly at Li Ji and followed Changsun Wuji.


Li Ji also sighed and left with the three of them.

The remaining people in the palace also left separately, and after a while, the imperial study room became empty.

Li Hong quietly stretched out his little head and looked at the scene in front of him, completely confused.


what's the situation?
What about people?

Have you come to the wrong place?
He looked at the plaque above his head again.

That’s right!It's the Imperial Study Room!
But why is there no one?

"Your Highness, you are late and have already left."

The chamberlain on duty in the imperial study room glanced at Li Hong and said to him doubtfully.

"It's over!"

Hearing this, Li Hong collapsed.

Why was it too late? Now I was really doomed.

Dad, daddy, I'm not late, it's just because you are too fast.

"Your Highness, are you okay?"

The chamberlain asked Li Hong cautiously.

"Go away, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Li Hong kicked the waiter on the calf and ran away quickly.

Now the only one who can help him is his mother.

"Xiao Yanran, are you satisfied this time?"

Li Zhi looked at Li Yanran with excitement in his eyes.

"Father, you won't even want a share of my reward!"

Li Yanran was stunned and immediately became alert.

Usually when my father shows this expression, he wants to share his money.

"How can you say that? What is your reward?

Without my approval, how could you have extracted so much gold from the stingy hands of the Ministry of Finance?
I advise you to be kind and not to be ignorant. "

The excitement in Li Zhi's eyes turned cold instantly.

You little heartless thing, if your father hadn't fought hard for you, how could you have made so much money with just a half-finished fire dragon cannon?

He really doesn't understand the world at all.

If you are like this, how can I help you make peace next time?

"Then how much do you want to share?"

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