My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 509: Father wants to kill me!

Li Yanran looked at her father's dark face and knew that if he went out at any time this time, he would definitely not give up.

"Good brothers, we'll give you half when we meet, but it's not too much!"

"Father, I advise you to speak up!"

When Li Zhi heard that Li Zhi was going to split her half, Li Yanran's face immediately darkened and she stared at him.

"Then how much do you say!"

Li Zhi also scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

"Twenty percent, the most I can give you is [-]%."

Li Yanran thought for a while and then said slowly.

"Are you sending beggars? Twenty percent? You can tell me.

I am the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. If you give me [-]%, is it a bit disrespectful? "

Li Zhi said and slapped Li Yanran on the head.

What nonsense are you talking about? Your appearance fee is only this small?

Those businessmen approached Li Xiao and gave him [-] yuan in benefits. Is this all you can give me?
"Then how much do you want?"

Facing Li Zhi's strong suppression, Li Yanran also frowned.

"Forty percent, I'm four and you're six."

Li Zhi put on a fierce face and stated his bottom line.

"Sanqi, if you don't want it, I will tell Aniang that you have a small treasury and see how Aniang handles you."

Li Yanran never gives in when it comes to money, and it can be said that she fights for every inch of land.

Even if the other party is his father or the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, it will be the same.

Besides, what about the emperor? If you really make yourself anxious, you will die. I want to see how you explain it to me.

"Tell your mother-in-law, but you can injure the enemy by a thousand and injure yourself by eight hundred. I don't believe you dare to do this."

Li Zhi glanced at Li Yanran with some uncertainty. He did not believe that the other party would do such a thing that would harm others and not benefit himself.

"If you don't believe me, try it."

Li Yanran also sneered.

Dad, dad, your eyes have given you away.

You feel guilty.

When two parties are fighting, if you feel guilty, you will be given nothing. You have already lost.

"Okay, [-]% makes [-]%!"

Sure enough, facing the powerful Li Yanran, Li Zhi decisively gave in.

"That's right!"

Li Yanran also put her hands in her pockets as she spoke, as if there was no one like me in the world.

"What's right? I'm against you!"

Li Zhi was angry for a while, especially when he saw Li Yanran like this, he raised his hand and slapped her.

"Father, you."

"What are you?"

Li Zhi glared and followed Li Yanran's example, putting his hands in his pockets.

But he suddenly discovered a very unpleasant thing, that is, his dragon robe had no pockets.

No, when the time comes, let the royal workshop make me two dragon robes with pockets. How can I make my daughter more beautiful than before?

The two of them walked in front of each other, Li Zhi with his hands on his chest, and Li Yanran with his hands in his pockets.

"Mother, help me!"

Li Hong rushed into Wu Zetian's arms, his eyes full of horror.

"what happened?"

Wu Zetian touched Li Hong's little head and felt puzzled.

"Mother, I. I."

Li Hong shook his head and just pushed hard into his mother's arms.

"Hong'er, be good, tell your mother, what's going on? Is your sister bullying you again?"

Seeing Li Hong's little appearance, Wu Zetian also glanced outside and saw that there were no pursuers behind him.

"No, it's my father. My father wants to kill me!"

Li Hong shook his head.

"Father wants to kill you?"

Wu Zetian was also stunned, wondering what big mistake her son had made.

"That's right, Queen Mother, save me!"

Li Hong was trembling while talking.

"Don't worry, with your mother here, your father can't touch you."

Wu Zetian touched Li Hong's little head and looked into the distance, waiting for Li Zhi's arrival.


Hearing Li Yanran's voice, Li Hong trembled again.

Now that sister is here, will my father be far away?

"Mei Niang."

Sure enough, after Li Yanran, Li Zhi's voice also sounded.

"Your Majesty, I heard that you want to kill Hong'er?"

Wu Zetian looked at Li Zhi and shouted at him.


Li Zhi was stunned for a moment and was dumbfounded by Wu Zetian's words.

When did he say he wanted to kill Li Hong? What the hell is this!
Looking at Li Hong in Wu Zetian's arms, he immediately understood that it must be this kid's fault.

I haven't dealt with you before you came to the Imperial Study Room, but now you've made me a villain to complain first.

Really good!
The plot is on your head.

"Mei Niang, please understand, I was discussing the fire dragon cannon with you adults, and I wanted Hong'er to listen and gain insights.

Fortunately for him, he made an excuse to go to the East, but in the end he didn't come.

I haven't said how to punish him yet, but instead I'm telling you about my unfaithful behavior. "

While Li Zhi was talking, he quickly walked to Wu Zetian's side and stretched out his hand to pull Li Hong away.

If I don't take care of this kid today, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart.

"Mother, father, he lied.

Hong'er went, but when he went, the imperial study room was already empty.

Save me!Mother. " Pulled away by Li Zhi, Li Hong quickly explained.

If he is taken away, he will be beaten to death.

"It's not that you went too slowly. If you go again next year, the day lilies will be cold, and I and you adults will have to wait for you to come before we can start discussing things?"

Li Zhi became even more angry. He told you to hold it back in the first place, but you insisted on going.

Now it’s strange that I’m over soon?It's really unreasonable.

After all, Li Hong was a child. Although he struggled hard, he was pulled aside by Li Zhi, and the tragic story of Emperor Tang's godchild began after leaving the nunnery.

"Mother, save me!"

"Mother, you killed someone!"

"Father, Hong'er knew he was wrong."

"Aniang, why don't you save Hongdi?"

Li Yanran looked at the younger brother who was beaten violently, but she didn't even look at it, and went directly to Wu Zetian.

"Save him? He's been talking nonsense at a young age. It's good to let him have a long memory this time!"

Wu Zetian also had a cold look on his face, just watching Li Zhi educate his son.

This kid is really hateful. Not only did he miss such a good opportunity, but he also talked nonsense. He brought this punishment on himself.

"That's fine!"

Li Yanran sat next to Wu Zetian and ate the melon quietly.

After all, this is Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty. Look at the emperor's disciples, how many people in the world have such an opportunity.

Finally, Li Zhi was tired and threw Li Hong aside, whose face was full of tears, and sat down next to Wu Zetian.

"Your Majesty, what do you say, sir? I am not embarrassing you!"

Wu Zetian glanced at his emperor and asked him.

"It's okay. Although you adults are a little dissatisfied, the Fire Dragon Cannon still has too many flaws.

The Ministry of Industry has taken over the task of improving the Fire Dragon Cannon. I believe that in the near future, Datang will be able to add another weapon. "

Li Zhi smiled slightly. As long as he paid enough attention to the Fire Dragon Cannon, he believed that the Ministry of Industry would definitely give him a satisfactory answer.

"This is best. Your Majesty has thought about how to deal with those Tubo people?
Although Ruian displayed the majesty of the Tang Dynasty this time, the Tubo people also saw the power of the Fire Dragon Cannon.

You have to find a way to make up for it! "

Wu Zetian nodded. There were countless skilled craftsmen in the Ministry of Industry of the Tang Dynasty. As long as they concentrated on research, these would not be a problem.

"No need. It is estimated that the news has spread to Chang'an by now, and it is not appropriate to officially start a war with Tibet now, so just let them go!"

Li Zhi frowned slightly. He also knew that the aftermath would be difficult to deal with, but since his decision was exposed, he had nothing to regret.

"All right!"

Wu Zetian also sighed.

Lu Dongzan returned to the Tibetan embassy and immediately shouted: "Xizan Babei, Xizan Babei."

Hearing Lu Dongzan's call, the person in charge of the Tibetan embassy also rushed over.

"Da Xiang!"

"Where's the flying pigeon? Get it quickly. I have something important to send back to Tubo."

"I'll get it right away!"

Xizanbabe did not dare to neglect and left in a hurry. After a while, he came in with a carrier pigeon.

"Da Xiang!"

He handed the carrier pigeon to Lu Dongzan, who also saw the letter he had just written rolled up in a bamboo tube.


Throwing the carrier pigeon with both hands, the carrier pigeon flew directly into the distance.

"Prime Minister? What's going on?"

Xizanbabe frowned, and he also saw the wounded who were sent back.

"Stop talking, you have lived in Chang'an for a long time, but do you know that the Tang Dynasty has a weapon called the Fire Dragon Cannon, which can spit out white smoke and flames, and those who are hit will die on the spot."


Listening to Lu Dongzan's words, Xizanbabe was completely stunned.

Fire dragon cannon?What the hell?

It can also emit white smoke and flames, and the victim will die suddenly on the spot?
Why haven't you heard of this thing?

"What about you?"

Ludong gave Xizanbabe a white look.

"Prime Minister, Xizanbabe has never heard of such a magical weapon in Chang'an!"

Xizan Babe knelt directly in front of Lu Dongzan, his eyes full of confusion.

Is this Prime Minister crazy?
Otherwise, why tell yourself myths?

If the Tang Dynasty really had such a weapon, it would have been used in wars long ago.

"Trash, do you know how to eat and drink all day long in Chang'an and do nothing serious?

Check it out for the truth. No matter how much it costs, I want all the information on this fire dragon cannon.

If you can't find out, just wait for Zamp to kill your whole family! "

Ludongzan kicked Xizanbabei to the ground with one kick.

It's really rubbish.

Tubo gives you so much money every year, not for you to enjoy here. Now you don't even know such important information.

I really don’t know what you are doing here to eat.


Xizanbabe hurriedly saluted and then retreated backwards.

"Da Xiang!"

Xizanbabe left, and Cai Bangnahe, the deputy commander of Tubo, also came to Ludongzan.

"what happened?"

"Dawa Mu Yi has gone."

"Hey! Bury him in the backyard of the Tibetan Embassy!"


Cai Bangnahe nodded and left directly.

This night was destined to be uneventful. At dawn the next day, news of the fire dragon cannon had spread throughout the long streets and alleys.

Although Li Zhi strictly ordered the officials present not to reveal the information about the Fire Dragon Cannon, there is no airtight wall in the world, and this thing cannot be blocked even if it is tried.

After all, there is so much talk, who can completely ban it.

"Your Majesty, something happened!"

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