My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 511 I Don't Agree

After hearing the decree, Lu Dongzan also packed up his clothes.

Although they lost in yesterday's competition, now that the audience is inevitable, he cannot lose his appearance.

At this moment, in the land of Tang Dynasty, at the Jinluan Palace he was about to go to, he was Tubo.

"The Prime Minister of Tubo, Ludong, praised His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty!"

Lu Dongzan entered the Golden Palace of the Tang Dynasty for the second time. This time he was still arrogant, as if he was not depressed at all by yesterday's failure.

"Lu Dongzan, get back on your feet!"

Li Zhi smiled slightly, and for some reason he always felt like laughing when looking at Lu Dongzan.

Last night, Tubo was completely humiliated. Not only was the civil war completely defeated, but the military fight was also a rarity.

My daughter is really my lucky star. As long as she is around, it seems that God will favor me in everything.

"Lu Dongzan, I have already considered your question yesterday."

"I will tell you one thing clearly right now: Tuhun Valley will not agree to what you said before, Datang will not agree to it, and I will not agree to it either.

There is only one thing you Tubo can do now, which is to call a truce and withdraw your troops and return to Tubo. This is the only right thing to do.

Otherwise, the consequences will only be borne by you and yourself! "

Staring at Lu Dongzan, Li Zhi spoke slowly.

“His Majesty, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, do you really want to break away from Tubo over a small Tuhun Valley?
This will be a disaster for both countries. I hope His Majesty the Emperor will think twice. "

Lu Dongzan frowned. Li Zhi didn't have such confidence yesterday. Could it be that the Fire Dragon Cannon has been mass-produced and is not a test product to scare him?

If Datang really insisted on intervening in this war, Tubo would be in a dilemma.

"Don't think twice, I am the suzerain of Tuhun Valley. This is like your child being beaten by others. Can you stand by and watch?
This Tuhun Valley must be protected by the Tang Dynasty. If Tubo really wants to risk the world and not go to war with the Tang Dynasty.

Then come and see who is more powerful, my soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, or your soldiers and horses of Tubo. "

Li Zhi didn't hesitate at all. Once he decided to do something, he had to do it to the end.

Hesitation is in vain, especially between countries.

A moment's hesitation will let the other party see your weakness and take advantage of it.

Seeing such a tough Li Zhi, Lu Dongzan was a little unsure about the reality of Datang.

Could it be that the Tang Dynasty was really ready to go to war with Tubo?

The reason why Tubo sent him here was because they did not want to have a direct conflict with the Tang Dynasty. If this was the case, he would have to think about Tubo.

After looking at Li Zhi on the dragon chair and the calm Wenwu of Tang Dynasty beside him, Lu Dongzan also gritted his teeth.

"Okay, since His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty insists on this, I, the Tubo, have nothing to say.

Then we will take a step back, but there is one more thing to ask His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty to agree to. "

"What's the matter?"

Li Zhi also frowned when he heard that Tubo agreed to retreat.

This Tubo is like a wild wolf outside the Great Wall. He will never give up easily whatever he eats. What kind of evil idea does Lu Dongzan have?

"Your Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Tubo Zampu does not yet have a queen. If the Tang Dynasty is willing to marry the princess to Tubo as his queen, then Tubo and the Tang Dynasty can continue their previous relationship.

The two countries are friendly, and it doesn't matter if there is Tuhun Valley. I wonder if His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty will allow it? "

Lu Dongzan looked at Li Zhi. If Tang Dynasty really wanted to intervene, it would not be easy for Tibet, which was not ready for war, to resist.

However, he was able to follow the example of Songtsen Gampo before him and ask for a princess from the Tang Dynasty, which could be regarded as strengthening the national prestige of Tubo.

Moreover, in the eyes of Tubo, Tuhun Valley is just fish on the chopping board. As long as they want to eat it, they can send troops at any time.

However, the Tang Dynasty could not always deploy heavy troops to help Tuhun Valley defend itself.

As long as the Tang Dynasty dared to launch a war in the Western Region or the North, they could send troops to directly capture the Tuhun Valley.

When the time comes, Tuhun Valley will still be captured by Tubo, and a Tang princess will be made for nothing.

why not?

"You want me, Princess of Tang Dynasty, to marry into Tubo?"

Upon hearing this, Li Zhi's eyebrows instantly rose, and the humiliation of Emperor Taizong came back to his mind again.

Could it be that what happened to his father would happen to him again?
"Your Majesty, I think the suggestion of the Tibetan envoy can be considered."

Ren Yaxiang smiled slightly. Yesterday's banquet was still effective. At least Lu Dongzan's speech was no longer as aggressive as it was at the beginning.

If the princess is really married to Tubo, the previous relationship between the two countries may be able to be continued.

You must know that marrying Princess Wencheng brought about nearly 20 years of peace between Tubo and the Tang Dynasty. If you marry another princess to Tubo, you may be able to continue Princess Wencheng's achievements.

It would be a good thing for both countries to have no more disputes between Tubo and Tang Dynasty.

"I don't agree."

Who would have thought that as soon as Ren Yaxiang finished speaking, Li Zhi's eyes were bloodshot and he spoke out his decision word by word.

The Tang Dynasty is no longer what it used to be. It is no longer the era when everything was withering when his father succeeded to the throne.

The Tang Dynasty now controls the Turks in the north, fights for the Western Regions in the west, and fights against Goguryeo in the east. It has already displayed the invincible momentum of the Great Heavenly Kingdom.

If he still succumbs to the power of Tubo and marries a princess into the Turks like the late emperor, he will really not be able to meet the ancestors of the Li family a hundred years later.

So he will never follow his father's old path.

I can take the initiative to marry the princess, but I can never be forced to do so because of the other party's strength.

This is not only related to one's own face, but also related to the prestige of the Tang Dynasty.

"His Majesty!"

Hearing Li Zhi's words, Ren Yaxiang was stunned.

Why refuse, why refuse.

Now is a great opportunity, why give up.

The Tang Dynasty is now surrounded by war on all sides. If there is another war in the southwest, and it is a big country like Tubo, the Tang Dynasty will definitely fall into the quagmire of war.

"I said, I don't agree with the marriage." Li Zhi looked at Ren Yaxiang with red eyes, "I don't agree with whatever you say."


Feeling the chill on Li Zhi's body, Ren Yaxiang did not dare to be too intimidating and could only bow and retreat.

"His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, do you really want to go to war with Tubo?

She's just a princess, what's the deal?

Besides, I heard that His Majesty the Emperor also married the head of Jincheng County to Sudu Momo of Tuhun Valley. Could it be said that I, Tubo Zanpu, am not as good as a prince from Tuhun Valley?
Does His Majesty the Emperor look down on me, Tubo? "

Lu Dongzan's face turned cold when he saw that Li Zhi refused without even thinking, and even the Prime Minister's words were ignored.

You can marry the princess of Tang Dynasty to the prince of Tuhun Valley, but you cannot marry the princess of Tubo to Zanpu.

I really look down on myself and Tubo too much.

"This is my decision, and it is also the decision of the Tang Dynasty. If Tubo does not withdraw its troops now, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty will definitely make Tubo pay a bloody price."

Faced with Lu Dongzan's threat, Li Zhi showed his domineering attitude and glared at Lu Dongzan below.

I won't give you a chance. If you want to fight, just fight. Datang will take care of you.

This is not only for me, but also for my father and the millions of people in the Tang Dynasty.

"Okay, Lu Dongzan understands. Since His Majesty the Emperor is like this, Lu Dongzan will leave."

After hearing Li Zhi's words, Lu Dongzan had nothing to say.

It seems that the Tang Dynasty still didn't realize how powerful Tubo was. If they want to fight, then let's do it.

He believed that he could definitely imitate the hero Songtsen Gampo and make the Tang Dynasty willingly send the princess to Tubo.

After Lu Dongzan said that, he turned around and left the Jinluan Hall.

"Your Majesty, why do you refuse? This is an opportunity, an excellent opportunity to eliminate the weapons between the two countries."

Looking at Lu Dongzan's back, Ren Yaxiang stood up again.

Although he knew that Li Zhi was angry, he still didn't understand.

As Lu Dongzan said, the Tang Dynasty could allow the Lord of Jincheng County to marry into the Tuhun Valley, so why couldn't it marry into the more powerful Tubo.

"Xiang Renya, let me say it again, I don't agree."

"The women of the Tang Dynasty are never sacrificial pawns. If we really have to rely on a woman to maintain the peace of the Tang Dynasty, what is the use of these millions of troops?
If Tubo wants to fight, I will fight with them, and Datang will fight with them.

From now on, anyone who dares to talk about marrying Tubo will be killed without mercy, regardless of their status! "

After Li Zhi finished speaking, he stood up angrily, left a few words, and left with a flourish.


"Let's go!"

"Marriage? Tubo is also worthy!"

Hearing what Li Zhi said, Cheng Yaojin and others were all excited.

If His Majesty really decides to go to full-scale war with Tubo, then it will not be solved by just Su Dingfang.

These old guys who are idle at home will definitely have a chance to return to the battlefield.

In the fight against Tubo, they must be counted as one of them.

You must know that although Hou Junji had the power to kill Tubo, Emperor Taizong still married Princess Wencheng to Songtsen Gampo for the sake of the stability of the Tang Dynasty.

Although Princess Wencheng's achievements are obvious to all, it is still a big humiliation for Li Shimin and his experienced generals.

If the Tang Dynasty was invincible, how could such a princess get married?

They are already prepared. If Li Zhi needs it, they will definitely lead troops to the southwest and return all the previous humiliation.

"Prime Minister Ren, you are indeed impulsive this time."

Cui Xiuye ​​glanced at Ren Yaxiang who sighed, also wanted to salute him, and followed the generals away.

"Du Zhenglun, come to my house later to discuss the second wave of troops!"

Ren Yaxiang didn't say anything and glanced at Du Zhenglun beside him.

He knew that once Li Zhi made a decision, he would not change it.

If a war really breaks out, it will definitely not be solved by Su Dingfang's [-] troops, and he will definitely have to send troops again.

This battle is not only related to the ownership of Tuhun Valley, but also related to the safety of the southwest.

If you don't fight, you will be defeated. If you fight, you will win. If you fail, the southwest of the Tang Dynasty will be in danger.


Du Zhenglun also had a stern look on his face and followed Ren Yaxiang away.

"Mr. Xing, your majesty invites you."

Just as Su Dingfang was leaving with everyone, a chamberlain came to him.

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Su Dingfang also had a look on his face. He knew that Li Zhi wanted to go there by himself now to put pressure and set goals.

But how can there be motivation without pressure? What he, Su Dingfang, received was a high-end game.

Beat Tubo, hum!
"Your Majesty, Duke Xing has arrived."

"Your Majesty, Su Dingfang, pays homage to your Majesty!"

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

Su Dingfang entered the door and saluted directly to Li Zhi.

"Xing Guogong, get up!"

Li Zhi waved his hand, and Su Dingfang quickly stood up.

"Mr. Xing, do you know why I called you here alone?"

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