My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 512 Long memory requires heavy blows

Looking at Su Dingfang below, Li Zhi also asked directly.

"Su Dingfang doesn't dare to speculate on the holy will!"

Su Dingfang quickly clasped his fists and lowered his head.

What a joke, you are the emperor!
Even if I guess what you are thinking, I dare not say it!

It's okay to figure out the holy will by yourself, but it's a sin to do it in front of the emperor.

"You have also seen what happened in the court, this battle is inevitable.

Tubo has stationed tens of thousands of troops in the direction of Tuhun Valley. You only send 3 troops. Even with the troops and horses in Tuhun Valley, they are far inferior to the opponent.

But I have only one order now.

Hit me, hit me hard.

We must show the majesty of the Tang Dynasty. I want Tubo to know how powerful the Tang Dynasty is.

If you lose, not to mention the erosion of the southwest, the faces of me and Datang will also be severely rubbed by Tubo.

So you can win this battle but not lose, do you understand? "

Li Zhi glanced at Su Dingfang and slowly said what he meant.

"Your Majesty Su Dingfang, take the order!"

"I will definitely live up to His Majesty's expectations and show off the majesty of the Tang Dynasty."

Su Dingfang knelt directly on the ground, his eyes full of coldness.

So what about thirty thousand soldiers and horses?So what about a hundred thousand troops?

How often in the Western Regions did I not defeat more with less?
If there are really [-] soldiers and horses, why do you have to take action yourself?

In this pinnacle match, I, Su Dingfang, will take the next step.

"Okay, Ryan."

Li Zhi nodded. This was the illustrious general of the Tang Dynasty. No wonder his daughter said that Su Dingfang could defeat a hundred thousand troops by himself.

The courage and confidence alone are worth it.

Ruian walked slowly, holding a brocade box in his hand.

"These are two bottles of Yuye wine. After Xing Guo Gong wins, he will drink one himself. The other bottle will be poured on the battlefield. I will drink it with Xing Guo Gong."

"My lord, Su Dingfang, take the order!"

Hearing this, Su Dingfang was stunned.

What an honor it is to drink alone with the emperor.

What a trust.

How could he not be yearning for it?

"Xing Guogong, please prepare and spend more time with your family. You probably won't be able to celebrate Yuan Zheng with your family this year."

Li Zhi nodded and signaled Su Dingfang to leave.

There was no Spring Festival in the Tang Dynasty, but the first day of the first lunar month was the first day of the year, which was called Yuan Zheng. It was the most grand festival in the Tang Dynasty.

There is still some time before Yuanzheng. Since we are going to start a war with Tubo, we must fight quickly. Naturally, we cannot wait until Yuanzheng is over before leaving.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your understanding."

Su Dingfang saluted again and left directly.

"Sister, have you heard?
Nalu Dongzan shamelessly asked me, Princess Tang, to marry into Tubo, but my father refused on the spot. We should start a war with Tubo. "

Li Zhi also quickly came to Li Yanran's side and spoke out the news he had just received like a machine gun.

"Is the war finally about to begin? Who is the leading general? Su Dingfang?"

Hearing this, Li Yanran also calmed down. History is history after all.

What should come will always come.

I just don’t know who the leader of the army will be?Could it be Su Dingfang?

"Sister Ah? How do you know it belongs to Duke Xing?"

Li Hong was completely stunned.

Sister, how did you know it was Su Dingfang?

Who told you that?
"I guessed it!"

Li Yanran was relieved when she heard that it was indeed Su Dingfang.

Fortunately, fortunately, history has not changed the trajectory because of my little butterfly. Su Dingfang is still leading the battle.

It seems that next, I will witness the Battle of Wuhai that will be discussed by countless people in later generations.

One thousand fine cavalry defeated the [-] Tibetan army. Is such a miracle made up by later generations, or it is true.

She must bear witness to future generations.

"You guessed it? Sister, there are many fierce generals in the Tang Dynasty, and there are several princes with great military exploits in the court. Why did you guess that Duke Xing was the commander-in-chief of this march?"

Li Hong was even more puzzled. Not only were the military generals numerous in the Tang Dynasty, but the civil servants were also extremely fierce.

There are also people like Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde who have made great achievements in battle. How could you guess that Su Dingfang had just been granted the title of Duke.

"Although the Tang Dynasty has countless powerful generals and several princes, how old are these princes?

This is a long march, not a short-distance raid. If something goes wrong, it will be over. "

Li Yanran was depressed, how did I know?History tells me that.

But I couldn't just say it like that, I could only think of a reason to stall.

"What about the British Duke? He is almost the same age as Xing Guogong. Based on his record, the British Duke is more suitable. Why send Xing Guogong?"

Faced with Li Yanran's reasons, Li Hong was unyielding and wanted to get to the bottom of the matter.


Li Yanran was stunned for a moment, yes, he had forgotten about this.

Li Ji seems to be about the same age as Su Dingfang.

After thinking about it, the reason for using less to win more seems a bit inappropriate. If this fierce man of the Tang Dynasty does not have the fighting spirit to win more with less, he will be embarrassed to say that he is a famous general.

Although Su Dingfang was very successful in the Western Regions and dared to attack the opponent with a hundred or five hundred cavalry, Li Ji also had the miracle of breaking through [-] with [-] cavalry.

How can this make you round?
Since it couldn't be reconciled, Li Yanran could only use physical means to suppress it.

He slapped Li Hong directly on the forehead.


This slap stunned Li Hong. He didn't understand why Sister A suddenly slapped him.

"Sister, why did you hit me?"

"What's wrong with hitting you? Choose one of the two, so what if I guess it right?"

Li Yanran had a fierce look on her face, why do you have so many?
You don’t have a hundred thousand reasons.

If I don’t hit you, I’m afraid you won’t know who is older and who is younger.

As he spoke, he slapped him again.

"Sister, you."

Li Hong, who received another slap, was completely speechless and froze on the spot.

"Okay, now that the Tubo incident is over, it's time for us to return to our fiefdom."

Seeing that Li Hong stopped talking, Li Yanran also glanced at the palace in the distance.

It's time for me to leave this palace. "Return to the fief? Really?"

Li Hong became excited instantly when he heard that he was going back to his fiefdom.

He was tired of staying in this palace. The land was so nice. No one cared about what he wanted to eat or play.

It's not like here, where everything is controlled by others, and watching it really makes him upset.

"Well, let's go!"

Li Yanran took the lead directly to find her mother, while Li Hong followed her slowly.


"Yanran is here, sit down!"

Hearing the sound, Wu Zetian also raised her head and smiled kindly at her daughter.

"Auntie, my daughter is here to say goodbye to you!"

Li Yanran did not sit down, but slowly came to Wu Zetian, squatting on the ground and looking at her mother-in-law.

"You got the message?"

Looking at Li Yanran squatting in front of her, Wu Zetian also stopped correcting the memorial with her right hand and looked at her daughter.

"Well, I just received the news."

Li Yanran nodded.

"You are such a heartless person, why can't you stay here with grandma for two more days?"

Wu Zetian hugged Li Yanran on her lap, her eyes full of nostalgia.

"Aniang, what do you mean by being so heartless? Lishan is not far from Chang'an. Aniang misses her daughter, and her daughter will fly back right away!

Besides, my daughter’s current fiefdom is not just Lishan, but also the entire Xinfeng.

How many people are waiting for me? It’s impossible for me not to go back! "

Li Yanran also smiled and explained to my mother.

"It's all your father's fault. Why do you have to entrust Xinfeng to you again and make my little Yanran so tired from running around?"

Wu Zetian couldn't say anything after hearing this, and started to complain about Li Zhi.

If Li Zhi were here now, he would probably scream that he was wronged.

The original decision to give Xinfeng County to your daughter was entirely your fault.

What does it have to do with me?

"Mother, you are wrong. I don't know how comfortable my sister is in the fiefdom."

Li Hong suddenly appeared, looked at the duo of loving mother and filial daughter, and spoke with disdain to make trouble.

Sister, you are really shameless. You just want to go back to the fiefdom and be happy, so you just say that you are being cheated, and you use the people of the fiefdom as a cover.



Hearing Li Hong's words, Li Yanran and Wu Zetian were both stunned.

The two of them looked at each other and felt depressed for a while, all their good anger was ruined by this stupid boy.

"Hong'er, come here!"

Wu Zetian waved to Li Hong, gesturing for him to move forward to speak.

"Queen, what's the matter?"

Li Hong hasn't yet felt what he is about to face.

Normally he would only offend Li Yanran, but now he directly made his two daughters who he couldn't afford to offend angry.

One is enough for him to choke, and two are enough. The only ones who can save Li Hong are the gods and Buddhas.

"It's okay, even Hong'er is leaving. If I take a good look at you, I'll save you from going to the fiefdom. Mother misses you."

Although Wu Zetian spoke softly, Li Yanran beside her could already feel the anger in her body.

Li Hong gave Li Yanran a look, did you see it?

My mother still likes me.

My dear sister, you are really not good enough for your mother.

Feeling Li Hong's pride, Li Yanran showed a bright smile.

Little brother, little brother, if you die later, I will definitely remember you.

As Li Hong walked step by step, the smile on Wu Zetian's face became more and more bright and kind.


Li Hong stretched out his arms, ready to give his mother a big hug, but unexpectedly, his arms were grabbed.

"Come here, you~"

Wu Zetian pulled along, Li Yanran had already given way in advance, and Li Hong was pressed on her leg.

Then there was a heavy slap on Li Hong's butt.


"Mother, why did you hit me? Why did you hit me!"

After taking this palm, Li Hong was stunned for a moment. He said he would look at me again, why is this the result?

"Why did I hit you? Don't you know?"

Wu Zetian's anger soared again when she heard that Li Hong still didn't know why he was being beaten.

It’s really a stick, a stick!

He thought that he was very smart, and Li Zhi was also a hero of his generation, so why did he give birth to such a stupid son.

"Mother, it hurts!"

"Mother, Honger knows that she was wrong!"

"Stop fighting! Sister, save me!"

While being beaten, Li Hong asked for help from Li Yanran who was watching the excitement.

Why do I say that you and I are both evil spirits from Lishan? You can't watch me get beaten. You can have fun by the side!

"save you?"

Li Yanran also had a cold look on her face when she heard Li Hong asking for help.

My not taking action is the last of my tolerance for you. If this is the case, then I can only strike out with tears in my eyes.

"Auntie, please stop for a moment!"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Wu Zetian was also stunned and involuntarily stopped her hand.


Sure enough, Sister A still cares about herself.

Looking at Li Yanran, Li Hong's eyes were full of gratitude.

"Auntie, Hongdi is so naughty that he was beaten to death. If you want to make him remember, you still have to deal with it hard."

"Use this!"

Li Yanran found a stick from nowhere and held it in front of her mother.


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