My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 513: A wandering son’s chant, with deep love for his mother!

At this moment, Li Hong felt that his faith had collapsed.

Just call me skinned, but I didn't.

I was shaking all over even though I was slapping it with my hands, and you brought me another stick.

This is no longer to make him lose his memory, but to murder his own children and brothers.

Oh my God, someone come and save me.

"Queen mother, no! No!"

Looking at his wife Wu Zetian with a miserable expression, Li Hong could only hope that she would show her kindness and spare him once.

Facing such a son, Wu Zetian couldn't bear it.

After all, the child is still young, only six years old.

"Auntie, a loving mother is such a loser. You don't want to hurt Hongdi!"

Seeing Wu Zetian's entanglement, Li Yanran didn't want to let Li Hong go.

You talk a lot, and you do a lot.

If I don’t teach you a lesson this time, I might really harm you.

Brother, don’t blame sister.

"Sister, you hurt me, you hurt me!"

Li Hong was completely dumbfounded when he heard this. He believed that no mother-in-law could resist the words.

I don’t know who was shameless enough to say this. A loving mother often loses her children, but she has not failed your children.

Why do you say such a sentence? It is really harmful.

"How dare you say that about your sister?"

"It's time to fight."

Looking at Li Hong angrily, Wu Zetian also took the stick handed over by Li Yanran and slapped Li Hong hard on the buttocks.


This moment really made Li Hong doubt his life. It hurt, it hurt so much.

He didn't cry after being beaten so many times just now, but this time it really made him cry.

"How dare you scream? Yanran covered her mouth. I am the most annoying man who cries and whines."

Seeing that Li Hong still dared to cry, Wu Zetian also shouted at her daughter on the side.

"it is good!"

Li Yanran glanced at the miserable little brother and quickly covered Li Hong's wide-open mouth with her hands.


Facing the loving mother and kind sister, Li Hong's crying suddenly stopped and he could only sob to relieve his pain.

After Li Zhi sent Su Dingfang away, he also came to Wu Zetian. Who knew he would see such a scene.

This must be Li Zhi. If someone saw it, they would think that the mother and daughter were plotting to kill the prince.

"What are you doing?"

Hearing Li Zhi's low roar, the three of them raised their heads together, and they all froze there.

"Father, help!"

Seeing his father coming, Li Hong seemed to have found his savior and shouted to him for help.

"Your Majesty, I am educating Hong'er. What's wrong? Do you have any objections?"

Wu Zetian raised an eyebrow and glanced at Li Zhi, and said to him coldly.


Li Zhi glanced at Wu Zetian, who looked unhappy, and Li Yanran, who had wide eyes, and also shuddered.

None of these two women is a fuel-efficient lamp, and neither of them is easy to deal with, let alone the two swords merged.

Feeling Li Hong's expectations, Li Zhi was also entangled for a while, not knowing what to do.

"Father, Hong'er hurts! Hong'er knows he was wrong!"

Li Hong asked Li Zhi for help again, and Li Zhi's heart broke when he heard the little voice.

"Is there such a way to educate children? Let Hong'er go quickly."

Seeing that Li Zhi actually spoke to Li Hong, Wu Zetian also felt cold and threw Li Hong aside.

"Father! Save me!"

Li Hong was liberated and rushed directly behind his father.

Li Zhi patted his son's little head and told him not to panic.

If the sky falls, his father will hold it up.

"Your Majesty, Mei Niang godson, if you don't agree, I won't care about it from now on."

Wu Zetian stood up slowly, still not putting down the wooden stick in her hand.

"Mei Niang, I didn't say that you won't teach Hong'er a lesson, but even if he makes a big mistake, there's no need to use a stick!

The child is still so young, what if the child is broken? "

Looking at Wu Zetian's dark face, Li Zhi unconsciously took a step back.

"Father, my daughter is saying goodbye to her mother-in-law. After all, the fiefdom has many affairs, and her daughter is also responsible for the livelihood of many people.

Hongdi, on the other hand, actually said that I returned to the fief for enjoyment.

Father, what if I lose money if I don’t return to my fief to strategize? "

Li Yanran took a step forward and spoke slowly to her father.

"Sister, you just went back to enjoy yourself, how could you benefit others?"

Hearing that Li Yanran was still slandering him, Li Hong was not willing to be outdone and fought back.

So what if you have a mother?I also have a backer now, and he is also the emperor of Tang Dynasty.

What are you fighting with me?

Li Hong didn't hear what his sister meant, but Li Zhi heard it clearly.

This is a nod to myself.

The translation is that this girl wants to return to the fiefdom to make money for you, the emperor, but Li Hong made slanderous remarks.

If you don't give me an explanation, your little treasury may suffer a loss.

"Mei Niang, that stick is really too hard and can easily damage the bones. Ruian, bring me the vine whip."

Thinking of this, Li Zhi immediately changed his mind and sided with Wu Zetian and Li Yanran. "???"

Hearing this, Li Hong was instantly stunned. He glanced at his backer and ran away.

It was obvious that what sister just said did not mean the same thing to her father.

The three-party talks have reached a coalition, and the only one who will sacrifice in the end is himself.

The only thing he can trust now is his own legs, Lishan's number one Scud.

Unexpectedly, just as Li Hong was about to take off, Li Zhi grabbed him by the collar.

"Where to run?"

Li Zhi threw Li Hong into the room, and then blocked the exit like a door god.

Looking at the three people standing in a triangle, Li Hong looked helpless like an unwanted child.

At this moment, there was no hope in his eyes, only ashes.

Because he knew that when Ruian sent the vine whip, he would be beaten hard.

"His Majesty."

Soon Ruian came over with a cane whip and handed it to Li Zhi's hand.

"Mei Niang, let's start. I'll hold you down and make sure not to give Hong'er a chance to escape."

Li Zhi handed the vine whip to Wu Zetian's hand with his own hands, then looked to Li Hong aside: "Come here yet!"




"Really don't fight anymore, Hong'er knows he was wrong."

Li Hong looked desperate. Looking at the loving mother and father before, he almost knelt down now.

But he knew he couldn't. If he knelt down, the beating would only be heavier.

"Auntie, why don't we just forget it!"

Seeing Li Hong's pitiful appearance, Li Yanran finally couldn't stand it anymore.

After all, he is his own little brother, and this is what happened, so let’s forget it!
"Isn't it what you said about a loving mother who often loses her son? Do you want me to just sit back and watch Hong'er go on like this?"

Wu Zetian weighed the rattan whip handed over by Li Zhi and felt confused for a while.

Li Yanran was depressed. She just talked nonsense and told the truth, which made her speechless.

This is probably what is called shooting oneself in the foot.

Or should we just let Hongdi fend for himself?
"Sister, Hongdi promises to be obedient!"

Looking at Li Yanran, Li Hong immediately switched to pitiful mode.

Regarding her younger brother, Li Yanran also sighed.

"Auntie, although a loving mother often loses her sons, there is another saying that is good.

Only a loving mother can make a filial son, give Hongdi a chance! "

"You made the decision, right? What if I insist on beating you today?"

Wu Zetian rolled his eyes at Li Yanran and said, "You will be the good guy, but you will be the bad guy."

How can there be such a good thing!
"Auntie, everyone in the world knows that you are a vajra with angry eyes and a Bodhisattva with low eyebrows. However, you really don't feel sorry for a piece of meat that fell from your body?"

Li Yanran smiled at Wu Zetian, this is your biological son, not a kitten or puppy dug out of the trash can.

Let go when it's time to let go.


It can be said that Wu Zetian has no anger left, but she can't let go.

"Auntie, don't be angry, or else my daughter will write a poem for you.

If you feel good, spare Hongdi for once, and if you feel bad, beat him to death. How about that? "

Feeling that Wu Zetian's anger had dissipated, Li Yanran also moved closer to my mother.

You want to go down the stairs, right? It's okay, my daughter will give it to you.

"You want to compose a poem? OK, if you can do it well, then I'll give Hong'er a break today. If you can't do it well, I'll just break my legs."

Wu Zetian was not a fool. Her daughter's steps were built to the soles of her feet. If she didn't follow the steps, she would really not be worthy of being the first empress of all time.

Of course, she had made preparations in her heart, no matter what her daughter wrote poems?
Even if you can just read it.

After all, he is his son, so he has to let go when he should.

"Sister, you have to save me!"

Li Hong's heart suddenly became excited. Although he suspected that Li Yanran had composed the song "Spring River Flowers on a Moonlit Night", he couldn't help but be nervous now that it was happening to him.


Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head, dear, if you cause trouble, I will have to wipe your ass.

Fortunately, I am good at Chinese language, otherwise it would be difficult to be a literary copywriter.

"Aniang, this poem is not just to excuse Hongdi, but is written out of emotion."

After looking at the old lady who was waiting for her eyes, Li Yanran also took the vaccination first.

If she didn't maximize the benefits of such a good poem, she would be sorry for the ancients she copied.

"Well, I really want to hear what my good daughter can do based on her inspiration!"

Wu Zetian nodded, why was she suddenly looking forward to it again?

Compared with Wu Zetian's hesitation, Li Zhi and Li Hong kept their eyes open.

Both of them knew Li Yanran's ability, and they didn't know what kind of good poems would come out next.

"Auntie, this poem is called Wandering Son Yin."

"Mother hands line, wandering clothing."

"Departure thick seam, meaning fear of delay in return."

"Whoever says that the heart of an inch of grass will be rewarded with three springs."


Li Yanran sang a wandering song, and Wu Zetian was shocked.

This...this was actually done by my own daughter?
Moreover, this poem was written for herself, so how could she not be surprised.

"Yan Yanran? Did you write this poem for grandma?"

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