My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 514 1 group of foolish critics

Chapter 514

Looking at her daughter in front of her, Wu Zetian still asked with some uncertainty.

"That's natural, Aniang. Are you satisfied with this poem?"

Li Yanran's eyes were full of smiles. Looking at her mother's face, she could tell how shocked she was now.

This poem is so suitable for the occasion now. Not only is it suitable for the occasion, but it is also absolutely invincible in flattering my own mother.

No mother can refuse such a good poem that will be passed down through the ages, and the same goes for Wu Zetian, the first empress of all time.

"Okay, okay! Good, okay!"

Wu Zetian was so excited that she couldn't help herself. This poem not only expressed her love for her daughter, but also expressed her daughter's gratitude to her.

The most important thing is that such a masterpiece was actually written by a nine-year-old daughter. She was really numb, and her whole body was numb.

Wu Zetian directly hugged Li Yanran in her arms. If he hadn't been too tall and heavy, she would have thought about kissing and hugging him.

"Hmph! Yanran, you can't treat one favorably over another! I want it too!"

A sentence suddenly rang out, and Li Zhi came to the two of them with his face elongated and darkened.


Looking at her father, Li Yanran felt bad.

Why are you joining in the fun?
As an emperor, are there still few poems praising you?
Why did it appear suddenly?

"Your Majesty, please don't embarrass Yanran. It's already quite good for her to be able to do this wandering chant."

Wu Zetian directly hugged Li Yanran in her arms and looked at the black-faced Li Zhi warily.


After hearing Wu Zetian's words, Li Zhi felt bad.

You are not bad. I just got a wandering song. I ask myself which prince or princess is better for this daughter than any other.

Why can't you get a poem that belongs to me?
Seeing that Li Zhi was a little angry, Wu Zetian also looked at Li Yanran in her arms.

"Yan Ran, don't worry, your father can't touch you as long as A Niang is here!"

After all, I just got such a good poem, so I have to help my daughter support her.


Li Zhi was also depressed. Just as Wu Zetian said, if she tried her best to protect Li Yanran, she really wouldn't be able to cure her.

"Yanran, don't you want to write a poem for your father?"

Since there was nothing he could do against Wu Zetian, Li Zhi could only play the emotional card and pretend to be pitiful with his daughter.


Seeing Li Zhi like that, Li Yanran was about to get drunk.

Father, Father, you are the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, how could you make such an expression?

She originally thought that this trick was unique to children like herself and Li Hong, but she didn't expect that the emperor could also act coquettishly and cutely.

Isn’t this embarrassing yourself?
The most important thing is that there are only a few poems written about my father in my memory, and most of them are poems in condolences.

It was so sudden.

"Sister, look at how my father is doing. Anyway, one is a composition, and two are also compositions, so why don't you compose one for your father too!"

Li Hong just wanted to end it quickly and return to the Lishan fiefdom, so he also begged Li Yanran to compose a poem for him.

Li Yanran really regrets it now. She is a bitch, so why did she save Li Hong?

It's better now. The person was saved, but he himself was trapped.

The most important thing is that his words are really irritating. What does it mean that one song is a composition and two songs are also compositions?
Are you raising ducks?

If you are so capable, why don't you compose a song?

"Yanran, why don't you compose a song for your father?"

Wu Zetian looked at Li Zhi, whose eyes were filled with stars, and also advised Li Yanran.


Li Yanran was also depressed. If she had something in mind, would she still be like this?

She had already opened her mouth to kill everyone, but now she was really stumped.

If he really recited the poem about missing his father and mourning his father, he would probably be killed by Li Zhi.

But given the current situation, if I don’t write poetry, I will definitely break my heart, which really puts me in a difficult situation.

"Father, you should write poems based on your feelings. My daughter doesn't have a clue yet. I hope your father will forgive me."

Thinking about it, in the end, Li Yanran still didn't just find a poem and fill it in.

After all, if he makes a random song, his father will only be more disappointed.


Li Zhi also sighed and said nothing more.

"Father, don't be disappointed. My daughter guarantees you that she will definitely give you a poem that will be passed down from generation to generation. How about that?"

Seeing the disappointed father, Li Yanran also hurriedly spoke and promised to write a good poem for Li Zhi.

After all, he is his own father, so he can't let him down too much.

"Okay, then Father will be waiting for you."

Hearing this, Li Zhi also nodded.

This sentence is enough, as long as you have a daughter who loves you.


"Okay, when are you going to return to the fief?"

Li Zhi glanced at his daughter and asked when she was going to leave.

"Leave in the afternoon."

"Then let's go! Don't act recklessly when you get to the fief, do you understand?"

Li Zhi nodded, and they could leave if they wanted. Anyway, this palace was a prison for them, and the sooner they left, the sooner they would be freed.

What can be more important than your children being happy?
"My daughter understands!"

"My son understands."

The two of them also saluted Li Zhi each with a hint of reluctance in their eyes.

Li Yanran and Li Hong's carriages left Chang'an and returned to the fiefdom under the escort of the imperial guards.

"Brother Li!"

"Brother Li!"

"Your Highness!"

Changsun Yan and his group had returned to the fiefdom a long time ago. When they saw Li Yanran returning, they hurriedly greeted her.

"You all came back very early!"

Looking at the people in front of her, Li Yanran also smiled slightly.

These idiots all cried like father and mother when they left, but when they came back they were much more positive than me.

"Brother Li, what exactly is going on with the Fire Dragon Cannon? Don't tell me you don't know. I know it must be you!"

Cheng Chubi smiled at Li Yanran, with an "I know it's you" look in his eyes.

Li Yanran's brows furrowed immediately upon hearing this, then she jumped up and slapped Cheng Chubi on the head.

"Brother Li? Why did you hit me?"

Cheng Chubi looked confused and didn't know what Li Yanran meant.

"Hit you? I want to kill you! I don't know what to say."

After glaring at Cheng Chubi, Li Yanran directly raised her feet and walked towards the fiefdom.

"Idiot!" Li Hong also rolled his eyes at Cheng Chubi and followed Li Yan.


Di Renjie also sighed, shook his head and walked inside.


Cheng Chubi frowned and was completely confused.

I don’t understand why these three people are like this.

"What's going on here?"

Glancing at the Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chick beside him, Cheng Chubi's eyes were full of curiosity.


"that is!"

"It's not reassuring at all."

Li Siwen and the other three looked at each other, smiled slightly, and followed Li Yanran.


"You haven't told me yet, what's going on!"

Cheng Chubi is not well. Everyone has eaten the gourd and started selling medicine?

Really drunk.

The group of people came to the main hall, and Li Yanran sat in the middle with a dark face.

Changsun Yan and the others looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't dare to speak.

I was afraid that if I offended Li Yanran, I would get slapped on the head.

"Cheng Chubi, if you can speak from now on, just speak. If you can't speak, just shut your mouth.

The Fire Dragon Cannon is the biggest secret of the Tang Dynasty. Do you want to die when you ask me in public? "

After scanning the crowd, Li Yanran pointed the finger at Cheng Chubi.

You're just a bastard who has a strong thirst for knowledge and no one else asks, but you can ask in front of so many people.

What a mallet.


Li Yanran scolded her so hard that Cheng Chubi just opened his mouth and was unable to speak.

After all, I did go a little too far.

"Next time you dare to do this, I will break your legs and tear your mouth open, do you understand?"


"Brother Li, what exactly is this fire dragon cannon?"

Li Siwen looked around and asked slowly.

"Want to know?"

Li Yanran frowned. After all, these were her most trusted right-hand men. Although their abilities were a little inferior, their loyalty was no problem.


Everyone nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

"Your Highness, I have something else to do, so I'll take my leave first."

Di Renjie shook his head and bowed directly to Li Yanran to leave.

"Well, you go down first!"

Li Yanran nodded, Di Renjie's status is really not suitable for him, so he can leave if he wants.


"Brother Li, if you need anything, I'll prepare it!"

Seeing Di Renjie leaving, Changsun Yan also asked.

"Whatever you need, Li Feng, go get it!"


Li Feng saluted Li Yanran and left directly.

"Let's go to the snow forest."


The few people did not hesitate and followed Li Yanran towards Xuelin.

Soon Li Feng came over with what Li Yanran needed.

In front of several people, Li Feng also started making black gunpowder according to the recipe. When everything was ready, a bamboo bomb appeared in front of everyone.

"This is this?"

Looking at the objects in front of them, several people were stunned.

Is this the Fire Dragon Cannon?

Why is it different from what I saw that night?

"This is called a firecracker, Li Feng!"

Li Yanran didn't explain that much. Facts speak louder than words. Let these idiots see the power of this black powder first, and then the rest will be easy to explain.

After hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Feng lit the fuse directly and ran away.

Li Yanran turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Li Hong's calves were so scratched that they flew up and ran after Li Yanran.


Looking at the appearance of the three of them, Zhang Sunyan and others were all stunned, wondering what was going on.


Before the four of them could react, they heard a roar, and black smoke instantly filled the air, destroying everything around them.

Snow, mud, and stones were flying everywhere, and all four of them squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands, covered in dust and flying snow.


Li Hong hid under the big tree and laughed wildly while looking at the embarrassed three people.

A bunch of idiots.


Just when Li Hong was laughing at Sun Yan, there was a roar above his head, and countless amounts of snow fell from the sky, completely burying him in the snow nest.


Li Yanran from a distance smiled when she saw Li Hong's tragic situation.

You still think this is a palace and dare to hide under the tree. You have really forgotten the snow burial technique before.

"Bah bah bah."

Li Hong emerged from the snow, his mouth full of snow foam.

"Bah bah bah."

"Bah bah bah."

The same goes for Changsun Yan and the others. Apart from scolding their mother, they have nothing else to say.

"Brother Li, this the Fire Dragon Cannon?"

(End of this chapter)

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