My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 515 The biggest secret of the Fire Dragon Cannon!

Li Siwen turned to look at Li Yanran. The scene in front of him really scared him to death.

If there were iron beads inside just now, it's impossible to say how many people would have died.

"The biggest secret of the Fire Dragon Cannon is this, black powder, how about it?"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, now she knows how powerful it is.

"This is so awesome!"

Cheng Chubi was also shocked when he looked at the scene in front of him.

If this thing were used in the military, you can imagine what would happen.

If one of them were like this, if dozens or hundreds of them exploded at the same time, they would probably be scared to death even if they were frightened.

"Brother Li, can this black powder be more powerful? If it can blow up city gates or walls at once, it would be incredible."

Yuchi Huan frowned. He now finally knew why this was the top secret of the Tang Dynasty. If such artifacts were stolen by others, it would be a disaster for the Tang Dynasty.

"This has not been tried, but as long as the dose is sufficient, it should be possible."

These are things that Li Yanran has never thought about, but now that she thinks about it, if she really makes a few explosives and blows up the city gates or walls, it should be no problem.

"Brother Li, you should inform Duke Xing immediately. If there is really a fight with Tibet, this black powder will be a great weapon."

Li Siwen stared. If it was true as Li Yanran said, those cities would no longer be natural chasms from now on.

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty had the best armor and weapons in the world. Without the convenience of the city wall, he could not think of any army that could be a match for the Tang army.

"Well, that's what you said. Then invite Duke Xing to come to the fiefdom, and let's have a good talk with Duke Xing."

Li Yanran thought for a moment and nodded.

Now that the Fire Dragon Cannon has just appeared in the world, it will take some time to figure out the specific usage. But if I can tell the story of future generations' explorations, wouldn't Datang be able to avoid many detours.

"Let Duke Xing come over to entrust the land? I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

Li Siwen frowned. Although you are the princess of the Tang Dynasty, you are also the Duke of the country and can be regarded as the top noble of the Tang Dynasty.

Although you have a lot of face, people may not sell you this face.

"Don't worry, Duke Xing will still give me this little face!"

Li Yanran didn't hesitate at all. Not to mention her contribution to the recommendation in front of her father, this fire dragon cannon was something Su Dingfang could not refuse.

"it is good!"

Li Siwen nodded and left directly.

"Okay, let's go too!"

Li Yanran said, waving her hands and leaving with Li Feng.

Cheng Chubi, Changsun Yan and Yuchi Huan also followed behind.

"Sister, sister, I forgot about you, I'm still here."

Seeing everyone leaving and still stuck in the snow nest, he shouted loudly.


Hearing Li Hong's shout, Li Yanran also stopped and was stunned when she saw Li Hong struggling in the snow nest.

Damn, I almost left my little brother here.

It's really going to cost you your life.

He quickly ordered several people to pull Li Hong out of the snow.

"Ah, sister, you, you..."

Li Hong was so trembling that he couldn't even speak a complete sentence.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and get in the car."

Looking at Li Hong's appearance, Li Yanran slapped him in the face. It had been so long and he was still talking nonsense.

"Ah, sister."

"Li Feng, shut his mouth and throw him into the car!"


Li Siwen galloped on horseback and came directly from the fief to Chang'an.

"Who knows that the palace ahead is Duke Xing's mansion?"

Looking at Li Siwen on the horse, Bu Lu stopped him at the door instantly.

"I have something to ask Duke Xing, and I hope you can inform him!"

Li Siwen dismounted and directly stated his purpose.

"The Duke has an order. The expedition is about to begin. No one will be seen. You'd better retreat!"

Bu Qu glanced at the heroic Li Siwen and didn't dare to say anything harsh, but just asked him to retreat.

"Do you know my identity?"

Li Siwen quit after hearing this. We are here to help you. Who are you going to show this score to?

Don't you want to be a prince?It's not the same as anyone else.

"No matter who you are, this is Duke Xing's mansion, not a grocery store. Evacuate immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless!"

There was a hint of disdain in Bu Qu's eyes, "How can you be higher than the Duke of the State?"

Using your identity to pressure yourself is really unreasonable.

"I am Li Siwen, the son of the British Duke. I have something to ask to see Duke Xing."

Li Siwen looked at the step in front of him and directly revealed his identity.

"Mr. Ying Yingying? Young Master, please wait a moment."

Nabu was also shocked when he heard Li Siwen's identity.

Although they followed Su Dingfang on expeditions all year round, they still knew Li Ji's name.

If Li Jing is the number one God of War in the Tang Dynasty, this Li Ji can definitely be regarded as the number two God of War.


Li Siwen nodded, took the horse and waited there.

Bu Qu came in, saluted Su Dingfang, who was drinking tea and reading a book, and said, "My lord! Someone is asking for an audience outside the mansion."

"Didn't I tell you? I won't see anyone when the expedition is about to begin. How many more times do I have to tell you?"

Su Ding didn't even raise his eyes. After finishing speaking, he continued to look at the book in front of him.

"The Duke is the noble son of the British Duke. He said that he has something important to see."

Bu Qu also felt depressed for a while. If he were an ordinary person, I would have dismissed him, but he is the prince's young son, and I can't afford to offend him. "The noble son of an English duke?"

Su Dingfang was also stunned when he heard the other party's identity.

Why did Li Ji's son come to see me?Could it be that you want to go on an expedition with the army?
"Take him to the main hall and wait."


Bu Qu left immediately, while Su Dingfang straightened his clothes and walked towards the main hall.

"Li Siwen meets with Duke Xing."

Li Siwen came in and saluted Su Dingfang directly.

"My dear nephew, let's not be so polite. Sit down!"

Su Dingfang waved his hand and motioned for Li Siwen to sit down.

"My dear nephew, why do you come to see me? If you want to go on an expedition with me to the southwest, don't say anything."

Looking at Li Siwen on the side, Su Dingfang also spoke directly.

If you really want to go to the southwest battlefield with me to gild, then forget it.

After all, it was a battlefield, and the battle was likely to start against the wind. He did not dare to take Li Siwen to take risks.

If something went wrong, he was afraid that Li Ji would fight him.


Li Siwen was stunned. I'm not stupid. Why should I go to the southwest battlefield with you?

If I went with you even though I knew it was a disadvantage, wouldn't it be because I was full?

Besides, if I really want to go to the battlefield, wouldn't it be better to follow my father? Why should I follow you, an irrelevant person?
"Princess Lishan invited me to Lishan?"

Su Dingfang's brows immediately knitted together.

After all, Li Yanran was an imperial princess, and it would not be good for a foreign minister like herself to meet the daughter of the royal family.

But this time he was able to lead the southwest battle, thanks to the other party's recommendation.

"My dear nephew, why did Her Royal Highness the Princess invite me to Lishan Mountain?"

After thinking for a moment, Su Dingfang smiled at Li Siwen and asked.

"It's about the Fire Dragon Cannon."

"Fire Dragon Cannon?"

When Su Dingfang heard that it was about the Fire Dragon Cannon, he stood up directly.

At the banquet that day, although the Spring River Flower Moonlit Night turned out to illuminate the night sky, the Fire Dragon Cannon was what he cared about most.

Although the Fire Dragon Cannon has been handed over to the Ministry of Industry for improvement, it is obvious that there is no hope for him to go to the southwest this time.

Now that Princess Lishan has invited her to join the fiefdom, could it be that the Fire Dragon Cannon has any other uses?

Li Siwen smiled slightly, the fire dragon cannon is not just what you see.

The firecrackers alone are enough to make your jaw drop.

"In that case, I will go to Lishan Mountain."

After hearing Li Siwen's words, Su Dingfang instantly made up his mind to visit the fiefdom.

Anyway, you won't lose a piece of meat if you walk around, it's just a waste of leg strength.

He also wanted to see what the abilities of Princess Lishan, who was so favored by His Majesty the Emperor, were like.

"Okay, then I will return to the fief first and wait for the arrival of Duke Xing."

Li Siwen stood up directly, bowed to Su Dingfang and left.

"Su Zhi."


"Prepare the carriage immediately and follow me to the Lishan fiefdom."


After Li Siwen left, it didn't take long for Su Dingfang's carriage to leave the Duke's Mansion and head towards Lishan Mountain.

"Brother Li, luckily you have fulfilled your destiny. Duke Xing will be here shortly."

After dismounting, Li Siwen came directly to Li Yanran and told the news that Su Dingfang was coming.

"Get ready to welcome Duke Xing."

Hearing that Su Dingfang was coming, Li Yanran stood up immediately.


It didn't take long for someone to report that Duke Xing's carriage had arrived outside the town.

"Let's go!"

Everyone in Lishan, headed by Li Yanran, arrived outside the town together.

"Su Dingfang has met Her Royal Highness Princess Lishan and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Su Dingfang got out of the car and was confused when looking at the battle in front of him.

This is the fiefdom owned by Princess Lishan, why is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince also here?

"Mr. Xing, there is no need to be polite. Yanran is young and should not be like this."

Li Yanran quickly helped Su Dingfang up.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

"Xing Guogong took the liberty to invite you here. He won't complain about Yanran!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly at Su Dingfang and slowly confessed.

"Your Highness, you have defeated Su Dingfang. I would also like to thank you for recommending him in front of His Majesty."

Su Dingfang looked at Li Yanran and quickly replied.

There are some things that you always need to let others know your feelings. I will remember your help and it will be rewarded in the future.

"Okay, let's not talk about that anymore, let's go in!"

Li Yanran looked at the state position and felt guilty.

If Yuchi Jingde, Li Ji and Cheng Yaojin knew that they had recommended Su Dingfang, they would probably kill them immediately and ask them to accuse them.

"Oh, I'm being abrupt!"

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