My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 516 The true purpose of black gunpowder!

Su Dingfang was not stupid. He looked at the nobles around Li Yanran and understood. He quickly confessed and followed Li Yanran inside.

Li Siwen and others looked at each other, smiled, and looked at Li Yanran together.

Brother Li, Brother Li, you brought this upon yourself.

Recommending Su Dingfang but not me would cause public outrage.

What price should you pay to shut our mouths?


"Mr. Xing, the simplicity of the fiefdom makes you laugh."

Everyone entered the main hall together, and Li Yanran also confessed to Su Dingfang below.

"Your Highness, what are you talking about? Su Dingfang has basically spent his whole life in the military camp. This place is so friendly to me."

Su Dingfang smiled slightly, with a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.

Li Yanran's main hall is in the military camp, and everything is done according to the military's configuration.

These are just what Su Dingfang likes. After all, he has been dealing with them for half his life and has long been accustomed to them.

"Haha, that's good. Li Feng will serve tea."

Li Yanran nodded and asked Li Feng to serve tea.

"Your Highness, don't drink tea anymore. Your Highness also knows the purpose of my visit. Let's get down to business!"

Su Dingfang shook his head, he was not here to enjoy tea.

Fire Dragon Cannon, what exactly is the Fire Dragon Cannon?

"If that's the case, then please ask Duke Xing to move to the snow forest. Let's try it first and then talk about it!"

Li Yanran stood up slowly. Since you don't want to chat, just look at the finished product!


Su Dingfang was also stunned when he heard the name. He didn't know what Xuelin meant?
Is it another high-end weapon?
"Just follow Mr. Xing."


Everyone came to the snow forest again. Looking at the scene in front of them, Su Dingfang also frowned.

What just happened here and why is it like this.

"Li Feng, get ready."


Li Feng immediately placed a new firecracker in its original place.

Seeing this, several people were shocked and took several steps back together.

Without him, the damage they suffered just now was too great, and they didn't want to suffer it again.

Looking at the faces of everyone, Su Dingfang also showed a trace of disdain in his eyes.

After all, he was young. What happened? He was so frightened.

"Xing Guogong, it's better to step back!"

Li Yanran dared to torment those idiots, but she didn't dare to make fun of Su Dingfang.

This is the God of War of the Tang Dynasty, a pillar-level figure. If there is something wrong with him, I can't afford it.

"Your Highness, don't underestimate Su Dingfang. We soldiers have never known the meaning of retreat in our lives. Don't worry!"

Su Dingfang shook his head and rejected Li Yanran's kindness.

I have never seen any battles in my life, so how could I be frightened by this thing in front of me.


Li Feng turned his head and looked at Li Yanran, also hesitant.

"Xing Guogong is indeed brave, let's get started."

Li Yanran glanced at Su Dingfang, since you didn't listen to the advice, you can't blame yourself.

Li Feng opened the fire cover, ignited the fuse directly, and then ran away regardless of the situation.

When the remaining people saw this action, they also ran away with their heads in their hands, for fear of being hit by the aftermath of the explosion.


There was a loud noise, and there was another cloud of dust, with flying snow and mud everywhere.


Feeling the power of the explosion, even Su Dingfang was startled, but he stood as straight as a cedar and did not even move.


After the aftermath cleared, Su Dingfang pulled the dirt off his face and took a breath of air.

A small crater had been blown out of the original place, and the surrounding area was covered with snow and a mess.

"Xing Guogong, how are you?"

Li Yanran glanced at Su Dingfang with admiration. After all, he was a God of War who had experienced hundreds of battles, but he was much stronger than Cheng Chubi and the others.

"Your Highness, what is this? It seems to be somewhat different from the Fire Dragon Cannon."

Su Dingfang looked at Li Yanran with nothing but shock in his eyes.

Although the Fire Dragon Cannon can kill enemies invisible, it is obvious that this one is more useful.

When marching and fighting, especially frontal field battles, he thought to himself that the Tang army was no worse than any enemy.

After all, the current soldiers of the Tang Dynasty are unique in terms of their elite level and equipment.

One more fire dragon cannon and one less fire dragon cannon actually doesn't matter. Now the only things that can stop Datang's footsteps are the cavalry and the city.

If this thing in front of us can really be applied on the battlefield, it will not improve the Tang Dynasty in the slightest.

If the enemy's city is no longer a place for them to settle down, how desperate the opponent will be.

If there is no need to attack the city, how much loss can be reduced by the elites of the Tang Dynasty.

"Yes, this is actually the biggest secret of the Fire Dragon Cannon, black powder."

Li Yanran smiled slightly and told the secret of black powder.

"Your Highness, this black gunpowder can be made into a weapon for siege, such as directly blowing up city walls or city gates? Can it also be thrown with a trebuchet?"

Sure enough, Su Dingfang's problem was very different from Li Siwen's.

'Although it has not been tested, it should be possible. '

Li Yanran nodded. Although the use of gunpowder in the early stage was to refine elixirs, its greatest use in the later stage was in the military.There have been many cases in later generations of cannons blowing up city gates directly, so it should be no problem.

"Your Highness, isn't this thing dangerous?"

Su Dingfang frowned. This thing exploded so violently that it was hard to imagine what would happen if it exploded here and here.

Just thinking about it makes me shudder.

"Xing Guogong is right. Although this black gunpowder is powerful, it also has many shortcomings."

"First of all, it is flammable and explosive. The slightest spark will cause the black powder to explode. Secondly, this thing cannot be exposed to water. It will return to moisture. Once it gets wet, it will lose its effect."

Li Yanran nodded. He was the Duke after all, and he immediately understood the danger of this gunpowder.

The great explosion of the Apocalypse during the Ming Dynasty is the best example. It affected half of the capital. Fortunately, the palace was far away, otherwise the emperor would have been wiped out.

If this thing is not stored properly, if it really explodes, not to mention Su Dingfang, even if Iron Man comes, he will have to die.


Hearing Li Yanran's explanation, Su Dingfang was not too shocked.

Everything cannot be perfect, and everything has its two sides.

Compared with the capabilities of black powder, these shortcomings are really nothing. As long as you are careful, there shouldn't be any big problems.

"Xing Guogong, this thing is not perfect yet. How to store it and how to transport it are all problems.
If you really want to use it, I suggest you just bring the ingredients and wait until you get to the battlefield to prepare them.

This will avoid problems during transportation, and you must stay away from the gunpowder.

After all, you are the leader of an army. If this black powder really explodes and affects you, it will be a huge loss to Datang. "

Li Yanran looked at Su Dingfang who was not taking it seriously and also expressed his thoughts, especially warning the other party to stay away from black powder.

If the explosion hadn't hit others and sent him away, the direction of history might have changed.

"Thank you for your advice, Your Highness. Su Dingfang understands."

Su Dingxiang saluted Li Yanran. He knew that the other party was doing it for his own good and that his advice was very pertinent.

This black powder is extremely violent. If you really want to prepare it and go on the road, you will inevitably be worried along the way. Rather than transporting it separately, it is indeed the best way.

"Also, the black powder can be wrapped in a quilt and tied tightly. The tighter it is wrapped, the more powerful it will be when it explodes.

It is also best to store the made black powder in wooden containers, such as barrels, and be sure to avoid metal substances.

Because static electricity generated by metal friction is likely to cause gunpowder explosions.

That's all I know, the rest is up to Mr. Xing Guogong to figure out. "

Li Yanran said to Su Dingfang while drawing pictures on the ground with branches.


Su Dingfang nodded. Li Yanran was indeed the creator of the Fire Dragon Cannon, and his understanding of black powder was far beyond that of people of this generation.

With her advice, Datang could avoid many detours.

"Well, Cheng Chubi is preparing hot pot and invite Duke Xing to taste our delicacies."

Li Yanran has nothing to say now. She has told everything she knows. From now on, she can only rely on the other party.


Everyone was excited when they heard about Yaochi Hot Pot, especially the ace chef Cheng Chubi.

"Your Highness, let's forget it. It's getting late now. If we continue to eat, we won't be able to return to Chang'an today."

My purpose of coming here has been achieved, and it is time to return to Chang'an. If I really have to spend the night in the fiefdom, I will inevitably be gossiped about.

Even if Li Yanran is a princess, he doesn't want people to say that he rose to power by currying favor with the royal family.

"Mr. Xing, are you going to disobey His Highness's order?"

Before Li Yanran said anything, Cheng Chubi became unhappy.

You must know that even in a fiefdom, hot pot is not always eaten. It's so easy to have such an opportunity and you say you don't want to eat it.

How is this possible?


Everyone was stunned when they heard Cheng Chubi's words, including Li Yanran and Su Dingfang.

"Xing Guogong, don't be offended. He...he has lost his mind and gone crazy."

Li Yanran said and kicked Cheng Chubi on the butt.

You bastard, I am the Duke of the country, are you crazy because of your failure?

"This, your highness.

Su Dingfang is about to go on an expedition. He wants to spend more time with his family these days and hopes to forgive him.

When I return triumphantly from Tuhun Valley, I will definitely come to pay my respects. "

Su Dingfang was also embarrassed, scratched his head and confessed to Li Yanran.

"Well, I'm fine. This is what Xing Guozheng should do. He's being too abrupt. Let's go!"

Li Yanran glared at Cheng Chubi again, "You little bastard, wait for me."

A stick that fails to succeed but fails to succeed.

I'll take care of you later.


As Li Yanran watched, Su Dingfang's carriage started slowly and left the fiefdom towards Chang'an.

"Brother Li, do you want to eat hot pot yet?"

Cheng Chubi glanced at Li Yanran. He didn't care about anything else. He only cared about whether he wanted to eat the hot pot or not.

"Eat? Beat him!"

Li Yanran was really offended by Cheng Chubi. Eat, eat, eat. What else do you know besides eating?

"beat him!"

"Catch him, don't let this idiot get away."

"Hold him, hold him."

Several people also acted immediately and immediately pushed Cheng Chubi to the ground and beat him violently.

"Okay, tie him up and let's eat hot pot."


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