My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 518 Making Fireworks

Chapter 518 Making Fireworks

Hearing this, several people were dumbfounded.

Put mud in a paper tube?What the hell!
"Brother Li, what's the point of pretending to be mud?"

Li Siwen came closer to Li Yanran, his eyes full of doubts.

He really couldn't imagine what Li Yanran did by filling the paper tube with mud.

"How can I explain it to you? What I want to make is called fireworks. It's the kind of thing that explodes into the sky with a bang and then explodes in the sky."

"Sealing mud inside actually gives the fireworks a recoil force, a force that makes them fly into the sky."

Li Yanran also had nothing to say, so she explained the principle of fireworks flying into the sky.

"Recoil force?"

Now a few people were even more dumbfounded. What is recoil?

"What does this recoil mean?"

Cheng Chubi came closer, his eyes full of curiosity.

He felt like he might be growing a brain again.


Li Yanran was also depressed. How could she explain this?

There will be a small science class here, and these idiots must be able to understand it!

"It's actually very simple, just like!"

Li Yanran said and punched Cheng Chubi in the belly.

"Brother Li? Why did you hit me?"

Although Li Yanran's fist didn't hurt, Cheng Chubi also looked confused and didn't understand what was going on.

"Did you just see my hand flick back?"

Ignoring Cheng Chubi, Li Yanran just asked the people around her.

As Li Siwen said this, he also punched Cheng Chubi in the belly, and when he felt the reaction force Li Yanran said, he understood instantly.


Cheng Chubi was stunned, Brother Li hit me, I have nothing to say, why do you idiot dare to hit me.

No matter what Li Siwen said, Cheng Chubi punched him with one punch.

"Cheng Chubi, why are you so crazy?"

"Li Siwen, I promised you to hit me, but don't you want me to hit you?"

"Damn it, I'm doing an experiment, I'm going to fight you."

Both of them had bad tempers, so they started fighting each other.

"That's enough, pull them apart!"

Looking at the two people in front of her, Li Yanran also slapped her forehead.

This damn God really treats me well. How can I have such two amazing men under my command?

"Li Siwen, do you understand?"

Seeing the embarrassed Li Siwen, Li Yanran also had high hopes for him.

After all, this is the only one who is somewhat normal among the four.

"Brother Li means that after the black powder explodes, it will impact downwards and then fly into the sky with fireworks? Is that right?"

Li Siwen wiped the dirt from his face, glared at Cheng Chubi, and then said what he had understood.

"Yes, that's what it means. I sealed the door with mud to ensure the airtightness of the fireworks. If the air leaks, they won't be able to fly."

Li Yanran nodded. Little Zhuge was smart and didn't let herself down.

"What are you proud of? Are you relying on our belly?"

Looking at Li Siwen's small eyes, Cheng Chubi gave a look of disdain.

If we didn't have a belly like ours, would you be able to figure it out with your brain?

"There's so much nonsense, hurry up and get to work."

Just give Cheng Chubi a blank look and your stomach will be a little tired. As for your brain, forget it!

The idiots didn't dare to speak anymore and immediately began to dig up the wet mud and fill it into the paper tube.

"The soil must be compacted and pounded firmly. If it is not pounded firmly, air will leak."

"Cheng Chubi, what are you doing? What I want is mud. Why are you pouring snow into it?"

"Chang Sunyan, please try harder, haven't you eaten?"

Li Yanran stood in the distance and acted as a supervisor, constantly pointing out the mistakes of several fools.

After all the paper tubes were filled with wet mud, Li Yanran fell into thinking again.

"Your Highness, there is something you don't know whether to say or not?"

Di Renjie witnessed all the processes and frowned.

"what happened?"

"Your Highness, I understand the recoil force you just mentioned, but if you solidify it with soil like this, when the black powder explodes, how can you determine whether the recoil force is upward or downward?"

Di Renjie also expressed his inner thoughts.


Everyone was stunned when they heard Di Renjie's words.

That's right, you are firm down there. Isn't this just like the bamboo tube firecrackers you made, which exploded immediately?

Li Yanran was also dumbfounded, squatting on the ground and drawing circles.

After thinking for a while, she realized that she might have done something wrong.

Te Miao's two kicks seem to be hollow underneath, and are sealed with mud on top.

After all, he is a smart person, but he is different from those fools.

"I know what to do. First fill the paper tube with gunpowder."

Li Yanran smiled slightly and kicked her twice, but she could still stump herself.

Although everyone was still a little confused, they immediately followed Li Yanran's instructions.

Carefully fill the gunpowder into the paper tube, then stop when it is full.

What’s next?

Li Yanran was also stumped. Logically speaking, she should fill in the lead wire and then seal the door with clay, but it seems that there is no lead wire yet!
If you just put the paper in, it will be destroyed in the mud, which will be really depressing.

The most urgent task is to make the leads.

But what to do with the leads?

Li Yanran squatted on the ground again and began to draw circles.

"Brother Li? What to do next?"

Changsun Yan was also confused when he looked at Li Yanran who was squatting on the ground and drawing circles.

"How to do it? You first twist the paper to make a lead." "Lead?"

Several people were confused again, what is a lead?
Why does Brother Li have so many nouns?

"Lead? You can twist the paper out for me first."

Li Yanran didn't know how to explain it, because she didn't know how to do it, so she could only experiment step by step.


Twisting the lead is very simple, just twist the paper into a line.

Li Yanran lit the fuse she had just rubbed and waited to see the effect.

The paper was twisted too tightly, which took a long time to burn.

"That's not good!"

Li Yanran frowned. If this paper twister was used as a fuse, the fireworks would fall to the ground and the second layer of gunpowder would not be able to explode.

"Your Highness, do you think this paper twister burns too slowly?"

Di Renjie also frowned and asked Li Yanran what he thought.

"Well, this paper twister burns too slowly and goes out easily. Is there anything I can use as a substitute?"

Li Yanran nodded and stated her needs.

"Your Highness, have you ever thought about adding some black powder to this paper twist?"


After hearing Di Renjie's words, Li Yanran also suddenly realized.

Why didn't I think of it?

Adding gunpowder to the paper twister can not only increase the burning speed, but also ensure that the paper twister will not go out.

After all, he is a cultural person, but he is different.

"Why are you standing there, why don't you do it quickly?"

Li Yanran glared at Changsun Yan, "Why are you staring at your little eyes? Work!"

Changsun Yan shivered and quickly followed Di Renjie's idea.

Soon the brand new leads were placed in front of several people.

"Who wants some?"

Li Yanran frowned. This thing was filled with black powder after all. What if it exploded if the operation was not good?

"Brother Li, I'm a slow runner, so don't count on me for this job."

Changsun Yan jumped out first.

Among these people, I am the slowest runner. If it explodes, I won't even have a chance to run.


Li Siwen also had panic in his eyes. After all, everyone knew the power of this black powder. He had not yet married a wife, and he did not want to die young.

"Let me do it!"

After looking at the crowd, Cheng Chubi also stood up with a pat on his chest.

Now let me show you what a macho man is, isn't he just a lead?

Looking at each of you, I'm scared to death.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you, everyone, stay back."

Now that Cheng Chubi stood up, Li Yanran ran away immediately.

The same goes for the other people, who all stayed away from the scene.

Looking at the lead in front of him, Cheng Chubi also swallowed.

This thing is something that is said and done.

After all, no one is a fool.

"Cheng Chubi, you'd better order it!"

Changsun Yan looked at Cheng Chubi who was motionless from a distance and shouted directly at him.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Are you the only one who talks nonsense?"

Li Yanran jumped up and slapped Changsun Yan. If you don't dare to do it yourself, just stop talking nonsense.

After hearing Chang Sun Yan's words, Cheng Chubi gritted his teeth and put the fire breaker on the lead wire.


When the fuse caught fire, it ignited, so Cheng Chubi also ran away.

But before he could even run a few steps, the fire was already burning behind him.


Looking at the burned fuse, everyone was stunned.

Is this too fast?

Several people came over and looked at the black marks on the ground, but they were all helpless.

The paper twister burned too slowly just now, and the current one burns too fast. What should I do?
"No, we have to improve!"

After pinching the burning remains of the fuse, Li Yanran started drawing circles again.

I just want to be a firework, why is it so difficult to take the first step?

Di Renjie also squatted on the ground and frowned as he looked at the wreckage in front of him.

If it is not loaded with gunpowder, it will burn slowly, but if it is loaded with gunpowder, it will burn faster. So, loading less gunpowder or adding a little more can solve the problem.

While talking, Di Renjie also got a piece of paper, tore it into small strips, and then placed it in the small jar containing gunpowder.

After stirring for a while, the original white paper had been dyed black by black gunpowder.

After taking a look, he also twisted the black paper into a lead with his hands.

"Your Highness, try again?"

Li Yanran was also stunned when she looked at the black lead handed over by Di Renjie.

What is this operation?
Although she didn't understand what Di Renjie meant, Li Yanran still gave Li Feng a look.

Li Feng also took out a fire stick and lit the fuse that Di Renjie had rubbed.

Now that it was confirmed that the fuse would not explode, several people squatted on the ground and watched the fuse burn.

"Prick, prick, prick."

The newly made fuse also began to burn, with sparks rising as it burned.

Although the new lead is thinner than the previous one, the burning speed is much slower.

When the fuse burned out, several people looked at Li Yanran together.

Is this done?
"This is it!"

(End of this chapter)

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