My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 519: Sun Simiao is an alchemist?

Chapter 519: Sun Simiao is an alchemist?

Li Yanran's eyes were full of smiles and she gave Di Renjie an approving look.

After all, it’s the famous Mr. Di Ge, he’s so awesome.

Can even things like leads be solved?

I really underestimated the wisdom of the ancients. I didn't expect that the other party would easily win what I couldn't solve.

"Then what should I do next?"

After hearing that it was done, several people were also excited. The lead was solved, what next?
"Next, get a small paper tube, insert it into the black powder, and then use clay."


After hearing Li Yanran's words, several people were confused again. Why do they still need to use clay?
What on earth is Brother Li playing at?

"Why are you standing still, do it!"

Looking at the stunned people, Li Yanran kicked Changsun Yan on the butt.

"Brother Li, if you don't kick so many people, why did you kick me alone?"

Changsun Yan was confused, there are so many people out there, why did you just kick me?
This is a bit too unfair!
"I think you look better than Pan An. Who can I beat if I don't beat you?"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes and blurted out her famous words.

"Pan An? That's no problem. It'll be fine if you hit him two more times."

Hearing Brother Li praise him so much, Changsun Yan immediately became excited.

Pan An!
That is a handsome man whose name has been recorded in the history books. It seems that I am really handsome.

Otherwise, how could Brother Li call himself that?

If a person is handsome, he is really unstoppable.

"Brother Li, why don't you give me a kick too? I think I'm a little prettier than Chang Sun Yan."

When Cheng Chubi heard this, he immediately stopped and raised his buttocks to wait for Li Yanran's big feet.

"I'll kick your big watermelon, get to work quickly!"

Li Yanran is really stupid. Don't these people know themselves?
I just said that casually, do you still take it seriously?

She really wants to send a few words to a few people now, that is, you know how valuable you are, and you know how valuable you are!

If you are like this, I really can’t help you.

"Oh oh oh,"

Seeing Li Yanran's face turned dark, several people also hurried over to work.

Quickly following Li Yanran's method, several paper tubes were used to prepare the second layer of clay.

Stuff the newly made lead into the reserved small paper tube, then repeat the previous action and fill in the bottom layer of gunpowder.

After everything was done, simply wrap it with paper and gunpowder underneath, drill a hole, and insert the lead.

Looking at the several large kickers in front of her, Li Yanran's eyes were full of excitement.

If you want to make fireworks, this is the first step. Only by making this thing rise into the sky and explode can you make brilliant fireworks.

"Brother Li, what should I do next?"

Seeing that Li Yanran was speechless, several people also looked over.

"Next? It's an experiment."

Li Yanran smiled slightly. Now she could only hope that these two kicks would be successful, otherwise all the hard work would be in vain.

"Experiment? Can we let it go?"

Changsun Yan was also excited when he heard that he was going to experiment.

After working so hard for so long, is it finally time to reap the rewards?
"Well, who's coming?"

Li Yanran nodded.

"I'll come!"

Cheng Chubi once again stepped forward to play the role of Thunderbolt.

"Okay, Cheng Chubi, you are indeed a real man!"

After looking at Cheng Chubi, Changsun Yan also gave a thumbs up.

This guy is really a tiger. Anyway, he wouldn't dare to do it for himself.

"I count on you!"

Li Siwen also patted Cheng Chubi on the shoulder and nodded to him.


Yuchihuan's words almost made Cheng Chubi break his guard.

God damn, go all the way. If you can talk, just say it. If you can't, just keep your mouth shut.

I'm lighting fireworks, not bombs. I really want to thank you.

"Okay, everyone, get out of the way! Cheng Chubi, don't be too nervous. Our lead is long enough for you to escape!"

Li Yanran is also about to get drunk, this guy always speaks amazing words.

It was her fault that she was educated, otherwise she would have given Cheng Chubi a few words of praise.

A group of people also hurriedly evacuated, leaving Cheng Chubi alone.

After taking a deep breath, Cheng Chubi also opened the fire folder and clicked directly on the lead.


The fuse ignited when it caught fire, and Cheng Chubi ran away without even daring to look back.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the lead, and when the lead burned into the paper tube, they all held their breath.

A stream of white smoke slowly emerged from the paper tube, just when everyone was confused.


There was a loud noise, and an object shot into the sky in the smoke.

After waiting for about a second or two, there was another bang, and the newly made firecrackers exploded in the air like thunder.




Seeing the effect in front of them, everyone was stunned.

What the hell is this?

I have worked so hard for so long, and this is just this thing?
Brother Li, what on earth are you doing!

This is too disappointing!
Unlike several others, Li Yanran almost didn't jump.

It's done, it's done.She really didn't expect that she would be able to make this firework for the first time. She was so excited.

"Brother Li? Is this what you call fireworks?"

Changsun Yan looked at Li Yanran angrily. He had been looking forward to it for so long. Is this what you call the bright fireworks?
"This can only be called two kicks. It is the prototype of fireworks. All we have to do next is find it?"

Speaking of this, Li Yanran was stunned again.

She had heard the flame reaction, but she really didn't know what it was exactly.

It seems that all heavy metal substances are used.

But where do these things come from?
She really didn't know. After all, there was no periodic table of elements, and she didn't have a method to refine it. How could she do this?
Nowadays, there seems to be only one kind of person doing these heavy metal stuff, and that is the alchemists.

"Found what?"

Changsun Yan was stunned, why did Li Yanran stop talking.

"Find it. Let's do this for now while I think about it!"

Li Yanran was a little less interested as she spoke, and she still took it for granted. She still had to think about what to do next for this special cat.

"Chang Sun Yan, are there any famous alchemists in Chang'an?"


Hearing this name, everyone was confused again.

Aren't you going to make fireworks?Why are you looking for an alchemist again?
Could it be that Brother Li also wants to live forever?
"Your Highness, it's better not to touch a top-notch alchemist! After all,"

Di Renjie frowned and quickly spoke to Li Yanran.

Of all the great emperors in history, there is no one who has not been tricked by an alchemist.

Not to mention the distant Emperor Qin Shihuang and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, let’s just talk about the late Emperor Taizong. In his later years, he was obsessed with elixirs and wanted to seek immortality. Didn’t he also fail to achieve his wish?
Moreover, there are secret rumors from the palace that Emperor Taizong's death was caused by taking too much so-called elixir.

Therefore, this method of refining immortality cannot be trusted.

He didn't want Li Yanran to get involved with those alchemists at a young age.

"I know what you want to say. How old am I? How can I use the so-called elixir to extend my life? I have something to ask them."

Li Yanran naturally understood what Di Renjie meant. She was not a fool, so how could she be obsessed with elixirs?

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of emperors in history who died because of this alchemy.

How can a modern person believe this?

She went to the alchemist just to see if they had the heavy metals she needed so that the fireworks could live up to their name.

If it weren't for this, she wouldn't want to have anything to do with those people even if I beat her to death.

Otherwise, why would only the emperor take those elixirs, but not the alchemists?

It’s not that I’m afraid that I’ll die too quickly.

"Your Highness, if you really think so, Di Renjie recommends someone who will surely satisfy you."

Di Renjie was relieved to hear that Li Yanran was not seeking elixir.


After taking a look at the most intelligent person in the fiefdom, Li Yanran also became interested.

The person who Di Renjie can recommend solemnly must not be an ordinary person, and is very likely to be the person he is looking for.

"This person is far away in the sky, but close in front of us."


Li Yanran was stunned and glanced at the fools in front of her?

How could there be an alchemist here that I wanted?
Looking around, Li Yanran also set her sights on Di Renjie.

According to what he said, the most likely person among these people is Di Renjie.

Could he still do this?
"Di Renjie, this person can't be you, right?"


Upon hearing Li Yanran's question, Di Renjie was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

"Your Highness, have you forgotten King Sun Yao? He is a well-known King of Medicine, and he even has the book "Essentials of the Taiqing Alchemy Sutra" handed down to the world. Isn't he exactly the person your Highness is looking for?"

Li Yanran slapped her thigh. She was so out of her mind that she had forgotten about Sun Simiao.

This guy is the leader of the Taoist sect, and most of those alchemists are Taoists. Is it possible to say that Sun Simiao doesn't know how to make alchemy?

"Let's go and find Sun Simiao immediately."

Just do it, Li Yanran also took the lead and ran towards the carriage.

The others were stunned for a moment, and then left.

It was Di Renjie who carefully collected the remaining two kicks, stepped on the carriage and ran towards the town.

"Sun Yao Wang, Sun Yao King."

Returning to the fiefdom, Li Yanran rushed directly into Sun Simiao's house.

Sun Simiao, who was enjoying life while enjoying tea and cakes, was startled by the sudden appearance of Li Yanran.

"Your Highness, can you please stop doing this in the future? Sun Simiao has his neck buried in the soil. If you scare him like this, he will probably die immediately."

Sun Simiao glanced at Li Yanran angrily, astonished.

If it weren't for the old master and my good health skills, if it were an ordinary old man over 100 years old, maybe it would be fine.

"Sun Yaowang, can you make elixirs?"

Li Yanran didn't care about that now and went straight to the topic.


Hearing this, Sun Simiao also frowned.

He does know how to make alchemy. Not only can he make alchemy, but he is also very proficient in it. But why are you asking this at such a young age?

"Yes, alchemy,"

Li Yanran nodded. Although she knew that Sun Simiao would definitely be able to make elixirs, she was still a little unsure since he didn't admit it personally.

"I still know a little bit about alchemy, but let me make it clear first, I won't help you make alchemy! Don't even think about it!"

Sun Simiao glanced at Li Yanran again and immediately blocked the other party's path to alchemy.

"I don't make elixirs, King Sun Yao, do you know anything that can change the color of flames?"

Li Yanran's face also fell. Is I that kind of person?

Alchemy?Even if you want to practice for me, I won’t agree.

Isn’t this a bullshit!

(End of this chapter)

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