My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 520 The brighter the thing, the more dangerous it is!

Now Sun Simiao was completely confused. What the hell?

You asked me if I know how to make elixirs, just to ask if I know something that changes the color of flames?
Are you being a little rude?

Although I say I don’t help people make elixirs, it’s very insulting for you to say so.

"Do you know or not?"

Unlike Sun Simiao, Li Yanran's eyes were shining, expecting the other party to give her a good answer.

"I really know a lot of things that make flames change color!"

Although Sun Simiao was a little unhappy, as long as Li Yanran didn't come here for elixir refining, he had nothing to say.

Isn't it just to make the flame change color?
I have lived for more than 100 years and have never seen anything.

"Really? Tell me quickly!"

Sure enough, Sun Simiao did not disappoint him.

"Of course it's true! But tell me first, why are you looking for these things?"

Sun Simiao also showed a hint of interest in his eyes, wondering what the princess wanted to do.

"I'm going to make fireworks, so tell me everything you know first!"

"Fireworks? What are fireworks?"

Sun Simiao was even more confused. He didn't understand what these fireworks were.
You actually need to use the same things you used when you made alchemy?

"I told you, you don't understand. To put it bluntly, it's powered by black powder."

"Wait, what did you just say?"

Sun Simiao became uneasy after hearing this. What did he hear?
Black powder?
Isn't that something you made yourself?
How could Princess Lishan know?
"Black powder! Is there a problem?"

Li Yanran was stunned. She wondered why Sun Simiao was so excited. Does it have anything to do with you?
"Of course there is a problem! Have you peeked into my secret book?"


"Secret secret book? What is it?"

Li Yanran was completely confused now. She knew that black gunpowder was one of China's four great inventions, but she didn't know who the inventor of black gunpowder was.

Sun Simiao is the leader of the Taoist sect. Judging from this, could it be said that Sun Simiao actually invented this black gunpowder?
My dear, the flood has washed away the Dragon King Temple, and the whole family no longer recognizes each other.


Looking at the confused Li Yanran, Sun Simiao also spoke slowly.

"Grind and mix two ounces each of saltpeter and sulfur, then burn the saponins into charcoal and throw them in to create fireworks. I call it the sulfur fire method, which is the black gunpowder you just mentioned."


Sure enough, after hearing this, Li Yanran was sure that the harmless old man in front of her was the person who invented black powder.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Sun Simiao.

"You, you, this thing is very unstable. If you are not careful, it will cause an explosion. Do you want to die?"

Sun Simiao suddenly became stern and shouted at Li Yanran with wide eyes.

"Sun Yaowang, of course I know the power of black gunpowder, so hurry up and tell me something that can change the color of the flame!"

Li Yanran took a deep breath, so what if you invented black gunpowder, mine is stronger and more powerful than yours.

And I don’t have any other ideas now, I just want to build a firework. As for the explosion, that’s not something I can consider.

The technology of future generations is so advanced that even things cannot be avoided, so what can I do?


Seeing Li Yanran's disinterested look, Sun Simiao immediately became angry.

"Little girl, I'm afraid you don't know the dangers of black powder. I would like to advise you not to get involved with such things. Black powder is not something you can control."


Li Yanran is really speechless. You should stop talking about these useless things. I am here to get something that can produce a flame reaction, not to listen to your lectures.

As a time traveler, if I still don’t know the power of gunpowder, I’m afraid I was a fool before I traveled through time.

"Sun Yaowang, I understand, so give me what I want!"

"you you you."

Sun Simiao was choked by Li Yanran's words. How can you be enlightened at all?

Black powder is really too dangerous. This kid really doesn’t know how powerful it is.

"Give you!"

Sun Simiao really didn't want to see Li Yanran now. He was afraid that if he waited any longer, he would be pissed to death.

Looking at the pamphlet thrown by Sun Simiao, Li Yanran immediately started reading it.

You wouldn't know it if you didn't look at it, but Li Yanran was really shocked when she saw that there were rows of densely written small characters.

After some searching, Li Yanran also began to write down what she wanted.

"Sulfur burns blue, gall alum burns green, cinnabar burns red, and gray stone fish fire can be said to be red."

Li Yanran felt extremely satisfied after recording what she could understand.

This saves me a lot of effort, and the fireworks are already waving to me.

Putting the booklet on the table, Li Yanran turned around and left.

"and many more!"

Li Yanran was also stunned by Sun Simiao's sudden shout.

He turned to look at the old man, wondering what he was going to do.

"Will I go with you, old man? I'll save you from being in danger again if you act recklessly."

Sun Simiao came directly to Li Yanran.

Li Yanran was helpless. Since you want to go, let me show you what shock is.

"You can go if you want. You must have these things here. How about giving me some? It will save me the trouble of looking for them again."


Sun Simiao was also depressed when he heard Li Yanran's shameless request.

Her Highness the Princess really didn't suffer at all. She just wanted to go and have a look for safety reasons, so you want to take advantage of me?

These things were all collected by me through hard work. I have never seen anyone so shameless. "What? I invite you to watch the fireworks. You don't want to go there empty-handed, do you?"

Looking at Sun Simiao's old and aggrieved face, Li Yanran curled her lips and said.

"Hmph, here it is, alright!"

Sun Simiao shook his head, took a deep breath and walked towards the inner room. After a while, he walked out carrying a wooden box.

"Let's go!"


The two left together, this time they did not go to the snow forest, but went directly to the school grounds.

A group of fools were waiting there. When they saw Li Yanran coming with Sun Simiao, they were all stunned.

"Brother Li, why did you bring Sun Yaowang here?"

Changsun Yan asked Li Yanran with a look of disgust.

"Master Changsun, why? You seem very unhappy when I come here!"

Looking at Chang Sun Yan's long face, Sun Simiao also sneered at him.

Boy, you look very crazy. It seems that next time you are injured, I will give you something cruel.

"How. How could it be possible? I couldn't ask for King Sun Yao to come over."

Changsun Yan was stunned and immediately saluted Sun Simiao.

After all, this is the leader of the fiefdom, and can be said to be the leader of the entire Datang medical community. If he is offended.

His fate is already foreseeable. If he doesn't die, he will probably shed his skin.

"You'd better think so, otherwise I'll force you to know our methods."

Sun Simiao rolled his eyes at Chang Sun Yan, "Your words saved yourself, otherwise you would have been miserable."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and get ready to work."

Li Yanran was too lazy to pay attention to Chang Sun Yan's idiot, so she walked in with her feet raised.

Entering the house, Sun Simiao also opened his treasure box, and inside was a style of style.

The wooden lattice is also red, yellow, blue, white, and there are things of various colors.

"What treasure is this?"

Seeing the colorful flowers in front of him, Changsun Yan was also stunned. He grabbed a blue sail and put it in front of him.

"lay down!"

Sun Simiao shouted loudly, which startled Changsun Yan, and he quickly put Lan Fan back.

"Sun Yaowang, is this the case?"

Chang Sun Yan looked at Sun Simiao with a depressed look. What happened to this old man? He almost scared himself to death.

"Remember, the more colorful things are, the more dangerous they are. These things are poisonous. If you don't want to die, just touch them!"

Sun Simiao glared at Chang Sun Yan angrily, "If you want to die, I won't stop you, but stay away from me, don't let me watch and get upset."


Hearing this, Changsun Yan was also startled and jumped away quickly.

This special meow is simply too terrifying, so that's how it is to kill someone invisible.

Looking at Chang Sun Yan's appearance, Sun Simiao also put on a pair of linen gloves, then took out the medicine mortar, placed Lan Fan in the medicine mortar, and began to grind it with a medicine pestle.

Soon Lan Fan turned into pieces in the medicine mortar, and after grinding for a while, only the blue powder remained.

He took out a small wooden tube and put the blue sail powder into the wooden tube, then took out the sulfur and started grinding it.

After some actions, everything Li Yanran requested was ready.

"All right!"

Sun Simiao glanced at Li Yanran and pushed all the wooden tubes over.

"Is that all right?"

Li Yanran was stunned, is it that simple?
"What else do you want? Do you know how much it will cost? How much energy?"

Sun Simiao's beard is about to fly. It's easy for you to say, but I figured out how to get these things.

Is that all?
I really don't know.

"Okay, okay, I see!"

Li Yanran was also depressed. Didn't I just ask, is it the same as stepping on a cat's tail?


Sun Simiao snorted coldly and turned away from her.

There was really nothing he could do about this Li Yanran, and all his years of self-restraint were lost when facing him.

A [-]-year-old man was really annoyed by a child of a few years old all day long, and he was really surprised.

"Okay, why are you still standing there? Get to work!"

Li Yanran glared at the people around her and directly motioned for them to work.

Several people looked at each other and started working immediately.

Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huanjin were responsible for the paper roll, Chang Sun Yan and Li Siwen were responsible for the production of the lead, and Li Feng was the most critical, the mixing of black powder.

Sun Simiao was also stunned when he saw how skillfully everyone divided their work.

This seems to have been practiced before, otherwise it would not be like this.

After a while, all the preparations were in place. Looking at the things in front of him, even though Sun Simiao had lived for more than 100 years, he didn't know what they were used for.

"Are these fireworks?"

"That's right!"

"Assemble it!"


Li Yanran smiled slightly, and then it was time to witness the miracle.

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