My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 521: Life and death after 8 rounds!

Several people were also excited and began to assemble according to the previous method.

During this period, Li Yanran also brought the powder on hand and added the powder grinded by Sun Simiao to the black gunpowder.

After everything was done, everyone stared at the fireworks in front of them, their eyes full of anticipation.

"Brother Li, when does it start?"

After looking at Li Yanran, Chang Sun Yan slowly asked.

"Now is not the time. Let's wait until night."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, now is not the time, the best time to set off fireworks is at night.

Just watch, it will definitely make your jaw drop when the time comes.

"Night? Why wait until night? Isn't it good now?"

Changsun Yan was stunned, not knowing what Li Yanran had in mind.

"Why do you talk so much nonsense and don't know what it means to have a good meal and not be afraid of being late? Just stay here!"

If you dare to be nagging again, I will beat you and break your legs! "

Li Yanran really wants to slap him with big ears. What's the point of setting off fireworks during the day?

You know the mood at all, Bang Chui.


Changsun Yan shivered and immediately shut up.

Li Yanran knows very well and does what he says.

If he was beaten because of this, wouldn't he be in trouble to death?

A group of people were staring at each other there. It was still some time before dark, so they just waited?
"Would you like to play mahjong?"

Li Yanran looked at everyone and asked slowly.

"Then let's have some fun?"

"I have no opinion."

"Come on, who is afraid of whom?"

Several people were stunned at first, and then nodded together after looking at each other.

Soon a set of mahjong tiles was placed in the room, and then Li Yanran was kicked out.

The reason for a few people is very simple. You are too good at playing mahjong and they are afraid of losing, so they don't play with Li Yanran.


Seeing this scene, Li Yanran felt bad.

This special mahjong game was proposed by me, but in the end, I didn’t get to play anymore?
Where can I go to explain this?

It's so unfair.

"I advise you to talk nicely. If you don't let me play, I will go crazy!"

Li Yanran glared at the four fools, the anger in her eyes rising.

"Brother Li, you can go read a book. After all, you are still young and it is not good to think about having fun all day long!"

Changsun Yan played mahjong and said to Li Yanran nonchalantly.


read?I read you big-headed ghost.

Changsun Yan, you really think you are familiar with me, I won’t dare to beat you, right?
"Brother Li, Yanzi is right. Playing mahjong is not good after all. You'd better go read a book!"

"that is!"

"I am the same."

The three of them also spoke separately, and then continued to rub the mahjong in their hands.

"You you."

Li Yanran really wanted to overturn their table now, but after looking at a few people, she had nothing to say.

"Sun Yaowang? How about we play for a while?"


When Sun Simiao heard this, he was completely confused. What do you mean we have a party?

I don’t even know what this thing of yours is, and you want me to play with you?
Isn't this a little too much.

"Your Highness, this, this, I don't know how to do this!"

"It won't be okay, I'll teach you!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, "It's okay if you don't know how to play. We just like to play mahjong with friends who don't know how to play."

Isn’t this simply providing benefits to yourself?
"Li Feng, go prepare another pair of mahjong."


Li Feng nodded and left, and soon the second table and mahjong were placed in front of everyone.

"Come on, come on, Di Renjie, King Sun Yao, please sit down quickly."

Li Yanran sat on the chair, playing mahjong while greeting Sun Simiao and Di Renjie.


Di Renjie was stunned. What happened to him?

Sun Simiao doesn't know how to play, and he doesn't know how to play either!

"Your Highness, let me forget it!"

Di Renjie quickly shook his head and refused. He was just a small commander, how could he go to the table and play with Her Highness the Princess?

"This is an order, sit down now!"

Li Yanran glared at Di Renjie, "If you don't play, wouldn't you be in trouble?"
This would be very uncomfortable!

Di Renjie felt depressed for a while and could only accept his fate and sat opposite Li Yanran.

Sun Simiao frowned and sat next to Li Yanran.

He glared at Li Feng who was standing next to him. He also sighed and sat on the last seat.

If others don't know how powerful his young lady is, how can he not know it?

Playing mahjong with a lady, isn't that just looking for death?
"Come, come, let me teach you."

Li Yanran immediately started teaching. It was clear that both of them were not fools, and they learned all the skills in a while.

"You've learned everything, right? Then let's officially start!"

After looking at the two of them, Li Yanran also sneered.

The hunt begins!
"Your Highness, you must give way to me!"

Sun Simiao nodded. This thing looked simple, but I didn't know what it would look like when played.


Di Renjie just nodded without saying much.

"Since we want to play, we have to make some bets. You guys decide, bet money or bet your brain is broken!" Li Yanran asked the three of them while shuffling the cards.

"I have no money!"

Li Feng simply rejected the gambling proposal. His little private money was simply not enough.

Don't end up owing a lot of money after losing money, and you'll lose everything.

It's just a brain collapse. I have a strong head and can bear it.

"Money is something external to the body. I have been practicing medicine and saving people all my life, but I have never saved any money."

Sun Simiao frowned. He didn't have the money to ask for. He just had a brain breakdown. How much pain can a child play?

"Sun Yaowang, I advise you to gamble. If you lose, I can let you pay an IOU, what do you think?"

Li Yanran also frowned when she heard that Sun Simiao was about to lose his head.

She had a brain-destroying magic weapon, and when the bullet hit Sun Simiao's head, she was afraid that she would become a murderer.

If Sun Simiao was really shot to death, not only would her father torture her to death, but she would also not be able to forgive herself.

"You're just playing with your head. You're just a kid. How can you still kill an old man?"

Sun Simiao was also depressed. What's the matter, do you look down on yourself?

Although we are over 100 years old, we are still in good health. What can we do if you are just a child?

"Okay, King Sun Yao, don't regret it when the time comes."

Seeing that Sun Simiao had not yet understood the current situation, Li Yanran said nothing. When the time comes, you will know how powerful he is.

Glancing at Di Renjie beside her, Li Yanran asked slowly: "Di Renjie, I also suggest that you don't seek death like Sun Yaowang."

Di Renjie was the smartest person in her fiefdom by default, and she didn't want to blow Di Renjie's clever head.

"Your Highness, Di Renjie has no money, so I will be like Sun Yaowang!"

Di Renjie was also depressed. My salary as the commander of the city was only a small amount. With you, who has a lot of money gambling, wouldn't it be enough to eat and have nothing to do?
Although I don't have much expenses in the fiefdom, I still have to save money for my wedding.

This is my own wife, and no one can use it.

"Okay, okay, since you are not afraid of death, let's start.

I lose Gui Guanqi, and you lose once and ten of your heads are broken. This is not too much. "

Since there are three masters who want money rather than life, Li Yanran has nothing to say, so let’s get started!

Today I will let you see what it means to be Lishan's little gambling god. I don't have any pants to prevent you from losing. I am not Li Yanran.

"it is good!"


Sun Simiao and Di Renjie looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"I don't agree. I'm going to lose my mind if I keep doing it."

But Li Feng quit. Ten heads collapsed at a time, and even the iron head had to be exploded.

"Always the same? Li Feng, you have grown up, haven't you?"

Li Yanran frowned, what are you objecting to?
They both have no objections, but you have more to do.

"There's nothing I can do, I'm afraid I'll be shot to death by the lady."

Li Feng glanced at Li Yanran aggrievedly, "I'm really afraid of dying young!"

"Okay, okay, then let's get started!"

Li Yanran also waved her hand, just one. Anyway, she can raise the bet later.


The four of them also started shuffling the cards and playing mahjong in a serious manner.

It's not just for newbies to say that Mahjong is popular. Li Yanran's cards at the beginning were simply a king, so fried that she was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

After a while, he lost more than a dozen times. Seeing this, Li Yanran also started to fight back and raise his bet.

Facing Li Yanran who raised the stakes, the three of them also played cautiously.

Di Renjie and Sun Simiao, one is smart and the other is mature. Even if Li Yanran is powerful, they can still hold their own bottom line.

I would rather be touched by Li Yanran than not fire a gun.

By the last eight laps, Li Feng had lost [-] guan, while Di Renjie and Sun Simiao had only lost about [-] guan each.

"How about it, do you want to play again?"

Li Yanran smiled coldly at the three of them, now is the time to witness the miracle.

"Keep playing. I still don't believe it. I can't even beat you, my little one."

Sun Simiao stared at Li Yanran. After eight laps, he found that he couldn't stop.

If he can't win against a suckling baby today, his life will be in vain.


Di Renjie opened his mouth and was speechless.

Now if others don't say it's over, if he ends it, he will be a sinner to some extent.

"Then continue, and it will be almost done after eight more rounds."

Ignoring Di Renjie, Li Yanran directly pushed down the cards and started a new journey.

After eight rounds, Li Feng was sweating.

The three of them are not simple characters, one is cunning, one is extremely smart, and there is also the Lishan God of Gamblers.

Being sandwiched between three people, it is an exaggeration to say that it is a difficult situation in purgatory.

After a few rounds like this, he lost another forty rounds. This was the result of being more careful and careful.

If it were those fools like Chang Sun Yan, they would lose all their pants now.

"Why are you standing there? Shuffle the cards!"

After rolling her eyes at Li Feng, Li Yanran also moved her little hands through the mahjong.

Several people continued to start until the sun set, and then the battle ended.

"Come on, let's start settling!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly. After eight laps, she could be said to have won a complete victory.

Li Feng owed him [-] guan, Sun Simiao lost [-] guan of his own money, and Di Renjie lost at least [-] guan.

"Don't play anymore?"

When Sun Simiao heard that Li Yanran was about to settle the account, he turned around and saw that it was almost dark.

Why do I feel like I don’t have much time?
"Sun Yaowang, you lost seven of my skills. Logically speaking, you will lose seven of my brains. I suggest you spend money to save your life!"

After looking at Sun Simiao, Li Yanran also gave very pertinent suggestions.

It’s just Qiguan, there’s no need to risk your life.

"It's a joke, you just come here, can I still be afraid of you?"

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