My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 522 Requesting the Artifact

Sun Simiao's beard is about to fly. Who do you look down on?
It's just seven brains. Even if you hit it with your fist, what will happen? I was so scared.

"Okay, okay, King Sun Yao, don't regret it."

A trace of ridicule flashed in Li Yanran's eyes and she gave Li Feng a look.

Li Feng shivered and looked embarrassed.

Sun Simiao only lost seven points, which to be honest was not many. Even if he invited the brain-destroying artifact, he could still withstand it, but he was different.

He has lost seventy times. If he continues, he will really die.


After glaring at Li Feng, Li Yanran also felt depressed for a while. I didn't want to scare you by playing with you.

"All right!"

Li Feng sighed and left directly to ask for the brain-breaking artifact.

Looking at the wooden box brought by Li Feng, Sun Simiao and Di Renjie were also stunned, wondering what kind of object it was.

Changsun Yan and the others stopped playing and looked at Li Yanran with excitement.

They wanted to see if Sun Simiao and Di Renjie could withstand the power of the Friendship Artifact.

"Sun Yaowang, I'll give you one more chance to regret it!"

Li Yanran slowly opened the wooden box and took out the Youjin artifact inside.

"What is this?"

Looking at the things in Li Yanran's hands, Sun Simiao also frowned.

His lifelong intuition told him that this thing was definitely not a good thing, and it would probably make up for Li Yanran's physical disadvantage.

"I am a child, so it makes sense to use assistive devices!"

After putting on the friend's artifact, Li Yanran also smiled at Sun Simiao.


After saying that, Li Yanran got up her energy and played the ball directly on the mahjong table.


Hearing the crisp sound and feeling the vibration of the table, Sun Simiao and Di Renjie both gasped.

This, this power is simply a lie.

The table is a bit overwhelming, let alone the people.

If this were to hit him on the head, wouldn't it kill someone?
"Your Highness, you cheated! You cheated! I don't agree."

Sun Simiao shuddered and strongly condemned Li Yanran's cheating.

"This is the rule of this palace, King Sun Yao, do you want to give it a try?"

Li Yanran sneered. Now you have another chance to regret it. Do you want money or your life?


Sun Simiao fell silent and touched his forehead, which was covered with sweat.

"Your Highness, do you know how much these things I gave you are worth? It would cost at least a dozen pieces in the market. How about we offset each other?"

After taking a look at the fireworks in front of him, Sun Simiao also had a plan in mind.

I have money, and those things of yours are worth a lot of money, so this offsets it.


Li Yanran was stunned. She had never thought of this. It was not impossible to play.

"Your Highness, you didn't expect it! After all, we are superior in skills!"

Sun Simiao also smiled proudly, "Son, are you the only one who still wants to play with me?"

I have not lived these more than 100 years in vain.

"Haha, it's just some ore, so what if I sell it to you?"


Sun Simiao felt bad after hearing this. What's going on with Te Miao?
Will you use it now and pay it back later?
How can I say that!

Do you really think I'm scared?

This really pissed off the old man, even if he was the princess, he would dare to give her a slap in the face.

"Your Highness, let's forget it. King Sun Yao is already old and I'm afraid he won't be able to withstand this for a while!"

Di Renjie sighed. With Sun Simiao's physique, he would be gone in just a few strokes.

Do you really want to kill someone?
"Okay, just listen to Di Renjie, Sun Yaowang, you owe me your life!"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Sun Simiao and spoke slowly.

"Okay, okay, I owe you my life, okay!"

Sun Simiao also glared at Li Yanran, "Whatever you say."

The old man doesn't have much time to live anyway, so what if I owe you a life?

Can you really kill me?
"That's pretty much it, Di Renjie, stick your head over here."

Unable to hit Sun Simiao, Li Yanran turned her attention to Di Renjie.

It should be okay for you to be beaten a few times at such a young age. After all, Chang Sun Yan has already endured those fools, and he has not become any stupider.

"Your Highness, Di Renjie is convinced. It's just five dollars. There is no need for me to make fun of my own life."

Di Renjie saluted Li Yanran and immediately offered to pay for his life.

Although I have saved my own money to marry a wife, it will still be a few years before that happens.

It is not unacceptable to take out the money now.


Li Yanran was depressed. Just now, everyone was resigned to death, but now they are all shrinking.

"Li Feng, what about you? You are only [-] years old. I guess it won't be enough even if you take out all your personal money!"

Now that Sun Simiao and Di Renjie had given up, Li Yanran also set her sights on the last debtor.

"Miss, how about I pay you an IOU? The worst I can do is I won't get paid anymore, so just spare my life!"

Among these people, Li Feng is the most depressed. If he were like Di Renjie, he would admit losing a few or even a dozen.

Now that I have lost more than 70 wins, what is the concept?
If you really get beaten, then just wait until your body is collected!

"Everyone is really disappointing. Cheng Chubi come over and play it for me!"

Li Yanran bounced on the mahjong table again, stared at Cheng Chubi and shouted in a low voice.

"???" Looking at Li Yanran, Cheng Chubi felt completely unwell.

Not bad, not bad, but the movement of his feet quietly started, and he ran out like a bolt of lightning.

"The wind is screaming."

"Brother Li is crazy!"


The remaining three people also abandoned their mahjong and ran away.

"Hmph, a bunch of sticks!"

Li Yanran looked at the backs of the four people depressedly and stamped her feet.

"Sister, what's wrong? It looks like they were bitten by dogs?"

Li Hong suddenly stretched out his little head and looked at Li Yanran inside.


Everyone was stunned when they heard Li Hong's words.

Di Renjie shivered and looked at Li Yanran, thinking that the prince had come at the wrong time.

His Highness was so angry that the four sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks all ran away. You came over now.

Also, you just said that you were bitten by a dog. Doesn't that mean that Li Yanran is a puppy?
You are finished and no one can save you.

"Brother Hong, come here."

Sure enough, Li Yanran laughed instantly and showed her ten teeth towards Li Hong.

"Sister, don't smile at me, I'm scared!"

Seeing Li Yanran's bright smile, Li Hong shuddered.

He has been living with his sister for half a year. If he didn't know what his sister's temperament was, he wouldn't be alive now and would have been killed long ago.

"Come here! Sister, there is something fun here."

Li Yanran waved to her younger brother, trying to be as pleasant as possible.

"Sister, I have something else to do, so I won't disturb you."

Li Hong rolled his eyes at Li Yanran, "If I could be fooled by you, I would have been your brother for so long."

Do you really think I am a three-year-old child?
I am already six years old, no, I will be seven soon.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Hong ran away. At the same time, he secretly decided that he would not be able to go to his sister's side even if he died.

will die.

"It's a pity. I was going to set off the fireworks, but no one can see them."

Looking at Li Hong's back, Li Yanran was not nervous at all and just spoke slowly.

"Fireworks? What are fireworks?"

Hearing the new term fireworks, Li Hong also stopped and turned to ask his sister.

"Fireworks are sparks that bloom in the sky. They are bright, gorgeous and absolutely unique in the world."

Li Yanran slowly sat on the chair and explained to Li Hong while playing with the Youjin artifact.

"Sister, don't you lie to me?"

Li Hong left and came back again, holding the door open and looking at his sister with doubts in his eyes.

"Of course, these are fireworks!"

Li Yanran pointed at the put away fireworks with her hand, her eyes filled with coldness.

Xiao Lihong, Xiao Lihong, I asked you to speak without restraint.

I was also bitten by a dog, I'm really sorry you could say it.

Looking at the paper tube fireworks standing aside, Li Hong immediately believed it.

He knows best what sister is capable of. If you want to say that the other party knows poetry and books and knows the Five Classics, that is nonsense.

But when it comes to these weird things, he has no doubts about it.

"Sister, please promise first that you won't hit me! Otherwise, even if you can make money, I won't dare to go."

Although he was very interested in Li Yanran's fireworks, he knew very well that curiosity can kill a cat.

If you get beaten because of these fireworks, it's not worth it.

"You didn't make any mistakes, why should I hit you? Is Sister A such a violent person in your heart?"

After speaking, Li Yanran also glared at Li Hong.

I promise not to hit you, but I can't guarantee whether I can hit you or not.

"How could it be possible? How could sister be a violent person?"

After hearing Li Yanran's assurance, Li Hong also walked in with confidence.

Although my sister is moody, there is one thing she is good about.

Having the final say and deciding what to do, generally speaking, one should keep one's word.

"Sister, what on earth are these fireworks!"

While talking, Li Hong walked towards the fireworks, but Li Yanran grabbed his arm halfway and pulled him to his side.

"Sister, you...what do you want to do?"

Li Hong looked at the livid-faced sister and felt that she was not feeling well.

"Brother Hong, now I'm here to answer your question. Changsun Yan and the others were not bitten by dogs, but were frightened by me, so you should be able to think of the consequences!"


Hearing this, Li Hong became even more depressed.

When did I ask this question? It was just a casual comment.

Do you take this seriously?
Wouldn't it scare my little brother to death?

"Sister, so you just said, don't hit me, are you going to keep your words?"

Looking at Li Yanran tremblingly, Li Hong also said her promise just now.

"Sister, I said I won't hit you, but I didn't say I won't hit you! Just stick your head out and hit me, and I'll spare you."

Li Yanran smiled. You thought you had won, but you didn't know what you were about to face.

"Your Highness, be careful! That is His Highness the Crown Prince!"

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