My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 524 Playing Dafabet!

Following a series of explosions, fireworks shot into the sky one after another, exploding in the night sky one after another, dyeing the sky gorgeously.

Everyone enjoyed the beautiful scenery in front of them and didn't want to leave until the fireworks burned out.

"Sister Ah, why don't you let those two go too? Look at how lonely they are!"

Li Hong glanced at the two lonely fireworks, licked his lips and said to his sister.

"Don't even think about it, pack up and get ready to go back!"

Li Yanran raised her hand, but thinking that Li Hong had just become a one-horned king, she still didn't dare to kill him.

Otherwise, my little brother will become a gourd baby.

"All right!"

Li Hong was instantly discouraged, and there was nothing he could do if his sister disagreed.

After all, it is my sister who has the final say on this fiefdom, otherwise I will have to be beaten again. My head will hurt when the wind blows, let alone touching it.

Can't stand it, can't stand it.

"Sister, when will you do another one hundred and eighty? Let's just have fun."

Although these two can't move, my sister can do it. With her here, are you still worried about not seeing the fireworks?

"One hundred and eighty? What are you thinking about!"

Before Li Yanran could speak, Sun Simiao on the side couldn't bear it anymore.

You are so full that you don’t know how hungry you are. You have used a quarter of the materials you collected for these fireworks alone.

Still doing one hundred and eighty, I really don’t know what to do.


Li Hong was completely stunned at this moment. I was talking to my sister. What's the matter with you?
You are really free!

"Let's go, stop talking nonsense!"

Li Yanran kicked Li Hong and took the lead towards the carriage.


Sun Simiao also snorted coldly and followed Li Yanran.

"What's the matter!"

Li Hong was also depressed and didn't understand what was wrong with Sun Simiao.

She didn't owe him any money, so why did she put on such a face to herself?

I really don't know what to say.

The group of people left the snow forest. After a while, the birds returned to the forest and began to chirp.

If someone understands the language of birds, he or she can hear the sound of scolding one after another.

You guys are having fun, setting off fireworks at my house is really unbecoming of a human being.

When Li Yanran set off fireworks, the entire Lishan fiefdom fell into turmoil.

The strange sights appearing on the horizon plunged these ignorant people into panic.

Some people say that this is the harbinger of fire coming from heaven, and that disaster may be coming.

Some people say that it is a good omen from heaven, and because of Her Royal Highness the Princess’ kindness, auspiciousness will come to her.

Some people also say that the New Year is approaching and the Nian beast is preparing to come to the world.

In short, there are different opinions, and they have everything to say.

"Master, there is a strange phenomenon in the sky, and there is a bright light shining in the sky."

A novice came to Xuanzang's Zen room and told him about the vision he had seen.

"Is there such a thing?"

After hearing what the novice monk said, Xuanzang also frowned and walked out of the meditation room.

Looking at the sky in the distance, I felt a sigh of relief.

"Tomorrow you send a novice to Lishan to investigate and find out what the cause of this vision is. Focus on whether it is related to Princess Lishan."

Xuanzang glanced at the novice monk beside him and spoke slowly.

"Master, how could this vision be related to Princess Lishan? Are you?"

After hearing Xuanzang's words, the novice felt bad all over.

Although Princess Lishan does have wisdom, it is a bit far-fetched if you insist that it is related to her.

"The Buddha said: Do not speak."

Xuanzang glanced at the dark night sky again, turned around and walked towards the Zen room.


The novice monk also obeyed the Buddha's name and went directly to arrange Xuanzang's arrangements.

The group of people returned to the town from the snow forest and were stunned when they saw the people kneeling in the street towards the snow forest.


The scene before her really shocked her.

What's happening here?Why is it like this?
"Your Highness, this matter is troublesome!"

Di Renjie glanced at the crowd in front of him, frowned and said to Li Yanran.

"Let's talk about it at the school grounds!"

Li Yanran frowned and drove directly to the school grounds.

"Your Highness, if the people are like this, disaster may occur. If they are used by people with intentions, especially those who worship the gods in a small group, the consequences will be disastrous."

Di Renjie looked nervous and expressed what he was thinking.

"Well, you're right. I didn't think carefully this time."

Li Yanran nodded. She did not think twice this time. She did not expect that the fireworks would have such an influence.

As Di Renjie said, if those niche sects, or even cults, take the opportunity to advocate the coming of gods, big problems will really arise.

"You have to find a way to prevent it, right? Di Renjie."

He glanced at Di Renjie again. Since the other party could foresee this situation, he must have a plan to deal with it.

Leaving professional matters to professional people is the correct way to serve.


Di Renjie was also depressed. Although I saw the problem, I might not be able to solve it.

You take me too seriously! "Di Renjie, please give me a solution quickly!"

Seeing Di Renjie in a daze, Li Siwen also frowned.

If this matter is not resolved, there may be some troubles next.

The fiefdom has just gotten back on track and is in a period of prosperity. If something goes wrong because of this, it will really be a huge loss.

Besides, it’s just a firework. How can these people be like this?
Really top.

"Young gentleman, don't panic, let Di Renjie think about it for a while!"

Di Renjie glanced at Li Siwen and paced in front of everyone with his arms behind his back.

After waiting for a while, Di Renjie also saw Sun Simiao on the side.

Smiling slightly, he already had a plan to deal with it.

"Your Highness, Di Renjie already has a plan to deal with it."

"Tell me! How to do it?"

Di Renjie came to Sun Simiao and stared at him.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Sun Simiao was stared at by Di Renjie so hard that he didn't know what he wanted to do.

"Your Highness, the response should be to untie the bell but also to tie the bell. If you want to solve the problem that may arise, you have to rely on King Sun Yao."


Everyone was stunned when they heard this, especially Sun Simiao, who felt bad.

Why are you talking about yourself? What the hell?

"How to say?"

Li Yanran also frowned, wondering what Di Renjie was thinking.

"Di Renjie, don't talk nonsense. I'm just an old man. He doesn't have the abilities you mentioned."

Although I don’t know what Di Renjie wants to do, what can he do as an old man over 100 years old?
Don't try to trick the old man, I can't stand the trouble anymore.

"Actually, it's very simple. After all, Sun Yaowang is a member of the Taoist sect. As long as we take Sun Yaowang as the foundation and attribute all these things to the manifestation of the Taoist sect's founder,
As long as he adds a little more fuel to the flames, the people in the fiefdom will definitely believe it.

After all, Taoism is the state religion of our Tang Dynasty. No one can say anything about the prosperity of Taoism. "

Di Renjie smiled slightly, which scared you.

You are over 100 years old, but I can still ask you to do hard labor.

I'm just borrowing your reputation.


Upon hearing Di Renjie's words, Sun Simiao immediately shut up.

After all, he is a member of the Taoist sect. Although the other party wants to borrow his reputation, in the final analysis, it is also to bring glory to the Taoist sect.

If this matter can really come true, the people in the Lishan fiefdom will definitely flock to the Taoist sect.

Although Taoism was listed as the state religion of the Tang Dynasty, Buddhism tended to be the latecomers.

Both religions are competing for the resources of believers, but Buddhism talks about suffering, while Taoism talks about refining life.

The Buddhist sect focuses on the common people at the bottom, while the Taoist sect is keen on alchemy and focuses on the upper echelons.

Moreover, in order to compete with the development of Buddhism, Taoism has also made changes according to the current world situation. Even so, it is difficult to resist the momentum of Buddhism.

If he can contribute to Taoism, he will live up to the Taoism's kindness to him.

"Sun Yaowang, I feel that this is an opportunity. If we can really take advantage of the opportunity to light up the Great Dao Gate, it will be a good thing."

Li Yanran nodded, Di Renjie had a good idea.

It can not only curb the development of Buddhism in the fiefdom, but also quell the fireworks chaos.

It's the best of both worlds.

"I am entirely following His Highness' orders."

Sun Simiao bowed respectfully to Li Yanran.

This gift was not for him, but for the Taoist gate behind him.

If Taoism flourishes in one place, Buddhism will decline.

The prosperity of a Taoist sect in a place will also bring about believers around it.

This is a decrease and the other is increasing, which is of great benefit to the Taoist sect.

"Your Highness, if it is possible, I will make arrangements right away!"

Since Sun Simiao had agreed, Di Renjie also saluted.

This matter should be done sooner rather than later. The sooner things are done, the sooner possible dangers can be eliminated.

"Let's arrange it first, and hurry up tomorrow to send the fireworks to the palace, and then inform my father about the situation here."

Li Yanran nodded, she did not expect such a thing to happen.

It’s true that you never know whether tomorrow or the accident will come. Maybe this is the so-called life!
Di Renjie said "Hey" and left immediately.

"You guys, don't be stunned. Take people immediately and let the people go home. Don't linger on the streets. Don't you have to go to work tomorrow?"


Several people hurriedly saluted and left.

The Imperial Army, the Princess Guards, and the Prince's Guards were all dispatched, driving all the people in the fief back.

At dawn the next day, the news of a strange phenomenon in the Lishan fiefdom spread instantly. After hearing this, people in the surrounding counties also rushed towards Lishan with great interest.

The novice monks from Santai Temple also set off from the temple and headed towards the Lishan fiefdom. Their mission was to find out about the fireworks.

A fast horse galloped out, heading in the direction of Chang'an.

"Your Majesty, something happened!"

Ruian quickly came to the imperial study room with the news he had just received.

"What's the matter? In a panic."

Li Zhi glanced at Ruian and shouted at him.

"I just received news that the night sky in Lishan fiefdom bloomed with splendor last night, and there were five-color divine lights hanging in the sky."

Ryan bowed slowly and spoke out the news he had just received.


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