My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 525 It must have something to do with her

Li Zhi's brows also wrinkled directly.

How could a five-color divine light appear in a good person?
what's going on?
Could it be that his daughter has tinkered with something again?
"Is there any specific news? What exactly is going on?"

"No other news."

Ryan shook his head. There was only so much news, how could he know what was going on here?

"Check, we need to find out the reason immediately."


Ruian saluted again and hurriedly retreated.


"The servant is here!"

Hearing the call, Ryan immediately turned back.

"Immediately send someone to the Lishan fiefdom to ask Princess Lishan if she knows the key here."


Soon a fast horse also ran out of the imperial city and headed towards Lishan Mountain.


"By order of Her Majesty the Princess, I have something important to ask to see Your Majesty!"

The imperial army coming from Lishan immediately showed off the gold medal given by Li Yanran.

"Let go."

The palace gate opened wide, and the imperial army also rushed into the imperial city on horseback.

"Your Majesty, Princess Lishan has sent someone over."

"Yanran's person? Let him see you immediately."

Li Zhi immediately became excited when he heard that it was Li Yanran.

If what you expected is correct, it should be the news you want.

"Forbidden Army Yousen, pay homage to His Majesty."

Yousen knelt directly in front of Li Zhi.

"Yanran asked you to come here, why?"

"This is the handwriting of Her Royal Highness the Princess. There are two other things placed outside the palace. Please check them."

You Sen held Li Yanran's handwritten letter above his head. Upon seeing this, Ruian hurried over and delivered the handwritten letter to Li Zhi's case.

"Put it outside the palace?"

Li Zhi was a little confused and opened Li Yanran's handwriting. After reading it, he was completely confused.

This so-called auspicious scene in Lishan was indeed caused by his own daughter.

But with the same gunpowder, why can she play it in different ways?

Can it be made into a fire dragon cannon or fireworks?

Could it be that his daughter is really the reincarnation of a god?

Otherwise, what she thinks and does is unimaginable to ordinary people.

And how could she come up with such a countermeasure? Using Tao to suppress Buddha is really good.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?"

Looking at the confused Li Zhi, Ruian also called out twice.

"I know, you go back immediately and tell Princess Lishan that I agree with the idea and let her go ahead and do it!"


Yousen hurriedly bowed and left.

"Your Majesty, are you alright!"

After Yousen withdrew, Ruian came over again because Li Zhi was stunned again.

"What can I do?"

Li Zhi was stunned and then reacted.

"Show me, go to the queen."


Li Zhi's dragon chased outside Wu Zetian's palace and asked Ruian to hold the fireworks sent by Li Yanran.

"Rian, please stay away from me."

Li Zhi looked at Ruian who was following him and said to him in disgust.


Ruian felt bad after hearing this and knelt down directly in front of Li Zhi.

"Your Majesty, what did Ruian do wrong?"

Looking at Ruian who looked like his dead father, Li Zhi was also confused. Did he say anything?
How come this is so?

"It's okay, you are overthinking, I just want you to stay away from me."

Glancing at Ruian, Li Zhi headed directly towards the dormitory.

Ruian bowed with restraint and followed him with two fireworks in his arms.

"Okay, you can wait outside the palace!"


Ruian's face turned pale, and he waited outside the door after saluting.

"Meiniang, Meiniang."

"His Majesty!"

Seeing Li Zhi coming, Wu Zetian also stopped what she was doing and saluted Li Zhi.

"Mei Niang, Xiao Yanran is so amazing. Do you know what she did again?"

Li Zhi smiled slightly and took Wu Zetian into his arms.

"What have you done to make His Majesty so excited?"

After hearing what Li Zhi said, Wu Zetian was also stunned, wondering what her daughter had done.

"Xiangrui, Yanran made it auspicious!"


Wu Zetian blinked, really not understanding the meaning of Li Zhi's words.

"Mei Niang, I just received news this morning that the Lishan fiefdom bloomed with splendor yesterday, and there were five-color divine lights hanging in the sky, indicating that there was auspiciousness in the world.

Then Yanran sent someone over and said that she was the one who made this brilliance.

The things she created are called fireworks, and when they are burned, they can bloom into five colors of divine light in the night sky. "

Li Zhi quickly told Wu Zetian the contents of Li Yanran's handwriting.

"Is there such a divine thing?"

Wu Zetian was also shocked now. She could not imagine that such divine light could be artificially created.

Her daughter really shocked her.

"That's right, she also sent two fireworks. I asked Ruian to wait outside with them." Seeing Wu Zetian's shock, Li Zhi nodded.

"Then why doesn't Your Majesty bring in the fireworks so that Mei Niang can see the magical thing made by her daughter?"

Wu Zetian was also startled when she heard the fireworks were placed outside the house.

Why is such a good thing placed outside the house?

"Mei Niang, Yan Ran said, this thing is made of black powder, there is a risk of explosion at any time, it is better to leave it outside."

Li Zhi looked outside and was a little worried.

He had seen the power of black powder before, and he could take down the tall Tubo Wing Commander with one shot.

This kind of thing is really not something that I should get close to.

"Is that so? That really can't be placed inside the house."

Wu Zetian nodded. A gentleman would not stand behind a dangerous wall. Li Zhi was the emperor, so he naturally had to stay away from these things.

"Mei Niang, do you want to see the auspicious blessings our daughter has sent us?"

Li Zhi held Wu Zetian in his arms, his eyes filled with admiration.

"Your Majesty, please do not use this thing indiscriminately! Otherwise, it may lead to some rumors, which will be detrimental to the Tang Dynasty."

Wu Zetian naturally wanted to see what the so-called five-color divine light would look like hanging in the sky, but she also saw the possible consequences of these auspicious fireworks.

"Mei Niang, I understand what you mean."

Li Zhi looked at Wu Zetian in his arms, wondering where he could go to find women for himself and for the Tang Dynasty.

Fortunately, he had resisted all opinions and made her the queen.

"Well, Your Majesty, what are you thinking about?"

After looking at Li Zhi, Wu Zetian also touched his face with her hand. She didn't know what the pretty man was thinking now.

"I didn't mean anything, I just missed you a little."

Li Zhi smiled at Wu Zetian, and then scratched the bridge of her nose with his hand.

"Meiniang, aren't you in front of His Majesty? What's there to think about!"

Wu Zetian was also a little shy when Li Zhi saw him, wondering what was wrong with His Majesty the Emperor.

"I can't help it, even if you are close at hand, I will still miss you."

Li Zhi said and kissed Wu Zetian on the forehead.

"His Majesty."

The two of them are also in love with each other, and they are sincere in love.

Poor Ruian was standing outside the dormitory, not knowing at all that he had two small bombs in his hands.

If he knew it, he would probably be scared out of his mind.

After lingering for a while, Li Zhi slowly stood up.

"Mei Niang, I still have something to do, so I won't accompany you. You should just take a rest!"

"Your Majesty has something to do, just go and do it yourself. Mei Niang will be fine!"

Wu Zetian stood up after Li Zhi, saluted him, and then asked him to do his business.

"Okay, then I'll leave!"

Li Zhi said and kissed Wu Zetian on the forehead again before leaving the dormitory.

"His Majesty."

Seeing the emperor coming out, Ruian quickly saluted.

Until now, he still didn't understand what he had done wrong to make the emperor feel so disgusted.

"Well, you'd better stay away from me!"

Looking at Ruian who was saluting, especially the two fireworks in his arms, Li Zhi quickly stepped aside.


Ruian was really heartbroken now.

When the emperor despised himself, it was the beginning of his downfall.

He originally thought that he could stay with Li Zhi until he was in his dying years, but he didn't expect that his flower would wither so early.

What a mess!


Ruian sighed and waited until Li Zhi was far away before he followed him.

"Your Majesty, Princess, Your Majesty said that I agree with your idea and let you go ahead and do it!"

Yousen returned to the Lishan fiefdom and directly told Li Zhi's reply.

"Okay, Di Renjie, let's get started!"

Hearing that her father agreed, Li Yanran also glanced at Di Renjie beside her.

Only by leaving these things to him can she feel at ease. She is really afraid of something going wrong with others.


Di Renjie also stood up, saluted Li Yanran, and walked outside.

As the sun set and the moon rose, the sky was getting dark. Li Zhi also set up wine and food in the imperial garden, and then sent Ruian to invite Wu Zetian to come and enjoy the moon.

Wu Zetian came with a lot of money. When Li Zhi saw it, he stood up quickly and took the other person into his arms.

"Your Majesty, why?"

Looking at the flowers in front of her and the jade liquid wine on the table, Wu Zetian really couldn't understand.

What happened to His Majesty the Emperor?
I still remember the last time the flowers were blooming and the moon was falling.

"It's okay, sit down!"

Li Zhi smiled slightly and asked Wu Zetian to sit opposite him, with infinite love in his eyes.


The more Li Zhi acted like this, the more Wu Zetian became suspicious. She didn't know what kind of medicine Li Zhi was selling in his gourd.

"Mei Niang, we two haven't been like this for a long time. As the saying goes, singing to the moon, life is so long. It wouldn't be a waste if we don't cherish such beautiful scenery."

This is what Li Zhi wants. The less you understand, the happier you will be when I surprise you.

"Your Majesty, Mei Niang respects you!"

Since Li Zhi said this, Wu Zetian didn't think about anything else. She directly helped Li Zhi fill up the wine while she poured it lightly.

After all, this Yuye wine is not ordinary wine, but high-quality liquor. She doesn't drink well, so she doesn't want to make a fool of herself in front of Li Zhi.

"Good good!"

Li Zhi smiled slightly, picked up the wine glass in front of him, and drank it all.

Wu Zetian covered her mouth with her sleeves and drank half of the glass of wine.

"Your Majesty, Mei Niang will respect you again!"

"it is good!"

"His Majesty!"

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