My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 526: Before the flowers, under the moon, the beautiful scenery of fireworks

Chapter 526: Before the flowers, under the moon, the beautiful scenery of fireworks

After three glasses of wine, Wu Zetian also stopped toasting.

As the saying goes, there are only three things to do. Three toasts are enough.

No matter how much he said, let alone Li Zhi, he would be unable to bear it.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid you're asking Meiniang to come here today, not just to admire the moon and drink wine!"

When she was almost done drinking, Wu Zetian looked at Li Zhi again.

Showing affection for nothing, there must be something evil in it.

"Why, am I so unreasonable in your eyes, Mei Niang? I came to you to watch the moon and drink, just because I have something to do?"

Hearing Wu Zetian's words, Li Zhi also pretended to be angry and his eyes widened.

"Mei Niang didn't mean that, it's just"

Wu Zetian was also a little speechless by Li Zhi's words. Although she always felt that something was wrong with the other party, it was still a feeling.

"Stop talking about it, Mei Niang, do you see any difference in the moon today?"

Li Zhi smiled slightly and directly covered Wu Zetian's mouth.

Wu Zetian was stunned, but still looked up at the night sky above her head.


Wu Zetian looked at it again and again, but she didn't find any difference in today's moon?
Is it because the moon is brighter than usual today?
It seems to be the same!

"Look again!"

Li Zhi pointed at the dark night sky and waved his hands crazily there.

Ruian, who was in the distance, also saw Li Zhi's actions, and immediately took out the fireworks and lit the fireworks in front of him.



Two loud noises were heard, Wu Zetian and Li Zhi on one side were startled, and Ruian was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

Looking at the mess in front of him with horror, Ruian instantly understood why Li Zhi kept him away from him during the day.

What is this special thing? Isn’t it exactly the same as the previous fire dragon cannon?

He held his baby for a long time, holding two bombs in his arms all day long.

Let me be a good boy, my ancestor, Your Majesty.

You are really as close to Ruian as family, why didn't you tell me about something so dangerous earlier.

Before the two of them could react, fireworks exploded in the air instantly.

The scene in the snow forest appeared again in the night sky of the palace. The dark night sky lit up, and five-color divine flowers hung in the sky.


Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of them, Wu Zetian and Li Zhi widened their eyes together.

In the distance, Ruian was also staring, his eyes full of surprise, and at the same time, deep fear emerged from his heart.

If this one accidentally exploded next to him, he might really have to go see his ancestors.

"Mei Niang, how are you? Today's night is particularly beautiful."

Li Zhi was the first to react, holding Wu Zetian in his arms with pride in his eyes.

His daughter was really powerful, and he finally saw what auspiciousness was.

It's so beautiful, so dazzling.

"Your Majesty, didn't Mei Niang say that? These fireworks cannot be revealed easily, or they will cause trouble."

Although Wu Zetian was also shocked by the beauty of the fireworks, he was more concerned about the trouble that the fireworks might cause than this shock.

"Trouble? No trouble can compare to Mei Niang's smile. I deserve this auspiciousness, and the Tang Dynasty deserves it."

"Now that the Tang Dynasty is at peace and the people live and work in peace and contentment, it is a sign of a prosperous age, and it is natural for it to be auspicious.

If anyone dares to confuse the public with evil words and use this to cause trouble, I will definitely let them know what the emperor's wrath is. "

Li Zhi didn't care at all about Wu Zetian's worries.

So what if I was born with a vision, that is the auspiciousness that belongs to my Tang Dynasty, no one dares to question it.

"His Majesty!"

After hearing this, Wu Zetian had nothing to say. Looking at the silent night sky, there was still some expectation in her eyes.

After all, such beautiful scenery was something she had never seen in her life.

"Haha, if Mei Niang likes it, let Yanran do it a little more, and then I'll let you watch it all at once!"

Li Zhi held Wu Zetian in his arms again. He was looking forward to such a beautiful scenery, let alone Wu Zetian.

"Your Majesty, let's forget it. I'm satisfied with these two fireworks. It's better to keep the fireworks mysterious."

Wu Zetian shook his head. These things will be of great use in the future and cannot be wasted anymore.

"Okay! I'll show it to you when you want to see it!"

While Li Zhi and Wu Zetian were having fun with each other, all the guards in the palace were alerted.

This sudden fireworks really scared everyone.

Especially the two loud noises before. If something went wrong, people would die.

All of a sudden, the palace guards had already moved out and started looking for the location of the explosion.

"General Chen, what are you doing here?"

Seeing Chen Sidao, the deputy general of the Imperial Army, coming with his Imperial Army, Ruian stepped forward and stopped him.

"Eunuch Rui, there was a sudden noise in the palace just now, and there was a strange phenomenon in the sky. Chen Sidao is afraid that something will happen, so he came here to protect him."

Chen Sidao hurriedly saluted Ruian. He was Li Zhi's confidant and the most powerful servant in the palace, so he naturally did not dare to offend him.

"No, your Majesty is drinking wine with the Queen and admiring the moon. No one is allowed to enter without an edict."

Ryan frowned. He naturally knew that there had been a strange noise just now, and it was him who did it.

At this moment, Li Zhi is in front of Wu Zetianhua. If you rush over like this, wouldn't you make yourself uncomfortable?

"Eunuch Rui, Chen Sidao is responsible for guarding the palace and protecting the safety of His Majesty and the Queen. The incident is really sudden, so I hope you will be accommodating, otherwise Chen Sidao is afraid that something will go wrong."

Chen Sideo also became depressed after hearing Ruian's words.

The entire palace heard such a loud explosion, and he didn't believe Ryan didn't hear it.

Unless the other party is a deaf person.

Even if you are old and deaf, your eyesight should not be blurry. Can't you see the colorful lights in the sky?
"Here, wait a moment."

Ruian is also going to be autistic, but in this situation, without His Majesty's will, the other party will definitely not let it go.

"There's Eunuch Lowry!"

Ruian followed step by step, but when he came to see the two of them cuddling together, he hesitated a little.

"What's wrong? Are you stuck over there?"

Seeing Ruian's figure, Li Zhi also frowned and asked.

"Your Majesty, the fireworks just now alerted the Forbidden Army. Now General Chen Sidao, the deputy general of the Forbidden Army, is worried about your Majesty's safety and is leading the Forbidden Army to wait outside."

Ruian quickly saluted and told Chen Sidao's situation.

"Chen Sidao is here? Tell him that it is safe here and let him retreat."

Li Zhi was also stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect to cause such a big commotion.


Ruian saluted and went directly to the outside.

"Eunuch Rui, what did your Majesty say?"

Seeing Ruian Xing coming, Chen Sidao hurriedly asked.

"His Majesty's oral order."

"I am safe here. Let General Chen Sidao stand down!"

After listening to Ruian's words, Chen Sidao felt bad.

What do you mean it's safe here?
Obviously someone said that the sound seemed to come from here. Could it be that the person was deaf?

"General Chen? You don't even listen to His Majesty's orders?"

Seeing that Chen Sidao was still hesitating, Ruian's face turned cold and he spoke slowly.


Feeling the chill on Ruian's body, Chen Sidao didn't dare to stay, but he didn't dare to go far either. He led people to guard outside the imperial garden.

When the emperor said it was safe, he was just talking. If something went wrong, he would not be able to escape responsibility.

"Your Majesty, why don't we go back to the bedroom? We've watched the fireworks and drank the wine. It seems like there's nothing left here."

Wu Zetian's eyes were full of tenderness, and now she just wanted to go back to her bedroom.


"Okay! Then go back to the dormitory."

"Ryan, show off!"


After Di Renjie's operation, a news spread in the fiefdom.

The vision in the back mountain was that Sun Simiao, the feudal king of medicine, hung a pot to help the world, which moved the heavens. Emperor Xuanyuan, Taishang Laojun, then sent down the auspicious sign.

After hearing the news, the people in the fiefdom were instantly excited. Sun Simiao was also highly respected in the fiefdom and often used his skillful skills to save the people in the fiefdom.

Sun Simiao can be said to be a living god. After all, in the Tang Dynasty, he could live for more than 100 years and still be so strong. This is something that is hard to believe.

So compared to other rumors, this one is really the most convincing explanation.

Sun Simiao also came out very obediently, indicating that this auspiciousness was really caused by him, and that he also wanted to build a Jingfang Taoist temple in Lishan Mountain.

As soon as this news came out, the entire Lishan Mountain was boiling.

After all, how can one not be convinced that such a living god wants to build a Taoist temple?

Faith is indispensable at any time.

The fundamental reason why Buddhism can flourish is because their teachings can satisfy the faith issues of poor people.

Although the causes and consequences of this life and the next are mysterious and mysterious, they do give those people hope.

They practice Buddhism and follow Buddhist rituals so that they can no longer suffer the pain in the next life.

"Master, the novice monk who went to the fiefdom is back."

"How to say?"

Hearing the return of the departed, Xuanzang also opened his eyes and looked at the disciple in front of him.

The young novice also hurriedly told what he had seen and heard in the fief, including the news that Sun Simiao was going to establish Jingfang Taoist Temple.

"Jingfang Taoist Temple? This Sun Simiao really knows how to seize the opportunity!"

Xuanzang closed his eyes again, but he was also calculating in his mind.

"Master, if this Jingfang Taoist Temple is really built, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to us!"

Xuanzang's disciple Yuan Ji came to Xuanzang's room and waved his hand to the novice monk.

"Yuanji, why do you say that?"

Hearing Yuan Ji's voice, Xuanzang opened his eyes again and looked at the new disciple in front of him.

"Master, since you settled in Santai Temple, it has become the largest temple near Xinfeng.

There are many monks and many lay people worshiping the Buddha.
If Sun Simiao now builds the Jingfang Taoist temple, it is very likely that many lay people will abandon Buddhism and follow Taoism, which is extremely detrimental to us. "

Monk Yuanji frowned. Now Santai Temple is growing every day, and the number of people worshiping the Buddha is as numerous as the ministers crossing the river.

But this Sun Simiao is not a mortal after all. It is even rumored that he has reached the realm of a land god.
If such a person builds a Taoist temple and competes with Santai Temple for Buddhist opportunities, he really doesn't know if his master can outdo the other party.

"So what?"

(End of this chapter)

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