Xuanzang did not comment, but looked at the disciple in front of him and asked him what he wanted to do.

"Master, Yuan Ji thinks we can't sit still and wait for death. This matter is not a personal grudge, but a moral dispute. We must find some way to resolve it."

Seeing Xuanzang's calm appearance in the ancient well, Yuanji became a little uneasy.

Master, Master, you haven’t seen it, or you still don’t want to see it.

If I don't do something now, things may become even more uncontrollable in the future.

"Yuanji, do you know that Taoism was listed as the state religion of the Tang Dynasty, so why are they now on the verge of being overtaken by our Buddhist sect?"

Xuanzang did not answer Yuanji's question, but mentioned the general situation of Taoism and Buddhism.

"Buddhist teachings are more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, serve the people's livelihood, and care for the people, so they are respected by the world."

Yuan Ji frowned and expressed all his opinions.

"Taoism cultivates this life, and Buddhism cultivates the next life. You can see it in this life, but who can see it clearly in the next life?

Therefore, even if Sun Simiao established Jingfang Taoist Temple, it was just a temporary trend.
Over time, when people see that there is no hope for cultivating the Tao, they will naturally turn to my Buddhist method.
So what else do you want to do now? "

Xuanzang smiled slightly and pointed out the biggest difference between Buddhism and Taoism.

The fundamental reason for the decline of Taoism and the rise of Buddhism is not because it is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but because of different teachings.

Taoism strives for this life, while Buddhism strives for the afterlife.

Naturally, Buddhism takes the initiative. After all, it is easy to see things in this life, but hard to find in the next life.

As long as Taoism does not change its teachings, they can only serve the high-level people, and those people who have no hope of seeking this life can only enter Buddhism and seek the next life.

Not to mention that Sun Simiao couldn't solve this problem, even if Emperor Taishang Xuanyuan and Taishang Laojun descended to earth, nothing would be changed.

Taoism contends for a moment, Buddha contends for ten generations, Sun Simiao is nothing more than one, and it is nothing to Buddhism.

"But we can't let them do this."

After all, he had not been in Buddhism for long. Although he had wisdom, he had not yet reached Xuanzang's level of seeking only inner pursuits in worldly affairs.

In his view, the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism is a process of ebb and flow.

When the Buddha rises, the Tao declines; when the Tao rises, the Buddha falls.

If Sun Simiao is really allowed to capture the majority of believers, Santai Temple may fall.

This is not what he wants to see.


"Then open the door of convenience and lecture for three days."

Xuanzang sighed, it was commendable that Yuanji had such a heart to protect the Buddha, and his thoughts were not only for himself, but also for the many monks in Santai Temple.

If that's the case, then just do your best!


Yuan Ji also shouted the Buddha's name and left Xuanzang's meditation room.

The next day, Santai Temple also opened its doors for convenience. Master Xuanzang personally presided over the ceremony and opened the forum to give lectures.

After hearing this, believers from all over the world flocked in like princes across the river, crowding the huge Santai Temple to the brim.

"Your Highness, the Great Master Xuanzang of Santai Temple opened the forum to give lectures, and believers from all over the world gathered. He is going to confront King Sun Yao!"

Changsun Yan got the news about Santai Temple and came to report to Li Yanran as soon as possible.

"This Buddhist sect is in a panic!"

Li Siwen sneered and immediately saw through Buddhism's thoughts.

This was because he was afraid that Sun Simiao's Jingfang Taoist temple would open up and steal their followers. This was really a good plan!
"What shall we do now?"

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Yanran with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

The incident at Santai Temple had already made him absolutely disgusted with Buddhism.

He was really annoyed with those places that were virtuous and respectable on the surface, but were downright dirty behind the scenes.

Compared with Buddhism, Taoism emphasizes governance by doing nothing, which is indeed much better.

Moreover, the great monk Xuanzang of Santai Temple was always thinking about Li Yanran and wanted her to become a monk. How could this be allowed?

If Brother Li leaves, their small group will also break up.

He didn't want to see this happen.

"What should we do? How about you take someone over now and destroy Santai Temple?"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Cheng Chubi, "What should I do?"
The best way now is for you to take people there, smash Santai Temple directly, and liberate Xuanzang.

Physical destruction is the real destruction.


Hearing this, Cheng Chubi was also stunned.

Is it really okay to lead people to destroy Santai Temple?

It was a place of Buddhism, and the world-famous holy monk Xuanzang was sitting there.
If it really happened, he didn't know if he would be punished by the court. His father probably wouldn't let him go.

"It's not good!"

After thinking for a moment, Cheng Chubi also hesitated and said to Li Yanran.

"What's wrong with this? Mr. Cheng Xiaolang is extremely powerful and can subjugate demons.

If you really led people to destroy Santai Temple, there is no way that King Sun Yao would even grant you the title of Protector General of the Jingfang Taoist Temple and erect a statue to be worshiped by thousands of people. "

Seeing Cheng Chubi's hesitation, Li Yanran also sneered and continued.

"Stop talking, Brother Li. With your words, even if my father beats you to death, I will do it!"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Chubi's eyes lit up and he ran out directly.

The master of Jingfang Taoist Temple is Sun Simiao, who is a living god. With him sitting in charge of Jingfang Taoist Temple, the place must be prosperous.

If he could really become the guardian general of Jingfang Taoist Temple, wouldn't he be able to be remembered throughout the ages?
For this, it is worth taking a risk.

"Cheng Chubi, stop for me!"

Seeing Cheng Chubi running away, Li Yanran was stunned. She stood up and shouted at him angrily.

Why is this idiot so stupid?

I was mocking you, couldn't you tell that you were so cute?
Now you lead people to destroy Santai Temple. Not to mention you, even me may be implicated.

I really don’t know, after following me for more than half a year, why am I still such a reckless man without a brain?

"Brother Li, don't worry, this is all my personal behavior, and it will never involve you."

Cheng Chubi ran outside and shouted to Li Yanran.This is a great meritorious deed. Once he accomplishes it, he will become famous.

Thinking about what Li Yanran said, he could no longer control himself.

"My dear, Cheng Chubi, if you dare to go out of this house, you must go back to Chang'an immediately. I will do what I say."

Li Yanran is going crazy. You are so cute, why don't you hurt me?

Who doesn’t know that we are now both prosperous and devastated? If you went to smash Santai Temple, what’s the difference between what I and my men did?


Cheng Chubi, who was running wildly, also stopped and turned to look at Li Yanran, feeling a little tangled in his heart.

It was hard for him to decide whether he wanted to finish his work in one battle or continue to live his small life with Li Yanran.

"Hurry up and get back to me!"

Seeing Cheng Chubi stop, Li Yanran also yelled at him fiercely.

With his head lowered, Cheng Chubi also walked back honestly.

He still prefers his current life to becoming some kind of god-protecting general.

After looking at Cheng Chubi, Li Yanran also jumped into the air and hit him on the head with an iron fist.

"Brother Li, why did you hit me?"

Looking at the angry Li Yanran, Cheng Chubi curled his lips.

"Why are I beating you? I really want to kill you now. Are you stupid?"

"Tell me, are you stupid?"


Facing Li Yanran's three consecutive roars, Cheng Chubi was also in a state of brain failure.

"Didn't you say that? Why are you relying on me again?"

"How dare you say that? What do you believe in what I say? I want to say that night fragrance is delicious, will you eat it?"

Seeing that Cheng Chubi still dared to talk back, Li Yanran jumped up again and gave him a hammer.


"Brother Li? Is that night fragrance really edible?"

Before Cheng Chubi could speak, Yuchihuan on the side couldn't help but say this.


When Li Yanran heard this, she was stunned. Her eyes were wide open, her mouth was open, and she was numb on the spot.

Why are all his subordinates such masters?

It was already hard enough for him to have a reckless man like Cheng Chubi, but now he had a stupid guy like Yu Chihuan.

This this.
She was really speechless, extremely speechless.

"Not only is it edible, it is also a delicacy in the world. Li Feng, go and prepare two barrels of night fragrance so that Mr. Yuchi can eat as much as he wants!"

A sneer flashed in Li Yanran's eyes, you must be a fool, right?

Then I want to see if you are really stupid or fake.


Li Feng was dumbfounded. Even if he just talked about this kind of thing, he really wanted to open a fight against Yuchi Huan!


Li Yanran was really angry now and glared at Li Feng.


Now Li Feng didn't dare to delay anymore, he saluted directly and walked out.

"and many more."

"Brother Li, after thinking about it for a moment, I still find it difficult to accept this night fragrance, so I might as well forget it!"

Yuchi Huan's face was stern, and after thinking about it, he still found it difficult to accept it.

After all, this thing is a bit too heavy-flavored, so I might as well forget it.

"How can we forget it? This night fragrance is not only delicious but also nourishes the brain. Mr. Yuchi and Mr. Cheng Xiaolang both want it."

Don't want to eat?You eat when you say you want to eat, and you don’t eat when you say you don’t want to eat?

which is so easy.

"Brother Li, I know I was wrong, can we stop doing this?"

"It's just, wrong, wrong."

At this point, the two of them would be really fools if they didn't know that Li Yanran was joking with them.

"Wrong? How could you be wrong?"

"Brother Li, stop making trouble and talk about business!"

Cheng Chubi glanced at Li Yanran depressedly, "Don't do this now."

I've seen through your little trick, you can't fool me anymore.

"Huh, each one of you, you don't know what your brain is used for all day long. They are making me angry. I will expel you all from the fiefdom when the time comes."

Li Yanran glared at several people, but did not pursue the matter further.

If this continues, she is afraid that she will be tied up at a young age, which is not worth it.

"Brother Li, you can't generalize. I didn't offend you. Why did you kick me out too!"


Hearing Chang Sun Yan's words, Li Yanran really couldn't control her emotions. What did you do again?
Why did you jump out again?
Did I say something special about you?

You are here to show off your presence, right?

"Shut up. From now on, I won't let you four speak. If anyone dares to speak, don't blame me for being rude."

Li Yanran slapped the table, bared her teeth and shouted at several people.

When several people saw that Li Yanran was really angry, they quickly shut up and did not dare to express their anger.

"Di Renjie, what do you think about Santai Temple?"

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