My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 528 Pretending to be a ghost!

The Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chicks didn't speak, and the world suddenly became pure. Li Yanran glanced at Di Renjie beside her and motioned for him to speak.

"Your Highness, Santai Temple is a place of Buddhism after all, and it has been very prosperous since Master Xuanzang moved in.
Nowadays, when people hold forums to preach scriptures, we have no reason and no way to stop them.
From my point of view, the only thing we can do at this time is to build momentum for Sun Yaowang.

The location of Jingfang Taoist Temple has been selected. As long as there is another auspicious event, people will definitely flock to it. "

Di Renjie saluted Li Yanran and expressed his thoughts.

"Did you see that? This is the correct answer. Have you all forgotten about home?

From now on, if you use your brain more when doing things, and if you dare to do anything stupid, I will tear off your heads and use them as balls to kick. "

Li Yanran nodded to Di Renjie, finally hearing an acceptable opinion.

Fortunately, I overcame everyone's objections to take Di Renjie into his pocket. Otherwise, facing these idiots all day long, he would have suffered from the greying disease.

Several people looked at each other and felt depressed for a while.

what is this?Just a little clever.

I didn't think about it. If I really used my brain, I might not have thought of it.

"Sun Yaowang, what do you say?"

Now that Di Renjie has given a solution, it depends on what Sun Simiao has to say.

"Of course I have no objection. Everything is entirely up to His Highness's arrangement!"

Sun Simiao smiled slightly. This move was done to facilitate the Taoist sect. How could he have any objections?

The more prosperous the Jingfang Taoist temple is, the more prosperous the power of the Taoist sect becomes.

"Okay, then tomorrow night Sun Yaowang will explain Taoist scriptures at the location of Jingfang Taoist Temple, and then launch fireworks to show his power to Sun Yaowang."

Li Yanran stood up slowly, her eyes full of determination.

It wasn't that she had to promote Taoism and suppress Buddhism, but that Buddhism was now so powerful that she had to do something to help her father.


Di Renjie bowed and left directly.

"Why are you still hanging around? Why don't you hurry up and get to work."

"Oh oh oh."

Several people also ran away quickly to prepare the materials needed to make fireworks.

While they were making fireworks, Di Renjie also arranged for people to spread the news in the fiefdom, saying that Sun Simiao would also open a forum to lecture and spread Taoist secrets.

For a moment, there was a huge crowd. Everyone wanted to see what kind of grand occasion this living god would give a sermon.

"Master, there is news from Lishan that Sun Simiao will also give a lecture tomorrow. He is determined to fight against us."

Yuan Ji came to Xuanzang's Zen room, frowned and told the news he had just received.

"I know it for the teacher!"

"Master, then Yuanji has resigned."

Seeing that Xuanzang didn't say anything, Yuanji also sighed and retreated.

The next day, Sun Simiao also dressed up and appeared at the location of Jingfang Taoist Temple.

A wooden high altar stood in front of the chosen site, surrounded by a blue cloth barrier. Countless forbidden troops were separated on the left and right, serving as a human wall and maintaining order.

Countless people, especially those from the fiefdoms, all rushed over and surrounded the place.

Seen from a distance, Sun Simiao, who is sitting on the high altar with crane hair and childish face, has an immortal demeanor, and especially when the breeze blows, he really looks like a land god.

It makes people admire and dare not approach him.

When Sun Simiao opened the forum to lecture on the classics, he was talking about none other than the Tao Te Ching written by Emperor Xuanyuan.

"Road to Road, very Avenue!"

"Famous, very famous."

"Nameless, the beginning of heaven and earth, famous, the mother of all things."

First, he recited the full text of the Tao Te Ching, and then Sun Simiao began to combine what he had understood with the insights of some doctors, and comprehensively elaborated on his understanding of the Tao Te Ching.

Listening to Sun Simiao's summary, all the people also felt a sense of enlightenment.

You must know that Taoist secrets are mysterious and mysterious, and it is difficult for ordinary people to understand them.

This is also the reason why Taoism develops slowly. Buddhism talks about universal salvation, while Taoism talks about spiritual roots.

But with Sun Simiao's explanation, everyone felt that they could also practice this method.

Once this sutra is taught, there is no concept of time.

Sun Simiao talked directly from day to night, and the people around him were also very happy and did not want to leave for a long time.

Looking at the people still gathered below, Sun Simiao also smiled slightly.

This was what he wanted, and now it was time to make the final move.

"Everyone, Sun Simiao suddenly felt that Emperor Xuanyuan will send down auspiciousness today. If everyone is okay, you can welcome the auspiciousness with me."

Sun Simiao slowly stood up from the high platform and spoke to the people around him.

"Auspiciousness? Is there really auspiciousness coming to this world?"

"Isn't this impossible? Is this King Sun Yao really a god?"

"How is it impossible? King Sun Yao is originally a land god. He said it is auspicious. I believe it."

"That's right, Sun Yaowang is a god. If you don't believe it, I do!"

For a time, there was a huge crowd, and all the people were waiting in place, looking forward to the auspicious arrival that Sun Simiao said.

"Brother Li, Brother Li, it's almost time. King Sun Yao has already said that auspicious things will come to the world later!"

Cheng Chubi rushed to Li Yanran's side and passed the news over.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's get started!"

Now that she has come this far, Li Yanran also smiled slightly.

Time to perform real techniques.

"Brother Li, how many do you want to put in?"

Looking at a dozen fireworks lined up in a row, Cheng Chubi also licked his lips.

"Let them all go, leaving no one behind."

"Here." Cheng Chu said, taking out the fire stick from his waist, putting it aside and blowing hard.

Orange flames bloomed instantly and swayed in the night sky.

"I am coming!"

Cheng Chubi slowly walked to the fireworks and started to set off the fireworks with fire sticks.




Fireworks took off one after another and then exploded in the sky, turning the dark night into a sea of ​​colorful fireworks.

The people in the fiefdom looked at the strange scene in front of them and instantly became excited.

They didn't believe what Sun Simiao said at first, but now that the night sky was exaggerated, the people were not only shocked, but shocked.

Countless people knelt on the ground and knelt down to the night sky full of fireworks.

"Ha ha!"

Sun Simiao also felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment when he looked at the scene in front of him.

Although the planner of these is Li Yanran, the feeling of being coveted by all people is really indescribable.

He finally understood why some people always like to be on top, because it's so wonderful.

"Let's go, remember to clean up here!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly. Although she was not present, she could imagine what those people would be like.

After this incident, Jingfang Taoist Temple will inevitably become the first choice for people in the fiefdom to believe in.

Sure enough, just as Li Yanran thought, after experiencing this fireworks trip, the people who came to listen to the lecture all became loyal believers in Jingfang Taoist Temple.

After all, they have experienced things they never imagined today. If you don't even believe this, you really don't know what you should believe in.

Do you believe in those illusory immortals and Buddhas?
"Master, master, something serious has happened!"

Yuan Ji rushed into Xuanzang's Zen room like a madman, his eyes full of horror.

"What's the matter, so panic?"

Xuanzang slowly opened his eyes and looked at the disciple in front of him.

In the end, the time spent worshiping Buddha was too short, and I simply didn’t understand the true meaning of Buddhist tranquility.

"Master, Sun Simiao gave a lecture today, and he lectured from day to night.

Just when it was about to end, Sun Simiao said that he felt that God was sending down auspicious signs.
Then, auspiciousness appeared. "

After Yuan Ji finished speaking, Xuanzang's eyes instantly burst out with a bright light.

"What? So Sun Simiao can really summon auspiciousness?"

"Yes, no one believed it at first, but when Xiang Rui appeared, the whole fiefdom was boiling. I... I'm afraid!"

Yuan Ji didn't finish his words, but the meaning he needed to express was clearly expressed.

Now that Sun Simiao is calling for auspiciousness, it will definitely increase the popularity of Jingfang Taoist Temple, which will cause a series of problems.

When this auspicious summons is fermented, not to mention the Lishan fiefdom, I am afraid that the entire Xinfeng County and even the surrounding counties will follow suit.

By then, Buddhism in this area will have declined due to the rise of Jingfang Taoist Temple. Even if Xuanzang is present in Santai Temple, it will not be much better.

"I understand!"

Xuanzang frowned rarely. If it was just a problem among the believers, he wouldn't care at all.

What really concerned him was Sun Simiao's ability to summon auspiciousness.

The gains and losses of a place are nothing to Buddhism. A small Xinfeng is an insignificant place in the Tang Dynasty.

There is no need to be afraid because of this, but once Sun Simiao really masters the method of summoning auspiciousness, he can pass it on to other Taoist people.

If this is the case, the Taoist sect will definitely use this as the foundation to display its holiness.

If this is the case, then Buddhism will have no place in the entire Tang Dynasty.

Although Buddhism also rose from humble beginnings, it took several hundred years of stumbling to take root in the territory of China.

Countless monks came one after another, and Buddhism became as great as it is now.

If the foundation of Buddhism is really shaken because of this, it will be a devastating blow to Buddhism.

"Master, I don't believe that there really are people who can access the mysteries and summon auspiciousness to the world. It doesn't matter if it's my Buddhist monk or the leader of the Taoist sect, it's the same."

"So there must be something fishy about this."

Xuanzang was an eminent Buddhist monk after all, and he immediately guessed the key to this.

He asked himself that even though he had a deep understanding of Buddhism, it was impossible for him to have such ability. Even if Sun Simiao lived for more than 100 years, he would not have such ability.

So it would be strange if there were no ghosts here.

"Master, do you mean to send someone to investigate and see if we can find out what is going on with Sun Simiao?"

Yuan Ji immediately guessed Xuanzang's intention, which was to find a way to find out Sun Simiao's secret.

"It's not whether it can be done, but it must be clarified. Otherwise, it will not only be Santai Temple, but the entire Buddhist sect of the Tang Dynasty that will suffer."

Xuanzang nodded. The Jingfang Taoist Temple now made him feel the crisis.

As a representative of the monks of the Tang Dynasty, he must find a way to understand the things inside no matter what, otherwise, he would really have no face to face the many ancestors of Buddhism.

"Fang Ji understands, but... alas!"

Yuan Ji also understood the seriousness of the matter, but everyone knew how difficult it would be to find out Sun Simiao's secret.

"Do it with your heart, and I believe that Buddha will definitely help us."

Xuanzang shook his head, now it was time to see if the Buddha would bless him.


"Master, Yuan Ji is gone!"

Yuan Ji shouted the Buddha's name again and retreated directly.

Looking at Yuan Ji's leaving figure, Xuanzang closed his eyes again.


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