My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 529 Super celebrity Sun Simiao

With the spread of many believers, the news that Sun Simiao could summon auspiciousness spread like an explosion, and soon everyone around Xinfeng got the news.

When they heard that Sun Simiao really had the power to summon auspiciousness, people from all over the world rushed over.

Everyone who had money and strength contributed, started the construction of Jingfang Taoist Temple.

"Brother, you are here!"

Cui Yuanjue received Cui Yuqing's summons and came directly to his mansion.

"Well, why are you looking for me?"

Cui Yuanjue glanced at Cui Yuqing, wondering what he was calling him for.

"Brother, have you heard about the recent situation in the Lishan fiefdom?
It is said that Sun Simiao, the wealthy medicine king, preached Taoism in Lishan fiefdom, established Jingfang Taoist temple, and could summon auspicious signs from the sky at will.

And the auspiciousness that suddenly bloomed in the palace two days ago is empty. What do you think? "

Cui Yuqing looked at his brother and told him all the news he had just received.

After fermentation, the matter of the fiefdom spread not only around Xinfeng County, but also in Chang'an.

That's why he called his brother over in a hurry.

"Well, I heard about it occasionally, so you called me here just to talk about this?"

Cui Yuanjun frowned, wondering what his brother meant.

"What I mean is, can we take the opportunity to get in touch with Sun Yaowang? Doesn't he want to teach Buddhist scriptures?
We can fully fund the construction of his Jingfang Taoist Temple, and at the same time, we can use the influence of the family to promote it vigorously.

The premise is that he wants to listen to us. If nothing else, he must first give us his method of summoning auspiciousness.

Also, if we are in need, he must help, whether it is treating illnesses or saving people.

If we can really bring King Sun Yao to our side, it will be a huge benefit but no harm. "

Cui Yuqing's eyes were full of excitement. Sun Simiao was someone that the entire upper class of the Tang Dynasty did not dare to offend.

After all, no one can guarantee that they will live until death without illness or disaster. As long as you are sick, you will need a doctor. Today's doctors are also mediocre and hard to distinguish.

If it comes time to use Sun Simiao and offend others, wouldn't it mean that we have to stop eating?

Before, Sun Simiao had no desires and was not bothered by external forces at all. Even if the emperor issued an order, the other party could calmly refuse.

But now it's different. He wants to establish Jingfang Taoist Temple. This is because he has desire.

There is nothing anyone can do to deal with a person who has no desires and desires, but as long as a person has desires, it will be much easier to deal with.

What is most needed to establish a Taoist temple or a religion? The first is money, the second is manpower, and the third is the most important thing, connections.

These may be some problems for Sun Simiao, but for him, they are just easy to come by.

If I could seize this opportunity and capture Sun Simiao in my hands, then... that would be simply wonderful.

Besides, the opponent can also summon auspiciousness, which is auspiciousness!
What convinces the people the most!

If you can control these in your own hands, you will be invincible.

"You want to use this to blackmail Sun Simiao, don't even think about it, who is the other person?

If he really has the intention to establish a religion and establish a sect, he can just seek help from His Majesty directly. Why should he be threatened by us?
Also, this auspicious sign appeared in Lishan Mountain and the palace at the same time. Didn't you find something fishy in this? "

Looking at his brother whose mind was spinning 360 degrees, Cui Yuqing also frowned and directly expressed his opinion.

"Brother, what do you mean? This auspicious Sun Simiao has been dedicated to His Majesty?"

Cui Yuqing also frowned when he heard his brother's words.

"I suspect that this method of summoning auspiciousness was not discovered by Sun Simiao at all, but by someone else!"

Cui Yuanjuan drank all the tea in front of him and spoke again.

"Is there someone else? Do you think so? No way!"

Cui Yuqing was stunned. He seemed to understand what his brother was going to say.

"Why not! Think about it, who is the only connection between Lishan and the palace? It's not Sun Simiao, but Princess Lishan.

This princess is not an ordinary person. We have suffered so much loss and deception from her. Can't you admit her excellence now?
You said that the things in this were done by Sun Simiao. I have reservations. It was the princess who did it, but I believe it from the bottom of my heart. "

Cui Yuanjue is really convinced by Li Yanran now. He can no longer count how many people he has lost to her and how much money he has been cheated from.

If you still think that the other person is just a child and look down on her, then you will be the one who suffers in the end.

"Brother, what do you mean, including the Jingfang Taoist Temple, were all built by Sun Simiao under the instruction of Princess Lishan?
If this is the case, wouldn’t what I just said become empty talk?

Besides, King Sun Yao dared to disobey His Majesty the Emperor's will, so why should he listen to Princess Lishan?
Brother, do you think of her too much? "

Cui Yuqing didn't want to believe what Cui Yuanjue said from the bottom of his heart.

So what if Li Yanran is a child prodigy?How old is she still?

"Yu Qing, you're obsessed. I'm sure this matter must be related to Li Yanran. You'd better put away all your previous thoughts!"

Cui Yuanjue glared at his brother. He was not only [-]% sure, but at least [-]% sure that this so-called auspiciousness must be related to Li Yanran.

If my little brother still can't see clearly and messes around, he might be in trouble again.

"But." "No but, if you still insist on having your own way, don't blame me for proposing to the elder of the family to control your rights!
A century-old dynasty, a thousand-year-old family, don’t you still see clearly the real advantages of the family?

It’s not because our disciples and former officials are all over the world, but because our dynasty has been passed down longer than anyone else’s. Time is our greatest weapon. "

Cui Yuanjue suddenly stood up. He really wanted to beat the little brother in front of him as hard as he did when he was a child.

"ok, I get it!"

Cui Yuqing also sighed when he heard this.

Although he is now in charge of all the resources of the Cui family in Chang'an, he would also feel very uncomfortable if his brother really impeached him to the elders of the clan.

"Remember, don't provoke Princess Lishan, but you can still get in touch with Jingfang Taoist Temple.

Contribute some gold, silver, and silk to support him, and it will be a good relationship. If you really want to ask Sun Yaowang for anything, it will be easier to talk to him. "

"Well, what my brother said is absolutely true. I will arrange for someone to do it right now."

Cui Yuqing nodded and immediately arranged for people to rush to Lishan to offer his modest contribution.

Not only the Cui family, but also all the rich and powerful people in Chang'an City heard the news and started asking their family members to rush to Lishan Mountain with gold and silver.

Unlike the Buddhists, although Sun Simiao was a Taoist priest, he was also a real medicine king.

Currying favor with Buddha may be to pray for the next life, but befriending Sun Simiao may not save your own life at a critical moment.

These people can still tell the difference between what is light and what is important.

In the past, Sun Simiao was like a wandering cloud and a wild crane, with no desires or pursuits. If they don't seize the opportunity now, their status will be in vain.

For a time, Lishan fiefdom once again became the focus of Chang'an. Although Jingfang Taoist Temple has not yet been built, it has become a hot spot.

Countless people come here every day, and Sun Simiao is also extremely dedicated and insists on sitting at the site of the Taoist temple every day to receive the people who come and go.

When the people from Chang'an came over, Sun Simiao was shocked when he saw the gold and silver they brought.

It's not that he has never seen money, but he has never seen so much money.

The amount of money offered by a family can range from hundreds of guan to dozens of guan, but it cannot handle the large number of people.

Within one day, I received thousands of incense money, and as time went by, it would soon exceed [-].

The most important thing is that these people also expressed the same idea. If they need money, people, or materials, just ask, they will definitely contribute.

Seeing this, the Imperial Guards responsible for maintaining order also became nervous. There were at least nearly a thousand people here. If something went wrong, it would be troublesome.

Nearly a hundred forbidden troops surrounded all the money, their swords and guns unsheathed, and they were on full alert.

At the same time, he rode a fast horse and ran wildly to report the current situation to Li Yanran.

"Brother Li, something happened!"

Cheng Chubi rushed directly into the lobby.

"What's wrong? When can you be more stable?"

Looking at the irritable Cheng Chubi, Li Yanran also frowned.

This guy doesn't look like an adult at all. Even Li Hong can't compare with his mental quality.

From now on, you will be like your father, leading troops in battle and going into battle to kill the enemy.

How could your father leave the elite of the Tang Dynasty in your hands if you keep doing this?

"Someone is coming, someone is coming!"

"Who is coming? Tell me clearly!"

Li Yanran just wants to give Cheng Chubi a slap in the face now. What do you mean, people are coming? When will there be no people coming to the fiefdom?
"There are people coming from Chang'an. They are all members of major aristocratic families, and they already have thousands of incense coins.

There are only a hundred people at Zhang Fahong's side, but there are more than 1000 people outside the Taoist temple. I'm afraid something might happen, so I'll have someone come over and report to you. "

Cheng Chubi took a breath and hurriedly told the news he had received.

"What's the point? Don't we have enough money in our fiefdom? Just bring the three hundred Princess Guards there right away, okay?"

After giving Cheng Chubi a blank look, Li Yanran also felt depressed.

What a big deal, it's just a few thousand guan of incense money, not a few thousand taels of gold, what a big deal.

"I've arranged for someone to go there."

"We've arranged for people to come over. Why are you still here? Is there nothing else to do?"

Hearing that someone had been arranged to go there, Li Yanran was a little confused as to what this idiot wanted to express.

"Brother Li, aren't you worried?"

Cheng Chubi hesitated for a moment, then slowly asked.

"Worried? Worried about what?"

"Brother Li, aren't you afraid that King Sun Yao will be taken away by those people?
These people come with bad intentions. When they see Sun Yaowang, their eyes light up. If Sun Yaowang is really moved, what should we do? "

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