My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 530 Di Renjie’s ruthless move

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Yanran, why didn't this child know what to worry about?

Sun Simiao was a great god. If such a person was really snatched away by someone, there would be no place to cry.

"Say you have no brains. You can think of this. Say you have brains, but not much. Let me tell you what you want!"

Li Yanran was a little speechless when she heard this.

Who is Sun Simiao? He is the Medicine King of the Tang Dynasty. If he really cares about fame and fortune, how can he still be here?

Wouldn't it be nice for him to go to the palace and be the doctor for his father?Why stay in the fiefdom?

If those aristocratic families could really spend some money to pry Sun Simiao away, it seems that she didn't have to tie him up in the first place. Wouldn't it be better to just pretend to be a princess?

"What happened to me?"

Cheng Chubi didn't know whether to be happy or angry.

What does it mean to have a brain, but not much?
If you have it, you have it, if you don't have it, you don't have it. It's so winding.

"It's okay, you're fine, Sun Yaowang can't run away, don't worry!"

Facing Cheng Chubi like this, Li Yanran couldn't say anything.

You can’t really degrade the other party to the point of being worthless!Then the child will feel inferior.

"Is there really no need to take any measures?"

Looking at Li Yanran again, Cheng Chubi also asked cautiously.

He really cared about Sun Simiao. If such a great god really ran away, it would be nothing.

"No, if Sun Simiao dares to run away, wouldn't you still be there? You can catch him again then, won't you?"

Li Yanran walked to Cheng Chubi, patted his shoulder and comforted him.

"What you said makes sense. If Sun Simiao dares to run away, we will go and catch him directly."

As expected, when Cheng Chubi heard this, he suddenly understood. Why didn't he think of this?

Sun Simiao could catch him by himself before, but there is no reason why he can't catch him now.

If Sun Simiao really dares to run away, no matter where he is, Cheng Chubi will catch him.

"There is nothing left, if not, get to work quickly!"


Cheng Chubi nodded and left quickly.

He had a lot of things to do. If he wasn't afraid that something would happen to Sun Simiao, he wouldn't bother to come over.


Li Yanran shook her head. Although this stick was stupid, he still knew how to think about himself.

If it weren't for this, she would have kicked this idiot out long ago.

"Your Highness!"

Just as Cheng Chubi left, Di Renjie also walked in slowly.

"what happened?"

Li Yanran took a sip of tea and asked Di Renjie.

"Your Highness, there have been a lot of people coming to Chang'an recently, and they all seem to be here for King Sun Yao. I'm afraid!"

"I already know, don't worry, King Sun Yao won't leave!"

Unexpectedly, Di Renjie also came here for Sun Simiao, and Li Yanran was also depressed.

That idiot Cheng Chubi couldn't see clearly what Sun Simiao was like. Could it be that you still can't see clearly?
Are you full of food when you come here for these invisible things?

“Your Highness, the current Sun Yaowang is different from the previous Sun Yaowang.

In the past, King Sun Yao was like a wild crane in the clouds, with nothing to desire and nothing to seek.
Now that he has Jingfang Taoist Temple, he has concerns. If those people grasp this, I'm afraid! "

Di Renjie naturally knew Sun Simiao's character, but that was before, and now Jingfang Taoist Temple might become Di Renjie's weakness.

If someone catches him, Sun Simiao may still be pried away.

After all, although Lishan was nice, it was just a rural town. If the other party asked Sun Simiao to move to Chang'an in the name of promoting Jingfang Taoist Temple, it would be a troublesome matter.

"It was you who proposed the Jingfang Taoist Temple, and it was not Sun Simiao who wanted to build it.
He was just doing us a favor, and doing Daomen a favor along the way,

After all, this is just a seasonal thing. Will King Sun Yao care that much? "

After taking another sip of tea, Li Yanran also frowned.

There is some truth in what Di Renjie said, but the Jingfang Taoist Temple was proposed to be built by himself, and it seems to have nothing to do with Sun Simiao!

Does he really care?
"Your Highness, feelings are something that everyone has."

"Sun Yaowang didn't care about Jingfang Taoist Temple at first, but as time went by, his feelings for Jingfang Taoist Temple became deeper and deeper.

This is like a child. Jingfang Taoist Temple will eventually become an inseparable part of Sun Yaowang, so we have to guard against it! "

Di Renjie looked at Li Yanran. He had not thought carefully before, and he did not expect that Jingfang Taoist Temple would be so popular. Now he seems to be unable to put the brakes on.

"Then what do you mean?"

At this moment, Li Yanran also had a sense of crisis. Emotions are too mysterious.

Some people are willing to abandon their families and careers for the sake of love, and some are willing to risk their lives for the sake of love. If this is the case, then you should really take precautions in advance.

“Your Highness, I want to dissuade King Sun Yao from moving all his family to Lishan.

In this case, there is a Taoist temple here, and there are wives and children beside me.
It is basically impossible for anyone to poach Sun Yaowang away. "

Di Renjie smiled slightly, the only thing he could think of now was this.

"Do you think King Sun Yao will agree? Or do you think he is stupid and can't see your intention in doing this?"

Li Yanran really didn't expect that Di Renjie could say such stupid things.

Who is Sun Simiao?An old immortal who lived for more than 100 years.

Even if he is a fool, he still lives like a man.Do you want to threaten Sun Simiao by tying his family to Lishan?

Will people pay attention to your behavior?

Don't end up stealing the chicken but losing the rice and irritating Sun Simiao. That would be shooting yourself in the foot.


"Stop being stubborn, just ask Sun Simiao to come over tonight and I'll talk to him."

Li Yanran waved her hand, she would never do this.

Threaten other people's wives, children, and children?If you really get into a hurry and someone comes in and fails to do anything, you will be useless.


In the evening, Sun Simiao also rushed back from Jingfang Taoist Temple, and Li Yanran asked Cheng Chubi to arrange the hot pot.

There was not only hot pot, but also bottles of Yuye wine.

Looking at what was in the cup in front of them, not only Cheng Chubi and the others were excited, but even Sun Simiao's eyes were shining.

Although Li Yanran promised him that he would have enough wine, he only had one small cup every day, so how could he drink it by himself.

"Come, King Sun Yao, Yanran will give you a toast first!"

Li Yanran poured a cup of milk tea, held it in her hand, and spoke to Sun Simiao.

"Girl Li, the sun is coming out from the west? Why are you so crazy today?"

Sun Simiao was also stunned and immediately filled up the wine glass in front of him.

"It's okay, Sun Yaowang, you are now the founder of the sect. Yan Ran will not dare to yell at you in the future."

Li Yanran drank all the milk tea in the bowl in one gulp, her eyes full of smiles.

"Girl Li, can you let me finish the wine? Why do I feel like you are mocking me?"

Sun Simiao was just about to drink when Li Yanran's words immediately choked him.

Now he wants to drink this wine but doesn't want to drink it. What the hell is this?
"Sun Yaowang, you think too much, drink it!"

"Then I drank it!"

This wine is really good, otherwise he would have dropped the glass with his temper.

There was no way, he couldn't afford to spoil a good thing.

"Suck it!"


"Good wine, good wine!"

After a glass of wine, Sun Simiao also felt comfortable.

He is already over 100 years old, and he only wants so much.

I can have enough to eat, wear warm clothes, have a place to rest, and the best thing is to have this fine wine to drink.

that's enough.

"Come on, let me toast you again!"

Li Yanran picked up another cup of milk tea and paid respect to Sun Simiao in front of her.

"Girl Li Li, if you have something to say, you really don't dare to drink for an old man like you."

The so-called showing affection for nothing is either adultery or theft.

Li Yanran came up with a toast and a joke. If Sun Simiao couldn't tell that something was wrong with her, he would have lived such a long life in vain.

"Sun Yaowang, don't I think I won't be able to see you anymore? I want to toast you a few glasses of wine in advance so that I don't miss you later!"

After saying this, even Li Hong, who was hard at work picking up the meat, stopped his chopsticks and heard that something was wrong.

Everyone stared at Li Yanran, wondering what she meant.

Only Di Renjie's eyes flashed with light, as if he understood what Li Yanran meant.

"Girl Li, there is something in your words. Although I am over 100 years old, I..."

As he spoke, Sun Simiao counted with his fingers and continued: "I still have 24 years to live, so you won't need to send me away in a short time."


Hearing Sun Simiao's words, everyone was stunned, even Li Yanran was stunned.

How could anyone possibly calculate how much time they have left to live?

According to historical records, Sun Simiao lived to be over 140 years old. Could it be that he is really an immortal?
I have long heard that those enlightened monks and Taoist immortal masters can clearly predict their own death time. Is this true?
"That's not what I mean. What I mean is that Jingfang Taoist Temple is so popular now. I believe it won't take long to become a famous Taoist Temple.
By then, King Sun Yao will definitely feel that the Lishan Temple is too small to accommodate a giant Buddha like yours, so I will consider this glass of wine as a farewell to you in advance. "

Li Yanran shook her head, shook those illusory things out of her head, and then raised her milk tea to toast to the other party.

Regardless of whether you are a god or not, you need to pass my level first before talking about it today.

"After all, your little girl knows that I am a great Buddha. Alas, it's a pity that Lishan Mountain is a bit small! It's difficult for Jingfang Taoist Temple to develop!"

Sun Simiao was a very perceptive person, and he immediately understood what Li Yanran meant when he heard this.

It is said that there is no good banquet, and Li Yanran's banquet can be called the Hongmen Banquet.

The special thing is that he is afraid that he will be abducted in the future for the development of Jingfang Taoist Temple.

Hehe, since you, a little girl, are worried about this, I don’t have to play with you properly.

"So Yanran can only wish Sun Yaowang a prosperous career and turn the Jingfang Taoist Temple into the first Taoist temple in the Tang Dynasty. Come and drink this wine!"

If Sun Simiao said something else, she might not feel anything at all, but the fact that the other party said that made Li Yanran guess what Sun Simiao was thinking.

Old man, I'm going to challenge the general with you, and you're going to play hard to get, right?

Then let's have fun!


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