My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 531: An old actor!

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned. They never expected that Li Yanran would speak like this.

Doesn't this mean to drive Sun Simiao away?

Isn't it time to understand things with reason and move them with emotion? Why do you say that?

"Sun Yaowang, do you really want to leave? Brother Li treats you well. You can't do such a heartless thing!"

Cheng Chubi couldn't help it anymore and was the first to speak to Sun Simiao.

"That's right, King Sun Yao, why does Jingfang Taoist Temple become popular? If others don't know, don't you still know?"

Changsun Yan also stared at Sun Simiao with wide eyes. Although you are highly respected, you would not be where you are now without your own support.

"Sun Yaowang, if Brother Li can support Jingfang Taoist Temple, he can support Santai Temple. If you really want to do this, there is no telling what problems will happen."

Li Siwen was even more direct and immediately brought up Santai Temple.

Although he has no feelings for Santai Temple, he also has no thoughts about Taoism.

After all, he is a military commander, and he has no Buddha or Taoism in his heart. The reason why he chooses to support Jingfang Taoist Temple is simply because Santai Temple himself can't stand it.

If Sun Simiao was really going to be that treacherous person, then it would not be unacceptable to him to do something to help Buddhism.

Sun Simiao's beard almost flew up after hearing the words of these idiots.

A bunch of brats with no hair at all have learned how to use guns and sticks to threaten me, the old man.

I was just joking with Li Yatou. You all look like weasels who have stepped on their tails.

It seems that next time I treat their injuries, I may not have to use some harsh materials, otherwise they will not know why they have such a high status in the Tang Dynasty.

"That's enough, shut up for Ben Gong!"

Li Yanran was also dumbfounded, why had she forgotten these masters?

Everyone in Te Miao looked like something was wrong. Could it be that they couldn’t tell that they were competing against Sun Simiao’s acting skills?
Look at Yuchi Huan.

You didn't know this, and Li Yanran was shocked when she saw it.

Yuchihuan was seen arriving behind Sun Simiao at some point.

He held a piece of meat in his mouth, held Sun Simiao's arm in his arms, and the chopsticks in his hand had already hit Sun Simiao's neck.

"Yuchi Huan, put down your chopsticks quickly!"

"Sun Yaowang, I put my words here today. If you dare to say those words again, I will risk everything today. Let's fight to the death."

Yuchi Huan sucked the piece of meat directly into his mouth, his eyes full of cruelty.

If Sun Simiao dared to say those nonsense again, he really dared to let Sun Simiao die young right now.

No, he probably died young.

"Yuchi Huan, I'm telling you again, put down the chopsticks!"

Li Yanran stood up suddenly and glared at Yuchi Huan with wide eyes.

"Hmph! King Sun Yao, I, Yuchi Huan, keep my word. Even if you really run away to the end of the world, I will never spare you."

Yuchi Huan threw away his chopsticks, left a harsh word and sat aside.

"Sun Yaowang, let's get together and part ways. Yanran wishes you a prosperous career and becomes the leader of the Taoist sect of the Tang Dynasty as soon as possible."

Seeing everyone sitting down, Li Yanran picked up the milk tea in her hand and paid respect to Sun Simiao in front of her.

"Li Yatou, you don't dare to drink this glass of wine. All of them are going to eat people. If I dare to drink this glass of wine, they will dare to let this wine become my farewell drink.

That's all, I'm idle, the Jingfang Taoist Temple is just a Taoist temple.

Compared with Taoism, this old life is more important. After all, I still have more than 20 years to live. "

Sun Simiao also knew that this was a big joke, and that Yuchi Huan just now really had the intention of killing people.

This is so weird, if one of them can't handle it well, these stupid boys can really kill themselves.

"Brother Li, did you hear that? King Sun Yao said not to leave!"

Cheng Chubi was stunned and immediately became excited.

"A bunch of sticks, Sun Yaowang didn't want to leave in the first place. Can't you see now that he is acting for you?"

Li Yanran was also depressed. These sticks really ruined her good show.

Really drunk.




Everyone looked confused. What is acting?
It turns out that you have noticed it a long time ago, no wonder you spoke like that just now.

Damn it, can you two be human beings?

Can't you tell me something in advance?Even his own people act?
"Hahahaha, Li Yatou, you are really a ghost, how can you tell?"

Sun Simiao glanced at Li Yanran and burst into laughter.

He is really a little drama queen, going around a lot to amuse himself.

"Di Renjie, tell me!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly and looked directly at Di Renjie on the side. He knew that the other party must have noticed it a long time ago.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been so calm just now.

"Actually, Sun Yaowang revealed his true feelings in his first sentence.
If you really want to leave, you absolutely can't say that right from the beginning, so after all, Her Royal Highness is the better one! "

Di Renjie smiled slightly and expressed his opinion.

"You are getting old after all, hey!"

Sun Simiao was speechless. He originally wanted to tease Li Yanran, but he didn't expect that he would be the one being teased.

If you live a whole life, you are not as good as a little girl, your life is really in vain.

"So, Sun Yaowang, Yanran offers you another drink!" Li Yanran picked up the milk tea in front of her and offered it to Sun Simiao.

Sun Simiao also picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in one gulp.

"Haha, don't drink so fast, this wine is very strong!"

Seeing Sun Simiao being so heroic, Li Yanran was also stunned.

This old man has a bad temper, and his temper is just as bad when he drinks.

This is highly alcoholic. You are an old man over 100 years old. Drinking like this will cause problems.

"What's wrong with Lie? I deserve this wine, otherwise how could I be sorry for my identity?"

You also said, I want to be the founder of the sect, give me a bigger bowl! "

Sun Simiao glared at Li Yanran, "I have lived for more than 100 years and drank for more than 100 years."

Just a small drink, what happened to Lie?
I'm afraid this wine isn't strong enough.

"Change bowls?"

Li Yanran's eyes almost popped out of her head. This was her own fine wine, not the rice wine popular in the Tang Dynasty.

"Yes, a man should drink a lot of wine and eat a lot of meat!"

Cheng Chubi also stood up directly and asked for a big bowl.

"I'll trade you a big watermelon. If you want to commit suicide, you can do it yourself."

Li Yanran slapped the table, her eyes full of anger.

This guy is just watching the excitement and doesn't take it too seriously. He really deserves to be beaten.

"Girl Li, don't treat me like an ordinary old man. I told you that I still have more than 20 years to live.

If you don't let the old man drink, there won't be much to do in this fief,"

"Bring a bowl!"


Feeling Sun Simiao's persistence, Li Yanran had nothing to say.

After all, Sun Simiao was a miracle doctor, and he should have some control over how much he drank.

He waved his hand to signal them to change to a big bowl, and then the scene got a little out of control.

Sun Simiao used all his firepower to kill everyone.

Cheng Chubi and the others were reckless. When faced with Sun Simiao, who was eloquent and had a good drinker, they were all beaten and beaten until they were all fucked under the table.

Looking at the four little pickpockets, Sun Simiao was still a little dissatisfied, and finally turned his attention to Di Renjie, who was awake alone.

"Di Renjie, I really like what you said today. Come on, let's have a few drinks."

Sun Simiao walked up to Di Renjie with a wine glass in hand, patted his shoulder and said to him.

"Sun Yaowang, Di Renjie is too drunk, so let's forget it!"

Di Renjie also wanted to drink this wine, but the last time he was embarrassed while drinking was still fresh in his memory, so he would rather give up this opportunity than make the same mistake again.

"How can we forget it? Come on, let's not get drunk today!"

Sun Simiao did not give Di Renjie a chance to refuse, and directly filled his cup and brought it to Di Renjie.


Looking at the wine that was about to be delivered to his mouth, Di Renjie also swallowed and felt a little moved.

"Drink, I'm happy today!"

Li Yanran also waved her hand and generally drank. Why should she be happy with Sun Yaowang?

"Then Di Renjie is more respectful than obedient!"

Now Di Renjie had nothing to say, so he picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Sun Simiao was a ruthless character after all. Even though Di Renjie was smart and resourceful, he couldn't withstand Sun Simiao's attack.

After all, no matter how deep a pond is, it cannot compare with the ocean.

Soon Di Renjie's drink exceeded the limit. He put his arms around Sun Simiao's neck and said with a blushing face.

"Sun Yaowang, do you know that in order to prevent you from being snatched away by others, I proposed that Your Highness bring your wife, children, and children to the fiefdom?
In this way, you can not only enjoy the happiness of your family in peace, but also keep all your bonds in the fiefdom.

But His Highness refused directly, without any hesitation.

Do you know what His Highness said originally? "

After hearing Di Renjie's words, Sun Simiao also narrowed his drunken eyes and looked at Li Yanran aside.

He would like to hear what this girl Li will say?
"His Highness said that you are not that kind of person at all. With your current reputation, if you really want something, why bother to use someone else to go directly to His Majesty?
She also said that she could not do such a thing with her family as a threat, and she should treat others with sincerity.

As long as she treats you sincerely, you will never leave her.

Looking at it now, Di Renjie is not as accurate at judging people as His Highness! "

After Di Renjie finished speaking, an undetectable light flashed in his eyes.

After listening to Di Renjie's words, Li Yanran couldn't help but frowned. It seems she didn't say that!
She couldn't tell whether this guy was really drunk or pretending to be drunk.

Could this guy be trying to get into trouble by being drunk?
"Di Renjie, are you kidding me?"

Sun Simiao instantly determined that Di Renjie was pretending to be drunk, so he picked up the wine bowl and poured it into his mouth.

How could a really drunk person talk so coherently.

He also understood that Di Renjie wanted to take the opportunity to express his thoughts so that he could move his family to the fiefdom.

An Li Yanran's heart is also to strive for a better life for her family.

"Ton ton ton."

"Tons of medicine"

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