My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 532: Get Sun Simiao

This bowl of wine almost sent Di Renjie away.

Good guy, one bowl is only half a bottle, and it will kill him.

"Cough cough cough."

This bowl of wine became the straw that broke the camel's back. After a cough, Di Renjie got directly under the table.

I rolled my eyes at Di Renjie, and it turned out that just as you said, his drinking capacity is far different from that of those boys.

After drinking another bowl of wine, Sun Simiao also said to Li Yanran: "Girl Li, do you want my family to come over?"

"I don't have much idea. I can only say that if your family comes over, I can provide you with the best in the fief. Of course, it all depends on you."

Li Yanran picked up her milk tea again and smiled at Sun Simiao.

I now seem to have reached what Taoism calls the state of tranquility and inaction, the natural state of Taoism.

It doesn't matter to her whether I gain or lose my life.

"I have to think about this matter for a while, and I also want to ask my family for their thoughts!"

Sun Simiao also frowned after saying that he couldn't decide the current situation.

If the family really wants to come, then come.

Anyway, he probably can't do without this jade liquid wine. It wouldn't be a bad thing if he could bring his family over.

"It doesn't matter, have you drunk enough? There are still people who haven't drunk enough!"

Li Yanran glanced at Li Feng behind her.

As the saying goes, it takes raising an army for a thousand days but using it for a while. Now is the time for Li Feng to take action.

After all, Li Feng was considered a little drunkard back then.

Hearing this, Li Feng also shuddered.

He really didn't expect that Sun Simiao could be so powerful. He had defeated several fierce men, so he might as well forget about shrinking his body!
If you drink it forcefully, you may die too.

"Forget it, forget it, I'm almost done. If I drink any more, I'll be hurt."

Sun Simiao glanced at the trembling Li Feng and shook his head.

Before leaving, I also picked up a bottle of Yuye wine.

"A sin!"

Looking at the drunken man lying across the table, Li Yanran also sighed.

With so many people, one person would be treated as top-notch treatment, but he had several at once.

I have really committed a great sin.

"Have someone send them all back. They are a bunch of noobs. With so many people, even Sun Simiao can't drink."

After leaving a word, Li Yanran also walked away.


The turmoil caused by Sun Simiao was eliminated with a drink. Sun Simiao was such a great god that he couldn't escape.

The construction of Jingfang Taoist Temple is proceeding in an orderly manner. With the incense money contributed by those aristocratic families, the progress of the construction has also been greatly improved.

At the same time, Yuanji also found many loyal Buddhist laymen and began to ask them about the secrets of fireworks.

But let alone fiefdoms, only two people in the entire Tang Dynasty knew about these things.

In the end, he could only let his confidant novice monk return to secular life and send him to the fiefdom, hoping that this person could bring him the news he wanted.

While everyone was marveling at the fireworks, Su Dingfang led the assembled [-] cavalrymen and ran toward the southwest through the vast snow.

At the same time, under the dispatch of the Ministry of War, [-] elite infantrymen also gathered from their respective stations and headed towards the Tuhun Valley.

A battle to determine the ownership of the Tuhun Valley also kicked off with Su Dingfang's move south.

"Sister, New Year's Eve is coming soon. What gifts are you planning to give to my father?"

Li Hong came to Li Yanran, his little eyes full of excitement.

New Year's Eve is coming soon, and according to the rules of the Tang Dynasty, all princes and princesses who are not traveling abroad must stay with the emperor in the palace.

Although Li Yanran has been released to Lishan in name, the distance is so close.

They must be going back to the palace, and he is already imagining what goodies his sister can prepare for his father and mother.

After all, mooncakes have been given out during the Mid-Autumn Festival, so it is inevitable on New Year’s Eve.

Otherwise, I don’t know how my father will deal with him.

"A gift? I haven't thought about it yet!"

Li Yanran was stunned for a moment. He used to spend New Year's Eve alone, and to be honest, he had no idea about New Year's Eve.

"How could you not have thought it through? It's New Year's Eve! If you don't have a gift, won't you be beaten to death by your father?"

Hearing that Li Yanran had not thought clearly, Li Hong stopped immediately.

You are favored by God. Dad may not do anything to you, but I can't.


Li Yanran was depressed. Logically speaking, shouldn't the father and mother prepare gifts for their children?

How come I am here, I have prepared it for my parents.

Is this a custom of the Tang Dynasty?
"Sister, you better think about it!"

Seeing Li Yanran not speaking, Li Hong also became depressed.

A disaster is imminent, why don't you feel like nothing is happening?
He knows best how painful it is when his father hits someone.

"I miss you big watermelon!"

Li Yanran kicked Li Hong to the ground with one kick. I just thought about what the hell, if I had anything to think about.

I'm not prepared, so what?

Can Mom and Dad still beat me to death?
"Sister, if you don't want to, just don't want to, why are you kicking someone!"

Li Hong climbed up from the ground holding his buttocks, with the word "hard work" written all over his face.

"Hmph! Do you have any ideas?"

Looking at Li Hong, Li Yanran also asked.

"If I had an idea, would I still ask you, sister? I had mooncakes last time, so I can't go back with chickens and ducks this time!"

Li Hong's face curled up, full of helplessness.

If my sister doesn’t have any good ideas, she might not know what will happen when she goes back this time.

"Let me think about it!"

Li Yanran frowned, touched Li Hong's little head and began to think.

Li Hong's head was being ravaged by his sister, but he didn't dare to move.

I was afraid of interrupting my sister’s thoughts.


Just as Li Yanran was thinking, a thunderclap sounded outside the door.

"what sound?"

Li Yanran frowned, wondering what was going on.

"This is Ma Hou burning bamboo. It will be used on New Year's Eve, so I asked him to practice it in advance.
After all, he and his mother were the only ones in his family, so it was time to stand up. "Li Hong glanced outside and immediately understood the source of the sound.

"Burning bamboo? Firecrackers? Yes, why didn't I think of that!"

Li Yanran also patted Li Hong on the head and walked out directly.

Li Hong covered his little head and felt bad, but he still followed behind Sister A.

After leaving the main hall, I saw a brazier outside, with a piece of bamboo placed on it, making a crackling sound under the burning flames.

"Your Highness! Boss!"

Seeing the two people coming out, Mahou quickly stood up and saluted them.

Li Yanran squatted on the ground, looking at the bamboo in the brazier, the joy in her eyes getting stronger and stronger.

Setting off firecrackers on New Year's Eve was the time she looked forward to most in the future.

As the saying goes, when firecrackers go off, all evil will retreat.

If you can make this firecracker by yourself, your parents will definitely be very happy.

"Sister, elder sister!"

Seeing Li Yanran staring at the brazier and giggling, Li Hong also frowned, wondering what was wrong with her sister.

"What are you shouting for? Let Cheng Chubi and the others come over immediately and let's get started!"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Li Hong and stood up directly.

"Let's do it? What are we doing?"

"Make firecrackers!"


Looking at Li Yanran's back, Li Hong felt a little confused again.

Firecrackers?Isn't that what it is?

Do you still need to do it?
What does sister want to do?

Shaking his head, Li Hong also quickly asked Ma Hou to notify a few people to come over.

"Brother Li!"

"Brother Li!"

"What is it?"

Several people came in and looked at Li Yanran, wondering why the other party asked them to come over.
"What? Make firecrackers!"

Li Yanran smiled at a few people and told all the ideas about the firecrackers.

"What's the use of this?"

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard the idea of ​​firecrackers.

I don’t know what the use is of making this thing?

Is it just to hear the sound?

"What's the use? Why do you talk so much nonsense? Just do whatever I ask you to do."

He glared at Changsun Yan, "You are the talkative one in the whole fiefdom."

What's the use of making firecrackers?Naturally, it is to drive away the Nian beast and pray that everything will go well next year.


After eating a mouthful of nails, Changsun Yan also felt depressed for a while.

Didn’t I just ask why?As for saying that about me!

"Why are you standing there, let's work!"


A few idiots didn't dare to neglect, so they quickly got the paper, prepared the gunpowder and started rolling the cannon.

Different from the fireworks rolled before, these firecrackers are smaller and they roll them more carefully.

After everything was done, everyone looked at the rows of small firecrackers and scratched their heads.

Li Yanran grabbed a small cannon in her hand and looked at it carefully.

Looking at these things now, they are no different from the firecrackers of later generations.

In order to make the firecrackers look better, I used red paper this time. This way, the firecrackers will look much better than white paper when they explode.

Looking at the briquette stove in the room, Li Yanran threw it in directly.


There was a crisp sound, and several people were startled.

Fortunately, this cannon is small. If it were larger, it would be dangerous.

"Well, well done!"

Hearing this voice, Li Yanran also smiled slightly.

Although these idiots are usually unreliable, their firecrackers are still very qualified.

Not bad.

Once the cannon is done, the next step is the main event.

Because it is a delicate job to twist all these small cannons onto the leads.

Their fingers were as thick as carrots, so it was really difficult for them to do this.

It took a long time to string together more than 100 pieces. Looking at the short section in front of her, Li Yanran felt helpless.

Thinking about the firecrackers that often have [-], [-], or even [-] firecrackers in later generations, I really don’t know how they were made.

"Let's go to the snow forest!"

Carrying this string of firecrackers, Li Yanran walked directly outside.

The few of them looked at each other and followed Li Yanran towards the snow forest.

When the uninvited guests arrived, the birds living in the snow forest also spread their wings and flew high. They were also convinced by these old people.

If you have anything to do, come and take a walk in the snow forest. It's really a great day.

"Your Highness, how about I do it?"

Looking at the firecrackers in front of him, Cheng Chubi also wanted to take them in his hand.

"Well, come on!"

Li Yanran nodded. We don't know the status of this thing yet, so we should let Cheng Sanlengzi do it!

After all, the number one gunner of the Tang Dynasty is not just a mere talk.

Cheng Chubi placed the newly made firecrackers on the ground, broke off the firecrackers, lit the fuse, turned around and ran away.

The fuse burned, and the firecrackers attached to it began to explode.




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