My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 533 Super high-speed lead!

Listening to the intermittent sound of firecrackers, everyone was stunned, and the most confused among them was Li Yanran.

The firecrackers she saw in later generations were not like this. They crackled when they burned, and it felt like they would be cremated if they ran slower.

Why is it like this now?
Single jump?

"Brother Li, what is this!"

Changsun Yan glanced at the firecrackers that were still exploding and felt disdainful.

That's it?

You've wasted so much time and you're just going to show me this?
I really feel sorry for my expectations.

"Something's wrong, something's wrong, go back!"

Li Yanran frowned. Only now did she realize that she might have made a cognitive error.

This fuse burns slowly and is suitable for fireworks, but it is not suitable for firecrackers.

Compared with this, the lead made at the beginning may be more suitable.

Seeing that Li Yanran had already got on the carriage, several people felt depressed, and then they got on the carriage and headed towards the school ground.

Back at the school grounds, Li Yanran immediately suggested changing to the original paper-wrapped gunpowder fuse.

"Brother Li, the fuse burned too fast!"

Cheng Chubi frowned. You must know that he was a cannon shooter, and he was still a little worried about the last lead.

There was no chance to run.

"It's okay, just do as I say! Go ahead!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, these firecrackers were not fireworks.

Even if you don't have time to run, it's okay. At most, you will be blown to pieces and your life will not be in danger.

"All right!"

Several people were obedient and started their previous work again.

With their previous experience, a few people worked very quickly this time. In a short time, they had a large string of strings coming out, which looked like they could make three or four hundred noises.

"Brother Li, if you ask me to leave it here this time, I won't have enough time to escape to the snow forest."

Changsun Yan looked at the firecrackers in front of him and felt depressed.

At first he thought it was some kind of fairy thing, and that feelings were like silver pewter spearheads, a thing that looked good but was useless.

It's simply not worth traveling so far to experiment in the snow forest.

"Don't go to the snow forest? Then you come and set off the cannons!"

Hearing Chang Sun Yan's words, Cheng Chubi's face turned dark.

If you don’t go to the snow forest, why don’t you go to one for me?

I'm a gunner, not a gunner.

I'm thick-skinned but not a tough guy.

"I'll do it, just me, it's just a small firecracker!"

Changsun Yan's eyes were full of disdain. He had seen the situation in the snow forest just now. What would happen if a new lead was replaced.

It will scare you to death.

"Okay, okay, close the door and let's enjoy the performance of County Duke Changsun together!"

Li Yanran was also stunned. Since you committed suicide yourself, you can't blame others.

After hearing this, several people quickly moved out of the way. At the same time, Li Feng also walked out, closing the door behind him.

"All forbidden troops retreat and evacuate. No one is allowed to approach within 500 meters!"

Upon hearing Li Feng's order, the Imperial Guards guarding the side also saluted together and left one after another.

Several people stared at Changsun Yan standing in the middle, their eyes full of expectation.

Cheng Chubi's eyes were filled with disdain. He wanted to see what Chang Sun Yan would become.

Changsun Yan glanced at everyone and felt relieved when he saw the firecrackers in his hands.

Slowly put the firecracker on the ground, then opened the firecracker. After blowing on it, the firecracker also released an orange flame.

He placed the firecracker on the fuse of the firecracker, and with a squeaking sound, Changsun Yan ran away.


Before Changsun Yan could run away, the firecrackers began to explode, and black smoke rose up, covering him directly.



"Cough, cough, cough!"

Changsun Yan's screams rang out in the black smoke, accompanied by violent coughs, which showed how miserable the other party was.

When the black smoke cleared, Changsun Yan was in bad condition.

The whole body was pitch black, especially the long face, which was so smoked that it looked like the bottom of a pot.


"Mr. Changsun, why have you become so evil!"

"Chang Sun Yan is still more of a tiger!"

Seeing this scene, everyone laughed.

This guy is simply too funny. He was white and pure just a moment ago, but turned into black coal in an instant.

Cheng Chubi was also happy for a while, okay, okay, if this fool hadn't taken business from him, he would have been the one with the most disgrace.

After all, this lead is too fast, so fast that you can't react at all.

"Cough cough cough! Stop laughing, what's so funny!"

Changsun Yan also wiped his dark face with his hand, his eyes full of depression.

"That's right, why are you laughing? We should show our admiration for him testing the cannon. We can't laugh!"

As Li Yanran spoke, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but raise.

"Brother Li, you are still smiling!"

Looking at Li Yanran's appearance, Changsun Yan felt like he was going to be embarrassed to the extreme. He was so embarrassed.

"Okay, stop laughing, these firecrackers are very good, let's do it!"

Li Yanran tried her best to suppress her expression and spoke to several people.

"Brother Li, isn't this a little too fast? Whoever lets go is unlucky!"

It’s all like this, and it’s so cute, so why not do it like this?

He didn't dare to fire this cannon anyway, and whoever was set on fire would light it.

"What nonsense are you talking about? When a firecracker goes off, you can get ten thousand taels of gold. Have you never heard of it? This is the effect you want." Cheng Chubi rolled his eyes. This is what I donated to my father, and you are not allowed to set off the firecrackers. Are you worried? What.

Do you want to stick to the same thing as before?What's the point?


The few people were speechless and started to work on rolling the cannon honestly.

Leaving this place to them, Li Yanran raised her legs and walked out.

"You all work hard for me! If anyone dares to be lazy, I will not spare him!"

Li Hong also put his hands on his hips, yelled at a few people, and followed his sister to leave.

"Sister, do you really want to give such a dangerous thing as a gift to my father?"

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran in front of him, he was really a little unsure.

"Why, aren't you thinking about making a gift for your father? Now that I've made it, you don't want to anymore?"

Glancing at her younger brother, Li Yanran's eyes were filled with disdain.

Where are you? It's just a firecracker. What's so dangerous about it?

Besides, you don’t need to fire off the cannons, so why do you worry about it?

"I'm not afraid that my father won't like it. After all, this thing is still somewhat different from the previous mooncakes!"

Li Hong frowned, why do you think I want to give you a gift so much?

Sister, you don’t want to say that I made this thing!

If my father didn't like this, wouldn't he be tempted to do it?

"Really? You'll know when the time comes! Father will definitely like it."

Li Yanran is full of confidence. This thing is a kind of fashion. At least it is rare in the Tang Dynasty, if not unique.

In her memory, there seems to be a person named Li Tian, ​​who is known as the founder of fireworks.

He used this firecracker to disperse the mountain miasma and saved countless people. I wonder if this thing is available now.


Seeing Li Yanran's persistence, Li Hong had nothing to say.

Who told her to be my sister?

Time passed little by little, and Cheng Chubi and the others didn't care about anything else. They stayed in the house all day tinkering with Li Yanran's firecrackers.

After all, there is not much time left before New Year's Eve, and Li Yanran's request is for at least [-] firecrackers. For them, time is tight and the task is heavy.

"Your Majesty, New Year's Eve is coming soon. When did Zhao Yanran and Hong'er come back?"

Wu Zetian looked at Li Zhi in front of her and spoke slowly.

"Well, wait two more days."

Li Zhi glanced at the palace where the display had been completed, and there was an extra sense of longing in his eyes.

"All right!"

Three days later, the Huangmen servant finally arrived at the Lishan fiefdom.

"Your Highness the Princess, Your Highness the Prince, Your Majesty has ordered you to return to the palace and watch the New Year together."

The chamberlain looked at Li Yanran and Li Hong in front of him and immediately stated Li Zhi's will.

"Okay, you go back and report to your father, we will return right away."

"Then this slave will go back and report!"

The chamberlain saluted again and left without any thought of lingering.

"Sister, it's not the time for vacation yet!"

Li Hong looked at his elder sister. It was only the twentieth day of the twelfth lunar month, and there were still three days left before the holiday prescribed by the Tang Dynasty.

"Then let's take a holiday early. Everyone has worked hard for a year. It's time to go back and celebrate the New Year."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, what's the difference between taking a holiday two days earlier and taking a holiday two days later?

"Sister, can you lend me some money?"


When she heard that Li Hong wanted to borrow money, Li Yanran was also stunned, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"Why do you want money again? Don't tell me that you want to buy candied haws and bring it back to the palace!"

"Sister, what are you thinking about? Am I such a glutton?"

"Mahou has been with me for a long time, and I want to give him some money.

Let him buy two new clothes for himself and his wife, as well as some new year goods, and have a good New Year! "

Li Hong rolled his eyes at his sister, is your little brother so miserable in your eyes?
I just want to support my ace brother and let him have a good New Year.

After all, those who are orphans and widowed cannot live in such a miserable state.

"Sister, I won't lend you this money!"

"Sister, why are you like this?"

When he heard that Li Yanran would not lend him money, Li Hong quit immediately.

Why do you have no sympathy at all?

"What are you yelling about! Sister, I haven't finished speaking yet!"

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head.

"Sister, what do you mean?"

Li Hong covered his little head depressedly, not knowing what the other party meant.

"Sister, I won't lend you this money, but I'm very happy that you can think of me like this. I'll give you the usual money, how about it?"

After touching her little brother's head, Li Yanran was actually very happy.

The younger brother can think about his subordinates instead of himself. This is already a bit like being a boss.

The emperor does not want hungry soldiers. Let his men be well fed so that they can work better for you.

"Really? But isn't it a bit too little? My brother is also the prince of the Tang Dynasty, so this is a bit hard to deal with!"

Hearing that Li Yanran was going to give him a lot of money, Li Hong was also excited, but immediately turned his lips.

It’s just money, isn’t it going to be used by beggars?

How can I take advantage of this?


Li Yanran slapped him again, his eyes full of hatred that iron cannot become steel.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

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