My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 534 Dividends

Li Hong was depressed again and would beat himself up at every turn. Fortunately, he was stubborn, otherwise he would have been stupid.

"What's wrong? Sister, it's either that I don't have money, or that I'm reluctant to give it to you, or that you've never thought about it.

This year you give Mahou ten guan or a hundred guan, but what about next year?What about the year after next?
Remember that even rewards should be gradual, so that they will feel that you value them more and more.

You have to leave room for yourself as a human being, do you understand? "

Li Yanran immediately expressed her thoughts.

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran and was a little at a loss. He had never thought about what she said.

Sister, you know how to behave.

No wonder those fools like Cheng Chubi are obsessed with you. With your skills like this, how can they turn the world upside down?

"Sister, please give me two. One is indeed too little.

After buying New Year’s goods and buying a few new clothes, they will soon be out of stock, so let them have some savings!

There is more than enough every year, which is a good sign! "

Although he also understood Li Yanran's reasoning, he still felt a little embarrassed.

"Okay, you go to the cashier's office and withdraw the two sums of money, and then say that I agreed!"

Looking at Li Hong again, Li Yanran also nodded.

She didn't expect that she could teach her little brother to become an eternal emperor, but she could still teach him the basic principles of life.

As long as she does the right thing, it doesn't matter how much money she spends.

Open source and reduce expenditure, in fact, open source is still the most important.

Just spend the money when it's time to spend it, and earn it after you've spent it.

"Yeah! Sister is the best, I'll go find Ma Hou right away.

Hongdi has nothing to repay, so he wants to show his respect first. "

Li Hong jumped up immediately, hugging Li Yanran and about to speak.

"Stop it and go be your big brother!"

Li Yanran pushed Li Hong's head away with her hands, her face full of disgust.

"All right!"

Li Hong stopped worrying, let go of Li Yanran and ran outside.

"This Li Hong!"

Looking at Li Hong's jumping back, Li Yanran also shook her head.

The world of a child is so simple, and happiness comes at your fingertips.

It's just two ounces of money to make the current prince do this. Who would believe it!

Li Feng glanced at Li Hong with a burst of envy in his eyes.

Will his lady give him some bonus so that his little coffers can be boosted?

Although he didn't have much to spend on it, he still needed it.


Li Yanran looked at Li Feng beside her and asked slowly.

"No, I'm satisfied just being able to follow Miss Li Feng."

Li Feng shook his head. This kind of thing was not necessary, otherwise it would be meaningless.

"Don't worry, it's not without you!"

Li Yanran patted Li Feng on the shoulder and walked directly into the house.

Li Hongshang knew the way to govern his subordinates, how could she not know it?
Li Feng is her ace brother, and she cannot lose Li Feng to anyone.


Hearing this, Li Feng also smiled naively and followed Li Yanran away.

"Okay, let's all stop!"

When she entered the room and looked at the coolies rolling cannons, Li Yanran also slapped them in the face.


After hearing Li Yanran's words, everyone was stunned.

Their life these past few days has been extremely hard, and they have been rolling around until night.

"How's the roll going?"

"Brother Li, this is the last one, it's over."

Changsun Yan threw away his hand and collapsed directly on the ground, breathing heavily.

"It's finally over!"

"I'm liberated. I swear, if I roll this thing again, I won't be a human being."

"I am the same."

The same goes for the remaining three people. Such hard days are finally over.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Looking at the firecrackers rolled aside, Li Yanran also smiled slightly.

After all, only they know how much they paid for it. These [-] firecrackers were made by their hands.

This is not even the slightest bit different from the cannon rubbing machines of later generations.

"Brother Li, you just asked us to stop, what do you want to do?"

Changsun Yan wiped the sweat from his head and asked Li Yanran.

"What are you doing? Sit down in a row for me, sit down!"

Li Yanran jumped and sat on her seat.

The four of them looked at each other and each sat on their own chairs.

"Someone came to the palace just now, and my father summoned me and Hongdi to return to the palace to prepare for the New Year's Eve.

So my idea is to take a holiday three days in advance, and everyone will return to Chang'an together to prepare for the New Year! "

Li Yanran smiled at a few people and told them the news that she was about to return to Chang'an.

"Today is the 24th of the twelfth lunar month?"

Changsun Yan was stunned when he heard that today was already the 24th of the twelfth lunar month.

They had been living day and night these days, and they had long forgotten the time.

"Brother Li, let's pack up and go back to Chang'an with you!"

Li Siwen nodded. He had never been absent during the New Year.

It's already the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, and if I don't go back, my father will beat himself to death.

"Well, let's go back together!"

"Let's go!"

When several people heard this, they got up and went to prepare things. "etc!"

Seeing a few idiots about to leave, Li Yanran was stunned and quickly called them to stop.

"Anything else?"

Changsun Yan turned his head, his eyes full of question marks.

"You're just going back like this? You don't want any money?"

"Money? Money"

"Yeah, the money we make!"

When they heard that they wanted to share the money, they immediately sat back in their seats, staring at Li Yanran expectantly.

"Brother Li, how much money have we made this year! How much can we share?"

Changsun Yan sighed and asked Li Yanran.

“How much I earn, I can only say a lot, the specific number depends on the accounting office’s annual report.

But there are many places to spend money in the fiefdom, such as the first and second phases of the hot spring town, and the Tang Dynasty Evernight City, etc. "

When Li Yanran said this, several people's eyes darkened.

You have said so much, and you can already imagine what you will get.

"Why are you so frustrated? You can't touch big money, but you still have small money. How about this amount of pocket money for each person?"

Li Yanran smiled slightly and stretched out a finger.

"One hundred strings?"

Yuchi Huan was dumbfounded. One hundred guan. He had worked hard for half a year and this was all he got?

Is Brother Li a little too stingy?

"What a hundred strings, is Brother Li that kind of person?
We have worked so hard to follow Brother Li for so long, how can we only give you one hundred strings? Shut up! "

Li Siwen kicked Yuchi Huan on the butt and said quickly to Li Yanran.

"you dare."

Just as Yuchi Huan was about to resist, he looked at the cold eyes of Cheng Chubi and Chang Sun Yan and shuddered.

"I also feel that Brother Li won't be like this!"

"Brother Li, a thousand guan is enough to spend, but it's still a bit too little!"

Rolling his eyes at Yuchi Huan, Changsun Yan also frowned and spoke to Li Yanran.

"Yes, Brother Li, one thousand guan is indeed a bit too little, why not two thousand guan!"

Cheng Chubi also continued what Chang Sun Yan said.

"Well, at least two thousand guan! Brother Li is so rich, how could he possibly treat us badly, right?"

"Yes, yes!"

Several people also nodded together, trying to gain some points.

"Then according to what you said, I originally wanted to give each of you [-] yuan as pocket money, but I didn't expect it!"

Li Yanran sighed, looked at a few more people, and finally agreed to their bargain.

"How many?"

"Eleven ten thousand?"

"Brother Li, you didn't lie to us?"

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this. Ten thousand guan each?

You heard it right!

Then, having fought there for a long time just now, didn't it mean that he had lowered his status?
This strives for loneliness.

"That's right, but you all think about me, you are really good people!"

Li Yanran smiled at the four of them and started pulling again.

"Brother Li Li, I farted just now, how about you just pretend you didn't hear me?"

Changsun Yan came directly to Li Yanran, his eyes full of regret.

He was really a bitch, and now he really wanted to give Li Yanran a smacking show.

"If you say that, it will be very difficult for me!"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Changsun Yan.

"No embarrassment, no embarrassment, ten thousand guan is just a drop in the bucket for Brother Li, right!"

Li Siwen also came over, his eyes full of expectation.

Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan also nodded together.

"Then I'll give you a choice."

"Either one can give you a pocket money of [-] yuan per person, but you have to bring your own gifts, but I won't pay for them.

Or two thousand guan each. I will prepare the gifts for you. You can choose. "

Li Yanran glanced at the four people and gave them a choice.

"You still need money! What kind of gift can cost [-] guan!"

Changsun Yan rolled his eyes at Li Yanran, his eyes full of depression.

Brother Li, you have made a good calculation.

If you get some gifts and deduct [-] yuan from us, do you really think we are stupid?

Several others looked at each other and nodded together.

"Really? You don't want to listen to the gifts I prepared for you before making a decision?"

Li Yanran smiled slightly and spoke to several people.

"Brother Li, what good things have you prepared?"

Hearing this, Li Siwen also frowned. Since Li Yanran said this, he wanted to hear what the other party had prepared.

"When you go back, you should at least prepare two jars of good wine and four thousand guan for your father."

"You ladies can't be disrespectful. I'm going to prepare ten bottles of perfume for each of you. This is the New Year limited edition. One bottle is worth two hundred guan, so this is [-] guan."

"Now that we have wine, tea is always indispensable. Five pounds of tea cakes per person, as well as ordinary perfumes and other things prepared for your favors."

"Lin Lin finally got it, at least nine thousand strings. After all, you still make money."

Li Yanran clapped her fingers and revealed the gift she had prepared.


Now a few people also hesitated. If this was really the case, it would be great if they could only have one thousand guan left after receiving the [-] guan.

Seeing the entanglement among several people, Li Yanran also smiled slightly and waited for their decision.

"I still want money! Brother Li, you are not preparing a gift for us, you are here to catch the culprit."

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