My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 535: Everyone gets a share of the rain and dew

After thinking for a moment, Changsun Yan came to his senses.

The gifts Li Yanran mentioned are all things she sells. How much does Yuye wine, perfume, and tea cost? If others don't know, how can they not know?

Emotions are here to trick you.

Brother Li, you know Zaishui well.

"What do you mean by being taken advantage of? Do you think any of these good things in Chang'an are not my property? Do you really want to bring those ordinary things back?"

Li Yanran really wanted to slap Chang Sun Yan to death, what nonsense did she say?

What does it mean to catch someone who has been taken advantage of?
Even if I don't catch you, you don't seem to have been taken advantage of.

"I still want money! I said that a thousand birds in the forest is worse than a bird in the hand. Get the money first."

Cheng Chubi shook his head and rejected Li Yanran's kindness.

"I also feel that money is more practical!"

"Then ask for money!"

Several people shook their heads together and still chose to ask for money.

"Okay, don't regret it! I'll have someone go to the accounting office to approve the note!"

Li Yanran shook her head, since you don't want to, then I don't have to prepare it for you.

You really don’t understand good people’s hearts!
I am too lazy to pay attention to them. I really feel sorry for you when you spend money, then you will know how good I am to you.


Without hesitation, several people ran outside together.

"Li Feng, you don't have any family, so I won't prepare a gift for you. How about five hundred guan?"

It's not that Li Yanran was reluctant to give money, it was really useless for Li Feng to ask for money.

Since he has no family, he doesn't need to prepare gifts. Five hundred guan is not a lot.

"Thank you, miss!"

Li Feng was also excited, five hundred strings was really a lot.

For him, it was already beyond his imagination.

"But the debts owed before still have to be repaid."


Li Feng was depressed. At this time, he had forgotten that he owed Li Yanran a lot of money.

Now that the five hundred strings have been obtained, there are only four hundred strings left at most.

"What? Paying back debts is a matter of course. You don't want to default on the debt, do you?"

After rolling her eyes at Li Feng, Li Yanran slowly spoke.

My brother is settling the accounts, I can give you money, but the debt you owe must be repaid.

"How could it be possible? Li Feng knows."

Li Feng saluted Li Yanran. Four hundred guans was a lot.

"Well, go and call Di Renjie!"


Li Feng shook his head and walked out directly.

"Your Highness!"

When Di Renjie came to Li Yanran, he was a little confused as to why he asked him to come here.

"Di Renjie, New Year's Eve is coming soon, do you still have time to go home?"

Li Yanran took a sip of milk tea and asked Di Renjie.

"Di Renjie is the commander of His Highness, and he has no plans to go home for the time being! Yuan Zheng will be spending time in the fiefdom this year."

Di Renjie shook his head. It was too far away from his hometown and he really didn't have time to go back now.

But this is not the first time that he has not returned home to keep his integrity. After all, being an official abroad always requires some choices.

Besides, a man has his ambitions in all directions, and he has long been used to this.

"I will leave to return to Chang'an today. After I leave, the fiefdom will be handed over to you."

Li Yanran nodded, this is ancient times, transportation is inconvenient.

If in future generations, there would be high-speed trains and planes everywhere, even if we were thousands of miles apart, we would definitely have to go back.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, as long as I'm here, there will definitely be no problems."

Di Renjie was stunned for a moment, but he still clasped his fist towards Li Yanran and took over the fiefdom matter.

"You can go to the accounting office later and withdraw one hundred coins, and this will be regarded as a reward from me.

During the Yuan Zheng period, get more delicious food.

The captives in the fiefdom cannot be treated badly, after all, the construction of the fiefdom still depends on them. "

Li Yanran was relieved that the fiefdom was handed over to Di Renjie.

After all, he is now the chief steward of the fiefdom.

"Your Highness, you have no merit and no reward, so let's just forget about these one hundred strings!"

Di Renjie shook his head.

There was no other reason, it was because Li Yanran gave her too much.

That's a hundred dollars. I haven't saved so much money since I became an official.

"What does it mean to receive no reward for no merit? You feel that I give you too much, but I feel that I give you too little."

"It's true that you have been in the fief for too short a time. I am afraid that others will have opinions. Otherwise, I will give you five hundred thousand guan. It doesn't matter."

"But one hundred strings is still too much."

Even though Li Yanran said this, Di Renjie still felt that he was somewhat unworthy of the reward of [-] Guan.

"Just do it!"

"Then what Di Renjie thanked His Highness was a reward."

Li Yanran insisted so much that Di Renjie could only salute again and accept the reward.

"Well, if there's nothing else, go to the cashier's office and make a payment!"


Di Renjie clasped his fists, turned around and left.

"Li Feng, go and call King Sun Yao!"


Li Feng saluted and walked out.

"Girl Li, why did you call me here? Don't you know that I am busy with the construction of Jingfang Taoist Temple?"

Sun Simiao hadn't arrived yet, but the voice arrived first.

"King Sun Yao, I am ready to return to Chang'an."

"Leaving now? You're only 24 now. There are still three days until the holiday?"

Sun Simiao was also stunned, the time has not come yet!

If you leave so early, why are you going back?
"There is no other way. My father has summoned me. If you want to go home, King Sun Yao, I will arrange for someone to escort you back."

Li Yanran smiled slightly. Now that Sun Simiao has taken root in the fiefdom, with the Medical College and Jingfang Taoist Temple here, he is not afraid that the other party will never return.Besides, it’s almost the Chinese New Year, so it would be somewhat inappropriate not to let people go home.

"If you don't tell me, I actually want to bring it up with you."

"Didn't you say before that you wanted my family to move to Lishan? It just so happened that I went home this time to ask for their opinions."

Sun Simiao stroked his beard. He had been traveling outside for the past year and spent too little time with his family. He just happened to take advantage of the Chinese New Year to go back.

"Okay then, Li Feng goes to the accounting office to help Sun Yaowang withdraw [-] yuan, which will be regarded as the hard work during this period."

Li Yanran was still very willing to give up on Sun Simiao. After all, he was a great god and he had to manage the relationship well.

"Girl Li, you are quite rich. You can get five hundred guan if you open your mouth. It scares me."

Sun Simiao was also shocked when he heard that Li Yanran wanted to give him five hundred guan.

It's not that he has never seen money. Some dignitaries gave him money in order to befriend him.

But when these words came out of Li Yanran's mouth, he was really shocked.

After all, everyone knows that Li Yanran is the one who can break a penny in half and spend it, so why is he so proud all of a sudden?

"Sun Yaowang is joking. You are really not greedy for money. Otherwise, with your strength, these five hundred strings would be nothing more than drizzle to you."

Li Yanran shook her head, you have lived your whole life and you have never seen any big storms.

A mere five hundred guan can scare you, who would believe it?

"Forget about the money! I really don't like those yellow and white things.

Besides, you have a short hand when taking people and a short mouth when eating people. I don’t want to owe you anything. "

Sun Simiao shook his head. He did not dare to take advantage of Li Yanran.

This guy is a ghost. If he takes [-] guan from her, he might even sell his whole family to pay off the debt.

"Then I won't give you any money. I'll help you prepare some gifts.

After all, we are going home, and it would be somewhat unsightly to go back empty-handed! "

Li Yanran smiled slightly, she had already guessed Sun Simiao's reaction.

Money really means nothing to Sun Simiao, otherwise he wouldn't be like this.

“I can prepare some gifts, it’s up to you.

I have arranged everything today and will set off back to my hometown tomorrow. "

Sun Simiao was also stunned when he heard that gifts were being prepared.

Li Yanran didn't say that he had really forgotten it. His heart was now focused on Jingfang Taoist Temple.

"Well, Li Feng, when the time comes, you will bring someone to personally escort Sun Yaowang back to his hometown!"


Li Feng glanced at Li Yanran and asked him to escort Sun Simiao to his hometown?

You won’t let me go back to the palace with you?
Could it be that he was afraid that Sun Simiao would run away?

The current situation should not be the case!

"Miss, what? King Sun Yao is a god. You must not have any problems on the road. Understand!"

Li Yanran glared at Li Feng, "I have given you such an important position, what else do you want?"

This is the trust I give you.


Li Feng saluted Li Yanran, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Sun Simiao glanced at the master and servant, shook his head, and left.

This girl Li is really cautious, she is really afraid that she will never come back!
Is the old man like that?

After Sun Simiao left, Li Yanran also paid a bonus to the accountant in charge.

Then there are the middle-level leaders such as Wang Hu and Wei Shan, who are all affected by the rain and dew, and everyone is rewarded.

After everything was done, Li Yanran and Li Hong stepped onto the carriage and headed towards Chang'an under the escort of the Forbidden Army.

"Rian, when will Yanran and the others come back?"

While Li Zhi was reviewing the memorial, he asked Ruian next to him.

"Back to Your Majesty, the people who came back from the fief said that Your Highness will return after cleaning up. He will definitely come back today!"

Ruian also hurriedly told the news about bringing the servant back.

"Well, that's okay. When Yanran and Hong'er come back, come over and report as soon as possible!"


Ruian slowly withdrew, leaving only Li Zhi there to review the memorial.

"Sister, have you finished the poem you helped Father think of?"

Li Hong glanced at the sister sitting opposite him and asked a question.


Li Yanran felt bad when she heard this. Damn you, you really can't speak.

You are very proficient in which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted.

"Sister, you haven't thought about it yet! That will kill people!"


Li Yanran was speechless and could only slap Li Hong on the forehead.

"Sister, why are you beating me?"

Li Yanran suddenly took action, which immediately stunned Li Hong.

What did you do wrong?

I just want you to prepare in advance.

You're good, not only didn't you thank me, but you also slapped me?

If I had known this, I wouldn't have cared about you.

"The reason I beat you is to make you remember, so you can eat randomly but don't say random things.

If you dare to mention this in front of your father when we get to the palace, I will tear your mouth open and break your legs. Do you understand? "

Li Yanran stared at her younger brother, Wen Chao Gong was also exhausted.

This father really stumped her.

If Li Hong really mentioned this in front of Li Zhi, she would really die.


"What are you? If you can't remember it, it will be hard for my sister, and you will be dead too!"

Seeing that Li Hong wanted to talk back, Li Yanran slapped him down again.


Facing the strong Li Yanran, Li Hong fell silent instantly.

If I don't mention this matter, it's up to you. As long as you don't provoke me, I can consider letting you go.

Otherwise, we will both be destroyed.

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