My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 536: Rich enough to rival the country?Who made this rumor!

The wheels passed through the white snow and entered Chang'an. After picking up some perfume in Lan Kwai Fong, they also returned to the palace.

"Your Majesty, Her Royal Highness the Princess and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince are back."

When the two returned to the palace, someone immediately came to report to Ruian. When the other party got the news, they came to find Li Zhi as soon as possible.

"You're back? Let's go to the Queen!"

When he heard that his daughter was back, Li Zhi threw away the imperial pen in his hand, stood up and walked outside.

Because he knew that his daughter and son were both white-eyed wolves, and they would definitely go to Wu Zetian as soon as they came back.

Waiting for them to come to you?Unless something happens, you won’t be able to get through even if the flowers are blooming.

Faced with such a situation, he could only take the initiative to attack, but as an emperor, such a result was really a bit humbling.

"Your Majesty, drive!"

Ruian shouted loudly, and Long Chu was ready to take him to Wu Zetian's palace.


Li Hong came in and threw himself into Wu Zetian's arms without hesitation.

"came back?"

Looking at Li Hong in her arms, Wu Zetian also touched his little head.


Li Yanran also slowly saluted his mother and walked to her side.

"Just come back, haha!"

Wu Zetian gave Li Yanran a smile, her eyes full of kindness.

"Mother, Yuan Zheng will be here soon, what gift are you going to give Hong'er!"

Li Hong nestled in Wu Zetian's arms, tilting his little head to ask for a New Year gift from his mother.

"Isn't it your turn to prepare a gift for your mother?"

Wu Zetian also glared at Li Hong and lightly tapped him on the head.

"Mother, you don't love Hong'er anymore. You used to give me many gifts every year, but now you ask for them from Hong'er."

Li Hong pursed his lips, his face full of grievances.

"You also said that was before, but now you are following your sister.

Your sister is very rich, much richer than the queen mother, so the queen mother will naturally want to ask for gifts from you. "

Wu Zetian glanced at Li Yanran aside. Although the words were directed at Li Hong, they were actually intended for Li Yanran to listen to.

"Grandma, you will be disappointed if you are like this. How can a grandma ask for a gift from her child?"

Li Yanran was stunned and realized what her mother meant.

Do you click on me? Do you click on me?

"My mother asked me for it, so what? Who told you to be rich?
You don’t know, but now it has spread all over Chang’an.

It’s said that Princess Lishan’s family is extremely wealthy, and she is as rich as anyone in the country. It’s not too much to ask for a gift from you! "

Wu Zetian also smiled slightly and gave her daughter an ultimatum.

"Who are you talking about? My daughter is not as exaggerated as they say. Mom, you can't believe this!"

Li Yanran became even more depressed. What does it mean to be rich and invincible?
I have some money, but that money is not all mine. My father has a share, and those fools like Cheng Chubi also have shares.

So many people have benefited, why should I stand up and take the blame?

"My mother-in-law doesn't want any rare treasures, so be it!
How about giving your grandma the five-meter-tall solid gold Buddha you mentioned last time as a New Year gift? "


Hearing this sentence, Li Yanran immediately had a question mark.
What is a five-meter-tall solid gold Buddha?
Mother, mother, I am young, but I am not stupid.

How much will it cost? You know best when it comes to cheating your daughter.

"What? You don't want to satisfy my mother's request? She loves you so much."

Wu Zetian's face changed as she said this, as if I will cry for you if you don't agree.

"Auntie, I suddenly remembered that something fell outside."

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she turned around and ran away.


"Who is it!"

Li Yanran bumped directly into a mountain of flesh and sat down on the ground.

"You are in a panic. What are you going to do?"

Li Zhi glared at Li Yanran, why are you just as frizzy and irritable as Li Hong?


Looking at her creditor Li Zhi, Li Yanran was completely depressed.

Now, all the mixed doubles are here.

"His Majesty!"


When Li Zhi arrived, Wu Zetian and Li Hong quickly stood up and saluted.

"What's going on here?"

Li Zhi reached out and pulled Li Yanran up, holding her collar and walking towards Wu Zetian.

"It's okay. Yanran said that I would give my concubine a five-meter-tall pure gold Buddha. No, I'm very happy!"

Wu Zetian smiled at Li Zhi and said what he just said.

"A five-meter-tall solid gold Buddha? Then what gift are you planning to give to my father?"

Hearing this, Li Zhi was not calm anymore.

Is your daughter already so rich?The five-meter-tall solid gold Buddha was given away as a gift?

But thinking about it on the other hand, Li Zhi was also excited.

If you give Wu Zetian a five-meter-tall golden Buddha, you can't be stingy about giving it to yourself.


Li Yanran really wants to cry now, one wave after another.

I haven't settled it yet, now you're here to blackmail me?



After thinking about it, Li Yanran had no choice but to imitate Li Hong and started crying.


Seeing Li Yanran start crying, Li Zhi was also a little overwhelmed.What's going on?

It’s okay to give your mother a golden Buddha, but you cry when I ask for a gift?

What is this!

"Shut up for me!"

Being upset by Li Yanran's crying, Li Zhi also yelled directly at her.


Li Yanran didn't dare to stop now. If she stopped, her mother would have to cut off a piece of flesh from her body.


Seeing Li Yanran still crying, Li Zhi also felt a little numb. He really couldn't figure out the situation.

"Isn't it okay that I don't want your gift? Stop crying."

Hearing this, Li Yanran also stopped for a moment, glanced at Wu Zetian on the side, and started crying again.


Li Zhi glanced at Wu Zetian and immediately understood what was going on.

Wu Zetian must have scared Li Yanran. Everyone knows that Li Yanran is the Tang Dynasty version of Pi Xiu, who is famous for being unable to get in or out.

Asking her for a five-meter golden Buddha would be no more uncomfortable than killing her.

"Mei Niang, please tell me, stop scaring the children!"

After giving Wu Zetian a blank look, Li Zhi also opened his mouth to plead with her.

"You little heartless thing, I don't want the golden Buddha anymore, so that's alright!"

Wu Zetian was also depressed. Li Zhi had already spoken, and she no longer wanted to tease her daughter.

"Auntie, we agreed, we can't mention this matter again!"

Hearing Wu Zetian relent, Li Yanran also stopped crying and asked Wu Zetian.


"Auntie, Yanran loves you so much!"

Heaving a sigh of relief, Li Yanran also gave up on Li Zhi and threw herself directly into Wu Zetian's arms.


Li Zhi is really depressed now. I helped you out. After you finished using it, you went directly to your aunt?
Don't you even want to look at me?
How can this make him not angry.

"Your Majesty, you are not reviewing memorials in the royal study, why are you here?"

Holding a pair of children in her arms, Wu Zetian also asked.

At this point, it seems like you haven’t finished your work yet!
"I heard that these two white-eyed wolves are back, so I came over to take a look!

I didn't expect that I was looking forward to you so much, but you would treat me like this! "

Li Zhi also came out with a bad face, snorted coldly and sat aside.

"Father, how could it be possible? Hong'er misses you so much in the fiefdom."

As Li Hong said this, he left Wu Zetian and threw himself into Li Zhi's arms.

"No principle!"

Li Yanran cursed silently in her heart and walked over.

"Father, Yanran also comes to you!"

"That's right!"

Li Zhi also imitated Wu Zetian, holding the two children in his arms with satisfaction in his eyes.

"By the way, Yanran, did you really not prepare anything good when you came back this time?"

Looking at Li Yanran, Li Zhi also smiled slightly.

He didn't want to ask for a gift from his daughter. In fact, Li Yanran could always come up with something beyond his imagination.

He couldn't help but look forward to it!

"Father, Hong'er knows, Hong'er knows!"

Li Hong glanced at Li Yanran, jumped up and spoke to Li Zhi.

"Oh? Then Hong'er, tell me, what good things has your sister prepared?"

Li Zhi touched Li Hong's little head, his eyes full of expectation.

"It's firecrackers. Sister has prepared firecrackers!"


Li Zhi couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the word firecrackers.

He knew about firecrackers, but it was a verb. How come it became a noun with Li Hong?

What exactly is this firecracker?
"What are the so-called firecrackers?"

Smiling at Li Hong, Li Zhi was still looking forward to the so-called firecrackers.

"Firecrackers are just that. Firecrackers are just crackling!"

Li Hong was also a little speechless at this time, and in the end he could only choke out a crackle.


Li Zhi doesn't know how to do it now.

I thought firecrackers were a verb, but you told me they were nouns.
But when I asked you, you explained it to me using a verb?
Now Li Zhi really wants to greet Li Hong's teachers. How on earth did you teach my son? You can't even explain the conversion of verb to noun?

"It's just crackling!"

Li Hong thought for a while and nodded. He didn't know how to explain it. Apart from crackling, he really couldn't think of any other explanation.

"Yanran, tell me!"

Li Zhi gave up completely now and set his sights on Li Yanran. He believed that his daughter could definitely give him a perfect explanation.

"The so-called firecrackers are actually just a name. The essence is just the application of black powder. It is nothing more than using the explosion of black powder to make noise."

Li Yanran thought for a moment and told the situation about the firecrackers.

"I see!"

Li Zhi nodded. Although he was still a little confused, he generally understood the firecrackers.

He also stayed away from firecrackers. The previous fire dragon cannon shocked him too much, so Li Zhi also had an awakening in his heart.

Anything that comes close to gunpowder is dangerous, and you should never go near this thing.

"Of course, in addition to these firecrackers, my daughter also brought back some souvenirs."

Li Yanran didn't know whether her father really understood or was pretending to understand, but this was not something she could control.

"Souvenirs? When you come back to the palace, you will bring some souvenirs back?"

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