My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 537: You’re a big watermelon to each other

Li Zhi also frowned when he heard that his daughter had brought some souvenirs back.

As your mother said, you are now a well-known little rich woman.

Although I don’t care what good things your daughter can bring home, but souvenirs are somewhat looked down upon by others!

"That's right, it's actually just two jars of Yuye wine, more than 20 bottles of perfume, and ten pounds of tea leaves. I hope my father will accept it!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly and told her what she called a local specialty.


Li Zhi was a little uneasy now. Do you call these souvenirs?
Then your specialty is really terrifying.

Two jars of jade liquid wine are worth at least four to five thousand guan, ten pounds of tea and a lot of perfume, which is almost a small ten thousand guan.

After all, my daughter is worthy of the title of little rich woman, how terrifying!

There are so many things, even if you are rich all over the world, you still have to think carefully about spending so much money.

"Yanran, no matter how rich you are, you have to save money. Don't do this next time!"

Wu Zetian on the side also frowned and said to his daughter in surprise.

Although she is happy that her daughter spends money on herself, no parent wants to spend money on their children.

It’s not like she has no money, but she knows very well how difficult it is for her daughter to make money.

"Auntie, why does my daughter make money? Isn't it just to give you flowers?"

Li Yanran showed a bright smile, turned around and threw herself into my mother's arms.

"Haha! You are the cleverest!"

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Wu Zetian also smiled from heart to heart.

After all, if her daughter is so filial, what can she do as a mother? She has nothing to say except laughing.

"Father, how about Hong'er show you the firecrackers?"

Looking at the loving mother and daughter over there, Li Hong rolled his eyes and wanted to take Li Zhi to see the good things Li Yanran had prepared.

Who knew that Li Zhi would slap Li Hong on the head.

"Father, why did you hit me?"

Li Hong felt bad instantly. Did he say something wrong again?
"Hong'er, please remember, no matter what it is, as long as it is related to black powder, you can't touch it.

If you dare to take the risk if I find out, I will break your legs directly. "

Li Zhi glared and bared his teeth, and shouted at Li Hong.

"My son knows it!"

Li Hong didn't dare to speak now.

Although he had no concept of black powder in his mind, if his sister and father said so, he would never have anything to do with it.

"Well, it's good that you know how powerful it is!"

Li Zhi rolled his eyes at Li Hong and said nothing more.

"Okay, the children are back, so don't talk so much."

Wu Zetian also nodded, then looked at Li Yanran beside him and said: "Yanran, you have to watch out for Hong'er and never let him put himself in danger, otherwise I will beat you to death."


Li Yanran is also in bad shape now. Why should he implicate me when he makes a mistake?

Auntie, you can take care of yourself.

"What? Do you have objections?"

Looking at my mother's dark face, Li Yanran nodded heavily and chose to accept her fate.

After all, if a good man doesn't suffer the immediate consequences, if he is going to argue with my mother now, it would be better to beat Li Hong violently when the time comes.

Take precautions before they happen.

Several people finished the dinner in Wu Zetian's palace and separated. Li Yanran returned to her palace alone.

To be honest, Li Yanran was still a little uncomfortable without Li Feng's company. She could only sit on the steps and draw circles with branches.


Just when Li Yanran was depressed, Li Hong also ran over from a distance.

"How did you come?"

Li Yanran was still drawing circles. She had already guessed that Li Hong would come to find her.

Because he is bored, Li Hong is obviously more bored.

At this time, Li Hong has become the little wild king of the fiefdom. Trapping him in the East Palace is even more uncomfortable than killing him.

"I know sister is bored, so I came to relieve her boredom!"

Li Hong rushed towards Li Yanran, but was pushed away by Li Yanran.

"I'm bored? It's you who are bored, right?"

"Hehehe, mutual, mutual."

Li Hong also stood there and touched his head, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"You're a big watermelon!"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at her younger brother, giving each other a shit.

"Sister, this palace is so boring. Aren't they bored here?"

Li Hong also looked depressed. It was really boring to go back to the East Palace. He was annoyed just by looking at that group of people.

Their faces really made him drunk.

This is far different from the friends in the fiefdom. Although they know that they have a noble status, they never think about getting anything from themselves.

It takes sincerity to get sincerity, and Li Hong understands this very well.

"Boring? You've only been out for a long time. Weren't you like this before?"

Hearing Li Hong's words, Li Yanran rolled her eyes at him again.

"But haven't I grown up! This is the first time I hope that Yuan Zheng will come over quickly so that we can return to the fiefdom quickly."

Li Hong was also speechless for a while. Thinking about his previous life, it was really hard to look back.

In addition to reading books, writing, and learning those big principles that I can't understand or explain every day, I don't have a life of my own at all.

"Haha, but you don't have much time left in your good days, because your body is about to recover, and your father will definitely call you back to the palace by then. You can't be allowed to run wild in the fiefdom all the time." Li Yanran sighed. After taking a breath, Li Hong was not an ordinary prince after all. He was the future of the Tang Dynasty. He would eventually return to the palace and the life that only belonged to him.

The fiefdom can only be regarded as a small memory for Li Hong.

Because my father and mother would never abandon the prince in the fiefdom and let him grow wild.

"Sister, I don't want it, I don't want it!"

Li Hong couldn't hold himself any longer now. He could feel that his body was getting stronger day by day under Sun Simiao's care.

If this continues, he will leave the fiefdom in two or three months at most.

What should I do about this?
He hasn't thought about returning to the palace yet!

"It's okay if you don't want to. You are the prince of the Tang Dynasty. How can you be outside all day long?"

Li Yanran has no choice. Who told you that you have this identity?

It is destined that you cannot live as you wish. Your identity gives you infinite glory, but it will also give you infinite pain.

"Sister, think of a way. Don't you want to see Hongdi?"

Li Hong looked at his sister with tears in his eyes. He really had no other solution.

"What are you thinking about? How could I possibly be able to do anything about it?"

Li Yanran also felt helpless for a while. These things were already destined, and it was useless for anyone to come.

"Sister, if you don't find a way for me, I will fight to the death!"

When Li Yanran said there was nothing he could do, Li Hong straightened his face and said firmly to Li Yanran.

"What do you want?"

Seeing Li Hong like this, Li Yanran was also stunned, not knowing what the other person wanted to do.

"Sister, you probably don't want your father to remember that you still owe him a good poem, right?"

"You dare to threaten me?"

Li Yanran was also feeling bad now, and she had even forgotten that this problem existed.

Judging from today's situation, her father must have forgotten that if Li Hong mentioned it, she would be doomed.

"I'm not threatening you, it's just that I have no choice!"

Li Hong also put his hands in his pockets, as if with this secret, I'm sure of you.


Li Yanran was also helpless, seeing that this boy looked like he was not just going to let it go.

If that's really the case, then it's really a dead end.

"Sister, please save me!"

Li Hong did not push too hard, but hugged Li Yanran's arm, looking full of supplications.

"Hey, this is a deadlock. After all, you are not old enough to stand on your own. Even if I can get rid of it for a while, it won't last forever!"

Li Yanran sighed, so what if she really had a way?
It can take up to half a year to delay, no matter how long it takes, it will not help!
"As long as it lasts, it's only a matter of time. Sister, please save me!"

Li Hong didn't expect to delay it for a lifetime, just count it as one more day.

"Then I will talk to King Sun Yao and we will cooperate and let you cultivate in the fief for half a year longer!"

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong, "You're the only one who's been looking for trouble for me all day long."

If you weren't my biological brother, I would have been buried in silence.

"I know Sister is the best, hee hee!"

Li Hong immediately jumped up and kissed Li Yanran on the face at lightning speed.

"Get out of here!"

Wiping her little face in disgust, Li Yanran also pushed her younger brother away.

"I won't get out, I want to be with Sister A for the rest of my life."

Li Hong, on the other hand, was reluctant and hugged Li Yanran's arm with an affectionate expression.

"I don't want to hang out with you all my life, otherwise I will lose many years of my life!"

Li Yanran also held Li Hong in her arms. After all, he was his little brother. If he didn't care for him, who would care for him?

"Hehe, sister, you can't do that!"

Li Hong lay in Li Yanran's arms, lying so quietly.

This is his warm harbor, sister, it’s the best.

Li Yanran just touched Li Hong's hair, and then saw that he was already asleep.

Shaking her head, Li Yanran also struggled to pick up her little brother in her arms and walked towards the dormitory step by step.

25. Grinding tofu, thinking about this nursery rhyme, Li Yanran was also a little moved.

Although the palace is full of delicacies, there is no shortage of tofu.

It is probably because my father thinks this food is relatively low-end. After all, all delicacies from the mountains and seas are common to them, let alone tofu.

"Sister, what are you going to do?"

Li Hong rubbed his eyes and looked at Li Yanran who had finished dressing up, feeling a little confused.

It's a holiday, why are you getting up so early?
During the Chinese New Year, we need to have a Chinese New Year atmosphere. Only by going to bed late and getting up late can we stay in good health.

"It's okay, go make some tofu."

"Tofu? If you want to eat that, can you ask the Imperial Kitchen Room to buy some?"

Although Li Hong was a little puzzled, he quickly got dressed.

"How can the fragrance you buy be made by yourself? You idiot."

Li Yanran shook her head. She was now out of the realm of satisfying her appetites.

I have nothing to do now, so I might as well grind some tofu myself and kill some time.

"Let's go!"

While talking, Li Hong had already arranged his clothes and walked to the door.


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