My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 538 Flick, then flick!

Li Yanran was stunned. This guy must have been on the front line when it came to eating.

The well-deserved number one snack in the fiefdom.

"Sister, are we going to the imperial dining room?"

Looking at Li Yanran walking in front, Li Hong couldn't help but ask questions.

"Nonsense, if you don't go to the imperial dining room, where are you going?"

"Why should we do such a small thing? Sun Xu."

Li Hong glanced at Sun Xu, who was waiting in the distance, and called him over directly.

"Your Highness, are you hungry? This servant will immediately order someone to pass on the food!"

Sun Xu bent down to salute and was about to order the food to be passed around.

"Wait a minute, let them bring some when the meal is being passed around."

Li Hong was a little stupid as he said that.

He has eaten tofu before, but he doesn't know how to make it or what to use!
"Ask the imperial kitchen to send over a small stone mill, along with some soybeans and linen, and make two wooden boxes of grinding tools."

Li Yanran thought for a moment and said everything she needed.


Sun Xu felt bad when he heard what Li Yanran wanted. What the hell?

What does Princess Lishan want these things for?

Do you want to cook for yourself?

"Why are you standing there? Don't you have ears? Go quickly!"

Seeing Sun Xu in a daze, Li Hong also kicked him.


Sun Xu didn't dare to delay and ran out rolling and crawling.

After a while, Sun Xu rushed back, bringing breakfast and everything Li Yanran needed.

Looking at the small stone mill, soybeans, linen and grinding tools in front of her, Li Yanran also smiled slightly.

Next, let’s watch this girl’s performance.

Li Yanran first placed the soybeans on the small stone mill, then turned the stone mill to grind all the dry soybeans.

After a while, she felt sweat on her head.

After all, he is used to being pampered, and this job is no longer good.

At this moment, she also missed Li Feng who was sent out by her. But if the other party hadn't left, she couldn't do it herself.

"Sun Xu, what are you doing standing still? Why don't you go help quickly?"

Li Hong glared at Sun Xu, who was watching the show.

He really has no eyesight at all. Compared with Li Feng, he is far behind.


Sun Xu did not dare to neglect and hurried to Li Yanran's side.

"Your Highness, let your slaves do these rough jobs!"


This time Li Yanran did not refuse. After all, she was still unable to do the work. Although she had a brain of more than 20 years old, her body was still that of a nine-year-old child.

Although Sun Xu can only be considered half a man, he is still an adult, and a small stone mill is more than enough.

After instructing Sun Xu to pass through all the soybeans, he asked Sun Xu to clean the stone mill.

Then he asked Sun Xu to bring a sieve and sift out all the soybean skins. Then it was very simple. He brought a bucket of water and soaked all the ground soybeans in the bucket.

"What's next?"

After Sun Xu made everything ready, he also raised his eyes and looked at Li Yanran.

"It'll be fine next!"


Sun Xu was completely confused now. What do you mean everything will be fine next?

I'm just about to get off my butt, can you tell me it's okay?
"Well, just wait for the beans to soak!"

Li Yanran said that she also sat on the table and started eating the morning with Li Hong.

After having enough wine and food, Li Yanran gave Li Hong a small wink.

"Sister, what do you want to do?"

Li Hong was stunned and didn't know what Li Yanran meant.

"Leaving the palace for a walk?"

"Leaving the palace? Okay!"

Li Hong was also excited when he heard that he was leaving the palace.

He had long wanted to leave the palace. This palace was really a place of imprisonment.

“But there’s no gold medal!”


Li Hong felt bad instantly. He still remembered that the first time they left the palace, his sister tricked him into stealing his father's gold medal.

The result is obvious, he was almost beaten to death by me.

This time the idea is on myself again, how can this be done?

"Sister Ah, actually we can't get out of this palace, so it doesn't matter if we still think about it. Just stay in the palace!"

"Really? Then Sister can just leave by herself. What a pity! You don't know how lively Chang'an is now."

Li Yanran was not panicked at all. If even a little guy like Li Hong couldn't handle it, it would be a waste of his brain.

"Busty? How lively is it?"

Hearing this, Li Hong was not calm anymore.

The title of the little wild king of the fiefdom is not for nothing. He can be found wherever there is excitement.

Now that Li Yanran said this, how could he stay still.

"It's much more lively than the fiefdom anyway, but you can't see it!"

Li Yanran didn't know how lively Chang'an was now, but to fool a child, what else needed to be said?

"Then sister, just wait, I'll go right away!"

Li Hong couldn't help it anymore, so he stood up and ran out.

Looking at Li Hong's back, Li Yanran also smiled slightly and entered the room to start changing clothes.

"Your Majesty, the Crown Prince is here!"

As soon as Ruian finished speaking, Li Hong rushed in.

"Father, father!"

Plunging into Li Zhi's arms, Li Hong also touched my waist with his little hands.

"What's wrong? It's such a good day today. Why don't you come to see your father?"

Li Zhi also held Li Hong in his arms and smiled at his son.

"It's okay, I just miss my father a little!"

After touching the gold medal, Li Hong pulled it off easily. Then with a flick of his sleeve, the gold medal was in his hands.

"Didn't we just meet last night? Why do we miss it again?"

Li Zhi frowned, wondering what his son was going to do.

"How can our father, Shenwu, not make Hong'er fascinated?

Now that I have seen him, I won’t delay my father’s business. "After receiving the gold medal, Li Hong had nothing to say. He just saluted and ran away.


Seeing that Li Hong wanted to leave so decisively, if Li Zhi hadn't known that there was something fishy about this kid, he would have been the emperor of the Tang Dynasty for so many years.

"Stop for me!"

Hearing Li Zhi's shout, Li Hong didn't dare to stay, so he ran away.

"Ryan, stop the prince!"

As soon as Li Hong ran away, he was completely exposed.

"Your Highness! Stop running!"

Ruian jumped out from the door and stretched out his arms to block Li Hong.

After glancing at Ruian, Li Hong was not afraid at all and dodged directly to the left.

Ryan didn't dare to stop and rushed to the left.

Who knew that Li Hong just made a fake move, turned to the right, got out of Ruian's way, and rushed out.

"Forbidden Army, seize the prince!"

Seeing that this idiot Ruian couldn't even catch Li Hong as a child, Li Zhi was also very depressed.

He directly ordered the Imperial Guards outside the door to take action.

"Your Highness!"

The two tall Imperial Guards didn't give Li Hong a chance, so they just carried him away.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

When Li Hong was caught, there was also a fuss. He accidentally dropped the gold medal in his sleeve to the ground.

"It's a pawn!"

The gold medal fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

The imperial guards were dumbfounded when they saw it. They quickly picked up the gold medal and took Li Hong to the house.

Looking at the gold medal sent by the imperial army, Li Zhi also slapped Long An.

"You Li Hong, how dare you steal my gold medal? What a betrayal!"

"close the door!"


Hearing this roar, the imperial guards outside the door quickly closed the door of the imperial study.

"Father, please calm down!"

Looking at his father's dark face, Li Hong also looked like he was dead.

Now that he was caught stealing the gold medal and the door behind him was sealed again, he was really complaining about the sky and the earth.

"Tell me, what do you want to do by stealing my gold medal?"

Li Zhi walked up to Li Hong and slapped him with a big slap.


Li Hong was depressed. If he confessed this, his sister would have to beat him to death.

"What am I? If you don't explain, I will beat you to death today!"

Li Zhi said and slapped him again, and Li Hong became honest in an instant.

"It's because Sister A wants to go out of the palace to play and insists on Hong'er coming over to steal the gold medal."

Even if he couldn't stand it, Li Hong put everything on Li Yanran.

"You will do whatever your sister asks you to do? If she asks you to die, will you be willing to do it? I'm so angry!"

Hearing Li Hong's words, Li Zhi was also very angry.

You are the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty and the future emperor. I listen to your sister in everything.

Don't you know that if you come here to steal the gold medal, you will be beaten to death?
He is really a fool.

"Keke, sister said she wants to take me out to play!"

These two slaps really made Li Hong unable to hold back. How old is he? Dad, you are so cruel.

"I let you play!"

Now Li Zhi couldn't stand it anymore, silly son, silly son.

If you really came here to steal the gold medal for something good, forget it, just because of what the other party said, you are really my good son.

After grabbing Li Hong, Li Zhi crackled for a while, and the beating made him wail again and again.

"Stop howling and stand still for me!"

Looking at Li Hong who was howling like a ghost, Li Zhi also waved his hand and asked his son to stand aside.


Li Hong stood aside aggrievedly.

"You want to leave the palace?"

"Yeah, no no no!"

Li Hong nodded first and then shook his head, almost using his head as a rattle.

"If you don't want to leave the palace, then you come to steal my gold medal? If you dare to do it, you should fight!"

Li Zhi raised his eyebrows again as he spoke, and slapped him again.

"I, I, I want to leave the palace!"

"This is what a man is! Let's go!"

"Go? Where are you going?"

Looking at his father's back, Li Hong also felt a little confused.

"Where are you going? Don't you want to go out to the palace? I will take you out today!"

"Father, are you okay? Are you sick?"

Hearing Li Zhi's words, Li Hong was instantly stunned.

Is your father crazy?Got a brain injury?

Otherwise, how could he say such things as taking himself out of the palace?

"You little brat, how could you ever say that your father is sick?"

Li Zhi kicked Li Hong again.

You little bastard, I want to take you out of the palace to play. Do you think I'm sick?

He really has a lot of skills.

"You're not sick. I'll be fine if I'm sick, but why do you want to take me out of the palace?"

Li Hong rubbed his butt and got up from the ground. He still didn't understand what medicine he was selling in his gourd.

"This is a reward for your bravery just now. If you don't want to go out, forget it!"

After giving Li Hong a rollicking look, Li Zhi also raised his feet and walked out.

"Go, why not go!"

Hearing this, Li Hong twisted his butt and followed his father.

Long Chu fell outside Li Yanran's palace, and Li Hong abandoned me and rushed in.

"Sister, elder sister!"

Hearing Li Hong's voice, Li Yanran also walked out of the room wearing a coarse shorts.

"Old Father!"

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