My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 539: Let you steal the gold medal, but not the dragon!

Looking at Li Zhi behind Li Hong, Li Yanran was stunned.

I asked you to steal the gold medal but not the dragon. Why did you bring your father here?


Li Zhi looked at Li Yanran dressed like this and snorted coldly: "What do you want to do in this outfit? Are you trying to sneak out of the palace?"

"Father! I. I really want to play in the palace!"

Li Yanran also rolled her eyes at Li Hong, looking at him as if she had confessed everything.

No matter how much I quibble, there will be no good ending except getting scolded.

"Just tell me if you want to leave the palace. Why let Hong'er do such a perfunctory thing?

Besides, if you leave the palace like this, what if something goes wrong?Really a little bit crazy! "

Li Yanran admitted it directly, and Li Zhi had nothing more to say.

At the very least, my daughter is much better than Li Hong when it comes to daring to act.


Li Yanran also glanced at the father in front of her and asked the same question as Li Hong.

Did his father take the wrong medicine or hit his head?
Otherwise, how could you say such a thing?
"Father? My daughter didn't hear clearly. What did you just say?"

"Sister, my father said he wants to take us out of the palace for a walk."

Li Hong also pushed forward and said loudly.

Li Zhi nodded slightly. In fact, he was holding back enough in the palace during this period.

Facing the endless review of memorials all day long made him feel dizzy.

Going out for a walk and relaxing is a good way.

"Father, if that's the case, then Yanran and Hong'er can just leave the palace. You are busy with state affairs, is it appropriate to leave the palace?"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Li Hong. I'm not deaf. How can I not hear what my father said?

She was just curious about why the other party suddenly said such things!


Now it's Li Zhi's turn to be dumbfounded. I have good intentions and want to take you out of the palace to play. Are you so kind that you just want to abandon me and fly solo?

You know how to burn bridges across rivers.

But isn't it too early for you? Are you thinking of tearing down the bridge before the river has crossed?
"Father, just tell me clearly. In fact, you also want to go out and have some fun, right?"

Looking at the confused Li Zhi, Li Yanran also sneered and asked her father.

"This this!"

Being exposed by his daughter on the spot, Li Zhi was a little unable to hold back.

He scratched his head and smiled awkwardly at Li Yanran.

"Father, if you want to go out, just say so. Can my daughter not take you out? Look, you beat Hongdi!"

"He deserves to be beaten. This is not the first time. If it weren't for his young age, I would have broken his legs long ago.

What else can I say to ask you to take me out?I have arms and legs and I still need you to carry them? "

Li Zhi also glared at Li Hong as he said, "It's okay for you to steal the gold medal, but don't get caught by me."

This is not what happens if you catch him!
What are you saying to take me out?
I want to go out, but can’t I leave at any time?
"That's not necessarily the case. If my mother finds out that my father left the palace privately, I don't know what will happen!"

"You can't be so stupid. If your mother-in-law finds out about this, and I can't get out, wouldn't you be trapped in the palace too?"

Hearing Li Yanran mention Wu Zetian, Li Zhi instantly felt bad.

As the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, why should he not sit in the palace but go out to play?
If Wu Zetian knew about this, she would be nagging her again.

"That's not necessarily the case. Even if Hongdi can't get out, Yanran will go ask A Niang for instructions. It's still okay to get out of the palace!"

Li Yanran patted Li Hong's little head and said slowly to her father.

"You, you. What exactly do you want?"

Li Zhi was also completely convinced. His daughter was really hard for him to resist.

"Father, it's okay for me to leave the palace with you, but after leaving the palace, everything must be obeyed by me. How about that?"

Seeing her father surrender, Li Yanran also put her hands in her pockets, looking arrogant.

"I've rebelled against you. I'm the Nine-Five Supreme Being, and I'm still your father. You want me to listen to you?"

Li Zhi raised his hand and wanted to give Li Yanran a slap, but Li Yanran pouted her mouth and widened her eyes.


The slap came out after all, but the victim became Li Hong beside him.

Li Zhi couldn't afford to offend Li Yanran, and he was reluctant to touch him. After all, he, his good son, took on everything.


Li Hong covered his head, feeling a little confused for a moment.

What does your father-daughter rivalry have to do with my melon-eating son?

Why is it always me who gets hurt.

"Father, just say whether you agree or not!"

Li Yanran was not afraid at all and asked her father.

"I don't agree!"

"Then father, don't blame your daughter!"

Li Yanran said and walked out, looking like she was going to fight to the death.

"Li Yanran, stop for me!"

Li Zhi was no longer calm now. He knew how lively Chang'an was now, even if his son and daughter didn't know.

Nowadays, the streets and alleys of Chang'an are full of people. Going out here is the best way to understand the local customs and customs.

"Father? Are you regretting it?"

Li Yanran turned around and looked at her father, her eyes full of pride.

"That's all, it's up to you, that's alright!"

Li Zhi also sighed and was convinced by Li Yanran.

I don't know who she is following. She has a good mouth and doesn't say anything, but she can also see into people's hearts.

"That's pretty much it, let's change clothes!"

Li Yanran smiled at Li Zhi and quickly asked him to change clothes.


"His Majesty!"

Hearing Li Zhi's call, Ruian quickly came over.

"Bring me my regular clothes."

"Your Majesty, do you want to go to the palace again?"

Looking at the master in front of him, Ruian was no longer calm.

Master, master, please stop looking for trouble. "What's wrong? Do you have any objections?"

Li Zhi glared at Ruian, you old man, how dare you meddle in my business?

"Your Majesty, there is too much noise in Chang'an right now. It may be dangerous to leave the palace now. Please think twice!"

Ruian knelt directly on the ground and spoke to Li Zhi.

"What? Are you imitating those critics? Do you want to remonstrate with me? Do you want me to chop off your head and make you famous for the rest of your life?"

Listening to Ruian's words, Li Zhi also raised his eyebrows.

It is said that speaking well and accepting advice is the way to be a wise king, but who should distinguish this?

If he was a famous official like Wei Zheng, he would naturally listen. You are an eunuch, so forget it!
"Here, my slave, I'd better bring you some regular clothes!"

Ruian was so frightened by Li Zhi that he didn't dare to stop and ran towards Long Chu.

Soon Ruian came over holding Li Zhi's uniform, and Li Zhi grabbed it and walked inside.

After a while, Li Zhi had finished changing his clothes and appeared in front of Li Yanran.

"Yanran, how am I doing?"

Li Zhi turned around and made a POSS.



Hearing this, Li Zhi also frowned, wondering what this girl was up to.

"Sister, my father's clothes are very good. He is tall and handsome."

Li Hong was also stunned, wondering which song this sister was singing.

"Father, you are so eye-catching. When you go out, you will be surrounded by the female relatives of Chang'an. If my mother-in-law finds out, she will beat me to death!

Besides, I'm wearing a coarse short coat, and you're wearing something so luxurious, it doesn't match at all, it's inappropriate. "

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and the little flattery also made a clanking sound.

"There's nothing you can do about it. As you said before, this is called temperament. Even if I wear coarse linen clothes, I stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of thousands of people."

Li Hong also laughed out loud at the praise, and he also brought out the temperament Li Yanran mentioned.

"Qi Qi? What is it?"

Hearing this new term, Li Hong also tilted his head, somewhat confused.

"My temperament is... I can't explain it to you. Anyway, it's inappropriate for my father to wear this."

Li Yanran is also depressed. I can't explain this to you.

Besides, you don’t understand even if I tell you, why are you wasting your breath?

"Then I just brought this regular uniform and I don't have to change!"

Li Zhi smiled slightly and didn't want to explain anything. After all, temperament is such a mysterious thing that it can only be understood but not expressed in words.

"I have!"

"You do? Why do you have men's clothes?"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Zhi's beard almost flew off.

What do you mean, how can you have men's clothes?

Could it be that!
This is impossible!
"Father, what are you thinking about? The clothes I have here belong to Li Feng. Father, your body shape is not much different from his, so you should be able to wear it."

Seeing Li Zhi's black face, Li Yanran really wanted to kick her father.

What do you think of your daughter?

Besides, I'm only a few years old, and I haven't reached the stage of my first love.

There is no one like you who can take me for granted.

"You want me to wear Li Feng's clothes? How is this allowed? I won't wear them."

Li Zhi immediately became entangled, how could he let himself wear the clothes of Li Feng's guard.

I am the Supreme Being, how can I wear the same clothes as the guards?
"Father, those clothes are all new, and my daughter is not stupid, how could I let you wear leftover clothes!"

"But, those are also the clothes of a guard!"

Although the clothes were new, Li Zhi was a little embarrassed to wear them. After all, they were prepared for Li Feng.

"Father, be obedient and be good!"

Li Yanran also pushed her father's waist and walked towards the house.

"You're afraid of you! Hey!"

Li Zhi had no choice but to find new clothes and change into them.



Li Zhi walked out of the house. When Li Hong saw that he couldn't hold it in, he covered his mouth and laughed.

"Father, you are here!"

Li Zhi now only feels that he has received a critical hit of 100 million points.

Looking at the clothes on his body again, he was also a little confused.

"Father, this body is very good! It's just him!"

Li Yanran also smiled and nodded to confirm the clothes.

"Sister, do you think my father looks good in this outfit? Hahaha!"

Hearing his elder sister say it was good, Li Hong couldn't hold it in anymore and laughed again.


Li Yanran raised the knife and slapped Li Hong on the head.

Do you talk too much?

How can you be treated as a mute if you don't speak?
If you are really looking for a fight, you should fight!


"You talk so much, why don't you hurry up and change my clothes!"

Giving Li Hong a blank look, Li Yanran also asked him to change clothes quickly.

"I don't have any clothes to change!"

Li Hong was dumbfounded now. He had never left the palace privately before. He had also changed into Chinese clothes when he returned to the palace from the fiefdom. How could he have the clothes to change out of the palace.

"If you don't have any clothes to change, then don't go out!"


Li Hong's little face turned up in an instant.

I was beaten and scolded, but in the end, I was not allowed to go. How could this be okay?


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