My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 540 How about 1 dollar for money?

Seeing Li Hong's expression, Li Zhi also laughed wildly.

You laughed at me just now, but now you are dumbfounded!

"Father, you are still smiling!"

Hearing his father's laughter, Li Hong felt bad.

Why are you here to join in the fun? If I can't get out, watch out if I go find the Queen Mother and everyone will die.

"Sister, you can't leave me!"

"Okay, I have some clothes over there, go change!"

Li Yanran patted Li Hong and asked him to go inside to find something to wear.

"Sister, this is the best!"

Li Hong kissed Li Yanran directly on the face and rushed in to change clothes.

After a while, Li Hong also walked out with a small face, his eyes full of depression.

"Sister, your clothes are too big"


Li Zhi burst out laughing again. He still looked half like a member of the royal family when he wore this outfit, which was quite awkward.

"Father, you are still smiling! Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Li Hong was so laughed at by Li Zhi that he just wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. He frowned and rushed towards his father.

Li Zhi slapped him in the face, which immediately stunned Li Hong.

"It's against you?"

Li Zhi stared at his stupid son and dared to attack him. He was really rebelling.

"Okay, stop making trouble, let's go!"

Looking at the playful father and son, Li Yanran also shook her head.

The old and the young also made her a little helpless.

"Father, let's go."

Li Hong also jumped away quickly and followed Sister A.

"Your Majesty, wait for me, slave, wait for slave!"

Looking at the three people leaving, Ruian picked up his clothes and followed them.

Several people rode in a carriage together, and Ruian drove through the palace gate for the driver and appeared on the streets of Chang'an.

"Old Li!"


After hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Zhi slapped her directly.

"What did you say? No big or small."

"Father, we agreed before that I am the young master now and you are the servant.

If I don’t call you Lao Li, what should I call you?Do you still call me Father? "

Li Yanran covered her head in depression. You made your promise before and now you are going to regret it?
"Nonsense, it was just a temporary measure. Now that I have left the palace, can I still be blackmailed by you?"

Li Zhi crossed his arms and looked at his daughter in front of him with disdain.

If you try to compete with me, you are still far behind.

"Father, you don't keep your word!"

Li Yanran's eyes almost popped out of her head. She really didn't expect that her father was a shameless person who didn't keep his word.

Doesn't being an emperor mean a lot of money?Why is it that my father doesn't use these words anymore?

Could it be that he is a fake emperor?

"Credit? I am your father, do I still need to talk about credit with you?

From now on, you must obey my command in everything, otherwise I will beat you! "

Li Zhi raised his fist, his eyes full of threats.

"Father, you are the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, how can you go back on your word?"

Li Yanran was speechless, but Li Hong couldn't stand it and spoke directly to his father.

"Do you have your share of words here?"

Li Zhi slapped him in the face. Your sister didn't say anything, but you stood up?
You really don’t know how high the sky is, and you know that I am the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, so how dare you disobey the emperor’s order?


Li Hong stopped talking for a moment. His father's force was really strong. He was indeed no match. Otherwise, he would have to resist to some extent.

"Xiao Yanran, what did you say?"

Li Zhi clenched his fist and swept it over with bad intentions.

"What else can I say? Let it be whatever my father says!"

Li Yanran shook her head. A good man will not suffer the loss in front of him, otherwise Li Hong will learn from his mistakes.

"That's pretty much it. From now on you all call me Grandpa, do you understand?"



The two looked at each other and had to succumb to Li Zhi's force.

If you have anything to do, wait until you return to the palace to discuss it in the long run.

"Is it right this time? Xiao Yanran, do you think grandpa will take you to the East Market or to the West Market?"

After confirming his identity as the leader, Li Zhi also smiled slightly and asked the other party where he planned to go shopping.

"Grandpa, do you think our clothes are suitable for going to the East Market? Of course we are going to the West Market!"

Li Yanran also sighed. It's so-called watching people serve food. Do you still want to go to Dongshi wearing this outfit?
You don’t know where you are or whether people will pay attention to you, let alone how you will explain it if you meet an official from the court?

"Well, that's what you said, Ryan, go to West Market!"


Ruian also whipped his horse whip and drove the carriage towards the West Market.

"Master, the West Market is here!"

The carriage stopped and Ruian shouted to Li Zhi in the carriage.

"Well, you guys are following, don't disturb us!"

Li Zhi took Li Yanran and Li Hong out of the car, gave Ruian a wink, and headed straight forward.


"It's all scattered!"

Ruian waved his hand, and the twenty or so hundred knights nodded and dispersed around.

The West Market is now full of flowers and extremely lively. Every street is filled with vendors selling goods and people buying new year's goods.

We have been waiting for this day all year long. If we can't even have a good time with Yuan Zheng on this New Year's Eve, then there will be nothing to look forward to next year. "Father, what do you think that is?"

Li Hong pointed to a stall not far away, his eyes full of excitement.

Following Li Hong's fingers, he saw that the stall was supported by several wooden boards with various paper-cuts hanging on them.

Various shapes are cut out of red paper-cutting, including gods, characters, and various animals. It can be said to be everything you want.

Li Hong squeezed in directly, his little eyes darting back and forth, watching with great pleasure.

"This little brother, what do you want?"

I saw that although Li Hong's clothes were not very luxurious, he was clean, and his face was fair and rosy. At first glance, he was not an ordinary child.

"I want it?"

As Li Hong spoke, he also glanced at Li Zhi and Li Yanran behind him.

"Buy whatever you want, I will satisfy you today!"

Li Zhi nodded, he just went out to spend money today.

Besides, it’s just a paper-cut. It doesn’t matter how much money you can spend to buy a stall.

"Thank you, Grandpa, I want this, this, and this!"

Hearing Li Zhi's words, Li Hong was also excited and started scanning goods directly.

"Good good!"

The hawker was also excited for a while. He knew that this person was not an ordinary person, and he could not be said to be someone from a wealthy family who came out to practice.

It's best to do business with this kind of people, because stupid people make a lot of money.

Now it turns out that is the case.

"This young gentleman, the total is five cents."

After the vendor wrapped the paper-cuts, his eyes were filled with excitement.

"Grandpa, give me the money!"

Li Hong took the paper-cut and said directly to Li Zhi behind him.


Li Zhi just wanted to slap him in the face. Although he said he would buy it casually, I don't like your attitude.

Those who know I am your grandpa, but those who don’t know think I am your servant.

After shaking his head, Li Zhi also reached out and groped around his waist.


Holy shit, something bad happened.

All the money I prepared was spent on Long Chu’s regular clothes, which he changed into from Li Yanran!

"This gentleman, did you forget to bring money?"

The vendor looked at Li Zhi and immediately understood that he must have forgotten to bring money when he changed clothes and went out.


Li Zhi was also a little embarrassed for a moment. He had no money and lost all his dignity in such a public place.

Raising his eyes and scanning in all directions, he became even more depressed.

Ryan, who was usually a follower, disappeared just when he was needed.

"It's okay. This husband can give me your address, and I can deliver the paper-cut to your house!"

The vendor also smiled slightly, not looking down on Li Zhi because he didn't bring any money, but the paper-cut that was delivered to Li Hong was quietly pulled back.

"Give you!"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Li Zhi, took out five copper coins from the purse at her waist, and handed them to the vendor.

"Thanks for your patronage."

After collecting the money, the vendor also smiled brightly and respectfully handed the paper-cut to Li Hong's hand.

"Thank you, brother!"

Li Hong smiled happily, grabbed the paper-cut and left.

"Yanran, why don't you give me some money? That old guy Ruian is hiding somewhere. It's really annoying."

Li Zhi was also caught off guard by mistake. Ruian was really just wandering around without seeing anyone.

Moreover, a real man cannot live without money for a day. Now he can be said to have no money at all. Isn't this embarrassing for himself?

"It's hard to get my money, are you sure you want it?"

Li Yanran glanced at her father, and a gleam flashed in her eyes.

"You tell me first?"

Li Zhi also took a step back and frowned at his daughter.

"One penny is worth a hundred dollars, how about that?"

"Where are you stealing money?"

Li Zhi was directly frightened by Li Yanran. At first, he thought that he would be just like a moneylender at most, and at worst he would just come out nine times and come back thirteen times.

I didn’t expect that my daughter would really become a black man, and one penny is worth a hundred dollars.

Isn't this just a trick for fools?
"It's actually not much!"

Li Hong glanced at his father and spoke slowly.

At the beginning, he had experienced the situation where one money was always the same, and one money was used to get back hundreds of money. It was really cheap.

"Not much? What do you know?"

Li Zhi slapped Li Hong on the head.

Isn’t that much?I'm afraid there's something wrong with your brain!

Why did I give birth to such a stupid son?


"If you don't agree, forget it and let's go!"

Li Yanran also rolled her eyes at her father, "Business cannot be done without mercy, so it's wrong for you to hit someone."

"Come on, come on, I still don't believe that I can be blackmailed by you."

Li Zhi also shook his head and walked forward directly.

"Mr. Rui, the master is gone!"

"Follow up, keep up, remember, no one can show up without special circumstances, and you must not bore the master."

Ruian looked at the backs of Li Zhi and the others from a distance, and also spoke to Bai Qi beside him.

In the past, I always followed the other party, and was scolded by Li Zhi.

You must hide yourself well this time, and be sure not to be discovered by Li Zhi, and you will be scolded again when the time comes.


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