My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 543 Grandpa, why don’t we run away!

"Push the child here? Let's forget it!"

Seeing Li Hong's stupid look, the waiter also shook his head.

If you leave your children here and turn around and run away, then who can you ask to reason with?

"What? Is my little brother a big living person not even worth thirty dollars?"

Li Yanran was stunned. Are you still interested in bringing all the children here?
You must know that this is the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty and the crown prince of the country. What are you thinking?

“It’s not that it’s worthless, it’s that”

The waiter looked at Li Hong again and stopped talking.

"Grandpa, just wait here, I'll get the money myself!"

Li Yanran was depressed, so she could only press Li Zhi here, got up and walked towards Haagen-Dazs not far away.

"Grandpa, do you think my brother will not come back?"

Looking at Li Yanran's back, Li Hong suddenly trembled.

If my sister were to come and never come back, I would not be embarrassed or embarrassed.

"She dares!"

Li Zhi also stared, but his heart also trembled.

He knew his daughter's temperament best. It was impossible to leave him here and not care about her, but it was still possible to cause some mischief.

In this case, if his daughter manipulates him, he will be in great trouble.

"Doesn't she dare?"

Li Hong also heard the guilt in his father's tone and trembled a little.

"She doesn't dare!"

Li Zhi was also a little hesitant. He was really afraid that his daughter would do something wrong.

"Grandpa, please... let's run away!"

Li Hong was about to cry. Although no one knew his identity, it would be over if he was taken to the Yamen.

"Run your head!"

Li Zhi also slapped his son.

You don't even look at where this place is. If you dare to run, as long as someone shouts, you will be captured immediately.

Really a noob.


"But what? Sit peacefully!"

Li Zhi slapped him again, and the whole world became quiet.

Li Hong curled his lips, not daring to say a word, and drank the soup from a big bowl.

Li Yanran slowly walked into Haagen-Dazs and was immediately greeted by a waiter.

"What do you want, young gentleman? Where is your family?"

The servants at Haagen-Dazs are all trained before they can take up the job, and they are all about making you feel at home.

There is no way that Li Yanran will be looked down upon just because she is just a child. Otherwise, once discovered, she will be fired directly.

"Call Liuli here, I have something to ask her!"

Li Yanran nodded to the boy. This kind of service attitude was the right one.

If he really dares to underestimate himself, he will have to take care of his job.

"Looking for our shopkeeper? Who are you?"

Hearing that Li Yanran was actually looking for Liuli, the boy was stunned and glanced at him again, not knowing who he was.

"You tell her Qinghao and she will understand."

Li Yanran didn't say much, and only said the word Qinghao.

After Liuli heard this, he would naturally come out to see him.

"Okay, Mr. Lang, please wait a moment."

The boy didn't dare to neglect and went directly to Liuli to report.

The previous training manual said that when encountering such a situation, you must not look down on the other party and say something unflattering.

Because Chang'an is so big, you don't even know who is in front of you.

If she encounters a powerful person like her father, who always likes to go on patrol incognito, she will be on guard against her father, the sixth one.

"Shopkeeper, there is a young man outside and I want you to go out to meet him."

The boy came to the inner hall and directly told what happened outside.

"Xiao Langjun? Did he say anything?"

"He only said the word Qinghao and said that you would go see him after hearing it."

Upon hearing the word Qinghao, Liuli immediately threw the account book in her hand on the table and Sayazi ran out.


Looking at Liuli's back, the boy also shuddered.

He knew who Liuli was. She was the maid of Her Royal Highness the Princess. Someone who could do this to her must be a big shot.

Fortunately, I didn't do anything extraordinary, otherwise I would have been very unlucky.

"Xiao Xiaolangjun!"

Looking at Li Yanran's appearance, Liuli almost shouted correctly. Fortunately, she was smart and changed her tune immediately.

"Well, Liuli, bring me a hundred dollars right away. I can use it."

Li Yanran didn't talk nonsense and directly asked for money.

"Xiao Langjun, is one hundred dollars enough?"

Liuli was stunned and immediately asked.

"That's enough, go quickly."


Liuli didn't dare to neglect and immediately saluted, went to the counter to get some money and handed it to Li Yanran.

"You don't need so much, one hundred dollars is enough."

Li Yanran counted out a hundred dollars, returned the remaining money to Liuli, then took a few puffs and left.

"Shopkeeper, who is this noble son? Why do you respect him so much?"

Looking at Li Yanran's leaving figure, the young man was also a little confused.

"You will naturally know what you are supposed to know, and there is no need to ask about what you are not supposed to know."

Liuli rolled her eyes at the boy, "You want to ask me anything?"
I don't even look at who I am.


The boy saluted with a depressed look on his face.

"Wait a minute, you did a good job this time. Go to the counter and get ten dollars as a reward."

"Thank you shopkeeper."

Hearing this, the young man was also happy.

Although the salary at Haagen-Dazs is not low, the free reward of ten dollars is something to be happy about.

"Grandpa, why hasn't this brother come back yet?"

Li Hong could hardly sit still. The waiter looked at him with a look that was murderous.

If he doesn't come back, the other party may really report him to the police and arrest him.

"You have no determination at all at such a young age!"

Li Zhi also glared at Li Hong. He was like this at a young age and had no determination at all.

"Grandpa, you said so much, then why are your legs shaking?"


Li Zhi was stunned and slapped Li Hong on the head again.

It's good for you to know some things, but it's your fault to speak out.Besides, am I nervous?This is my habit.

You know shit.


Li Hong was silent again. He really didn't know how to do it.

Did you say anything?
Really drunk.

"Grandpa, I'm back!"

Just as the two of them were staring at each other, Li Yanran also walked over from a distance.

"Sister. Brother."

Li Zhi jumped directly into Li Yanran's arms. He was really frightened just now.

If his sister never came back, he would have to use the urine escape technique to escape.

"Where's the money!"

Li Zhi also looked excited and reached out to Li Yanran to ask for money.

"Give you!"

Li Yanran handed over the money she had just taken from Haagen-Dazs to Li Zhi.

"Little Er, settle the accounts!"

"Sir, please give me thirty dollars!"

Seeing the yellow and orange copper coins in Li Zhi's hand, the waiter also slightly saluted.

"Give you!"

Li Zhi took out forty dollars, slapped it on the table, and left with his children.

"Sir, you gave me too much!"

The waiter counted and found that Li Zhi had given him ten more yuan, and immediately shouted to him.

"The ten coins rewarded to you should be used to buy your biscuits."

Li Zhi waved his hands behind his back and led the two of them into the crowd.

"This guest officer is really awesome! Haha!"

The waiter was also excited. With the extra ten dollars, he could buy some good things for his wife when he went back.

But what is the identity of this person? He couldn't even pay a penny before, but now he was given a reward of ten yuan.

It really made him a little confused.

"Grandpa, why did you give that little guy twenty dollars more just now?"

Li Hong was pulled by Li Zhi's arm, his eyes full of confusion.

"Hong'er, I have never owed anything to anyone in my life.

I ate the waiter's half piece of cake. If I didn't give him any money, wouldn't I be eating the food I brought?

Just give me the ten dollars as money to buy cakes, so I won't think about it anymore. "

Li Zhi glared at Li Hong, he didn't understand anything at such a young age.

This food is so delicious. I am not a beggar begging on the street. There is no need to take advantage of this.

"Grandpa, after all, you're still afraid of losing face, right? But the biscuits are really delicious and worth the ten dollars!"

Li Hong also nodded secretly, smacked his lips, and recalled the taste of the biscuits.


Unexpectedly, Li Zhi raised his hand and slapped his son, which immediately stunned his son.

"Grandpa, why did you hit me?"

Li Hong covered his head, his eyes full of confusion.

Did my father take the wrong medicine?

I hit myself so many times throughout the day.

"You deserve to be beaten. I'm not the kind of person who doesn't know what is good and what is evil. This is called human nature, what comes and goes.

Besides, Grandpa also saw that the waiter’s family was not in good condition, so he generously donated money to relieve his urgent need. "

Li Yanran looked at the depressed younger brother and opened her mouth to excuse her father.

"That's right, look at your sister and brother, and learn from it!"

Li Zhi also smiled. The same meaning came from two people's mouths, but they were two different concepts.

Li Hong can make people angry when he opens his mouth, but his daughter makes people feel comfortable.

"I see!"

Li Hong lowered his head depressedly, muttering something in his mouth.

"What are you mumbling about?"

Li Zhi frowned and kicked his son on the butt.

"No no no!"

"Grandpa, eat this, puff."

Li Yanran also has nothing to do with her little brother. You little idiot, I really don’t know why your parents have so good genes, but you just can’t figure it out.

After saying that, he also handed over a puff.

"Sister. Brother, I want to eat too!"

Seeing the puffs in Li Yanran's hand, Li Hong felt that he was hungry again after just eating.

Puffs are a good thing. When you take one bite, they are filled with cream. They are really sweet.

"Eat, eat, eat. What else do you know besides eating all day long?"

Li Zhi was also depressed. This silly son was really a talented eater.

Could it be that you can't say anything else besides eating?

"Hong'er are you hungry?"

Li Hong curled his lips, his eyes full of depression.

Why would you get so angry if I just ate a puff?

"Yanran, give him one!"

Seeing the child like this, Li Zhi couldn't help it.

After all, this is his own son, so there is no reason why I can eat but my son cannot.

"Of course I can't forget my good brother."

Li Yanran also smiled and handed over the puff in her hand.

"Brother is the best!"

Li Hong grabbed the puff and stuffed it into his mouth.

"So sweet!"

When the puff was in his mouth, Li Hong's face instantly burst into laughter.

"Look at you like that!"

Li Yanran also took out a handkerchief and wiped the cream from Li Hong's mouth.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the two siblings like this, Li Zhi also smiled slightly.

After all, they are siblings, and they should love each other like this.

The group of three people continued shopping.

"Keep up, keep up!"

Looking at Li Zhi's back, Ruian ran out of nowhere and shouted to the Baiqi Imperial Guard beside him.

Along the way, besides people, Chang'an is like a flowing water and horses like a dragon.

"Grandpa, what do you think that is?"

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