Chapter 544
Li Hong looked at the crowd in front and felt excited.

Hearing Li Hong's words, Li Yanran also tapped her toes, but she couldn't see anything except people.

Li Zhi also tapped his toes. He was tall and saw what was inside.

"It's an exorcism ceremony."

"The exorcism ceremony? I want to see it, I want to see it!"

Li Hong also jumped up when he heard that it was an exorcism ceremony.

"I'm afraid you can't squeeze in!"

Li Zhi looked at the crowd in front of him. It was not that easy to squeeze in.

"Grandpa, isn't this difficult to handle? Look over there."

Li Yanran smiled slightly and pointed to the side.


Li Zhi looked intently and saw several men over there, all carrying their children on their shoulders.

"You don't is this okay?"

Li Zhi shook his head. He was the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the Supreme Being of the Nine Five Years.
If Li Hong were to ride on his neck, and if word spread, how could he have the dignity to act like a human being?

"Master, why not? Hong'er wants to see it!"

Li Hong grabbed his father's arm, his eyes full of depression.

"Grandpa, I won't do it if I don't do it. How can it be inappropriate for you to ride on my neck?"

Li Zhi simply rejected Li Hong's request.

He absolutely would not allow this to happen.

"Grandpa, you're not good. Hong'er remembers how you carried me like this when you were a child.

Why can't it work now?Doesn't Grandpa like Hong'er anymore? "

Tears welled up in Li Hong's eyes instantly. Doesn't this grandpa love me anymore?

"You, you, this is inappropriate."

"Grandpa, you are just an ordinary citizen now, how can you show any dignity?

Just agree to Hong'er. Besides, do you think there is anyone here who knows your identity? "

Li Yanran also smiled at Li Zhi. This is the West Market, and everyone you see is traffickers and lackeys. How could anyone know your identity.

Since you want to be an ordinary citizen, then start from this point.

"Grandpa, hurry up, hurry up, I told you!"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Hong also smiled slightly, his eyes full of expectation.

"Okay! It's just this once, it won't happen next time!"

Li Zhi was helpless and couldn't resist Li Hong, so he grabbed him with both hands and put him on his neck.

"Grandpa, those exorcists are so scary. They all wear masks of evil spirits."

Li Hong was extremely excited when he saw the performance in front of him.

But looking at the actors wearing evil ghost masks, I was also a little scared.

“That’s called exorcism, and those people wearing evil ghost masks represent evil spirits.

Only by killing the evil spirits and expelling evil spirits can the people be safe and peaceful next year. "

Li Zhi also smiled slightly and explained to Li Hong why this exorcism ceremony was held.

The ancients had limited cognition and called all failures, difficulties, disasters, and crises "difficulties" because they were shrouded in evil spirits.

In order to control this so-called "disaster", the ancients invented "Nuo" and then drove away the disaster by expelling Nuo.

This is considered a ritual that must be performed before the New Year, and there is nothing surprising about it.

Li Yanran was also a little jealous at the side. This exorcism ceremony sounded very much like the British songs and dances of later generations, which meant to expel evil spirits and pray for peace in the coming year.

She did not go to the south to see it in later generations, and she did not expect to see it in the Tang Dynasty.

"Yanran, do you want to see it?"

Li Zhi glanced at Li Yanran beside him and smiled at him.

"Want to see it!"

Li Yanran nodded shyly, she really wanted to see it.

Later generations will not have the opportunity to see it with their own eyes, but now that they have encountered it, they cannot miss it.

"Grandpa, I haven't seen enough, I haven't seen enough!"

Before Li Hong could react, Li Zhi threw him down from his neck. He turned pale in anger and jumped several meters.

"go away!"

Li Zhi kicked Li Hong aside, and then said to his precious daughter: "Yanran, come up! I will carry you!"

"Thank you, grandpa!"

Li Yanran also smiled slightly, and followed Li Zhi's strength and jumped on Li Zhi's neck.

Looking up, I saw a man with disheveled hair, wearing a ghost mask, wearing a white robe and red pants, with bare feet, kneeling on the ground shivering.

Next to him is a majestic man wearing a green robe, a red crown on his head, and holding a wooden bow. He is glaring at the evil ghost in front of him.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Today we will shoot you evil spirit on the spot to prevent you from harming others next year."

There was a sound of drums, and the man shouted loudly at the ghost-like man, and then he pulled the string of the wooden bow with his right hand.

With a crash, the evil ghost also screamed and fell in front of everyone.

"The evil ghost has been eliminated. Next year, the Tang Dynasty will be peaceful and peaceful, and the weather will be smooth."

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Seeing the evil ghost being shot down, the onlookers also cheered loudly.

The elimination of evil spirits means that the next year will be smooth and everything will go well.

How could they not applaud.

Li Yanran also clapped her hands excitedly. Although she had seen many such performances, she would still be infected by being there.

"What happened?"

Li Hong couldn't see anything below, so he was running around in a hurry.

"The evil spirit is alive again!"

Just when everyone was excited, the evil ghost who was shot down suddenly stood up, looked in the right direction and rushed over.

"That evil ghost, where can you escape!"

The strong man glanced at the evil ghost, pointed his sword like a sword, and chased after him.

"Boom boom boom!"

The two of them walked one behind the other, and the gongs and drums team beside them also followed behind them.

"Chasing the devil!"

"Don't let that evil spirit escape!"

"Everyone, rush!" A group of people also followed.

This exorcism ceremony is not only performed in one place, but is performed as it goes around the city.

"Grandpa, it's all your fault that Hong'er didn't see the climax."

Looking at the crowd leaving with the exorcism team, Li Hong almost cried.

Dad, dad, you are really my good father.

"If you haven't seen it, you haven't seen it. There will also be a grand exorcism ceremony held in the palace on New Year's Eve this year. You will be able to see it to your heart's content."

Li Zhi rolled his eyes at Li Hong. It was just an exorcism ceremony. It made you so panicked that you really didn’t know what to do.

"Humph! I'm ignoring you!"

Li Hong also crossed his arms and looked like I was very angry.

"Haha, are you still showing your temper? Yanran, then let's just ignore him and leave!"

Li Zhi carried Li Yanran around his neck and ran out.

"Grandpa, wait for me!"

Seeing this scene, Li Hong was instantly stunned. He couldn't care less about being angry and chased after him.


Li Zhi and Li Yanran in front couldn't help but smile as they looked at Li Hong who was chasing after him like crazy.

"Catch up, catch up!"

Ruian on the side also took a sip of Fire Crystal Persimmon and called on everyone to hurry up and follow.

The three of them were shopping and admiring the scenery of Chang'an.

"Grandpa, the scene like this in Chang'an is all due to your merits!"

Being among the crowds, Li Yanran also truly felt the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

And this was not the peak of the Tang Dynasty. It was really hard for her to imagine what kind of grand scene the Tang Dynasty would be like during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty.

"You are such a flatterer. This is not my achievement alone, but the joint efforts of countless officials of the Tang Dynasty."

Although Li Zhi said this, he was also happy in his heart.

Why he likes to go on patrol incognito is not just to see what the country he controls is like.

Now that his daughter said this, it would be strange if he was unhappy.

"Grandpa, why is your mouth crooked?"

Li Hong was also stunned when he saw Li Zhi's crooked mouth.

Li Yanran glanced at her big mouth, which was already crooked into a hook, and smiled.

Isn't this the crooked-mouthed Dragon King that became popular in later generations?It turns out that my father still has the potential to become the Dragon King.

"What did you say?"

After hearing Li Hong's words, Li Zhi felt bad instantly.

What does it mean that my mouth is crooked? Your mouth is crooked!
He raised his hand and slapped Li Hong so hard that he became autistic.

"Why are you standing still, let's go!"

After rolling his eyes at Li Hong, Li Zhi raised his feet and walked in front.


"Why don't you leave quickly? Master, wait for us."

Li Yanran also smiled at the depressed Li Hong, and pulled him to chase after Li Zhi.

Three figures, one large, two small, also blended into the crowd.

"Not gone?"

Looking at the three disappeared people, Ruian felt bad.

"Hurry up and chase. If you lose track of me, it will be a big problem to draw back!"


Upon hearing this, all the Imperial Guards shuddered and rushed into the crowd to look for Li Zhi.

"Grandpa, what is this?"

Li Hong took Li Zhi's hand and was a little surprised when he looked at the things in front of him.

"Doll, this is called a face man."

An old man smiled at Li Hong and took the monkey-faced man he had just squeezed into his hand.

"Grandpa, I...I don't want this!"

Li Hong looked at the plastic monkey with disgust in his eyes.

It's just a monkey, but I am the prince of the dynasty. How can a monkey be worthy of his status?

Li Yanran was also speechless for a while. She had certainly seen this person before, and it would be considered an intangible cultural heritage in later generations. But what she didn't expect was that this existed in the Tang Dynasty?

The wisdom of our ancestors is truly amazing!

Hearing Li Hong's words, the old man who was making the dough was also stunned, and slowly asked: "What do you want from the doll? I'll make it for you, old man."

As he spoke, the old man also took out a piece of dough, kneaded it and prepared to work.

"I want to pinch a dragon!"


The old man almost choked to death because of Li Hong. You really dare to say anything, you damn little brat.

If you want to die, don't take the old man with you. Although I am buried up to my neck in loess, I still want to live for two more years.

How can dragons be something ordinary people can get their hands on?

I really don't know what to say.

"What's wrong? Don't you know how to pinch?"

Looking at the old man who was stunned on the spot, Li Hong also sneered.

"Baby, this dragon is not something you can pinch easily. You'd better change it to another one!"

The old man shook his head. It wasn't that he couldn't pinch it, but that he didn't dare to pinch it because it would kill someone.

Li Yanran was also depressed. You know that you are the emperor's son, the son of a real dragon, but others don't know.

You want someone to chop off your head, you are really drunk.

"Brother, why did you hit me?"

Li Hong was very depressed and didn't know why Li Yanran slapped him again.

"go away!"

After glaring at Li Hong, Li Yanran also kicked him away.

Disgraceful stuff.

"Give him a pig. I think it will match him well."

"Grandpa, look at my brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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