My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 545: Damage Transfer Technique

Li Hong was also speechless. What does it mean that a pig is more suitable for me?
Sister, you'd better pay attention to your words, my father is watching you.

"I also feel that pigs are more suitable for you, so just pinch a pig!"

Li Zhi also smiled. He also felt that his silly son was more suitable for that pig.

"Grandpa, you."

Li Hong was completely convinced now. His father and sister were just the same thing.

I am so smart, and you would say that to me, which is really unreasonable.


The old man also smiled slightly, and kneaded it as fast as possible with his hands.

After a while, a cute fat pig appeared in front of the three of them. After the old man finished coloring it, he handed it to Li Hong.

“It’s quite pretty!”

Looking at the noodle pig in his hand, Li Hong was also pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect that this thing looked pretty good.

"I'll just say that I'm the best match for you!"

Li Yanran also smiled slightly. I have to say that these craftsmen are really surprising.

It's just a piece of white flour, but it can make something so lifelike.


Li Hong rolled his eyes at Li Yanran, but he couldn't let go of the noodle pig in his hand.

"Pinch me a bunny!"

Li Yanran was a rabbit in her last life, so pinching a rabbit this time is a way to remember her past life.


The old man took out another ball of white flour, and then started to shape the rabbit dough sculpture that Li Yanran asked for with his fingers flying.

After a while, a noodle rabbit also appeared in front of the three people. After the coloring was completed, it was handed to Li Yanran's hand.

"Not bad!"

Li Yanran also liked playing with the rabbit in her hand very much.

"It turns out that brother likes rabbits!"

Looking at Li Yanran's appearance, Li Hong also nodded secretly.

As the saying goes, since my sister likes it, then it would be nice to give her some by myself.


Li Yanran nodded, she just liked her, there was nothing to hide.

"Mr. Sir, what do you want?"

The old man glanced at Li Zhi, who was standing and smiling, and started selling hard.

"Let me make a dragon!"


The old man was really feeling bad now. He even stopped grabbing the noodles.

What kind of father-son combination is this?
It is true that like a son, like a father, I really hope he will live a long time.

"Haha, just kidding, just pinch a golden rat."

Looking at the stunned old man, Li Zhi also smiled.

It's nice to peel it once in a while.

"You're so scared!"

The old man shook his head depressedly. He was frightened by the money he made today.

He pulled a ball of white flour down, then flipped his fingers and started to shape the golden mouse that Li Zhi wanted.

After they were lustful, a golden mouse appeared in the eyes of the three of them.

"Not bad."

Li Zhi was also smiling after taking the golden rat from the old man.

This may be the happiness of the people. A face-loving person can make a child happy for a whole day.

"how much is it?"

"One penny is enough!"

The old man smiled slightly.

It was originally two for one penny, but looking at Li Hong and Li Yanran, he also thought of his grandson at home, and he was also exempted from half the penny.

"Such craftsmanship should be rewarded."

Li Zhi also frowned, this old man's skills were definitely more than that.

As he said this, Li Zhi also dug out five large coins, slapped them on the table, and left with a pair of children.


The old man was also in a daze while grabbing the five big coins given by Li Zhi.

"Grandpa, look at my pig, isn't it beautiful?"

Li Hong held up the noodle pig in his hand and kept showing off.

Looking at Hanpi's son, Li Zhi also smiled.

My son is still a child, and he is so excited.

"Found it, keep up, keep up."

Looking at the three people wandering around in front, Ruian's eyes lit up, and he finally found them.


The Imperial Guards around him also said "Hey" together and followed in the direction of Li Zhi.

The three of them seemed to be ordinary people, mingling among the crowd.

Look left and right and wander around. When you are tired from shopping, you can find a tea shed to rest for a while, take a sip of tea and relieve your fatigue.
When it was almost time to rest, we set off again.
I buy something from time to time, and it’s a pleasure to go shopping.

Ruian and the Forbidden Army had a taste of the lives of the common people, and they didn't miss any food, drinks or entertainment.

There are no ordinary people who can become Li Zhi's Hundred Cavalry Forbidden Army. These people are also wealthy owners, and they will spend a lot of money after a campaign.

Looking at the sky, Li Zhi was also stunned. He didn't feel it yet, but it was already darkening.

"It's getting dark, we should go back!"


Hearing this, Li Yanran and Li Hong were also stunned, and sighed as they looked at the gradually darkening sky.

Before I feel the passage of time, it’s time to go back.

"Hey, grandpa, can we still come out tomorrow?"

Li Hong held Li Zhi's arm, his eyes full of pleading. "You still want to come out? Are you tired of living?"

Li Zhi glared at Li Hong, "I have brought you out today, you still want to come out?"

You are the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty. How could this be possible?


After listening to his father's words, Li Hong also sighed.

Li Zhi also had a feeling of nostalgia in his eyes. This is the great country under my rule, and this is the peaceful and prosperous age under my rule.

How could he see enough? He would never see enough in his lifetime.

How can you feel the suffering of the people when you live high in a temple all day long?

"This old guy Ruian can really tolerate it. He can't see anyone for a whole day."

At this moment, Li Zhi also remembered that Ruian hadn't seen him after following him for a whole day, which really surprised him.

When did this old guy become so capable of hiding?

Seeing the three people turning around and starting to walk back, Ruian also knew that they were preparing to return to the palace. He didn't dare to hide anymore and surrounded them with his people.

"Master, are you going back? My slave didn't bother you today, did I?"

Ruian smiled at Li Zhi, his eyes full of excitement.

You did the right thing today, I kept hiding in the dark and didn't disturb your enjoyment all day long.

"You did a good job today and didn't disturb me, but did you forget something?"

Seeing Ruian's sudden appearance, Li Zhi was also depressed for a while.

You really can’t see it when it’s needed, but it will appear immediately when it’s no longer needed.

"Forgot something? What!"

Hearing Li Zhi's words, Ruian was also stunned, not knowing what the other party meant.

"You hid it, but you took away all my money and had to ask me to borrow money from Yanran!"

After rolling his eyes at Ruian, Li Zhi also sighed.

It's all my fault, you old guy, for not only losing my face but also my money.

This hundred strings is really Hua's injustice.

"This, this, this is the slave's negligence!"

Ruian's eyes widened and he felt bad.

I just remembered and hid it, and actually forgot about it.

At that moment, he quickly admitted his mistake to Li Zhi.

"It's good that you know you were wrong. Please help me pay back this hundred-guan foreign debt!"


Now Ruian was stunned. What did you buy? You owe Her Royal Highness a hundred guan.

You spent the money, and I didn't spend a dime on you. Why should I, a slave, pay this money?

Your Majesty, you are not collaborating with Her Royal Highness the Princess to defraud my money, are you?
"What's wrong? Don't tell me that you don't even have a hundred strings! I know that you accepted gifts from officials of aristocratic families."

"Master clearly knows, slave, slave, slave, no one!"

With a pop, Ruian knelt down in front of Li Zhi, his eyes full of fear.

Why would His Majesty say such things now? Could it be that he has done it before?

Is this beating yourself?
It seems that I have to restrain myself in the future, otherwise my life will be at risk.

"I don't mean to punish you. Just because I don't mention some things doesn't mean I don't know them! So are you going to give out the hundred strings or not?"

Li Zhi glanced at Ruian. He had no intention of blaming him.

Chamberlains accepting money are unavoidable in ancient and modern times. After all, Ruian's identity is there.

No one is allowed to fawn over the emperor's beloved ones.

Ruian actually does quite well in this regard. Others may turn a deaf ear if they don't give benefits, but Ruian is different.

Even if he received the benefits, he wouldn't say anything nice to anyone, at least he didn't feel that way.

"Come out slave, come out slave!"

What else could Ruian say now, and what else dare he say.

Li Zhi held the knife to his neck. If he couldn't bear to bear a hundred swords, then he would just wait to be beheaded.

"That's pretty much it. Let's go back to the palace!"


Li Zhi was about to return to the palace, so naturally the imperial army drove the carriage over. After the three of them got on the carriage, they also headed towards the palace.

"Why didn't Yanran and Hong'er come to pay my respects to me today?"

Looking at the darkening sky, Wu Zetian also walked out of the room, looking at Jingting in front of her in a daze.

"Back to your Majesty, it seems that Your Majesty took the two Highnesses out of the palace during the day, so I didn't come to see you!"


Wu Zetian's face tensed up instantly when she heard this.

The three of them were really bold, one was the Supreme Being, the other was the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty, and there was also a legitimate princess.

How dare you leave the palace privately?
If something goes wrong, don't they know what kind of situation it will put Datang Jiangshan in?

"You immediately go to Princess Lishan's palace and wait. Once she and the prince come back, ask them to come see me immediately!"


The waiter slowly withdrew.

It wasn't until nightfall that the three of them traveled through most of Chang'an and returned to the palace.

"Your Highnesses, you are finally back."

Seeing the two men in coarse cloth jackets coming back, the chamberlain hurriedly came over to greet them.


"Aren't you the eunuch in charge of my mother's harem?"

Looking at the person in front of them, both of them were stunned.

Why is the eunuch in charge of A Niang's palace here?

"That's right, my slave is Duofu. The Queen sent me to wait here and ask you to come over as soon as you come back."

Duofu nodded and said Wu Zetian's decree at the same time.

"Sister, what should I do?"

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