My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 546: Follow your children’s path and leave your children with nowhere to go!

Li Hong couldn't help but shudder when he heard this. Could it be that his mother already knew that he had left the palace privately?
That’s why Duofu was sent to wait here.

"Wait, let's go change clothes!"

Li Yanran took Li Hong's little arm and walked straight into the dormitory.

"Sister, what should we do? The Queen Mother must know that we left the palace secretly! If we are caught, we will die."

Li Hong's eyes were filled with fear, and even the arm holding Li Yanran trembled.

The old lady was so angry that when she took five steps, blood spattered,
The opponent may not be willing to fight Li Yanran, but he will definitely become a sacrificed pawn.

No matter how stubborn I am, I can't bear it.

"What are you afraid of? It's not us who suggested leaving the palace. With my father supporting me from the front, what else can I do to you?"

He rolled his eyes at Li Hong, "I don't know what is going on over there now, you are so scared."

What if my mother didn't ask us to come over because of this matter? Wouldn't you like to go over there without asking yourself?

I really echo what my father said. At such a young age, I don’t have any determination at all.

"Sister, do you mean to blame everything on my father? Isn't that bad!"

Li Hong frowned. Although he felt that Li Yanran was right, he couldn't bear to blame everything on his father.

"No? How about saying it was your idea?"

Li Yanran put her face in front of Li Hong and glanced up and down. With your small body, can you withstand a beating from me?

"Then let's blame it on my father!"

Hearing this, Li Hong also shivered, feeling fear spreading up his calves.

If this is really blamed on myself, my father and sister will definitely get into trouble.

At that time, I may not only face my mother, but also three dozen people.

He didn't want to bear such an unreasonable disaster, because he simply couldn't bear it.

Although he is small, it does not mean that he is stupid.

He still understands the reason why dead friends don't die poor people.

"Then stop talking nonsense and quickly change your clothes and go find grandma. Don't let father get to you first. We'll be finished by then."

Li Yanran nodded, and now that she had decided, she left quickly to make this matter a reality.

Otherwise, with his father's old-fashioned character, once he finds out, he will definitely come back to bite him.

"Yes, yes, yes! Hurry up!"

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Li Hong's eyes lit up and he quickly changed his clothes.

Just when the two of them were changing clothes, Li Zhi had already changed into his regular clothes.

"Your Majesty, where should we go next? The Royal Study or back to the Tai Chi Palace?"

Ruian looked at the new Li Zhi and asked where to go next.
"Where to go? To the queen's palace."

Ruian was stunned. You just came back from the palace and you are going to the queen?

What kind of medicine is sold in this gourd!
"Today I took the two little devils out for a day, and went to Mei Niang's place to have a look.
If she notices it, I might as well strike first.

Otherwise, once I get hacked by those two demon kings, won’t I lose money? "

Li Zhi glanced at the sky above his head and didn't know what he was thinking.


"Your Majesty has an order, show off!"

Long Chu also turned around and headed towards Wu Zetian's palace.

"Mei Niang!"

Li Zhi's figure appeared at the door and smiled at Wu Zetian inside.

"His Majesty!"

After looking at Li Zhi, Wu Zetian slowly stood up and saluted him.

"What are you doing?"

Looking at Wu Zetian's pretty face, Li Zhi also asked with a guilty conscience.

"I'm not doing anything! I'm just reading the memorial. Naturally, I'm not as carefree as His Majesty. He can even leave the palace for a private visit in disguise. I really make Mei Niang envious."

Wu Zetian also rolled his eyes at Li Zhi, "You have the nerve to ask me what I am doing?"

You put out so many memorials all day long without reviewing them, and you even took your children out of the palace to play.

Really helpless.

"I can explain this Mei Niang!"

Li Zhi couldn't hold back anymore. Unexpectedly, Wu Zetian discovered him.

It's a good thing he took the first step, otherwise his daughter would have taken Li Yanran's name if she hadn't blamed him.

"Explanation? Your Majesty is the Supreme Being of the Ninth Five Years and the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Why should you explain to an insignificant person like Mei Niang?"

Wu Zetian didn't look at Li Zhi, sat back down, and continued to review the memorials on the desk.

"Mei Niang, look at what you said, what do you mean by being an insignificant person? If you say that, I will be angry!"

Li Zhi also turned cold, crossed his arms over his chest, and looked like his baby was angry.

"Your Majesty, do you know that it is a noisy time outside Chang'an right now. You will take Hong'er and Yanran out of the palace. What should you do if something goes wrong?"

Wu Zetian also sighed, Li Zhi was already like this, what else could she do.

After all, the other party is the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, and she is just a concubine.

Saying so much is not good after all.

"Of course I know, so I brought hundreds of mounted imperial troops with me this time. Besides, it's not safe to return, so don't be angry."

Seeing Wu Zetian regressing, Li Zhi also blushed and sat next to Wu Zetian.

"Your Majesty, what do you want me to say to you? You are responsible for the country and the country of the Tang Dynasty, and yet you are so willful."

Wu Zetian shook her head depressedly. What she was worried about was not this time, but the next time.

As the saying goes, if you often walk by the river, your shoes won't get wet. Ten thousand times everything goes wrong, but once something goes wrong, Datang will be in dire straits.

“Hey, I actually didn’t want to go at first, but you know what?
Hong'er actually came to steal my gold medal, which shows how strong his desire to leave the palace is.

If I don't take him out, I don't know what will happen next time! "

Li Zhi also pretended to sigh and kicked the ball to Li Hong's head without saying a word.

"Honger is indeed too naughty. I have sent people to find them. I will have to teach them a lesson when the time comes. Your Majesty will not protect my son!" After hearing what Li Zhi said, Wu Zetian also glanced at Li Zhi. One glance.

You are a father, and you just pushed your son out like this?
Hong'er, Hong'er, since your father has pushed you out as a scapegoat, don't blame the queen mother for being ruthless.

"Don't worry, I will never intervene and hit you hard, otherwise Hong'er won't be able to remember."

Li Zhi also nodded and expressed his meaning.

Hong'er, Hong'er, don't blame your father. Who told you to have a criminal record?
A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. It is better for one person to suffer than for three people to suffer.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness the Princess and Your Highness the Crown Prince are waiting outside."

Duofu also saluted Wu Zetian when he came in, and told the news that the two were waiting outside.

"Mei Niang, let me hide first and see what they say?"

When he heard that the two people were coming, Li Zhi concentrated on entering the inner room.

"This is your Majesty!"

Glancing at Li Zhi's back, Wu Zetian was speechless.

For such a big person, he still looks like a child.

"Let them both come in!"


Duofu left, and soon a small figure rushed in.

"Queen Mother! Hong'er is here to see you!"

As Li Hong spoke, he rushed toward Wu Zetian.

"Stand there and don't move!"

Wu Zetian looked cold and shouted directly at Li Hong.


Upon hearing this, Li Hong immediately stopped his car and stood there without daring to move.


Looking at my mother's face, Li Yanran also sighed and walked slowly towards the other party.

"You stand there too!"

After glaring at Li Yanran, Wu Zetian also gave a cold shout.


Li Yanran also nodded obediently and stood beside Li Hong.

"Tell me, what did you do today?"

Wu Zetian looked at the children in front of her and slowly asked.

"I made tofu in the palace and warmed some books!"

Li Hong didn't even think about it, he just started telling lies.


Wu Zetian's eyebrows immediately raised and she looked at her son with wide eyes, her face turned blue and black.

"Yanran, tell me!"

Ignoring Li Hong, Wu Zetian focused on Li Yanran.

"I did make tofu today, but after finishing the tofu, I left the palace with Hongdi."

Feeling the coldness of my mother, Li Yanran did not dare to hide it and directly told her about leaving the palace.


Hearing that his elder sister had sold him out instantly, Li Hong felt bad.

You said before that you had to confess, but why did you confess before your mother said anything?

What should I do?

Li Yanran also shook his head, silly brother, silly brother, don't even look at what's happening now.

Auntie said that, but you still naively think that the other party didn't notice your behavior?
You are stupid, I don't dare to be stupid with you.

Although he said that he would be given a lenient sentence and would go to jail if he confessed, but he would go home to celebrate the New Year if he resisted a strict sentence,

But this is already a fact. If you resist stubbornly, you will only die more miserably.

"Hong'er, you still don't know your mistake?"

Wu Zetian slapped her desk and shouted angrily at Li Hong.

"Mother, I know I was wrong!"

Li Hong was also very straightforward. Since he had been betrayed by his sister, there was no point in resisting.

"You know you're wrong? Do you know your identity?
How did your mother have no control over you in Lishan? Now that you have returned to Chang'an, you are still so unscrupulous.
Do you really think that no one can care about you?Come here. "

Although Li Hong admitted his mistake very straightforwardly, Wu Zetian didn't want to let him go and directly glared at him to come over.

“Queen mother, Hong’er originally didn’t want to leave the palace, she is the father.

He insisted on dragging Hong'er out of the palace, but Hong'er couldn't help himself! "

Li Hong took a step back, his eyes full of fear.

At the moment, he didn't care about anything else, so he just dumped his father and took the blame.

"Is this really true? Yanran, is Hong'er telling the truth?"

Wu Zetian also glanced behind him, feeling disappointed with Li Hong.

Ginger is still old and spicy, you may not know that your dad has already pushed you out first.

It's too late for you to file a complaint now.

Besides, your father has heard what you said, and you may not be the one you have to face later.

Li Yanran frowned. She also saw the look that her mother looked back at just now, and there was something wrong with her attitude.

Could it be that his father had already arrived here before him?

If this is the case, then if he follows Li Hong to Hard Steel, he might also have to fold in.

"Sister, my mother is asking you, is it all thanks to my father?"

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