My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 547 In the end, it was the younger brother who took everything on his shoulders

Seeing that Li Yanran didn't speak, Li Hong became a little anxious.

As we said before, strike first to gain strength, strike first to gain strength. Now you are hesitating. What the hell are you doing?

"That's right, Yanran, I want to ask you something! Does your father insist on taking you out of the palace?"

Wu Zetian also looked at Li Yanran with interest, wondering what his daughter would say.

"Aniang, actually, not all of them were brought out of the palace by my father. In fact, Hong'er also wanted to go out of the palace. He even stole my father's gold medal."

Li Yanran now seemed to have transformed into a void person. While throwing her father away, she also gave Li Hong a critical blow.


Li Hong was completely stunned. Didn't he say that he wanted to sell his father before?

You are doing well now, you have sold your father, but you have trampled me under your feet.

This will make the two of us leave the palace and take you out alone. Your calculations are really loud!

"It turned out to be so?"

Wu Zetian frowned. Based on what he said now, it seems that Li Zhi's words just now are also very meaningful.

"You bullshit!"

At this moment, Li Zhi also suddenly spoke up and walked out of the inner room.

"Mei Niang, don't listen to Yan Ran's nonsense. She is clearly the one who instigated Hong'er to steal my gold medal. In fact, she is the culprit!"

Looking at Li Yanran in front of him, Li Zhi was really angry to death.

I didn't say anything about you just now, but now you are doing well. Not only did Li Hong step down, but I was also pushed into the abyss.

Really don’t let anyone go.

"Your Majesty, that's not what you said just now. Why did you become Yan Ran's envoy again? Changing your orders overnight is not the way to be a king."

Wu Zetian rolled her eyes at Li Zhi, "You are the emperor of the dynasty. You can make a promise and change it every now and then. This is unconvincing."


Li Zhi was also very depressed. If he had known this, why would he have done it in the first place?

What a wrong step, wrong step.

I hunt geese all day long, but today I was pecked in the eye by a wild goose.

"Hey, I admit that I also want to leave the palace, but if Hong'er hadn't come to steal the gold medal, I wouldn't have acted like this. He is still the culprit!"

Since the sophistry can no longer be defended, he can only choose the lesser of two evils and make his son's crime true.


Li Hong was completely stupid now. The three of them left the city, and the two of them pointed at him.

He knew he was finished, completely finished.

"Mother, Hong'er has to go back to study, so I'll leave first."

Since there is no room for sophistry, the best strategy is to use 36 moves.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Hong ran away without giving Wu Zetian a chance to take him down.

"Where do you want to go?"

Li Yanran had already spotted Li Hong, and when she saw that he was about to run, she pinned him to the ground.

"Sister, let me go, let me go!"

Li Hong struggled on the ground for a while, babbling and shouting at Li Yanran.

"How dare you scream when you are about to die!"

Wu Zetian also came to Li Hong and slapped him.

Li Zhi also came over. Looking at the three black faces in front of him, Li Hong was completely silent.

Now he has a profound understanding of what it means to be unable to respond to the sky and the earth.

This situation can be called desperate.

"Queen mother, be gentle!"

Looking at his mother with tears in his eyes, he had already accepted his fate and could only hope that the other party would be gentle.

"Take it easy? Don't worry, if I don't teach you a profound lesson this time, I won't be your mother."

Wu Zetian pulled Li Hongcong in front of her, raised her palm and started bombarding him wildly.

"Ah! Queen Mother, I know I was wrong!"

"Queen mother, be gentle, be gentle."

"I can't do it anymore, my butt is going to split."

Looking at Li Hong who was screaming repeatedly, Li Zhi and Li Yanran also took a deep breath.
This Wu Zetian was really cruel in beating people, and she didn't regard Li Hong as her own son at all.

If it were him, he would have to shed his skin even if he didn't die.

After giving Li Yanran a rollicking look, Li Zhi also had some lingering fears. Although Wu Zetian couldn't spank him, the other party had many ways to deal with him.

Fortunately, I was smart just now, otherwise I would have been doomed.

"This, this, Mei Niang is almost done. If you hit her again, she will be broken!"

Seeing that the beating was almost done, Li Zhi hurriedly spoke and begged for mercy for Li Hong.

I'm almost going crazy if I'm still here. If I continue like this, people will die.

After all, the other person is also his biological son, not picked up from the trash.

In fact, Wu Zetian didn't want to fight for a long time, but the two of them looked at each other without saying anything, and she couldn't stop either.

As soon as Li Zhi spoke, Wu Zetian immediately stopped what she was doing, stared at Li Hong and asked, "Do you dare to do it next time?"

"I don't dare anymore! I don't dare anymore! Woohoo!"

Li Hong also burst into tears and shook his nose all over the floor.

"Hmph, if you let me know next time, I will break your legs. The Queen Mother will keep her word!"

While saying this, Wu Zetian also glanced at Li Zhi and Li Yanran.

Both of them shuddered after hearing this. They knew very well that Wu Zetian seemed to be scolding Li Hong, but in fact she was also talking to herself.

"Hong'er knows!"

Does Li Hong dare to say anything now?

I don't dare at all. Life-saving is the most important thing now.

"Get up!"

"Thank you, Queen Mother!"

Li Hong slowly got up and glanced at Li Zhi and Li Yanran on the side, his eyes full of hatred.

"Okay, if you don't have anything to do, just leave. I'm tired!"

"Here! My daughter is resigning."

"My son retire!"

Li Yanran and Li Hong quickly bowed and left. "Then I'll retire too, there's still a lot of things to do over there!"

Li Zhi also frowned and followed the two of them away.

"Your Majesty, are you leaving now? I am really pitiful!"

Wu Zetian snorted coldly at Li Zhi, turned away, and her shoulders twitched.

"Okay, don't be like this. Isn't it okay if I don't leave?"

Li Zhi hurriedly walked to Wu Zetian and took her into his arms.

"His Majesty!"


The two of them also hugged each other and walked towards the inner room.

"Hong'er, why don't you speak?"

Li Yanran looked at Li Hong who was silent and felt a little embarrassed.

After all, Li Hong was harmed by himself.

"Don't pay attention to me! I'm angry!"

Li Hong tilted his head and didn't want to talk to Li Yanran at all.

This time he was really hurt, how could he give up so easily.

"Hey, I originally thought of a good story. Since no one wants to hear it, let's forget it!"

Looking at Li Hong's appearance, Li Yanran smiled slightly and spoke to the sky alone.

"Good story? How good is it? Can it be better than the Monkey King?"

Li Hong looked disdainful. How can you tell a good story?

I have heard countless good stories. Is it possible to use a story to make up for the mistakes I have made?
"Let's keep pace with the Monkey King!"

Li Yanran looked at the sky, looking like I was very powerful.

"One is not enough, at least three stories will do! And today you cheated my father by one hundred guans, I want to share [-] guans."

Li Hong thought for a moment, so what if he hated Li Yanran, why not live together?
Rather than doing this, it's better to take advantage of it now and get more benefits.

"What did you say?"

Li Yanran also glared at Li Hong, asking for a story but no money.

In the worst case, it would be a life-and-death situation. She still didn't believe that Li Hong could still fly.

"Then what do you want, sister?"

Looking at Li Yanran with a determined face, Li Hong also curled his face and asked in a low voice.

"Three stories are fine, but money is impossible."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong and told her bottom line.

"June [-]th, it's okay!"

"I said, do you want money? I have enough stories."

"Ten punches, I want ten punches, it's okay, after all, I received such a heavy beating, I have to make some compensation!"

Li Hong also held Li Yanran's arm, his eyes full of prayer.

"At most consistent!"

"Yiyiyi? Too little! After all, I took on everything this time. Is my identity only worth Yiyijiang?"

Li Hong was instantly dumbfounded when he heard this number.

Sister, you're being too harsh. You made a net profit of 98 yuan before you gave me one yuan?
This doesn’t treat me as a human being!

"My mother-in-law said that men become bad when they are rich. As your sister, I naturally cannot let you become a bad person. Do you want to continue?"

"Yes! Why not, I deserve this!"

Li Hong was also depressed and had no choice but to accept Li Yanran's compensation, otherwise he would lose all his money.

"That's pretty much it. Go back to the palace and I'll tell you a story about the Eight Immortals crossing the sea."

"Eight Immortals crossing the sea? Great!"

Now that the compensation has been discussed, Li Hong also put his arm around Li Yanran with a cheerful expression, looking very intimate.

"The so-called Eight Immortals, the first one is Tieguai Li, named Donghua Cult Leader, and his weapon is a Xuanyuan iron crutch."

"The second immortal is Han Zhongli, named Zhengyangzi, and his weapon is a nine-wind yin fire fan."

"The third immortal is Zhang Guolao, named Mr. Tongxuan. He has a white immortal donkey on his crotch and carries a green wood love bucket on his back."

The story of the Eight Immortals crossing the sea was slowly told by Li Yanran.

Li Hong stared at Li Yanran, listening to the bizarre stories of the Eight Immortals, it was really an ultimate enjoyment.

"Okay, I'm sleepy, let's go to sleep!"

Li Yanran yawned and her eyes were so tight that she couldn't open them.

"Sister, don't sleep, Brother Hong is listening intently!"

Li Yanran was sleepy, but Li Hong was enjoying it. He really wanted to know what kind of fate the Eight Immortals would have next.

"You want to hear it? Lu Dongbin seems to be dead!"


Li Hong was dumbfounded. This special Lu Dongbin was so powerful, how could he die?
"Sister, you must be joking. Let's go to sleep. That's okay!"

Li Hong shook his head depressedly, his eyes full of prayer.

"That's pretty much it, sleep!"

Li Yanran yawned again, pulled the quilt over, and got directly into it.

Li Hong also wanted to get inside, but was kicked out by Li Yanran.

"Sister, why are you kicking me? My butt hurts!"

Li Hong held his butt depressedly, his little face wrinkled.

"Men and women are not allowed to be intimate with each other. You are also a grown-up child. Don't you understand that there are other differences between men and women?"

After glaring at Li Hong, Li Yanran wrapped the quilt tightly, lay down on the side and fell asleep.


Li Hong also snorted coldly, took another quilt, and lay down next to Li Yanran.

At dawn the next day, Li Yanran stretched and felt refreshed.

After looking at Li Hong who was still sleeping soundly, Li Yanran folded the quilt and slowly came to the bucket where the soybeans were soaked.

Looking at the soaked soybeans, Li Yanran also smiled slightly.

Next it’s time to grind the tofu.

"Hongdi, Hongdi, get up quickly!"

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