My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 548 Tofu is in progress!

Chapter 548 Tofu is in progress!
Li Hong rubbed his eyes, turned to the other side, and fell asleep again.

"Sister, what are you doing! I'm so tired! Let me sleep a little longer."

"Hey, Lu Dongbin died because of a certain child's snoozing. What a pity!"

Li Yanran also sneered and brought Lu Dongbin out again.

Hearing this, Li Hong was so excited that he got out of bed.

Looking at Li Yanran in front of him with a frown, Li Hong's eyes were full of helplessness.

"Sister,, can you stop doing this!"

"Stop talking nonsense, get up quickly, we are going to make tofu."

Li Yanran patted Li Hong and asked him to get up and work quickly.

"Making tofu, that's right! Forget about it!"

Li Hong's little eyes were full of excitement when he heard that he was going to make tofu.

"Go and call Sun Xu over, let's get to work."


Li Hong jumped out of bed and ran outside at a trot.

After a while, Sun Xu rushed over with a few young eunuchs. Knowing that there was work to be done, he was prepared in advance.

"Get to work!"


Li Yanran first asked Sun Xu to carry a wooden bucket over and put it under the stone mill, and then it was the donkey's work.

The two little eunuchs divided the labor and cooperated. One was responsible for scooping the soybeans inside, and the other was grinding them with his hands.

Just grinding and grinding until all the bucket of soybeans was ground, and Sun Xu and several eunuchs all collapsed on the ground.

While grinding the tofu, Li Yanran also asked someone to boil a lot of water, which would be used later.

Looking at the small stone mill in front of them, Sun Xu and others' eyes were full of fear.

Without him, it would be so tiring.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Looking at the ground soy milk, Li Yanran nodded and used a spoon to pull the soy milk from the stone grinder into the wooden barrel. Next, it was time to scald the tofu.

He ordered Sun Xu to use a ladle to scoop boiling water into the wooden barrel containing soy milk, then cover the lid and start simmering the tofu.

After a quarter of an hour, the lid of the wooden barrel was opened, and a strong aroma of beans was already wafting out.

"Sister, it smells so good!"

Li Hong's nose twitched. The smell was much better than the tofu he ate.

"That's natural."

"Sun Xu, go get a shelf."


Soon Sun Xu directed the little eunuch to bring a bamboo frame and hang it on the barrel, and then began to scoop soy milk into the linen baggage.

The soy milk goes into the baggage, shake it a little, and the soy milk water inside flows naturally into the iron pot.

This is another job for a useless person. The baggage cannot be too big, so it is destined not to be able to scoop too much at one time.

In this way, several eunuchs took turns working and finally collected all the soy milk in the barrel.

Take away the bean dregs and the iron pot will be filled with soy milk water.

"Open the valve and fan me."

Li Yanran has a three-hole briquette stove in her house.

The valve was opened, and several eunuchs also held fans and began to fan with all their strength.

Soy milk was being cooked here, and Li Yanran asked the young eunuch to take out the plaster that had been prepared long ago.

"Crush all this plaster."

"Sister, tofu is tofu, what do you want this plaster for?"

Li Hong frowned as he watched the young eunuchs beat the plaster.

I don’t know what Li Yanran is up to.

"You'll know later. One pound of soybeans and two ounces of gypsum. Don't make too much. Then dilute it with warm water and keep it for later use."

Li Yanran ignored Li Hong and directly told the ratio.

Li Hong's head was full of questions. He still didn't understand the connection between this plaster and making tofu.

After a while, seeing the iron pot beginning to steam, Li Yanran quickly ordered Sun Xu to lift the lid, and then skimmed off the upper layer of foam with a ladle.

Looking at the soy milk in the pot, Li Yanran nodded.

These steps of hers were learned while watching TV in later generations. She didn't have the opportunity to practice them before, but she didn't expect that she would use them now.

"Sister, why is this tofu different from what I saw before?"

Looking at the soy milk in front of him, Li Hong also frowned.

Did sister fail? Why is the tofu like this?
"Nonsense, this can only be called soy milk now. Although it can be eaten, it still needs a process to turn into tofu."

Pour the diluted gypsum water into the barrel, and then shake the barrel to spread the gypsum water evenly around the barrel.

"Pour the soy milk, pour the soy milk quickly!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Sun Xu didn't dare to neglect. He grabbed the handle of the pot and wanted to pour the soy milk in, but he discovered a very bad problem.

I don't seem to have enough strength to lift it.

"Why are you standing still, come and help!"

After hearing Sun Xu's words, two or three young eunuchs also came over and poured all the soy milk in the iron pot into the wooden bucket with Sun Xu.

The white soy milk is really pleasing to look at.

Use chopsticks to draw a cross on the barrel, and then wait.

Everyone stared at the wooden barrel in front of them with big eyes and small eyes. They also wanted to see whether this soy milk could be turned into tofu.

After a while, I saw that the water in the barrel began to turn from turbid to clear, and the soy milk that was originally a slurry also had bean curds and solidified into lumps.

"What's the point of this?"

Li Hong tilted his head, his eyes full of shock.

He really couldn't figure out why it was soy milk just now, and why it turned into tofu without seeing what Li Yanran did.

"Scientific principles!"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Li Hong, you ask me why?
I wish I knew. Besides, even if I knew and told you, you wouldn’t understand!
Asking is in vain, you are asking for loneliness.

"What are the principles of science?"

Li Hong's thirst for knowledge aroused instantly. He held Li Yanran's arm and asked what scientific principles were.

"Scientific principles are scientific principles, not so much nonsense."

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head. Where did you get so many?

This girl is not here to popularize science.

"Where's the box I asked you to prepare? Get it quickly!"

"The box is here!"

Soon someone rushed over carrying a wooden box. "Sun Xu, bring another big baggage and lay it under the box, then scoop all the bean curd into it."


Sun Xu is also full of energy now. He often serves people, but this is his first time making tofu.

Watching the soybeans turn into tofu from his own hands, he also felt a great sense of accomplishment.

Sun Xu moved very quickly, and in a moment all the bean curd in the wooden barrel was scooped into the wooden box.

After all the processes were completed, Li Yanran carefully covered the baggage, then took the wooden board from the box and covered it up.

I pressed it with my hand, and water immediately flowed out.

"Bring me some rocks!"


"Your Highness, why do you need a stone?"

Sun Xu was stunned again, wondering what Li Yanran was going to do?
"Are you talking about a hundred thousand reasons? There is so much nonsense!"

Li Hong glared at Sun Xu, why did you jump out before I even asked.

I really don't know what to say.


"Why are you standing there stunned? Why don't you move the rocks!"

Sun Xu shouted to the young eunuchs next to him with a depressed look on his face. After hearing this, several people ran out quickly.

"You go too!"

Li Hong kicked Sun Xu on the butt and stared at him with small eyes.

"Oh oh oh!"

Sun Xu didn't dare to neglect and ran out quickly.

After a while, several people came back carrying stones of different sizes.

"Press these stones up one by one, remember, press them one by one!"

Li Yanran walked to the chair and sat on it.

Now comes the last step, pressing and shaping. As long as all the water in the tofu is pressed out, the tofu is finished.


After Sun Xu heard this, he directly placed the stone in his hand on the wooden board.

Just like this, as the number of stones increased, the water in the wooden box continued to gush out.

Until the water stopped coming out of the wooden box, Li Yanran knew that the tofu was almost ready.

"Sister, sister, when can I eat it?"

Li Hong stuck out his tongue and licked his lower lips. He was looking forward to the tofu in front of him.

"We still have to wait a long time."

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Li Hong. He only ate all day long.

Besides eating, what else do you know?
"But Hong'er is hungry!"

Li Hong touched his belly, his eyes filled with sadness.

"Eat this to top it off!"

Li Yanran grabbed the pastries on the table and handed them to Li Hong's hands.

"This is not delicious!"

Li Hong glanced at it with disgust, and then focused on the wooden box.

"Then you're going to be hungry!"

Li Yanran felt depressed for a while. This pastry was made by the royal chef of the palace. It's a good thing that you can't even buy outside. It's not as good as a piece of tofu when it comes to you.

I really don't know what to say.

"Sister, why don't you let me taste the tofu first?"

"What are you thinking about! Leave me alone!"

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a threatening look.

After receiving the signal, Li Hong stopped talking for an instant. He sat next to Li Yanran and grabbed the pastries on the table and ate them.

"Sister, when will the tofu be ready?"

"Sister, is this tofu the same as the usual tofu?"

"Sister, why do I feel like this tofu is so fragrant?"

After enduring Li Hong's indiscriminate bombardment, Li Yanran really wanted to slap him.

After more than half an hour, Li Yanran finally couldn't bear it anymore and slowly walked to the wooden box.

"Sister, are you okay?"

Li Hong followed Li Yanran to the wooden box, his eyes full of anticipation.

"Although there is not enough time, the tofu will be almost ready now, but it will be a little more tender."

He ordered Sun Xu to remove the stone on the wooden box and opened the lid, but a strong smell of tofu hit their noses.

After removing the baggage, the white tofu cubes appeared in front of everyone.

"Is this the freshly made tofu?"

Li Hong reached out and picked up a piece of tofu and put it in his mouth.

"Yeah! It's delicious!"

The tofu is smooth in the mouth, and the bean flavor is rich and delicious.

Li Yanran took a wooden knife and cut the whole piece of tofu into a dozen small pieces with a few cuts.

Sun Xu and the little eunuch on his side were also jealous when they looked at the tofu in front of them.

After all, they made it by themselves, and they also wanted to taste what this tofu tastes like.

"Okay, Sun Xu is going to get some pieces of linen."


Li Yanran counted each person and gave each person a piece of tofu.

"Your Highness, what does this mean?"

Looking at the divided tofu pieces, Sun Xu was also stunned for a moment.

"Today's tofu also has your share of credit, each of you will get a piece of it!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Sun Xu said and immediately wrapped the largest tofu and took it in his hand.

The remaining eunuchs also took action and snatched the tofu.

"Okay, it's none of your business here. Come on down!"

Li Yanran waved her hand, indicating that they could leave.


(End of this chapter)

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