My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 549: Green onion mixed with tofu makes a brilliant debut

Chapter 549: Green onion mixed with tofu makes a brilliant debut
Several people saluted together and then left with Sun Xu.

Looking at the backs of several people, and then looking at Li Hong, his mouth was full of tofu.

"Li Hong, what are you doing?"

"Eat tofu! Sister, this tofu is so delicious!"

Li Hong pulled off another piece of tofu and stuffed it into his mouth.

"That's not how I eat tofu."

Li Yanran shook her head depressedly, is this special person the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty?
Why is it like being reincarnated as a starving ghost without eating anything?
Do you even care about white tofu?
"Sister, what are you going to do?"

Hearing this, Li Hong was instantly excited.

Could it be that Sister A has other ways to eat it?
"The easiest thing is to mix it with the tofu. Go get some spring onions and bring some salt. I'll give you some spring onions mixed with tofu. It'll be pure and white!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly. Although she said she couldn't cook those big dishes, there was still no problem with just a little onion mixed with tofu.

"it is good."

Li Hong said and ran out directly. When he got outside, he saw Sun Xu chewing on the white tofu like him.

While eating, he giggled.

"Sun Xu, what are you doing?"

Hearing Li Hong's voice, Sun Xu hurriedly wiped his mouth and hid the tofu behind his back.

"Your Highness, you didn't do anything!"

"You are wasting your natural resources by eating this tofu like this!"

Li Hong shook his head slightly and imitated Li Yanran's example.

"What do you mean, Your Highness?"

Sun Xu was in a daze. How else could he eat this tofu?

"Go to the imperial kitchen right away to get some green onions, and bring some salt along the way. Come back and I will teach you!"

"Okay, Your Highness, wait a moment, Sun Xu will be back soon!"

After hearing this, Sun Xu ran out immediately.

After a while, Sun Xu rushed back with the green onions and salt that Li Hong wanted.

"Your Highness, what should I do next?"

Sun Xu looked at Li Hong expectantly, wondering if he had any good ways to eat it.


Li Hong grabbed the green onions and salt, turned around and walked into the house.


Seeing this scene, Sun Xu was stunned.

Didn’t you say you would make delicious food for me?

Why did you turn around and leave?

"Sister, spring onions and salt!"

Li Hong also trotted all the way to Li Yanran and handed over the green onions and salt he had just received.


Li Yanran took the green onions and salt and smiled slightly, walked to the side and started chopping the green onions with a wooden knife.

Cut the green onions and put them in a bowl, then cut the tofu into small pieces, then mix the two, sprinkle with salt, and pour the sesame oil brought from the fief on top of the tofu.

"All right!"

"All right?"

Li Hong was stunned, didn't you just mix these things together and that would be fine?

He pounded the tofu with chopsticks and brought it to Li Hong.

"Try it and talk!"

"it is good!"

Li Hong had nothing to say, so he picked up a piece of mixed tofu with his chopsticks and put it into his mouth.

"Mmm! Smell! It's really fragrant!"

The tofu is in your mouth. The rich bean flavor combined with the taste of green onion and sesame oil is really delicious.

Only now did Li Hong truly understand what it means to have fresh ingredients that can burst into unexpected deliciousness with just the simplest cooking.

"Sister, you are really amazing! How can this be so delicious!"

Li Hong couldn't stop eating at all, and looked at Li Yanran with excitement in his eyes.

"Eat yours!"

Li Yanran also picked up the chopsticks and ate the home-cooked dishes that were often eaten in later generations.

It tastes pretty good. Freshly baked tofu paired with fresh green onions and pure sesame sesame oil is a perfect match.

When the meal was almost done, Li Hong also smiled slightly.

"Sister, Sun Xu is very greedy for such delicious food. How about I let him try it?"


Li Yanran nodded. This is not a top-secret formula, so it doesn't matter.

Besides, her younger brother already knows how to win over people, so what reason does she, a sister, have to stop her.

"Thank you, sister!"

As he spoke, Li Hong also picked up the tofu mixed with green onions, turned around and walked out.

"Sun Xu!"

"Your Highness!"

Seeing Li Hong, Sun Xu immediately greeted him, his eyes full of expectations.

"This is called tofu mixed with green onions, eat it!"

Li Hong smiled slightly and handed over the plate in his hand.


Seeing some rotten green onions mixed with tofu, Sun Xu couldn't help but be stunned.

Is this what you call gourmet food?Are you sure this isn't a random doodle?

Is this thing really edible?
"What's your look like? This is specially reserved for you by me."

He kicked Sun Xu, his eyes full of dissatisfaction.

What kind of thing are you? This palace specially brought out good things for you, and you have this expression?
"Thank you Your Highness!"

Sun Xu also swallowed and took the chopsticks as if he was at home.

After picking up a piece of tofu with chopsticks and putting it into his mouth, Sun Xu's eyes almost popped out.

Despite its humble appearance, this thing is soft in the mouth and has a rich aroma, making it a delicacy.

"Your Highness, why is this food so delicious?"

"Nonsense, my sister made this, how can it not be delicious?"

Li Hong rolled his eyes at Sun Xu, he really didn't know what to say.How can what my sister does be compared to what ordinary people can do?

"Sun Xu thanks His Highness for the reward."

Sun Xu was sincerely grateful this time, not that the tofu mixed with green onions was delicious, it was actually a bit beyond his imagination.

This sense of surprise has surpassed the taste of tofu mixed with green onions.

"Well, let's go down and eat!"

After Li Hong finished speaking, he returned directly to the house.

"Let's go find Aniang."

Seeing Li Hong return, Li Yanran nodded to him and prepared to go find Wu Zetian.

"I won't go, I don't want to go find the Queen Mother!"

When he heard that he was going to find his mother, Li Hong's eyes were filled with rejection.

He was beaten so hard yesterday that his life and death were uncertain. Now if he was asked to find Wu Zetian again, wouldn't it cost him his life?

"Don't you want grandma to try the tofu we just made and praise you for growing up?"

Li Yanran smiled slightly. She naturally knew that Li Hong was afraid, but how could she keep the newly made tofu to herself.

"Would the queen care about this? I don't believe it!"

Li Hong shook his head. He had never tasted any delicacies, so how could he care about a small piece of tofu?

"Haha, how do you feel about eating tofu?"

"good to eat!"

"That's alright. The so-called sending goose feathers from thousands of miles away is light on courtesy but heavy on affection.

Grandma has eaten all kinds of delicacies from the mountains and seas, but have she ever eaten the tofu made by her children?
Don't worry, I'm confident that grandma will definitely be very happy. "

Li Yanran naturally knew that I would not care about this, but there would definitely be surprises.

No father or mother would dislike the gifts from their children.

This is the intention, even if the child makes a doll out of clay, it is still a priceless treasure in the eyes of the parents.


Li Hong was also excited when he heard this. If it was true as Sister A said, it wouldn't be impossible to see Wu Zetian.

"Listen to me, that's right! Get to work quickly."


The two of them did what they said, brought a plate, put three pieces of tofu on it, covered it with a cloth, and then headed towards Wu Zetian's palace.



The two came in and saluted Wu Zetian together.

"Why are you willing to come here today?"

Seeing the two people coming over, Wu Zetian stretched out and asked them lazily.

"Mother, my sister and I made some delicious food, just for you to taste!"

Li Hong also made the first move and rushed into Wu Zetian's arms.

"Cooking something delicious? What is it?"

When Wu Zetian heard that she had cooked delicious food, she also smiled slightly and touched Li Hong's little head.

"Mother, look!"

Li Yanran also smiled slightly and handed over the tofu in her hand.

"Is this? Tofu?"

Wu Zetian opened the cloth and was stunned when she looked at the things inside.

Is this what you call delicious?
"Mother, this tofu was just made by us. It's very delicious. You can try it."

Seeing Wu Zetian's appearance, Li Hong quickly broke off a piece of tofu with his hands and handed it to his mother's mouth.


Seeing Li Hong's expectant eyes, Wu Zetian couldn't refuse. She could only grit her teeth and open her mouth to let Li Hong put the tofu into his mouth.


When the tofu entered her mouth, Wu Zetian was also pleasantly surprised. She originally thought that the tofu would be unpalatable, but she didn't expect that it felt pretty good.

"It's delicious! Hehe."

Looking at Wu Zetian's appearance, Li Hong also smiled slightly, his eyes full of pride.

"Well, it's really good. It's better than the tofu my mother has eaten before!"

Wu Zetian also nodded and touched Li Hong's head again.

"I knew my mother would like it!"

Li Hong smiled slightly. Sure enough, just as Sister A said, I still love him.

"Well, making tofu must be hard work!"

"It's not bad! As long as the queen likes it, it's worth the hard work."

Li Hong put his head into Wu Zetian's arms again, his eyes full of pride.

"Haha, Queen Mother Hong'er has grown up too."

Wu Zetian also held Li Hong in her arms, her eyes full of kindness.


Seeing the loving mother and filial son in front of her, Li Yanran also snorted coldly, her eyes full of disdain.

If you hadn't taken the blame for yourself yesterday, how could you be more beautiful than before today?

"Mother, Hong'er has learned a new delicacy, it's called tofu mixed with green onions. It's extremely delicious. How about Hong'er cook it for you?"

Li Hong thought for a moment and then explained the new cuisine he had just learned.

"Scallions mixed with tofu? Okay, the queen mother takes good care of you!"

"Oye, sister, prepare the ingredients quickly and watch me show off my skills."

Li Hong also gave Li Yanran a look, indicating that she was ready to help.

Li Yanran had no choice but to turn around and go out, telling Duofu to prepare the necessary ingredients.

Soon Duofu brought over the ingredients Li Yanran needed. Looking at the green onions in front of him, Li Hong immediately started to take action.

Although the movements are a bit clumsy, the steps are correct.

Soon a plate of rotten garlic-like shallots mixed with tofu appeared in front of Wu Zetian.

"Queen Mother, green onion mixed with tofu makes her debut!"

Li Hong's eyes were full of pride. This was the first time he had made something delicious.

"This Queen Mother doesn't seem hungry yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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