My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 567 Catfish Chang Sun Yan

Chapter 567 Catfish Chang Sun Yan

Not only Changsun Yan and the other four, but Di Renjie also saluted Li Yanran.

The year has passed and it’s time to get to work.

After all, the fiefdom has been suspended for such a long time, and it needs time to rest and resume production.

"Okay, everyone, sit down, this meal can be regarded as a start-of-work meal.

For extra meals, roast a lamb, bring a jar of good wine, and everyone will eat and drink happily. "

Li Yanran, who was celebrating the New Year, didn't think much of it, as long as everyone could concentrate on their work.

"Di Renjie will make arrangements immediately!"

Di Renjie immediately got up and went down to arrange extra meals in the kitchen.

"You guys, do you have any ideas for this year?"

After looking at Di Renjie's back, Li Yanran also asked.

"It doesn't matter what we think. What matters is what you think, Brother Li. After all, you are the backbone of the fiefdom!"

Li Siwen smiled slightly, he was just a worker, the key was to see what Li Yanran thought.

Today's fiefdoms are very similar to large companies in later generations. Li Yanran is the CEO. She is responsible for the overall goals and operational strategies, and the rest of the people are responsible for the specific implementation.

"What do I have in mind? I'm naturally ready to continue making money!"

Li Yanran frowned. To be honest, the fiefdom's industry is already quite big. As long as it continues to make money, there will be no problem.

But in the new year, we need to have a new atmosphere. We must always think of something different and continue to expand the industry.

Being as rich as a country has always been her biggest obsession.

I am not Shen Wansan, and I am not afraid of being liquidated by the court, so the more money I can make, the better.

"Brother Li, I have an idea, I have an idea!"

Changsun Yan smiled slightly and also signaled to Li Yanran.

"you say!"

“I think our most important task this year is to expand production capacity.

What restricts us from making money now is not the amount of business, but the inability to make anything at all.

For example, perfume, Shuren Tea Room and those sofas.

These items are all top products that are in short supply and are available not only in Chang'an but also in other Taoist prefectures.

However, the climate in Chang'an is such that it is difficult to support large-scale operations. Didn't His Majesty agree to allocate land to build a perfume factory and two tea mountains in Chengdu?
I think this should be a top priority. "

Changsun Yan smiled slightly. He seemed to be in jail in the mansion these days, so he was thinking about how to operate this year all day long.

I almost tore through Li Yanran's notes before I came up with these opinions.


Listening to Changsun Yan's words, which were like words from heaven, Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan were both stunned.

We agreed to have a good time together during the Chinese New Year, but I didn't expect you to secretly attend a tutoring class?
Why are the four heavenly kings so entangled now?

Seeing the confused looks in the three people's eyes, Chang Sun Yan also raised his head.

I have been thinking about it for so many days, just for this moment.

If I don't involve you to death, wouldn't my misfortune be in vain?

"Yanzi, are these all your own thoughts?"

Li Yanran was also a little stunned. She never thought that the most useless person could actually say these words.

"That's natural. I thought about it for several days before I came up with this!"

Changsun Yan smiled slightly, as if he was quick to praise me, and he was quick to praise me.

"Look at others, then look at you,
Even Zhang Sunyan, who is usually the second best, knows that he has worked hard. What do you say?
Especially you, Li Siwen. "


Changsun Yan stared at Li Yanran, his whole body felt bad.

Why does this compliment sound so awkward to him?

What does it mean that even the most useless idiot knows how to work hard?

Brother Li, you know how to praise others, but this makes him a little unclear whether the other person is praising him or scolding him.

"I see!"

Li Siwen was also depressed for a while. Those two idiots, you don't want to mention me by name?
Is it just because I'm handsomer than both of them?
It sure is.

It's all my fault, that silly batch leader Sun Yan, why are you so damn good at it?

You want to trap you, right? Wait and see if I don't trap you to death.

"Well, Changsun Yan, since you came up with these, then I will leave the perfume base and tea roasting base to you.

I want money to give money to people, and I will see results within half a year. "

Li Yanran stood up, walked to Changsun Yan and patted him on the shoulder.

Since he can have such an idea, he must have his own plan, so there should be no problem in leaving it to him.

"Don't worry, just wait!"

Changsun Yan has indeed thought a lot and has many ideas. Since Li Yanran has given these to him, he will definitely go all out.

After all, the big man has to do something and he also has to prove himself.

"Brother Li, since the situation of the base has been handed over to Changsun Yan, then I will be responsible for the promotion of those shops in Datang Daofu.

After all, although Chang'an's consumption power is high, its manpower will always be exhausted.

If production capacity is expanded, these things must be sold. "Now that the basic work has been handed over to Chang Sun Yan, Li Siwen gritted his teeth and stood up to accept the order.

"Okay, then I'll leave the promotion of the shops in each government to you.
Don’t make the stall too big for now, just open the shop in the capital of each province.

Of course, you are free to decide how many more affluent places you want to open. "

Li Yanran nodded, her eyes full of excitement.

The catfish effect has already appeared. Although these guys were obedient before, they did not have a strong sense of autonomy.

It's fine now. Changsun Yan jumped out and immediately aroused Li Siwen's energy.

"Brother Li, I don't know anything about business, why not leave Longmen Escort Agency to me.

If the base in Chengdu is to be established, transportation will also become a problem.

I will first help open up the route from Chengdu to Chang'an, as well as the tea gardens in Tongchuan. These are top priorities.

You can't wait for something to be manufactured and have it robbed by bandits on the way. That would be bad. "

Cheng Chubi also stood up. He admitted that he couldn't compare with Li Siwen in terms of brains, but he couldn't compare with company commander Sun Yan, which he couldn't accept.

One of you is responsible for production and the other is responsible for sales, so I can only be responsible for transportation.

"Okay, then I'll leave the Longmen Escort Bureau to you. If Changsun Yan's side has already started producing and your channel hasn't been opened yet, then I will only ask you."

Li Yanran was extremely excited, and now even Cheng Chubi was aware of it.

It can be seen that the saying is very correct, that is, I am afraid that my brother will eat dirt, and I am also afraid that my brother will drive a Land Rover.

Now that both of them have risen, the remaining Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan will naturally not just eat free rice in the fiefdom.


Seeing the three of them excitedly having something to do, Yuchi Huan felt bad all over.

The three of you have taken over all production, transportation and sales, so what is left for me to do?

Waving flags and shouting from the side?
This is so damn sad!

"Brother Li Li, what should I do?"

After thinking about it for a while, Yuchi Huan still couldn't think of a reason why he was here. He could only look at Li Yanran as if asking for help, waiting for her to arrange a way out for him.

"What are you doing? Think for yourself. Wait until you think of it. If you don't think of it, you will be responsible for the production of briquettes.
Briquettes will inevitably be promoted to the whole country in the future. This is left to you! "

Li Yanran also sighed, some things cannot be forced.

Although Yuchi Huan's enthusiasm was boosted, his brain was still damaged.

There's nothing anyone can do about it.

"Okay, leave the production of briquettes to me and there won't be any problems!"

Yu Chihuan nodded. Although the production of briquettes was not as good as his own, since it was left to him, he had to make something.

Otherwise, I would have no status at all among these four heavenly kings.

"Yeah, but don't relax, always think of something else to do!"

Li Yanran nodded. He had no choice but to hand over the briquettes to you. If he had nothing to do, this child would have low self-esteem.

After a while, Di Renjie came up with freshly roasted mutton, and a jar of good wine was also delivered to the table.

"Come on, wish us a happy new year and everything goes well."

Li Yanran also smiled slightly and picked up a cup of tea.

"Brother Li, Li Feng hasn't come back now, and it's Chinese New Year. How about a drink?"

Glancing at the cup in Li Yanran's hand, Zhang Sunyan's eyes flashed with excitement.

He had always wanted to see Li Yanran make a fool of himself, but Li Feng kept watching like a door god. Now it was the right time for Li Feng to follow Sun Simiao to his hometown.

"Then have a drink?"

To be honest, Li Yanran is actually a bit greedy. Although she doesn't drink much in later generations, she can still drink two glasses when she is happy.

Especially when I go home during the New Year, I have to have a drink with my parents.

Since Li Feng isn't around now, it should be okay to have a little taste of the grain wine he brewed.

"Your Highness!"

Di Renjie on the side saw this situation and hurriedly spoke to Li Yanran.

He knew how strong this wine was. He couldn't drink much as an adult, let alone Li Yanran, a child and a girl.

It's okay when you're drunk, but if you lose your temper while drunk, you'll become a laughing stock.

As Li Yanran's commander, he must not allow such a situation to happen.

"Di Renjie, I advise you to stay out of your own business!"

Changsun Yan glared at Di Renjie. He didn't want to give up such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After all, this may be the only time to see Li Yanran drinking this year, but we can't let Di Renjie ruin it.

"That's right, Di Renjie, it's only the beginning of the year, don't ruin Brother Li's fun!"

The same goes for Cheng Chubi. It's easy to have a drink with Li Yanran, but don't let him get in the way.

"Your Highness, you are still young and this wine is too strong. If not, you can get some other wine to drink."

Di Renjie ignored these two fools at all. He knew that their identities were quite deceptive. They were princes of the county and sons of the duke, but they still had to look at Li Yanran in the fiefdom.

"It's okay, I know it myself, don't worry!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, Zhang Sunyan, you want to play with me, right? Then don't blame me for beating up the primitive man.

"It's better not to drink!"

(End of this chapter)

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