My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 566 My ambition is to make money!

For ordinary people, the Chinese New Year may be about resting, having fun, and spending money, but for the royal family, this is not the case.

Because Li Zhi and Wu Zetian had to accept the worship of their ministers and family members all day long, they could only make some time at night to share the happiness of their family with their children.

Time flies by in a hurry, and a few days fly by, and the holiday is over in a blink of an eye.

"Auntie, the vacation time is over, I'm ready to go back!"

Li Yanran came to Wu Zetian's side, and after bowing politely, she also stated her purpose.

"This is going away?"

When Wu Zetian heard that Li Yanran came to say goodbye, Wu Zetian was also stunned.

Is it time to say goodbye?

too fast!

"Well, it's almost time!"

Li Yanran nodded. She had spent enough time in the palace and it was time to return to her fiefdom.

"Can't you wait until fifteen before leaving? My mother-in-law can't bear to leave you!"

Wu Zetian took Li Yanran into her arms, her eyes full of kindness.

No one wants to be separated from their family members during the Chinese New Year, so I feel a little desolate.

"Auntie, there are a lot of people in the fiefdom waiting for me to go back and take charge of the overall situation! If I don't go back, can I expect those fools like Cheng Chubi?"

Li Yanran also sighed. The person closest to her in the Tang Dynasty must be her mother.

Now, if she wasn't waiting for her in the fiefdom, she would also like to spend more time with her mother in the palace.

After all, the fiefdom was the foundation for her to settle down in the Tang Dynasty, and developing the fiefdom well was the most critical thing.

"Hey, I'm sorry for you, you have to go out on your own at such a young age."

Wu Zetian also sighed, now she really regretted it.

If she hadn't been on guard against the Buddhist people, she wouldn't have been allowed to leave Lishan Mountain.

Now Li Yanran would not be allowed to leave the imperial city and return to the fiefdom so early because of Lishan.

"Auntie, I'm not bitter, on the contrary, I'm enjoying it.

It is said that men have ambitions everywhere. Although Yanran is a female, she still has big ambitions! "

Li Yanran smiled slightly. Although he could not stay with me forever, he could be free in the fiefdom, and that was enough.

"It's said that a man has his ambitions in all directions, so tell me what your big ambitions are?"

Hearing this, Wu Zetian's eyes flashed with light.

She has long known that Li Yanran is not an ordinary woman. Like herself, she is a grown-up woman who is unwilling to be inferior to others.

Although Yanran is still young, she has already seen many clues.

"Big ambition? My daughter's ambition is actually very simple. Make money, make the most money, so that I can settle down and live a life of unparalleled wealth."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, she was obsessed with making money.

Make the most money, make the most money in the world.

"make money?"

Wu Zetian was stunned, making money?

Is this the ambition that I believe my daughter should have?

Shouldn't it be a matter of anger?Do something that woman has never done before?

How can it be just an ambition of a businessman?

It shouldn't be!

"Auntie, in fact, in this general situation, the most important thing for the rapid torrent is money. With money, I can buy everything! Without money, I can only move forward!"

Li Yanran was also stunned, what happened to his mother?
Why are you so surprised?
Oh, right.

I am the one with real great ambitions. She is the one who has become the first empress in the ages.

The other party's ambition is to conquer mountains and rivers and do great things that no one can do throughout the ages.

"That's what you said. Xixi always comes for profit, so you should make good money. I might have to borrow money from you in the future."

Wu Zetian thought for a moment, and her daughter was still young now, so she might not understand the general trends.

It's okay, when you grow up, you will understand what grandma is thinking.

If it is really possible, I might be able to help you.

"Aniang, then I'm going to go back to my fiefdom to make money. I'll make a lot of money for my grandma!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly and said to Wu Zetian as if to please.

"You're so good! Then grandma takes it seriously. From now on, you make money and grandma spends money."

Wu Zetian touched Li Yanran's little head again,

With a daughter like this, what else could she say?
I can only lament that God gave her such a good daughter.


Li Yanran also jumped up and kissed my mother on the face.

"mock up!"

Wu Zetian also grabbed Li Yanran's little face and slapped her back.


Li Yanran also smiled slightly, with satisfaction in her eyes.

With the wind blowing, Li Yanran and Li Hong boarded the carriage together and left the palace towards the fiefdom under the escort of the Forbidden Army.

"Sister, I finally came out of the palace!"

Li Zhi stretched out on the carriage, his eyes full of excitement.

Finally coming out of the palace, he was as free as a bird out of its cage.

"Look at making you happy!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, feeling relieved.

"Sister, aren't you excited? We are just birds out of the cage now, and we can do whatever we want."

"Who said that when you get to the fiefdom, I will be watching you, freedom? You thought too early."

I rolled my eyes at Li Hong and wanted to be free?

It's too early.


"Sister, it's the Chinese New Year, can't you let me play for two more days?"

Li Hong was stunned in an instant. If Li Yanran put more shackles on himself and added more tasks, someone would really die.

"I can let you rest for two more days, but you still have to do your homework.
I'll keep it in mind for you first, and when you've had enough fun, I'll make up for it all. "Li Yanran thought for a moment, thinking back to the time when she was just having fun during the winter vacation.
I won't start writing until the day before school starts.

What I have experienced before, I want Xiao Honger to experience again.


Li Hong was dumbfounded. He had heard of people making up money, but never heard of people making up homework.

Sister, you are too much of a dog!
"Sister, Hong'er will cry if you act like this!"

Thinking of this, Li Hong also wiped his eyes with tears and begged Li Yanran aggrievedly.

"No, either you don't play and study hard every day, or you play for a few days and then write it for me in one go."

Li Yanran would not let Li Hong act like a child so heartlessly.

You are the prince of the Tang Dynasty, so naturally you cannot be like those children.

Sister, this is for your own good.

"Sister, want to file a complaint. I want to go to Father to get a copy of your book!"

Li Hong feels bad now. Who is a good person who gives so much homework during the Chinese New Year?

He used to celebrate the New Year in the palace, and these days were his happiest times, because the teachers were on holiday and would not give him homework.

He didn't expect that he would be like this when he arrived in the fiefdom. Instead of doing this, he might as well stay in the palace and play until he was fifteen before going back.

"You go and take part. I just happened to tell my father about your body. You don't need to go back to the fief to recuperate. You might as well stay in the palace and don't come back."

Li Yanran is not used to her stupid brother at all, so she can just complain!
But after you file the complaint, don't come back, otherwise you will be upset by watching you all day long.

"Sister, you are so cruel! Don't you love your good brother?"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Hong's face collapsed.

Why did sister bring up this issue again? Isn't this what we had discussed before?
You covered for me, why are you regretting it now?
You really are not a son of man, you are not a son of man!
"As the saying goes, you are in the first grade of junior high school and I am in the fifteenth grade. Did you ever think of being cruel when you threatened me with that poem?
There are only two roads before you now. If you want to go to the fief with me, follow my arrangements, otherwise, go back to the palace and continue to be your caged bird! "

Li Yanran was not deceived by Li Hong's appearance at all. She still remembered how he treated her in the palace. That behavior was really fresh in her memory.

"Sister, if you win, I will go back to the fief with you!"

Sighing, Li Hong also huddled his head in the corner, his eyes full of helplessness and confusion.

"It's almost there!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly. If he didn't completely suppress this naughty kid, he might be up to something else!
The carriage galloped all the way, crossing the white snow, and finally arrived at the fiefdom.

Di Renjie had already been waiting at the door with all the stewards of the fiefdom. When he saw Li Yanran's carriage arriving, he immediately responded.

"Congratulations, Your Highness!"

"Congratulations, Your Highness!"

"Congratulations, Your Highness!"

Amid the shouts of everyone, Li Yanran and Li Hong also slowly got off the carriage.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Li Yanran nodded towards Di Renjie. She hadn't been back for so many days. To be honest, she still missed her a little. After all, this was her roots!
"It's not hard work. Your Highness is tired of traveling and traveling. Di Renjie arranged a reception banquet."

Di Renjie smiled slightly and saluted Li Yanran again.

"I'm done, let's go!"

Li Yanran didn't say anything, and took Li Hong directly to the back cover.

The few of them sat down, and before they even started to use their chopsticks, they saw noise outside, and then Zhang Sunyan and a few fools rushed in like bandits.

"Brother Li!"

"Brother Li, happy New Year!"

"Brother Li, did you miss us?"

The four of them sat directly next to Li Yanran and started talking nonstop.

"Shut me all up!"

Li Yanran was also disturbed by the noise and her temples were pounding. She slapped the table and shouted angrily at the four people.

The four of them immediately shut up when they saw this, and looked at Li Yanran with sadness.

I don’t know what happened to Li Yanran. She was so angry when she came back from the palace. It really makes people speechless.

Could it be that she suffered some injustice in the palace?
"Brother Li, what's wrong with you? If you're wronged in any way, just say it and we'll help you vent your anger!"

Changsun Yan frowned and asked Li Yanran.

"It's true, I'm just afraid that you won't dare!"

Changsun Yan gave Changsun Yan a dirty look and said, "You are just a fool and a bitch. Why are you everywhere?"

"Who is it? Tell me and see if I don't break his legs!"

Changsun Yan also looked cold, patted his chest and said to Li Yanran.

"I don't expect you to break someone's legs. If you dare to spit at him, I will respect you as a man!"

"Brother Li Li, don't scare me. Could it be that His Majesty is the one who offended you?"

Seeing Li Yanran's expression, Zhang Sunyan also shuddered.

"That's right, it's my father who wants to trouble Duke Changsun to help me vent my anger!"

Li Yanran was not used to Chang Sun Yan, so she immediately carried her father out.

"Hehehe, Brother Li, please stop entertaining me. How dare I mess with His Majesty!"

Changsun Yan also smiled, one of the embarrassed ones.

This bullshit has been blown out. Who would have thought that Li Yanran would bring out a Tyrannosaurus rex? Who could bear this?


Li Hong looked at Changsun Yan from the side and couldn't hold it in anymore, so he burst into laughter.

"What are you laughing laughing?"

Li Yanran slapped her in the face, and Li Hong immediately became honest.

'Should! '

Changsun Yan also spat secretly, cursing in his heart that he deserved it.

"Don't think that I don't know what's on your mind."

"Now that the annual leave has been taken, let me take care of myself. It's time to get to work."

Li Yanran glared at Changsun Yan again, "I will know what you are thinking as soon as you stick your butt out."




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