My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 565: Have you ever seen Tietou open a walnut?

Chapter 565: Have you ever seen Tietou open a walnut?
As Li Hong said this, he wanted to run away.

Li Yanran had anticipated this situation and grabbed Li Hong's neck.

"Where do you want to run?"

"Sister, I suddenly remembered that I haven't paid New Year's greetings to my mother yet. Why don't you hurry up and go?"

Li Hong's face fell instantly. He never expected that Li Yanran would have a showdown with his father.

How dare she have a showdown with her father?This is totally unreasonable!
At this moment, he finally understood why the elder sister had asked that just now. She wanted to use his copper head and iron bones to have a passionate collision with walnuts.

"Don't go, just help my sister open a walnut before leaving."

Li Yanran smiled coldly. Isn't it a little late to run away now?

My walnuts haven't bloomed yet.

"Sister Aa, I know I was wrong. I promise I will never threaten you with this again. Just spare me once!"

Li Hong was really scared now. Sure enough, she wanted to compete with Walnut.

It's over, it's over, my head is going to bloom.

"I'll spare you this once? Where's the awesomeness you had just now? Where's the little tsundere you just had? Where are they all?"

Li Yanran slapped him in the face, and Li Hong immediately became honest.

"Sister Aa, how about you give me a couple of blows to vent your anger?

Don't ask me to open walnuts, people will die. "

"No, I don't know who said it just now. Walnuts are nothing compared to your iron head.
My sister has seen everything but one who uses her head to open walnuts.

Come on, start your show! "

Li Yanran slapped the walnut in front of Li Hong with a bang, and then made a gesture of invitation.

"Sister, how on earth are you willing to let me go? As long as I can do it, I will never frown."

Li Hong looked at the extremely hard walnut, and Li Hong swallowed his saliva.

This is a head-to-head battle. Even if he kills the walnut, he will injure the enemy by one thousand and lose eight hundred to himself.

"Now there are two ways for you. Either you open this walnut for me, or you give me 1000 taels of gold. You choose!"

Li Yanran also glared at Li Hong. You were yelling at me before, but now I want you to know what it means to be controlled by others.

"1000 taels of gold? Sister, you are blackmailing me!"

When Li Hong heard that he wanted 1000 taels of gold, he immediately exploded.

You are the richest person in the world, but you regard money as nothing but grass. I am different from you, I am just a poor boy.

Not to mention 1000 taels of gold, you don’t even have a thousand dollars for me.

Isn't this going to cost me my life?

"Have you forgotten how you blackmailed me just now?
This is called reincarnation in the way of heaven. Who will be spared by heaven?
Either pay or perform, it's your choice. "

Li Yanran also didn't give Li Hong a good look. Why didn't you let me go when you blackmailed me before?

Now you are aggrieved and wronged, who should you show it to?
"Okay, then I'll crack some walnuts for you to cheer up my sister."

Looking at Li Yanran, Li Hong also gritted his teeth and placed the walnuts in the right position, his eyes full of determination.


Li Hong closed his eyes and smashed his head over.


Li Hong's head came into close contact with the table. As for the walnuts, Li Yanran had already taken them away.


Li Hong opened his eyes and looked at Walnut flying to the side, his whole body was feeling bad.

This special meow just used all his strength, why did he fly?

Wouldn't that mean that I would have to suffer pain again?

Touching the big bump on his head, he almost burst into tears.

"Okay, I'll let you off this time. If you dare to do it next time, it won't be like this!"

Li Yanran picked up two walnuts and twisted them hard in her hands. The walnuts also cracked.

I grabbed a piece of walnut kernel, put it in my mouth, and took a bite.

"I understand, my sister is in good health, and Hongdi is gone!"

Li Hong was also stunned for a moment, and then ran out with excitement on his face.

"This Li Hong!"

Li Yanran shook her head depressedly.

When she walked outside and looked at the silver-clad courtyard, she also sighed.

It’s Chinese New Year, Dad, Mom, Happy New Year!
While Li Yanran was resting, Li Zhi was very busy, accepting congratulations from civil and military officials and envoys from various countries, while sending out gifts.

It was not until night that he dragged his tired body back to the palace.

"Your Majesty, you must be exhausted!"

Wu Zetian looked at Li Zhi's dark circles and hurriedly brought him a cup of ginseng tea.

"Hey, I'm really tired. Others have the New Year's holiday, but I have to work overtime during the New Year."

Li Zhi took a sip of ginseng tea and felt relieved.

"Get some rest quickly, we are still busy tomorrow!"

Wu Zetian came behind Li Zhi and pressed her hands on his temples.

Li Zhi touched Wu Zetian's tender hand and closed his eyes without saying a word.

After a while, Li Zhi's snoring started to sound.

Seeing Li Zhi's appearance, Wu Zetian also gently took out his hand, walked to the bedroom, moved a quilt, and covered him.

Then he moved the chair and leaned next to Li Zhi.

The next day was still the same, Li Zhi was already full of energy and continued to devote himself to the court meeting.

Today is different from yesterday. Today there are mainly relatives and friends of the royal family and the prince-in-law in Beijing.

After the day's entertainment was over, Li Zhi dragged his tired body back to Wu Zetian's palace.



As soon as he walked in, Li Yanran and Li Hong rushed over to him.

"You you."

Looking at the children in front of him, Li Zhi was also stunned.

Why are these two demon kings here?

"Hehe, my father must be exhausted, my mother-in-law has prepared delicious food!"

Li Yanran hugged Li Zhi's arm and walked towards the dining table.

"Have a heart!"

Li Zhi smiled at Wu Zetian. He hadn't eaten all day and was hungry.

"Eat quickly!" Wu Zetian said, picking up a piece of meat and passing it to Li Zhi's mouth.


Li Zhi chewed twice and nodded.

"Father, drink this, drink this!"

Li Yanran also scooped out a bowl of chicken soup with a spoon and handed it to Li Zhi.

"Well, not bad!"

Li Zhi felt extremely comfortable after taking a mouthful of chicken soup.

"Father, there is also this!"

Li Hong also picked up a piece of beef and handed it to his father.

"Well, it's all good!"

Li Zhi feels very good now, with his good wife by his side and his children in front of him.

This is probably the family happiness mentioned in the book.

The only one in the royal family who can have such a scene is himself.

"Father, Hong'er has just learned a unique skill, asking Tietou to open walnuts. Why don't you let him perform it for you?"




The three of them were all stunned, especially Li Hong.

What is the secret skill I just learned? Wasn't it forced by you?

"Hong'er, you actually have such ability?"

Li Zhi looked at Li Hong stupidly. He had never thought that people could open walnuts with their foreheads.

I'm afraid that only my stupid son can do such a thing, and no one else can do such a stupid thing.

"Hong'er, you really don't love yourself. How could you do such a thing? If you want to eat walnuts, just let the waiter break them open."

Wu Zetian frowned, you are the prince of the Tang Dynasty, smashing walnuts with your head?
Are you afraid that your brain was squeezed by the door?

Really drunk.

"Father, don't listen to sister's nonsense, I don't, I don't!"

Looking at Wu Zetian's dark face, Li Hong also shuddered.

Sister, you are trying to kill me!
"No? Then where did the bag on your forehead come from? Don't say it was caught by the door!"

Hearing Li Hong's pale defense, Li Zhi also glared at him.

Not admitting that you have made a mistake is not a husband at all.


Now Li Hong couldn't even wash himself away even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

This is indeed from when he smashed walnuts with his head, but it’s not like he didn’t smash them!

Sister, you said you let me go, but it turns out you are waiting here.

"What am I? If you dare to do such a thing next time, I will not spare you!"

"Hong'er realized his mistake!"

Li Hong also rolled his eyes at Li Yanran and admitted his mistake to Li Zhi.

Li Yanran looked at the aggrieved Li Hong and smiled coldly.

I have been ripped off all over. If I didn't let you know how powerful I am, you would really think that you are a nobody.

"Your Majesty, Hong'er is naughty, don't get angry!"

Wu Zetian took another piece of beef and brought it to Li Zhi's mouth.


Li Zhi also snorted coldly and swallowed the beef hard into his mouth.


Li Hong also snorted coldly at Li Yanran and glanced aside with an angry look on his face.

"mock up!"

Li Yanran dug out another bowl of chicken soup and delivered it to Li Zhi.

After drinking and eating, Li Zhi slowly stood up.

"Hong'er, I suddenly want to see you cracking walnuts! Why don't you put on a show for me to add to the fun?"


Li Hong felt bad instantly. Dad, how could you do this?

Didn't you just say that you would kill me if I did such a dangerous move?
Why is it like this again? Is this what a father should do?

"His Majesty!"

Wu Zetian was also depressed. Why didn't her son be unreliable, but I was also unreliable?

Do you really want your son's head to explode?

"I'm joking, hehe, are you kidding me?"

Seeing Wu Zetian's expression changed, Li Zhi quickly scratched his head.

He was just joking, why did he take it seriously?
Do you really think I am that stupid boy Li Hong?
Ridicule, ridicule, do you understand?

Look at Xiao Yanran, isn’t she very calm?

The one who really understands me is my baby daughter.

"Father, you scared me to death!"

Hearing this, Li Hong felt as if he had been granted amnesty.

This man really doesn't deserve to be a son of a man. Others are cheating on his father. How can you just cheat on your son?

What a dog.


Li Zhi also snorted coldly, you stupid son, you really don't know what to say.

"Okay, we've eaten. You two should go back and have a rest. There will be a lot of things to do tomorrow!"



Li Hong and Li Yanran saluted together and left quietly.

"Your Majesty, please rest quickly!"

After the children left, Wu Zetian also rubbed Li Zhi's temples.

"Well, rest!"

 Mid-Autumn Festival!
(End of this chapter)

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