My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 564 Are you threatening me?

Chapter 564 Are you threatening me?
Li Yanran is really confused now. This is my bottom line.

I didn't play tricks on you, but you gave me tricks.

What about the trust between mother and daughter?Where have they gone?

"Auntie, this is my bottom line, 5000 taels is a lot."

"You are so smart, how could you possibly reveal the bottom line when you come up?
This time you won 4 taels of gold easily, and it was partly due to my mother-in-law.

I only want your father to lose your 1 taels, it’s not too much! "

Wu Zetian smiled slightly and already touched Li Yanran's little ears.

"Auntie, these ten thousand taels of gold may be just a drop in the bucket to you, but you can make a big difference in the fief, so let's give it 5000 taels!"

Li Yanran was also depressed. She had always been the one to twist other people's ears, and this was the first time she was threatened.

It’s true that the tides are turning, and it’s coming to my house this year.

"What is a drop in the bucket? It is indeed nothing to the Tang Dynasty royal family, but it is a huge sum of money to my mother-in-law. You can decide whether to give it or not!"

Wu Zetian's hand also touched Li Yanran's little ear, her eyes full of threats.

"Auntie, please spare my life, please!"

Li Yanran is known as a tough guy who would rather give up her life than her family's wealth. This is her motto.

Now even if Li Zhi pays 5000 taels, she still has to pay 5000 taels, which is no more uncomfortable than killing her.

"What did you say?"

It seemed that her daughter would not give in unless she was a little cruel, so she went straight to it and gave Li Yanran a circle with the magic power of love.

"Mom, don't bother me. I'll give it to you. Can't I give it to you?"

It's nice not to suffer the immediate loss. Since she can't fight against me, she has no choice but to give in.

If you have 5000 taels of gold, let’s just treat it as if you made [-] taels this time.

It's an unexpected windfall anyway, so get as little as you can.

"Isn't this the end of the world? I'm going to ask my mother-in-law to punish you!"

Seeing her daughter surrendering, Wu Zetian also let go of her right hand.

"Auntie, it hurts!"

Li Yanran also felt aggrieved and threw herself into Wu Zetian's arms.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you a blowjob!"

Wu Zetian also leaned over and blew on Li Yanran's little ears.

"Hee hee, it's so itchy!"

When Wu Zetian blew, Li Yanran also writhed in Wu Zetian's arms.

"Only you are clever!"

Wu Zetian patted Li Yanran again and tried to be smart again.

"Hehe, Aniang, if nothing happens, Yanran will go back to sleep."

Li Yanran also got out of my mother's arms and ran away.

"This little Yanran!"

Wu Zetian also smiled, this daughter is really a ghost.

Fortunately, I kept my bottom line, otherwise wouldn't I have lost 5000 taels of gold?

After all, I am still the better, hehe.

After leaving Wu Zetian's palace, Li Yanran also sighed.

The only thing she could do now was go back to sleep, there was nothing else she could do.

As for New Year greetings, my parents have already done so, and there seems to be nothing else to do.

Returning to her dormitory, Li Yanran got in with her clothes on.

I can finally get a good beauty sleep, even if the King of Heaven comes.

Just as he fell asleep, he heard the door of the house being kicked open.

"Who, who, wants no one to sleep with?"

Li Yanran became furious instantly and jumped up from the bed, staring at the instigator in front of her.


Seeing Li Yanran like this, Li Hong was almost scared to death.

"Why don't you go back to sleep and come to my place again? Do you want to die?"

Li Yanran was very angry when she woke up. She didn't sleep all night, and just when she fell asleep, you did this again.

If he couldn't explain why, he would have to be dismembered and skinned.

"I forgot to give my sister a New Year's greeting before. Hongdi was tossing and turning and couldn't sleep, so he came here specially."


"I wish my sister good health, great wealth, every attack, and victory!"

Li Hong said and hurriedly said the auspicious words he made up.


Li Yanran wasn't so angry anymore, after all, she reached out and didn't hit the smiling man.

She couldn't be angry at someone who came to pay New Year's greetings with good intentions, but these special auspicious words really made her unable to hold back.

It doesn’t matter. If you wish me good health, I have no problem with it. If you wish me wealth, it’s also acceptable.

But saying that I am invincible and invincible in every battle, where does that go?

If you wish a woman like this, you will be able to speak!

With a snap, Li Yanran slapped him.

"Sister, why are you hitting me? It's unlucky for you to be like this during the Chinese New Year!"

Li Hong was dumbfounded. He gave up his sleep and came to pay New Year greetings, but you actually hit me.

Damn it, if you hit me now, doesn’t it mean that I will be beaten all year round?
No, how can this work?

I've already had a hard enough life in the fiefdom, wouldn't this make it even harder?

"Nonsense, it would be unlucky for me to hit you. Is there something wrong with you not listening to your auspicious words?
The special meow is still invincible and invincible?
You want me to lead troops to fight?Or send troops to suppress bandits. "

Li Yanran also glared at Li Hong, interrupting my beauty sleep and saying such auspicious words.

It doesn’t matter if I beat you, it’s not an exaggeration to kill you.

You are unlucky, and I am still unlucky. "Sister, I'm talking about being invincible and invincible in the shopping mall. What do you think?"

Li Hong was depressed. Who said that this attack was invincible and invincible could only be used on the battlefield.

Shopping malls are like battlefields. It makes sense for me to say this!

"Then Sister, did I blame you wrongly?"

Li Yanran raised her eyebrows and slapped her again.

"Sister, you're still beating me. Why are you still beating me? What do you want to do?"

Li Hong's temper has also gotten worse. It's already bad enough, but you still hit me. Do you think my life this year is not miserable enough?

"I hit you for your own good! It will make you remember better and prevent you from talking nonsense again."

Hearing what Li Hong meant, Li Yanran also knew that she had wrongly blamed him, but the slap had already been slapped, could she still take it back?
So you can only make mistakes.


"Sister, if you don't tell me that you are ugly, Brother Hong will never be done with you today!"

Li Hong's eyes widened, and his face looked like you were trying to make excuses and deceive me.

“I’m here to let you know that there must be context and consequences for what you say.

Fortunately, you told me that. If my mother-in-law could say the same thing, she would be invincible and invincible.

Will he be beaten to death on the spot?

So you think Sister A is doing it for your own good? "

Li Yanran sneered, since I dare to hit you, I can tell you why.

Do you really think that your sister is someone like you who doesn’t want consequences?


Li Hong also took a breath of air. He was about to go find his mother after celebrating the New Year with Li Yanran.

Fortunately, I was smart and came to Li Yanran first, otherwise it would have been really doomed.

"Now you know I'm doing it for you!"

Li Yanran smiled at Li Hong, grabbed a piece of dried fruit and handed it to Li Hong's hand.

"Sister, Hongdi wishes you a happy New Year, do you also want to express your gratitude?"

Li Hong pushed the dried fruit away with a look of disgust and spread out his small hands.

"What do you mean?"

Li Yanran was stunned, wondering what Li Hong wanted to do?
"You always want a good omen during the Chinese New Year, so give me some money!"

Li Hong smiled slightly, this is what you said about giving red envelopes during the New Year. You can't miss the New Year's money.

"Isn't the hundred taels of gold I gave you just a red envelope?"

Li Yanran will really thank you now. Didn’t I say that the hundred taels of gold I gave you was a red envelope?

Why are you asking for it again now? You are really a model of saying one thing and doing another.

"That's what I deserve. This time it's my sister who wants to give it to me. These are two concepts."

Li Hong smiled slightly, waved his hand, and the red envelope arrived.

"Don't go too far. Do you really think that I'm a banker? You just come and ask for money if you want it?"

Li Yanran raised her eyebrows, her eyes filled with coldness.

"Sister, don't be angry!
It's just asking for a good sign. Just give me a few thousand taels of gold and I won't pick on you.

You don’t want your father to think of that poem either! "

Li Hong smiled slightly, not afraid at all of Li Yanran's disobedience.

After all, he has a trump card in hand. As long as Sister doesn't want to be embarrassed by her father, she can only be embarrassed by herself.

This is a dead end, hehe.

He will now feel that there is this secret, and he will not dare to tell it to his sister for the rest of his life. It will be no problem for three to five years.

"Sister, can I think you are threatening me?"

Hearing that Li Hong brought this matter up again, Li Yanran also looked at it coldly, and then picked up a walnut.

"There's no threat, I'm just trying to reason with Sister."

Li Hong also had a calm expression on his face, grabbed a raisin and put it into his mouth.

"So sweet!"

His little eyes rolled, he grabbed another handful of raisins and put them into his mouth.

"Brother Hong, let me tell you some news!"

Li Yanran took the walnut and smashed it on the table, which frightened Li Hong into shock.

"Sister, you scared me to death!"

Li Hong glared at Li Yanran, then grabbed a handful of raisins and stuffed his mouth full.

“Brother Hong, do you think it’s your head that’s hard, or is this walnut hard?”

Looking at the intact walnuts, Li Yanran also glanced at Li Hong.

"I'm not bragging, this walnut is nothing in front of my iron head. No, sister, what do you mean?

I'm asking you for money, and you're trying to get me some walnuts, are you trying to exchange ideas? "

Li Hong was stunned, not knowing what Li Yanran meant.

Why are you picking up walnuts?
"Brother Hong, let me tell you something! My father was already here just now!"


When he heard that his father had come, Li Hong also had a question mark.

So what if he comes, you will definitely not be able to write a poem, otherwise you would have offered treasures long ago.

"Sister, it doesn't matter if the father is here. Sister, you don't want me to go find the father, do you?"

Li Hong looked at his elder sister again and shouted at Li Yanran.

"I have already told my father that I cannot write poetry, so my father has forgiven me!"

Li Yanran said and slapped the walnuts on the table again.

"This is impossible, how is this possible?"

 Dear readers, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

(End of this chapter)

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