My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 563 Wheel Battle

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Zhi stood up immediately.

You, a daughter, want to share my private money?Is there any justice left?

"Father, you can't say that, I have no intention of splitting the relationship with you [-]/[-].

First of all, I lured you into the trap before, so I reached an agreement with Hongdi and gave him [-]%.

In other words, of your ten thousand taels of gold, first 3000 taels are to be given to Hongdi, which means there are only seven thousand taels left.

Hongdi even got [-]%, I can’t be less than him, so getting [-]% is acceptable, right? "

Li Yanran started to settle accounts with her father with her fingers.

"Wait a minute! I only got [-]% of my own money? Hong'er and I got more than half?"

Li Zhi was completely stunned by this settlement.

Not only can I not get [-]% of my co-authorship money, but I can also get the same amount as that stupid son who said a few words?

How could he accept this.

It is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world.

"Then Father, what do you want to say?"

Li Yanran naturally knew that her father would definitely not accept this distribution plan. Of course, she threw it out first, just to test the other party's bottom line.

"I have a lot to say. If I agree to allocate the money this way, I will be damned!"

Li Zhi felt that he could no longer suppress his ancient strength. There was so much to say.

Anyway, this allocation just won’t work.

He worked hard to get the money out of Nenu, but it ended up being owned by the public.

Anyone who can accept this is a fool.

"Then what is your bottom line, Father?"

Li Yanran also smiled slightly. This was what she wanted, to see what her father's bottom line was.

"My bottom line is you little girl, so that's why! My bottom line is everything!"

At this moment, Li Zhi also heard that everything Li Yanran did just now was for this step.

Fortunately, I am smart, otherwise I would have fallen into the trap of a good daughter.

"Father, let me tell you something you don't want to know!"

"Tell me, I want to see if there's anything I don't want to know."

Li Zhi was stunned. Is there any news worse than my [-]% share?

He's already like this, there's nothing else he can't accept.

"Aniang seems to be thinking about the 1 taels of gold too!"


Sure enough, Li Zhi felt even worse after hearing this.

He really didn't expect that there would be worse news. How could Wu Zetian care about these ten thousand taels of gold?

Should not be!

"Impossible, you must be blowing me up. How can your mother care about you? I perform so well."

Li Zhi looked at Li Yanran, he really didn't believe it.

It must have been compiled by Li Yanran.

"Father, don't talk about your acting skills. How can anyone lose 1 taels of gold and still smile from ear to ear? They are so drunk!"

"Do I have it?"

Now Li Zhi's face started to twitch. Was his performance that good?

I am the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, how can I have poor acting skills?

I really don't know what to say.

"So my mother-in-law will definitely come and ask about the 1 taels of gold later. What should I do then?"

Li Yanran looked at her father aggrievedly and directed all the blame at her mother.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Li Zhi was also depressed. Li Yanran didn't look like she was acting. What if Wu Zetian came to ask for money?

"So in order not to make A Niang suspicious, she must give her money.
I can handle Hong'er's side, and I don't need my money.

How about you and grandma split it [-]-[-]? "

Li Yanran smiled at her father and directly stated her distribution plan.

"I share it [-]-[-] with your mother? You don't want a cent? What other ideas do you have?"

Li Zhi was really confused now. After all, you ended up empty-handed.

There must be a problem here.

"Father, my idea is actually very simple. Don't I owe you a poem? I'll give you the money and we won't owe each other. How about that?"

Li Yanran didn't want to keep this handle for Li Hong, so she simply took the opportunity to wipe it out, so as to save herself from having to be restrained by that little devil in the future.

"I would have forgotten it if you didn't tell me! By the way, you still owe me a poem!"

Glancing at Li Yanran, Li Zhi also remembered that Li Yanran owed him a poem.

No wonder you are waiting for me here.

"Father, if I buy a poem with a thousand dollars, it might become a good story in the future. I really can't write a good poem."

Li Yanran also hugged her father's arm, her eyes full of pleading.

"Hmph, I'll spare you this time, but if your mother didn't care about my money, all 1 taels of gold would be mine!"

Li Zhi has nothing more to say. Writing poetry really depends on opportunity.

Even if she forced Li Yanran to write poems, she wouldn't be able to do anything good.

Just go with the flow.

"I promise this!"

Seeing that her father agreed, Li Yanran was relieved.

If Li Zhi kept talking about this matter all day long, it would annoy her to death.

"Well, that's okay, I have something to do over there, so you can go to sleep!"

Now that the matter has been settled, Li Zhi doesn't want to stay any longer, lest Li Yanran does anything else.

"Congratulations to my father!"

Li Yanran also bowed low and saluted before sending her father away.

Li Zhi walked to the door and suddenly stopped. "No, there's something wrong here!"

Turning around, Li Zhi also looked at Li Yanran with wide eyes.

"Father, what's wrong? I don't even want to share your money. What else do you have to say!"

There was a thump in her heart, and Li Yanran secretly screamed.

Is daddy about to wake up?
"No, why do you want to share my money equally with Mei Niang?

In addition to my money, you also won 3 taels of gold from your imperial brother. Why do you keep worrying about my 1 taels?
You are so clever, I almost didn't let you in. "

When Li Zhi saw that Li Yanran was still trying to confuse things, he slapped Li Yanran on the head.

"Father, a gentleman's promise is as valuable as a thousand pieces of gold. You are the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, so ten thousand pieces of gold is not too much, right? So you want to go back on your word?"

Li Yanran is not afraid at all. You have agreed to the distribution plan before, but now you want to go back on it, how can it be so easy?

"you you.."

Li Zhi is also a little incompetent now. His daughter is really his nemesis.

I didn't expect to use this to gag myself.

Even if he wanted to regret it now, he couldn't.

What a crime.

After speaking, Li Zhi also waved his sleeves and left. He didn't want to stay in this sad place anymore.

The majestic Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was toyed with by a child. It was so embarrassing.

"Father, have a good trip!"

Seeing Li Zhi's dragon push away, Li Yanran breathed a sigh of relief and finally left.

This time she can be said to have made a big difference with her small skills, which is really exciting.

I patted my chest and just got on the bed to sleep, when someone came outside the door.

"Your Highness!"

"Who is it!"

Hearing this voice, Li Yanran almost burst into tears.

It’s not over yet, first it’s Li Hong, then daddy, who is it now?
"Your Highness, the Queen wants you to go to her place!"

Duofu's voice sounded slowly, and Li Yanran inside was stunned.

She was really depressed during this wheel battle, afraid of whatever might happen.

Li Hong and his father are easy to deal with, but it’s not that easy here for my mother!
Fortunately, I have been vaccinated. If this matter is not resolved, I will not be able to live well this year.

"Wait, I'll be there soon!"


Soon Li Yanran also packed up, got on the chariot and headed towards Wu Zetian's palace.

"Auntie, Yanran wishes you a happy new year. I wish you happiness every year and happiness every year."

When Li Yanran entered the room, she first worshiped Wu Zetian for a year, and then she threw herself into Wu Zetian's arms.

"Look at your sweet little mouth. You've been tired all night. Are you sleepy?"

Looking at Li Yanran who threw herself into her arms, Wu Zetian also touched her little head.

"Although the party was very exciting, it was indeed a bit overwhelming and made me feel a little sleepy."

Li Yanran yawned and leaned on Wu Zetian's thigh, and her big eyes slowly closed.

"Don't sleep yet, I have something to tell you!"

After twisting her nose, Li Yanran quickly opened her eyes and sat opposite Wu Zetian.

"Yanran, you made a lot of money today! Have you figured out how to spend it?"

Hearing this, Li Yanran's heart skipped a beat, what was supposed to come was coming.

"Of course I want to invest in the fiefdom. After all, the fiefdom is short of money everywhere now. Even these tens of thousands taels of gold may not be enough!"

Li Yanran quickly said what she was saying to avoid it.

The fiefdom is now the foundation for her to settle down and make a living. If she manages the fiefdom better, she can't find any faults.

"Don't give me a bad look, you are now a well-known rich man.

You made a lot of money in Chang'an before. Do you still need Aniang to send someone to do an accounting for you? "

Wu Zetian gently knocked on Li Yanran's head, crying with me here. If others don't know, I can't know.

In just over half a year, you have earned more wealth than others have earned in several lifetimes.

"Auntie, just say what you want."

Li Yanran is no longer sleepy now. How about an accounting?
How is this possible? If I send someone to do an accounting, all her money will be lost.

"Hmph, Yanran, my mother-in-law has long said that it is not good for children to have too much money.

You just got so much gold, how about helping my mother build a five-meter-tall golden Buddha? "

Wu Zetian smiled slightly, and she knew that this was what Li Yanran was most afraid of.

She didn't really want to take stock of Li Yanran's account. After all, Li Yanran already had her own business, so it wouldn't be good for her to interfere too much.

But since my daughter has made money, it’s okay to show some filial piety to my mother.

"A-niang, are you serious?"

Li Yanran shivered and almost wanted to run away.

What is this special thing about?
The five-meter-tall golden Buddha is terrifying to think about.

My appetite is terrifying.

"Why, you don't want to?"

Wu Zetian grabbed Li Yanran's swan neck with a threatening look in her eyes.

"Auntie, let's not do this, okay? My daughter won't tell you anything else. I'll pay you 5000 taels of gold. How about that?"

Li Yanran frowned and threw away Li Zhi's money.

The 5000 taels is not my own, so I don’t feel bad about spending it anyway.

It should satisfy my mother's appetite.

"5000 taels is quite a lot, but if you can agree so readily, this is definitely not your bottom line. Spend more."

Wu Zetian is such a shrewd person, and Li Yanran's little tricks are all leftover from her tricks.


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