My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 562 Do you dare to share my money?

Now Li Shangjin and Li Xiao are really going to ascend from the same place. Where did they get the 1 taels of gold?

You are trying to drive your two brothers to death!

"What, you two don't admit defeat? Then you come and compose a poem.

If it can exceed Hong'er's first birthday, how about I give you an extra ten thousand taels of gold? "

Li Zhi was also furious when he saw Li Xiao and Li Shangjin.

As the prince of the Tang Dynasty, I do not expect you to be able to act alone and become the pillars of the Tang Dynasty.

But at least you can't be like this now, where you can't even figure out how many pounds you have?
"Father, I surrender! Hongdi's poem is beyond the reach of this child!"

"Er Erchen also admitted defeat!"

After hearing Li Zhi's words, the two of them were completely frightened. Knowing that this moment would not make a difference, they could only grit their teeth and admit it.

"Just admit defeat. The three of you each have 1 taels of gold. I will give you a month to prepare.

After the first month, the money will be sent to the fief. If you lose a penny, you will be responsible for the consequences! "

Li Zhi doesn't pity them at all. It's enough for you to fall into a pit once, and you can rush up and fall down a second time.

He really has nothing to say.




The three of them also sighed together. What they have to do now is to think about how to extract these 1 taels of gold within a month.

Just like this on the first day of the Lunar New Year, it will really be unlucky for the whole year.

"Okay, let's play music and dance."

"Your Majesty has your decree, let's play music and dance!"

Ruian also finished dressing up and stood up to read Li Zhi's decree loudly.

After hearing the decree, the musician who had paused started playing music again.

All the civil and military officials also restrained their minds. Li Hong's poem just now was considered to be the best in the whole audience.

Everyone was not very sure and no one dared to stand up and compete with Yuan Ri Lai.

The following program is still exciting, and Taichang Temple has also made great efforts to organize and organize this time. It can be said that there are climaxes one after another, which makes people unable to stop.

The banquet lasted until the sun rose, and then the banquet came to an end.

Li Zhi stood up slowly, his eyes full of satisfaction.

"I am very satisfied with this New Year's Eve dinner. Where is Li Qing!"

"Chen is here!"

Li Qing knelt in front of Li Zhi again, with a sigh in his eyes.

Fortunately, okay, this banquet ended successfully without any mistakes.

"Taichang Temple has put a lot of thought into this time. You will make a list when the time comes, and I will reward them one by one!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward!"

Li Qing knocked his head to the ground.

"Today all the officials are staying with me to watch the New Year. This year the Tang Dynasty will be prosperous and the country will be peaceful and the people will be safe."

"This year, the Tang Dynasty will have good weather, and the country will be peaceful and the people will be safe!"

"This year, the Tang Dynasty will have good weather, and the country will be peaceful and the people will be safe!"

"This year, the Tang Dynasty will have good weather, and the country will be peaceful and the people will be safe!"

All civil and military officials stood up together and shouted after Li Zhi.

"Okay, all your lords, please drink this cup with me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Like Li Zhi, all the officials in the Daming Palace picked up the wine glasses in front of them and drank them all in one gulp.

"Okay, everyone has worked hard, go back and rest!"

Li Zhi was a little drunk after finishing the glass of wine, waved his hand and stood up to leave.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Amid the congratulations from the civil and military officials, Wu Zetian, Li Hong, Li Yanran and other princes and princesses also followed behind Li Zhi.

After the royal family left, all the officials and their families also left for the Daming Palace.

"It's finally over!"

Li Yanran stretched out. Is this the Spring Festival Gala of the Tang Dynasty really a Spring Festival Gala? A special all-night party?

It really made her, a child, a little unbearable.

"Sister, sister, it's time to share the money."

Li Hong came to Li Yanran, not sleepy at all, his eyes full of excitement.

This time, I made great contributions to Li Yanran.

Other people's New Year's Eve banquet is just to watch performances and eat wine, but it's better for my sister. She earned 4 taels of gold from one banquet.

This money is like money blown by the strong wind, it is so profitable.

"Split the money? What kind of money?"

Li Yanran was also depressed now. What kind of money should be divided?

I’m not sure how much I’ll get in the end, so how can I share it with you?

"That's right, even if the latter part doesn't count, you promised me [-]% before, so you wouldn't want to default on the debt, would you?"

Seeing Li Yanran's expression, Li Hong was also stunned.

You’re not trying to burn bridges, are you?
"Come on, then I'll settle the score for you!"

After glancing at Li Hong, Li Yanran was no longer sleepy. She sat on the chair and stared at her little brother.

"I don't want to settle the score. I'm afraid I can't settle it with you. I only know that my father lost you 1 taels of gold. Logically speaking, you have to share 3000 taels of gold with me! Give me the money!"

Hearing that he was about to settle accounts, Li Hong immediately stepped aside, his eyes full of wariness.

He knew what his elder sister was capable of, and he might not be able to get a penny from this settlement, and would have to pay more.

How could he let Li Yanran's evil plan succeed?
"3000 taels? I'll give it to you, but there's a condition!" Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Li Hong. You can leave the money alone, but we have to see if you have the ability to get the money.

"What premise?"

Li Hong was stunned, not knowing what Li Yanran wanted to say.

"You also know that I won my father's 1 taels of gold in the first game, right? As long as you can convince your father and my mother not to worry about these 1 taels,
How about I get 7000 taels and you get 3000 taels? "

Now Li Zhi's 1 taels of gold is a hot potato. Li Zhi is worried about it, and Wu Zetian is also worried about it.

In the end, it may be that my father won’t give me a cent, but my mother will come back and ask for dividends.

This way she would lose a lot of money.

"Sister, what do you mean? Since my father lost to you, how can I still care about you? What the hell is my mother?"

Li Hong felt that his brain was overloaded and his CPU was about to burn out.

What does this mean?

"You didn't see that my father was so happy after losing. He clearly didn't want to give me the money.

And grandma has been speaking for us, and she must be thinking about these 1 taels of gold.

When the time comes, my father won’t give me money, and my mother-in-law asks me for money again. What should I do?
So I leave all this to you, my sister is very optimistic about you. "

Li Yanran also made a sign that I am optimistic about you. If you can solve these problems, I will give you 3000 taels to stop the loss in time.


Li Hong was completely shattered. He originally thought that Li Yanran had made so much money, but he couldn't get 3000 taels, so he had to give himself at least 1000 taels.

Now that such a difficult task is entrusted to him, he may not be able to get a cent.

"Sister, I can't do what you just said.

Yes. Otherwise, how about you give me 100 taels?

After all, I have hard work without any merit, right? "

Li Hong also learned the lesson. As the saying goes, a person can eat as much as he has a belly.

Since there is nothing you can do, you might as well take a step back and seek some psychological comfort.

"You mean you want me to give you these hundred taels of gold myself?"

Li Yanran also felt depressed for a while after wincing at Xiao Li Hong.

Now that you don't care about it, you are blackmailing me anyway, right?

"Why do you say that? I believe that sister must have a way to solve the current predicament.
Besides, I don’t want much, and I don’t want to help my father compose a poem about his father! "

Li Hong also crossed his arms and looked at his elder sister with a cold expression.

If I still can't control you, little brother, I also have a trump card.

"Are you threatening me? What did we say before?

I gave you a song called Yuan Ri, but now you turn your back on me and don’t recognize me? "

Li Yanran was stunned, little bastard, you've already been out of the limelight, and now you're bringing up an old score?

Besides, didn’t you agree before that you can’t threaten yourself with this?
"No, no, this Yuan Ri is my compensation for taking the blame for you and my father. When did it become an exchange?"

This sounds okay at first glance, but if you think about it carefully, this song Yuan Ri is a compensation for yourself. This is simply a stolen concept.


Seeing that Li Hong actually reacted, Li Yanran was a little embarrassed.

"Sister, just tell me whether to give it or not.
Even if the father's 1 taels are not available, the gold from the three royal brothers must be given to them in real terms, right?
100 taels is not much, so you can treat it as a New Year's gift to me. "

Li Hong also held Li Yanran's arm and started acting coquettishly.

He knew that his sister was famous for being soft-spoken rather than tough-minded.

Instead of fighting with hard steel to the death, it would be better to give up some face and exchange for something yellow and white.

"Hey, you, I really can't do anything to you!"

Looking at the aggrieved little Li Hong, Li Yanran also sighed.

A hundred taels of gold would be a hundred taels. Anyway, Li Hong still had a mortgage, so the money would still fall into his own hands.

"Yeah! Sister is the best!"

Li Hong jumped up and kissed Li Yanran on the face.

"Fuck off!"

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head.

Don't you know whether men and women give or receive kisses?

Really a mallet.

"Sister, I'll leave first, you go and do your work!"

Now that his goal was achieved, Li Hong stopped pestering him and left quickly.

What if Li Yanran comes up with another idea and frames herself in it, the money she got will be gone.

Looking at Li Hong's back, Li Yanran also shook her head and walked to the bed to rest.

"Yan Ran, Yan Ran!"

As soon as he lay down, before he could rest, he heard a call, but Li Zhi walked in at a fast pace.

"Father, why are you here? You don't seem to have that much free time now! My daughter is dying of sleepiness."

He stretched out his little head and glanced at the excited father, who was also depressed for a while.

"Why don't you sleep? I came to see you during my busy schedule. Get up!"

Li Zhi glared at Li Yanran, "I have a lot of things to do all day long, and I have to attend the congratulations from hundreds of officials and envoys from other countries later."

I don't have time to waste time with you here.

"Just tell me if you have anything to say, I want to sleep!"

Li Yanran reluctantly got out of the bed and sat next to Li Zhi.

"The 1 taels of gold are mine. You have to deposit every penny for me into my little treasury.
If you dare to embezzle it, I will be angry. "

Li Zhi looked at Li Yanran in front of him and told him his purpose.

"Father, I won these 1 taels. Is it unfair for you to do this?"

I am really afraid of what will happen. My father is really a tough guy.

"You want to share my money? Why do you still want to meet and share half of it?"

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