My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 561: Lost again

Chapter 561: Lost again

Li Yanran didn't hide it anymore. Things had reached this point and the trap was tight. He was not afraid that the three of them would not take action.

"How to do?"

"Do you still have money?"

"I, I... don't have much money left!"

Now all three of them were entangled and started to whisper quietly below, especially Li Xiao.

He had suffered huge losses before, and he had just lost ten thousand taels of gold in partnership. If he lost again in gambling, he would have to sell the palace to pay off the debt.

In fact, the key to this matter still lies with Li Sujie.

If he had confidence, then it would be easy. If he didn't have confidence, he wouldn't dare to wade into this muddy water.

"Su Jie, what do you say!"

Li Shangjin also frowned, now it all depends on Li Sujie's confidence.

"What kind of talent does Hongdi have? I really don't believe he can write any good poems!"

Li Sujie thought about it for a moment and decided to bet. He really didn't believe it.

A little Li Hong can really change the world.

“Since the fourth brother is confident, let’s take a gamble.

We lost last time because we bet on someone else. This time our destiny is in our own hands. Since we want to bet, we must let the emperor know how powerful we are. "

Li Shangjin gritted his teeth. Since Li Sujie was confident, he would fight with her.

If you only win back what you lost before, it will be a no-win-no-defeat situation.
Since we already have a guaranteed win, we might as well go all out and win him by a whisker.

"Third brother, do you want to raise your bet?"

Li Xiao frowned. He didn't have any food left now. He didn't have to worry about ten thousand, just in case.

If he bets again, if he loses, he will really have to sell himself to pay off the debt.

"That's right. Since you want to win, you have to win beautifully. Let's bet him 2 taels of gold! This way we can earn an extra 1 taels."

Li Shangjin nodded and made a big bet. If he won, he would win.

"Twenty thousand taels? Are you kidding me?"

Li Xiao also gasped, 2 taels of gold, how dare you say that.

If you win, excluding what you lost before, it will only amount to ten thousand taels of gold.

But if they lose, each person will have to bear a debt of 1 taels of gold.

"I'm not kidding. If you don't like it, why don't you bet 3 taels?"

Li Shangjin smiled coldly at Li Xiao. Did this scare you?
Fortunately, you are still my royal brother. I really underestimated you.

"Forget it, just 2 taels. If it's more, people will die!"

Li Sujie frowned. He didn't think anything of it. At 2 taels, he could still make some money after deducting the credit. At 3 taels, I'm afraid his father will talk again.


The three of them nodded together, ending their whispers.

Li Shangjin walked up to Li Yanran and said slowly: "Sister Huang, we accept this bet, but a bet of 1 taels is too little. How about a bet of 2 taels of gold?"

Hearing Li Sujie's words, Li Yanran also raised her eyebrows, with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

Did you hear it right just now?2 taels of gold?

These three royal brothers are really my biological brothers. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the wealth-distributing boys of the Tang Dynasty.

I want 1 taels from you, but you want to give me 2 taels.

"Are the three royal brothers serious? I can take out 2 taels of gold. You can't afford to lose!"

Li Yanran calmed down and said coldly to Li Sujie.

"Please rest assured, this imperial sister, I am willing to admit defeat.

If we lose, even if we sell everything, we will give away 3 taels of gold with both hands. "

Before Li Sujie could speak, Li Shangjin on the side also stood up.

Now that you have decided to give it a try, you can't be timid.

You have to win anyway, so if you don't say this harshly, it will make people look down on you.

"Yanran, think twice!"

Li Zhi frowned, this is 2 taels of gold.

If Li Hong loses, Li Yanran will not only fail to make money, but will also lose money.

It is better to maintain stability than to seek change. It is better to gamble with the 1 taels that the three of them just lost.

In this way, if Li Hong wins, she can earn an extra 1 taels.

If Li Hong loses, the worst he can do is be considered invincible.

"Father, don't worry, I have confidence in Hongdi, this gambling queen will take over!"

Li Yanran gave Li Zhi a reassuring look. They are seeking death themselves, and the younger sister can only bear the pain and send you all the way.

"Father, I will bear witness and you will not regret it. Brother Hong, let's start!"

Seeing that Li Zhi had already begun to intervene, Li Sujie did not dare to neglect and hurriedly implemented the matter without allowing any changes.


Li Hong felt proud and extended five fingers to Li Yanran!

Now he controls Li Yanran's life and death. If you get a headache and can't remember anything, sister, you will lose miserably.

As your death squad, I can’t get enough!

Seeing Li Hong's actions, Li Yanran almost slapped him.

Are you trying to rip me off?

I have always been the one to knock others off, but this is the first time she has been ripped off by others.

Li Hong, Li Hong, you are truly the boldest person I have ever seen.

“Brother Hong, don’t be nervous, it’s okay if you can’t compose a poem.

My sister is rich. She just won [-] taels of gold from three royal brothers, and also won [-] taels of gold from her father.
If you are going to lose, I will treat it as if you don’t lose or win today. "Li Yanran didn't care about him and moved Li Zhi out directly.

Aren't you trying to rip me off?Okay, you can explain it to your father.

If he loses Nenu's money, dad can kill you without me taking care of it.


Li Zhi on the other side was not feeling well. He was watching the fun and excitement but saw a fever on his head.

That was the private money that he wanted to transfer out. If Li Hong lost everything, he would have to pull out his son's skin.

"Hong'er, I have high hopes for you, don't let me down!"

Li Zhi stared at Li Hong with eyes full of threats.

You said it was so powerful before, if you let me go now, you know the consequences.

"Father! Hong'er knows!"

Li Hong was really frightened now. The special sister was really a sister.

This trick was really good at driving a tiger to devour a wolf, and he couldn't bear to accept it.

If he slips up now, my father will have to kill himself without Sister.

Are you asking for money now?What money do you want?

Let's save my life first!

Li Hong also sighed. It was really depressing to help his sister work for nothing.

Then he can only vent his anger on these royal brothers now.

"Brother Hong, if you look around, you can't compose a poem, right?"

Li Sujie looked at Li Hong, his face also full of coldness.

"Brother Four Emperors, just listen! Since New Year's Eve has passed now, this poem should be called Yuanri!"

Li Hong sighed again, feeling angry at himself, and would like to thank the royal brothers for being my punching bag.

"The sound of firecrackers kills one year old, and the spring breeze brings warmth to Tusu."

"Thousands of thousands of households always exchange new peaches for old talismans."


Everyone was stunned when they heard this poem. If nothing else, this poem is really suitable for the occasion.

Including the firecrackers just now to celebrate the New Year, and then the spring breeze to kill Su, plus the following two sentences, to be honest, no one can find fault.

"it is good!"

A flash of light flashed in Li Zhi's eyes. He really didn't expect that his son could actually compose such a good poem.

Is this still the Hong'er he knew in the past?
is it possible?

Anyway, he didn’t believe it!
Looking at Li Yanran who looked calm, Li Zhi also had questions.

My daughter is the shrewdest and never fights an uncertain battle. It is impossible to place this hope on Li Hong.

Could it be that Li Yanran already knew this?
That's why he was so confident to make this bet with Li Xiao and the others.

Or it could be that this poem was given to her by Li Yanran, so she behaved like this.

But this doesn't make sense. Could she predict the future?
There was so much fog here that he couldn't understand it.

He couldn't understand it, but there was one thing he could think of. There must be something fishy between the two that he didn't know about.

No, I'll ask Li Yanran later. No, Li Yanran shouldn't be able to ask anything.

I still have to find my stupid son to see what's going on.

"Okay! Your Highness the Crown Prince is mighty!"

"This poem is absolutely amazing, His Royal Highness is really amazing!"

"To be able to create such a masterpiece at such a young age is a blessing to the Tang Dynasty and a blessing to the Tang Dynasty!"

In fact, there is no need for Li Zhi to clap his hands, civil and military officials also have their own appreciation ability.

Li Hong's "Yuan Ri" is extremely excellent both in terms of conception and combat. Although it cannot be said that it is difficult to rival, it can definitely be regarded as a work that can be passed down for generations.

No one here dared to say that he could compose a better poem than Li Hong in an instant.

"Fourth Emperor Brother, follow me quickly!"

Hearing the praise from his father and the ministers, Li Xiao felt like he was going crazy.

good?The good thing?Why didn't I hear it?

It's nothing more than a crossword poem written by a child, and it really doesn't deserve such a compliment.

As long as Li Sujie opens his mouth, he will definitely be able to give Li Hong a good blow.


Li Sujie glanced at Li Xiao and Li Shangjin and was also very depressed.

If you are not familiar with poetry and books, you will naturally not be able to see what is in it, but you know this poem yourself, which is beyond his reach.

As it was a masterpiece passed down from generation to generation, he could only express his admiration.

"Don't tell Brother Huang, you can't do it!"

Looking at Li Sujie's pale face, Li Shangjin's face darkened instantly.

I only made the bet with Li Yanran because I believed in you. If you lose now, where will you steal the 3 taels of gold?
Moreover, this was witnessed by my father. If he didn’t pay back the money, he might be punished.

"Brother, Hongdi, I can't compare to this poem by Hongdi! We lost!"

Although Li Sujie didn't want to admit it, if he lost, he would lose. If he didn't admit defeat, he would compose a poem.

In the end, what he lost was not only the ten thousand taels of gold, but also his own literary name.

He definitely won't be stupid enough to hit the wall, just admit defeat and pay money.

Anyway, Li Zhi usually gives himself a lot of rewards, and the subordinate officials under him also have some management skills.

If you squeeze a lot of gold, you can still get it out with gritted teeth.

"you you."

(End of this chapter)

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