My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 560: Give you a chance to win a chapter

Chapter 560 Give you a chance to win back
Hearing everyone's laughter, Ruian was stunned.

Now he finally understood why Li Yanran didn't let the emperor set off the firecrackers.

It turned out that he was afraid that the emperor would lose his etiquette and propriety, so he had to let himself, the chamberlain, take his place.

This little devil was really something he couldn't afford to offend.

"Okay, Ruian will set it off for me this time, and I'll give you a reward!"

Li Zhi also covered his mouth and said to Ruian.

"Slave. Servant, thank you for your gift!"

Ruian knelt down in front of Li Zhi depressedly. This time he was really in trouble.

On this wonderful first day, I have ended up like this. I am afraid that I will be in trouble in the next year.

So what if I get a reward?It's really unlucky.

"Okay, the New Year's Day has arrived, and this year's celebration is over! Is there anyone willing to compose a poem to sing about this grand event?"

Now that this year has been observed, the next step is the new year.

The new year has its own new atmosphere. According to the rules, now is the opportunity for those literati and poets to show off.

The so-called Tang poetry and Song lyrics, how can we not include poetry and rhyme about this feeling and scene.

"Father, my son and I are inspired by this, and we have our own hymns in our hearts!"

After hearing Li Zhi's words, Li Sujie on the side was the first to stand up.

You must know that he is only in his teens now, but he is familiar with poetry, classics and history, and he can be said to be well versed in literature.

If Concubine Xiao Shu could really become the final winner, how glorious is Li Sujie now?

But this is reality, not a fairy tale, there aren’t that many.

"Su Jie, you have always been smart, please let me listen to your hymn."

Looking at Li Sujie in front of him, Li Zhi also sighed.

He had high hopes for this son at the beginning, and Li Sujie was very upbeat, but...

Li Sujie saluted Li Zhi and slowly walked out of the seat.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw Li Yanran on the side.

Li Yanran didn't even look at him, she was just concentrating on the delicious food in front of her.

This is really going to piss him off. He is about to write a poem, but you don’t care at all?
Aren't you afraid of being upstaged by me?

He still vividly remembered the scene of the Mid-Autumn Festival before. He had been preparing for this time for a long time. He just wanted to feel proud in front of everyone and avenge his previous shame.

Earn all the face you have lost.

"Father, I think that my imperial sister is very knowledgeable and intelligent, so why not let her compose a poem to start the poem, which can also set the tone of this poem."

Since you don't look at me, don't blame Brother Huang for being sorry.

A loser in the Mid-Autumn Festival, he just lost money, he had to win again no matter what.

Otherwise, he would really have no shame in staying in this imperial city.


Li Yanran felt bad after hearing Li Sujie's words.

I don’t seem to have any grudges against you, right? In this public, you are so aggressive, do you really think that this girl is a nirvana?
"That's right, the song I sang by the Royal Sisters at the last Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, I hope that we can share the beauty of the moon forever, is still fresh in my memory. I believe that this time there will be a masterpiece that will be passed down through the ages."

Looking at Li Sujie, Li Xiao was also excited.

In the past, when I saw Li Sujie dancing and reciting poems at banquets, I always felt uneasy.

This time, he wished that his good brother could write a good poem that would be passed down through the ages, so as to kill Li Yanran's majesty.

"Haha, I also believe that the imperial sister can definitely write a good poem."

Li Shangjin also smiled slightly. The three of them are now standing on the same front, and they can be said to have the same hatred.

At the moment, he can't care about so many things. If Li Sujie can gain face, he will be happy.

"The three emperor brothers really admire Yanran, but have the four emperor brothers ever heard a word?"

Li Yanran ignored them and spoke to the three of them coldly.


Li Sujie was stunned, wondering what Li Yanran wanted to say?
"The mantis arm is a car, and it is beyond its own power."

"What did you say?"

Li Sujie almost exploded on the spot.

He had thought of thousands of words, but he never expected that Li Yanran would say that to him.

This is a rush without taking yourself seriously at all!

"Royal sister, although I am less than ten years old, no, I am just ten years old.

But Brother Yonko, you want to use your inferior literary skills to force me to make a fool of myself. You are really out of your mind.

Let alone me, even Hongdi casually writing a poem is beyond your reach! "

Li Yanran focused her eyes on the delicacies on the table again, without even bothering to look at the other party.

"You, you, okay, okay.

The imperial sister is quite capable, but I didn’t expect Hongdi to learn to recite poems correctly in such a short time in the fiefdom. "

Now Li Sujie was really angry and laughed. You said you can write good poems, I won't refute it.

After all, he still reads that water-melody song every day.

But if you say that Hongdi's poems are beyond my reach, then that's really ridiculous.

"My sister is right, Brother Four Emperors, you are really not worthy to be my sister's opponent. Of course, even if it is me, brother you are far behind!"

As the saying goes, "Raise an army for a thousand days and use it for a short period of time." The one day that my sister gave me before can be used now.

Brother Four Emperors, Brother Four Emperors, now you are going to hit the muzzle yourself.

"In that case, the emperor really wants to hear about Brother Hong's amazing works, and let me read them!"

Li Sujie is really about to ascend. It doesn't matter if Li Yanran is like this, why is Li Hong, a six-year-old kid like this?

This is really like having a sister and a brother.

They are so arrogant. "Aren't you afraid?"

Li Hong also stood up, his eyes full of disdain.


At first, Li Zhi and Wu Zetian didn't say anything. There must have been stumbling blocks between the prince brothers.

Li Yanran is witty and intelligent, and can recite poems and write poems, so Li Sujie can't hurt her at all.

But now the target of attack is Li Hong, which is different.

Li Hong is now at the age where he loves to play, and he has the temper of a child.

When Li Sujie was aroused, he would definitely be unable to control himself.

Li Yanran is ignorant, how could Li Zhi and Wu Zetian see their own son being embarrassed in public.

Hearing Li Zhi's shout, not only Li Hong, Li Yanran, Li Sujie and the others, but even the officials below did not dare to express their anger.

When a man is angry, his blood splashes five steps, and when the emperor is angry, he lays down millions of corpses.

Li Zhi will be angry now, who dares to say more words.

"Father, why are you fooling around? But you don't believe Hongdi?"

Looking at Li Zhi, Li Yanran was also depressed.

She has just put down the trap, and you, the father, are about to ruin her good deeds.

How could she tolerate this?

"When I say it's nonsense, it's nonsense. Hong'er is only six years old. For a six-year-old to compose poetry on such an occasion, it's nothing but nonsense!"

Li Zhi glared at Li Yanran, "It's okay if you go crazy yourself, now you have to take Li Hong with you."

That was the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty, the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty. It would be a big deal if he lost face in public.

He absolutely would not allow Li Hong to make such a big mistake.

"Seven years old, it's already New Year's Eve, Hong'er is already seven years old!"

Li Hong was almost dying of anxiety now. He finally had such a chance to show his face. If his father gave him a gag order, he would really even want to die.

"So what if you are seven years old? Leave me alone! If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will deal with you."

After glaring at Li Hong, Li Zhi was also depressed for a while.

I'm thinking about you. How about you? Your wings have become stiff after you've grown a year old?

Do you want to take off on the spot?
It’s really useless. I should learn from your sister. ,

At this moment, it is necessary to keep silent in order to have peace.

"Father, I also think that when Hongdi grows up, we might as well let him try it. Maybe he can write a poem that will be passed down to the world!"

Li Yanran is the only one who knows Yuan Ri's poem, and besides, she has set a trap, so she can't let all her prey escape!

Li Zhi is really confused now. He just wanted you to keep silent. How come you are as indifferent as Li Hong.

Wu Zetian looked at the pair of children in front of her. For some reason, she could not see a trace of panic in them, but only a sense of calmness.

This made her a bit suspicious. Could it be that Hong'er was really different from what he used to be?
If that was the case, then she would have to support it.

"His Majesty!"

"How about letting Hong'er give it a try?"


Hearing Wu Zetian's words, Li Zhi became even more confused.

Li Yanran and Li Hong are just two children, why are you so impulsive?

It is said that a child is better than a mother. Don’t you, a mother, know how much your own son weighs?

Do you believe that he can compose poetry or do you believe that I can fly into the sky?

I really don't know what to say.

Li Zhigang wanted to speak, but Wu Zetian grabbed his palm with a look of affirmation in her eyes.

"Meiniang, you?"

"Father, let Hongdi try it!"

Facing Wu Zetian and Li Yanran, Li Zhi had no choice but to wave his hand to follow Li Hong.

"Thank you, Father!"

Li Hong was also excited, staring at the unruly Fourth Emperor Brother.

Usually you are the one who is arrogant, but today it is finally your turn.

Today, I really want to let you know how powerful I am, my little brother.

"Brother Hong, since my father has agreed, let's talk quickly so that my brother can read the masterpiece."

Li Sujie also sneered. It's too early for you to be happy now.

If you don't cry when you make a fool of yourself, I'll look down on you.

"That's right, brother Huang, start quickly, brother Huang can't wait!"

"Don't rush me, give Hongdi a little more time and let him get his handwriting right!"

Li Xiao and Li Shangjin also had the same expression. Although they failed to catch Li Yanran, Li Hong and you are siblings.

My little brother is in disgrace, and you, the elder sister, are in disgrace.

Besides, what is Li Hong's status? If he is now a prince, if he is so embarrassed, there is no telling what the consequences will be in the future.

"Three royal brothers, you just lost to me ten thousand taels of gold. Now my royal sister will give you a chance to win back. Do you want to win or not?"

Listening to the words of the three people, there was a burst of giggles. The more you say this, the more likely I am to knock you off.

I want to see who can escape from this hood.

"Why, the imperial sister wants to make a bet with us on Hongdi's poetry?"

Li Sujie reacted the fastest and immediately guessed Li Yanran's intention.

"Yes, I bet that Hongdi can beat you in writing poetry. Do you dare to accept it?"

(End of this chapter)

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