My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 559 The overwhelming firecrackers

The Imperial Guards saluted together, and then ran in groups towards the outside of the Daming Palace.

The boys are still feeling sad, after all, no one who goes through this can calm down immediately.

Li Qing slowly came to them, patted the artist and said, "Zhang Shi, don't panic, take a rest first and calm down."

"Prince Si, please don't worry, I don't care about this at all!"

Zhang Shi saluted Li Qing, but his eyes were unwavering.

"It's better to take a rest!"

Li Qing was stunned. He had risked his fortune and his life.

If something goes wrong in this world, he won't be the only one to die, and he will be dragged into the water.

"It's really not necessary. Please rest assured, Sir, Zhang Shi will not make fun of his own life!"

Zhang Shi saluted Li Qing again. He had confidence in himself. He had already mastered these things and couldn't be more familiar with them. There was no need to rest.

"No, this is the order of our Lord!"

Li Qing glared at Zhang Shi, "You better prepare yourself!"

Don't lose your life when the time comes, but you will lose your wealth.


If the people do not fight against the officials, what else can they do since others say so.

He walked to his pony, patted the horse's head, and touched the bright red mane.

Pony Psychic also snorted and rubbed his head against Zhang Shi's face.

After a while, Zhang Shi sat directly on the pony.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding boys quickly stepped aside.

All the civil and military officials, including Li Zhi and Wu Zetian, had countless eyes on Zhang Shi.

After all, these are real swords. If you are not careful, blood will be splashed on the spot, and the most nervous person among them is Li Qing.

He had issued a military order. If Zhang Shiga died, he would have no choice but to die.


Zhang Shi also shouted low, and the pony on his crotch also neighed, carrying him towards the sword corridor in front.

As Zhang Shi moved forward, everyone held their breath.


Zhang Shi rushed into the sword corridor, looked at the steel knife hanging horizontally above his head, avoided an iron bridge, and then continued to run forward.

After some dazzling movements, Zhang Shi finally rushed out without any danger.


Seeing Zhang Shi's performance completed, everyone's hearts returned to their stomachs.

Li Qing felt that his back was covered with sweat. This job was so exciting that he would lose his head at every turn.

"Not bad! It's a reward!"

Li Zhi also smiled slightly, this performance was somewhat different from Luo Sanniang's.

Luo Sanniang is at the pinnacle of her skills with the push pole, while Zhang Shi is dancing on the tip of the knife.

One is pleasing to the eye, the other is the ultimate thrill.

"Your Majesty has a decree, and you should be rewarded!"

Ruian stood up and read loudly to Zhang Shi.

"Thank you Your Majesty for the gift."

Zhang Shi knelt on the ground and shouted long live.

After the rewards are completed, the next step is the language-based show.

Having just experienced the exciting through-the-door sword skills, watching Yu Ren's performance was quite a different experience.

"What time is it?"

Li Zhi glanced at Ruian, it was almost time.

Ruian saluted first and immediately went to Dr. Time to get the exact time.

"Back to Your Majesty, it's coming soon!"

"Since Yuan's Day is coming soon, Yanran, isn't it time to set off the firecrackers you prepared!"

Hearing that Yuan Day was coming soon, Li Zhi nodded and looked at Li Yanran aside.

"My daughter was about to say something, but unexpectedly, my father took a step ahead of me!"

Li Yanran nodded, her firecrackers were waiting for this moment.

It is the custom of later generations to watch the New Year's Eve and set off firecrackers. Everyone is waiting for the first hexagram firecrackers to be set off after midnight.

It is said that in this way, the coming year will be prosperous and prosperous.

"Okay then, bring the firecrackers!"

Li Zhi smiled slightly and motioned Ruian to bring over the firecrackers sent by Li Yanran.

"Father, these firecrackers are not suitable to be set off in the Daming Palace. How about setting them off outside the palace?"

Li Yanran was startled, wondering if it would be bad to set off firecrackers indoors.

After all, there are no such rules in later generations.

"What? Could there be any danger in these firecrackers?"

Li Zhi looked at Li Yanran, wondering what he meant.

"It's not that it's dangerous. It's just like firecrackers. They are usually fired in the courtyard, so there's no reason to do it in the inner courtyard."

Li Yanran shook her head. There was no danger, but she just felt something was wrong.

"That's okay, just set it off in the Daming Palace so that I and the officials can see it clearly."

Li Zhi nodded. Since there was no danger, it would be fine.


Li Yanran had nothing to say. Who said he was the emperor of the Tang Dynasty?

Let him put it wherever he wants!

Ruian also snickered and immediately got up to get the firecrackers.

"Sister, Ryan, he actually laughed at you!"

Li Hong glared at Ruian and complained to his elder sister.

"Humph, he's so good-looking!"

Li Yanran also sneered. Originally, she had not thought of who should set off the firecrackers, but now she has a suitable candidate.

At the beginning, Ruian killed the Tang Dynasty God of War with one shot and set off a firecracker, so he should be fine.

"Your Majesty! The firecrackers are here!"

A little waiter behind Ruian was holding a wooden plate with a red blanket on it. "Hmm! How should I put this thing?"

Li Zhi nodded. Only Li Yanran seemed to know how to make these firecrackers now.

Li Yanran also smiled slightly and told how to set off firecrackers.

"Father, there is a prize for setting off firecrackers, and it should have been set off by my father himself.

But after all, this is gunpowder, why not let Ruian, an individual, help his father do it! "

Li Yanran glanced at Ruian and asked you to laugh at me. Let's see if you can still laugh now.


Ruian's whole body felt bad. He couldn't figure out when he had offended this little devil again.

It's dangerous for an emperor to show off his emotions, but there's no danger for me, a chamberlain, to show off his emotions?

Eunuchs are human beings too!You can't favor one over the other like this!

"You're right, Ruian, it's up to you to set off the firecrackers on my behalf."

Li Zhi looked at the firecrackers spread on the ground with lingering fear.

He had seen the power of the sudden fire gun last time, and he also knew how dangerous this thing was.

As an emperor, he naturally cannot take risks, and the most suitable person is Ruian.

"This, this, Ruian takes the order!"

Ruian also sighed, Li Zhi had already said the same, what else could he do.

I could only sigh and face the next task of setting off firecrackers.

"what is this?"

The civil and military officials looked at the firecrackers in front of them in a daze, wondering what the emperor was going to do.

"Dad, this is called a firecracker, and it's a good thing."

Zhang Sunyan on the side smiled slightly and looked at his father with eyes full of excitement.

"Firecrackers? Do you recognize them?"

Changsun Wuji was also stunned. His son actually knew what this was?
"Of course I recognize it. My son made it one by one."

Changsun Yan looked proud. It would be strange if he didn't recognize him.

These firecrackers were all fun things that I made by hand. I didn’t expect that the emperor would set them off in the Daming Palace.

"How to use this thing? What effect does it have!"

Changsun Wuji also became interested when he heard that his son had rubbed it with his hands.

I don’t know what other good things this Princess Lishan has done.

"What's the effect? ​​You'll know later!"

Changsun Yan, on the other hand, kept it secret. You will definitely be shocked when you see him later. If you say it yourself now, it will have no effect.


Upon hearing these words, Changsun Wuji slapped Changsun Yan on the head.

"Father, why did you hit me?"

Changsun Yan was very depressed. Didn't he just give himself away? As for slapping himself so hard?

"Hit you? If it weren't for this Daming Palace, I would have beaten you to death! Why don't you tell me now!"

Changsun Wuji also became angry and stared at his stupid son.

"I said, I said!"

Changsun Yan could only tell the purpose of this firecracker.

"That's it! I didn't expect that Princess Lishan is so powerful and can even create such things."

After hearing about the use of firecrackers, Changsun Wuji also glanced at Li Zhi.

He didn't expect that Li Yanran was so capable, which really amazed him.

While everyone was waiting, there was a dull sound outside and a bell rang.

"The child's hour has come."

When the time of hearing comes, it is equivalent to zero o'clock in the hereafter.

In other words, it is no longer the third year of Xianqing, but the fourth year of Xianqing.

"Set off firecrackers!"

Now that New Year's Eve is over, it's time to set off firecrackers.


Ruian held a firecracker and tremblingly came to the side of the firecracker.

Looking at the firecrackers that looked like long snakes, he said he was not afraid but it was a lie.

After breaking off the firecracker, Ruian also blew the firecracker and slowly handed it to the fuse of the firecracker.

A burst of white smoke rose up, and before Ryan could run away, the fuse disappeared instantly, and then there was the crackling sound of firecrackers.


"Hey hey!"


The white smoke from the explosion of firecrackers instantly enveloped Ruian inside. Everyone could only hear Ruian's shouts and couldn't see anyone inside.


Everyone was dumbfounded. This firecracker was really powerful. Who would have thought that this inconspicuous thing could be so loud.

This is much louder than burning bamboo in the courtyard.

When the firecrackers were set off, a figure suddenly rushed out of the white smoke and knelt down in front of Li Zhi with a pop.

"Your Majesty, you have to make the decision for me, this firecracker is too terrifying."

Ruian's face had been turned black by the smoke, and there was no sign of the majesty of the eunuch holding the seal.


Looking at Ruian's appearance, Li Hong also burst out laughing.

Although he had expected it, he couldn't help it when he saw Ruian like this.

Tootmeow is so funny.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

All the princes and princesses, even Li Zhi and Wu Zetian, all smiled lightly.

Without him, Ruian's face would be much funnier than the scene just now.


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