My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 558: The Ultimate Pushing Pole

Chapter 558: The Ultimate Pushing Pole
The top poles of the Tang Dynasty are somewhat different from those of later generations. Compared with the artists of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the top poles of later generations are simply insignificant.

I saw a woman with a slight build and a veil walking slowly into the Daming Palace.

"Slave Luo Sang has met His Majesty the Emperor!"

Luo Sang knelt directly in front of Li Zhi, lowering his head and not daring to look at Li Zhi.

After all, he was the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and it was not someone she, an ordinary artist, could look directly at.

"Luosang? Are you Mrs. Luo Sang?"

Li Zhi was also stunned when he heard the other party's name.

He used to often leave the palace to secretly observe the sentiments of the people, but in a teahouse and restaurant, he also heard that there was a woman in Chang'an named Luosang, nicknamed Luo Sanniangzi.

It is said that she has a unique skill. She is said to be able to hold up a pole several meters long, and four or five people can writhe up and down on the pole, dance and play.

I didn't expect that Taichang Temple would be so powerful this year. Not only did they invite Hu Sengshasi from the Western Region, but also Miss Luo Sanniang.

This year's New Year's Eve banquet will be much more beautiful than in previous years.

"Your Majesty, this servant is Mrs. Luo Sanniang!"

Luo Sang was also excited. She really didn't expect that her nickname would reach the emperor's ears.

"Okay, let's get started!"


Luo Sang saluted Li Zhi, slowly retreated to the back and began to prepare for his performance.

"Ms. Luo Sanniang, Your Majesty is really sharp and sharp. Even people outside the palace know it very well!"

After Mrs. Luo Sanniang left, Wu Zetian raised her eyebrows and looked as white as snow.


Li Zhi was also dumbfounded when he heard this. He was just a little excited just now.

Although Luo Sanniang is quite famous, her performance time is somewhat erratic, and she has never been encountered even though she has been out of the palace many times.

Now that I have encountered it, I took it lightly, but in the end, I still spilled the beans.

"Your Majesty, don't you want to explain to Mei Niang why you are so clear about this Luo Sanniang?"

Seeing Li Zhi's appearance, Wu Zetian also glared at him.

If you don't give me an explanation, I'll be sad tonight.

"Ryan told me all this, yes, that's right."

Li Zhi glanced at Ruian next to him and took the initiative to push him out to take the blame.


Ruian looked at Li Zhi and his whole body was stunned.

When did I tell you about Luo Sanniang? You obviously heard about it in the public when you left the palace.

You also asked me who Mrs. Luo Sanniang is, and why she is now the culprit.

"Ryan, is your Majesty telling the truth?"

"Rian Ruian, tell the Queen, did you tell me, Miss Luo San!"

The two of them turned their attention to Ryan. Looking at the two big black faces, Ryan felt bad.

Saying that he told it would offend Empress Wu.

To say that His Majesty is making false accusations will offend his own master.

How should he make this special decision?

He is no longer a man, so why should he bear such a big blame?

He is so difficult.

"Ask you something, tell me!"

Li Zhi glared at Ruian again, "You're so cute, you're talking, don't you exist just to take the blame for me?"
Now you hesitate?It can be seen that hesitation is in vain.

If Wu Zetian arouses suspicion, can I skin you?

"That's right, I also heard the people below chatting, so I mentioned it to Your Majesty."

Ruian gritted his teeth and spoke directly to Wu Zetian.

Glancing at Ruian and then at Li Zhi, Wu Zetian naturally saw the fishy relationship between the master and servant.

But she didn't explain clearly. She just sneered at Ruian and said, "Diao Nu, you have been telling His Majesty all these things all day long. Do you really think that being His Majesty's celebrity can be lawless?"

"Please forgive me, the Queen, Ruian realizes his mistake!"

Ruian knelt directly in front of Wu Zetian and looked at Li Zhi aside with grievance.

He was really scared now. If Wu Zetian punished himself for this, then he would be in trouble with his grandma's family.

"Okay, this time it's Ruian's fault, but we can't do it next time.

Otherwise, there is no need for Mei Niang to deal with you, I will also take heavy responsibility, so get out of the way! "

Li Zhi also received Ruian's signal source and scolded Ruian.

"I know I was wrong, I will never do this next time!"

Ryan also sighed.

"Okay, let's start, let's watch the show!"

After looking at Wu Zetian, Li Zhi also hurriedly spoke.


Wu Zetian didn't want to pursue it, and stared at Luo Sanniang who was getting ready.

There was a jacking pole several meters high standing next to Ms. Luo Sanniang. Then she smiled slightly, and with the help of the people next to her, she pushed hard.

The several-meter-high ejector pole was instantly placed on top of his head.


Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded. They had seen the jacking pole before, but this was the first time they saw such a tall one.

Mrs. Luo Sanniang raised her head to the pole, her eyes full of smiles.

Is this shocking?
What comes next is even more shocking.

The stunts that you have worked so hard to practice will definitely allow you to see what it means to be miraculous.

As soon as she waved, several girls rushed in.

The girls also saluted Li Zhi, who was at the top of the list.

Looking at the girls in front of him, Li Zhi was also stunned, not knowing what he was going to do.

After the salute, the girls rushed back together and came to Lady Luo Sanniang.

Madam Luo Sanniang smiled slightly and waved to them.

Several girls also nodded, and then started to climb up the top pole with the help of the people next to them.

Everyone's eyes were about to burst out when they saw this scene. One ram was already beyond their imagination, and now several more children came.This is too speechless!
After several children climbed to the top of the top pole, they each took out ropes and tied them to the top pole, and then began to go down the ropes and perform various juggling moves.

"it is good!"

Li Zhi really couldn't stand it now, it was so powerful.

Even though he was used to seeing strong winds and waves, he could only applaud Luo Sanniang's amazing plan.

"it is good!"

"It's really amazing!"

"Great, great!"

Li Zhi all applauded, and the ministers couldn't hold it in anymore and started applauding too.

Mrs. Luo Sanniang’s strategy of pushing the stick is definitely worthy of this sentence.

Facing the cheers of the crowd, Lady Luo Sanniang was neither happy nor sad. She did not dare to be distracted at all now.

This push pole can be said to be more difficult than stepping on a tightrope. Now she is not only responsible for her own safety, but also for the five girls on top.

If you are not careful, all of them will die in the Daming Palace.

This was really an eye-opener for Li Yanran, and her little hands turned red.

If Shasi's performance just now can be regarded as the pinnacle of skills, this Luo Sanniang is the pinnacle of skills.

I have to say that there are really many unique skills in ancient times. Even if modern technology is so advanced, many of them are not as good as them.

This is just an artist who is not famous. It would be so wonderful to see those people who have been passed down through the ages, such as the sword dance of Lady Gongsun.

The girl on the top pole suddenly let go of the rope and then fell downwards along the rope.

Just when everyone thought something was going to happen, these girls stopped when they reached the ground.


All the civil and military officials, including Li Zhi, seemed to have a great atmosphere. This was a bit too funny.

But I have to say that this performance is really gripping and truly amazing.

Great, really great.

After others helped Luo Sanniang lower the ejector rod, she also knelt in front of Li Zhi.

"Okay, it's really awesome, a big reward!"

Li Zhi also praised, this pole performance was much more exciting than Shas.

Worthy of a big reward.

"Your Majesty has decreed a great reward."

Ryan stood up and shouted below.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the gift!"

Upon hearing the word "big reward", Mrs. Luo Sanniang also saluted excitedly.

After all, this is the emperor's grand prize, and it is not in vain for me to give this unparalleled performance for the first time in the Daming Palace.

After saluting, Mrs. Luo Sanniang also left the Daming Palace, the highest palace in the Tang Dynasty, with the girls.

After Luo Sanniang's performance, everyone watched the rest of the show with little interest.

After a while, a group of people suddenly ran in, and they were seen carrying a narrow doorway woven with swords and moved it in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned. These were real swords. What did they want?
"Come on, come on, escort!"

Ruian stood directly in front of Li Zhi and Wu Zetian, stretched out his hands like a hen and shouted outside.

The Imperial Guards outside heard the sound and rushed in together. They raised their spears and surrounded the boys who were carrying them.


The boys who were surrounded hurriedly knelt on the ground, their eyes filled with fear.

They had filed a record with Taichang Temple, so why are they like this now?

Looking at the bright spear in front of them, everyone was very depressed.

"Step aside!"

Li Zhi rolled his eyes at Ruian, why are you everywhere, but you have so many things to do?

"His Majesty!"

Li Qing, the minister of Taichang Temple, also rushed over and knelt in front of Li Zhi.

"Li Qing, what's going on!"

After looking at Li Qing, Li Zhi also frowned and asked Li Qing.

"Your Majesty, this performance is called Penetrating Sword Skills. It focuses on weaving swords into a path, and then someone will ride a pony through the jungle of swords.

If the technician's skills are not good, or if he cannot communicate with the vehicle mentally, if he touches the sword, the man and horse will be killed immediately. "

Li Qing introduced the performance while saluting.

"Isn't this a little too cruel!"

Li Zhi also frowned after hearing this explanation. This was a New Year's Eve banquet. If there were casualties, it would not be a good sign.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured. Taichang Temple is naturally prepared with some confidence. These artists also perform this performance all the year round, so they should be fine!"

Li Qing was depressed. This New Year's Eve banquet was arranged by him.

If this program is rejected, then it will be a total rejection for him, which is difficult for him to accept.

"Your Majesty, since it was carefully prepared by Li Siqing, let's continue. If something happens, Li Siqing will be responsible for it."

Seeing Li Zhi in trouble, Wu Zetian on the side sneered and said.

"Li Qing, you heard it too. Since this is the show you chose, you will be fully responsible if something goes wrong.

Whether to continue or withdraw is entirely up to you. "

Li Zhi also nodded. After all, the other party was also a high official in the DPRK and a relative of the emperor.

It would not be good to try to save his face in front of all the officials, but Wu Zetian's plan was really good.

"If something goes wrong, I am willing to take full responsibility."

Li Qing also gritted his teeth. As a perfectionist, he would not allow himself to have such a stain.

Instead of doing this, he would rather give it a try.

"Then keep performing!"

Li Zhi nodded and waved his hand to signal Li Qing to continue.

"Your Majesty has decreed that the Imperial Guards should retreat and the performance continue!"

Ruian stood up and cleared his throat and rushed forward to read the decree.


(End of this chapter)

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